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Numberland Technology News

September 2023





  • Vorträge und Exkursionen
  • Wie Sie ihr ISO9001 Qualitätsmanagementsystem benutzen, um gleichzeitig ihr organisatorisches Wissen zu verwalten
  • Messen - 09/23 - 11/23
  • Konferenzen 09/23 - 11/23
  • Über Numberland


103. InnovationLaunch September 2023: WUN H2 - eine der größten Wasserstoffproduktionsanlagen in Deutschland, 19.09.2023, 16:00 Uhr

DER VDI und Numberland – laden herzlich zum „InnovationLaunch“ ein.


19.09.2023, 16:00 Uhr, Wunsiedel (der genauer Ort wird nach Anmeldung bekannt gegeben)


WUN H2 - eine der größten Wasserstoffproduktionsanlagen in Deutschland


Andreas Schmuderer, Leiter Energy Perfomance Services, Siemens AG


Im Jahr 2000 hat Herr Andreas Schmuderer als Fachinformatiker bei der Siemens Business Services GmbH in Erlangen begonnen. Nach einer Zwischenstation im Project & Delivery Management arbeitete er ab 2004 als Engagement Director für internationale IT-Outsourcing Projekte mit Schwerpunkt Skandinavien und Südafrika. 2007 übernahm er im Bereich Power Transmission & Distribution bei der Siemens AG die Gruppenleitung für Vertrieb und Business Development für den Mittleren Osten und Asien / Pazifik. Nach ca. sieben Jahren wechselte er in die Unternehmensstrategie der Division Energy Management und begleitete als Director Strategic Projects im wesentlichen Merger & Acquisition Projekte.
Ab 2015 war Herr Schmuderer im Bereich dezentrale Energiesysteme tätig und seit Dezember 2021 leitet er den Bereich Energy Performance Services der Siemens AG, Smart Infrastructure in Deutschland.


In Wunsiedel ist die Energiewende heute schon Realität: Die Kommune mit 10.000 Einwohnern nutzt zu 100 Prozent klimaneutrale Energie und ist Selbstversorger für Strom und Wärme. Die Wasserstofferzeugungsanlage wird mit dem bereits vorhandenen Batteriespeicher von Siemens und benachbarten Industriebetrieben vernetzt. Diese können zum Beispiel Abwärme oder den bei der Elektrolyse abgespaltenen Sauerstoff nutzen. Aber auch in der Dekarbonisierungsstrategie Deutschlands spielt Wasserstoff eine zentrale Rolle, wenn es darum geht Mobilität, Stahlproduktion oder Chemieindustrie CO₂-neutral zu gestalten. Denn mit Wasserstoff lassen sich viele Prozesse umsetzen, für die bisher fossile Energieträger nötig waren – ohne, dass bei der Rückwandlung in Energie CO₂ frei wird. Wasserstoff ist außerdem ein wichtiger Speicher für regenerative Energien. Allein in der Europäischen Union sollen bis 2030 jährlich zehn Millionen Tonnen grüner Wasserstoff erzeugt werden.

Im Vortrag - während der Besichtigung - wird die Funktionsweise der H2 Produktionsanlage erklärt.


Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer ist auf 25 Personen begrenzt, eine Anmeldung daher unbedingt erforderlich. Plätze werden in der Reihenfolge der Anmeldung vergeben.

Anmeldungen bitte unter Angabe der vollständigen Kontaktdaten an Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.



Dokumentieren Sie noch, oder wissen Sie schon?

Wie Sie ihr ISO9001 Qualitätsmanagementsystem benutzen, um gleichzeitig ihr organisatorisches Wissen zu verwalten

Die letzte Version der Norm ISO9001 von 2015 (ISO9001:2015) hat einige entscheidende Änderungen mit sich gebracht, die Ihnen dabei helfen können, ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem nicht nur deswegen zu betreiben, weil es ihre Kunden fordern.
Zusätzlich können Sie nämlich die Möglichkeit schaffen, das Wissen ihrer Organisation so strukturiert zu erfassen und zu verwalten, dass es ihren Prozessen zugeordnet ist und zu ihren Organisationszielen passt.

Weiter lesen ...



September 2023

  • 01.09.-03.09.2023: CWE - Cutting & Welding Equipment Expo, Mumbai, Indien
  • 01.09.-03.09.2023: HTF - Hand Tools & Fastener Expo, Mumbai, Indien
  • 01.09.-03.09.2023: IMEX - International Machine Tool Exhibition - International Exhibition on Cutting, Welding Materials & Equipment Laser Technology, Machine Tools and Allied Products, Mumbai, Indien
  • 01.09.-03.09.2023: TECHINDIA - International Exhibition on Engineering & Manufacturing, Mumbai, Indien
  • 01.09.-05.09.2023: IFA - Consumer Electronics Unlimited, Berlin, Deutschland
  • 01.09.-10.09.2023: Izmir International Fair - Internationale Messe, Izmir, Türkei
  • 02.09.-04.09.2023: Metal & Steel Middle East Exhibition, Kairo, Ägypten
  • 02.09.-04.09.2023: PRINT 2 PACK EXHIBITION - International Exhibition for Printing & Packaging Industries, Kairo, Ägypten
  • 03.09.-05.09.2023: CIHF - China International Hardware Fair, Linyi, China
  • 04.09.-06.09.2023: LED China/LED Lighting China/LED Chip, Packaging & Equipment, Shanghai, China
  • 04.09.-07.09.2023: wire China - The All China International Wire & Cable Industry Trade Fair, Shanghai, China
  • 04.09.-08.09.2023: EMC Europe - International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Krakau, Polen
  • 05.09.-07.09.2023: AIMEX - Asia -Pacific's International Mining and Exploration Exhibition, Sydney, Australien
  • 05.09.-07.09.2023: Automechanika Johannesburg - South Africa's leading international trade fair for the automotive service industry targeting trade visitors from the Sub-Saharan Region, Johannesburg, Südafrika
  • 05.09.-07.09.2023: Commercial UAV Expo Americas, Las Vegas, USA
  • 05.09.-07.09.2023: Intersolar Mexico - Exhibition & Congress, Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko
    05.09.-07.09.2023: ISS World Asia - Intelligence Support Systems for Electronic Surveillance, Social Media/Dark, Net Monitoring and Cyber Crime Investigations, Singapur, Singapur
  • 05.09.-07.09.2023: Mexico Wind, Power Exhibition & Congress, Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko
  • 05.09.-07.09.2023: SINDEX - Schweizer Messe für Technologie, Bern, Schweiz
  • 05.09.-07.09.2023: the Green Expo - Internationale Fachmesse und Konferenz für umweltgerechtes Bauen, Wasser, Umweltschutz, Recycling, Stromversorgung, Energiegewinnung, und -übertragung, Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko
  • 05.09.-08.09.2023: GASTECH - International Conference and Exhibition for the LNG, LPG and Natural Gas Industries, Singapur, Singapur
  • 05.09.-08.09.2023: PLAST - Internationale Fachmesse für Kunststoffe und Gummi, Mailand, Italien
  • 05.09.-08.09.2023: SPE Offshore Europe - Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition, Aberdeen, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 05.09.-08.09.2023: VITRUM - Internationale Ausstellung für die Glasindustrie, Mailand, Italien
  • 05.09.-10.09.2023: IAA Mobility, München, Deutschland
  • 06.09.-08.09.2023: AQUATHERM Almaty - Internationale Fachmesse für Klimatechnik, Almaty, Kasachstan
  • 06.09.-08.09.2023: BCEIA - Kongressbegleitende Ausstellung für Analysegeräte, Peking, China
  • 06.09.-08.09.2023: BEX Asia - Build Eco Xpo Asia - Southeast Asia's premier green building exhibition, Singapur, Singapur
  • 06.09.-08.09.2023: JASIS - Japan Analytical & Scientific Instruments Show, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
  • 06.09.-08.09.2023: KPCA Show - International Electronic Circuits Show, Incheon, Korea, Republik
  • 06.09.-08.09.2023: MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo - powered by SMM, Hamburg, Deutschland
  • 06.09.-08.09.2023: NEPCON Vietnam - International Exhibition on SMT & Testing Technologies and Supporting Industries for Electronics Manufacturing, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • 06.09.-08.09.2023: SEMICON Taiwan - Semiconductor Industry Show, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 06.09.-08.09.2023: SWEET - Solar, Wind & Earth Energy Trade Fair, Gwangju, Korea, Republik
  • 06.09.-08.09.2023: THAILAND LAB INTERNATIONAL - International Trade Exhibition and Conference on Laboratoty, Scientific Equipment and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 06.09.-09.09.2023: Kaz, Build Almaty (ehem. World, Build) - Internationale Messe für Bau und Inneneinrichtung, Almaty, Kasachstan
  • 06.09.-10.09.2023: MATEXPO - Internationale Baumaschinenmesse, Kortrijk, Belgien
  • 07.09.-09.09.2023: EXPO NACIONAL FERRETERA - Nationale Eisenwarenmesse, Guadalajara, Mexiko
  • 07.09.-09.09.2023: plasti & pack pakistan - International Plastics and Packaging Industry Trade Fair, Lahore, Pakistan
  • 07.09.-09.09.2023: Warsaw Dental Medica Show - The International Dentistry and Aesthetic Medicine Fair and Congress, Warschau, Polen
  • 07.09.-10.09.2023: Bangkok E & E - Bangkok Electric and Electronics Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 08.09.-09.09.2023: Platformers' Days - Die Fachmesse für mobile Hebe- und Höhenzugangstechnik, Karlsruhe, Deutschland
  • 09.09.-13.09.2023: EANM - Annual Congress of the Association of Nuclear Medicine, Wien, Österreich
  • 11.09.-13.09.2023: CIOF - China International Optics Fair, Peking, China
  • 11.09.-13.09.2023: Medic East Africa - Medical Equipment and Technology Exhibition, Nairobi, Kenia
  • 11.09.-13.09.2023: Pack Expo Las Vegas - Western Packaging Technology, Las Vegas, USA
  • 11.09.-14.09.2023: AOG-ARGENTINA OIL & GAS EXPO - International Oil, Gas and Related Products Exhibition, Buenos Aires, Argentinien
  • 11.09.-14.09.2023: FABTECH - International Exhibition for the Metall Industry - Metal Forming, Fabricating, Welding and Finishing, Chicago, USA
  • 11.09.-14.09.2023: LABELEXPO EUROPE - Ausstellung für die Etiketten-Industrie, Brüssel, Belgien
  • 12.09.-13.09.2023: AM Expo - Additive Manufacturing Expo, Luzern, Schweiz
  • 12.09.-13.09.2023: SWISS MEDTECH EXPO - Fachmesse für additive Fertigung und Medizintechnik, Luzern, Schweiz
  • 12.09.-14.09.2023: CCE - China Composite Expo - Automotive Composites Exhibition Shanghai, China
  • 12.09.-14.09.2023: efa:ON - Fachmesse für Elektro-, Gebäude- und Lichttechnik, Leipzig, Deutschland
  • 12.09.-14.09.2023: Energetab, Bielsko-Biala, Polen
  • 12.09.-14.09.2023: Installatie Vakbeurs, Hardenberg, Niederlande
  • 12.09.-14.09.2023: netze:ON - Fachmesse für Energietechnik, Verteil- und Breitbandnetze, Leipzig, Deutschland
  • 12.09.-14.09.2023: PROPAK WEST AFRICA - Packaging, Processing, Printing and Plastics Event, Lagos, Nigeria
  • 12.09.-14.09.2023: Techtextil India - International Trade Fair for Technical Textiles and Nonwovens, Mumbai, Indien
  • 12.09.-14.09.2023: The Battery Show North America - Int. Rechargeable Battery Expo, Novi / Detroit, USA
  • 12.09.-14.09.2023: TRAFIC, SAFE AND SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY - Internationale Ausstellung für Verkehrsüberwachung, Madrid, Spanien
  • 12.09.-15.09.2023: FEBRAVA - International Fachmesse für Kühl- und Klimatechnik, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
  • 12.09.-15.09.2023: HUSUM WIND - Transforming Energy, Husum, Deutschland
  • 12.09.-17.09.2023: Cannes Yachting Festival - Internationale Bootsschau Cannes, Cannes, Frankreich
  • 13.09.-14.09.2023: Coiltech - Internationale Coil Winding Messe und Konferenz, Pordenone, Italien
  • 13.09.-14.09.2023: hy-fcell - Energizing Hydrogen Business, Stuttgart, Deutschland
  • 13.09.-14.09.2023: Oil Sands Trade Show & Conference, Ft. Mc, Murray, Kanada
  • 13.09.-14.09.2023: RWM - Recycling and Waste Management, Birmingham, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 13.09.-14.09.2023: UK Metals Expo, Birmingham, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 13.09.-15.09.2023: BATTERY JAPAN (World Smart Energy Week) - Int. Rechargeable Battery Expo, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
  • 13.09.-15.09.2023: Clean India Show, Mumbai, Indien
  • 13.09.-15.09.2023: electronica India - International Trade Fair for Electronic Components, Systems, Applications and Solutions, Bangalore, Indie
  • 13.09.-15.09.2023: FC EXPO (World Smart Energy Week) - International Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Expo & Conference, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
  • 13.09.-15.09.2023: H2 MEET - Mobility Energy Environment Technology - Int. Fachmesse für erneuerbare Energien, Energieeffizienz und Umwelt, Goyang/Seoul, Korea, Republik
  • 13.09.-15.09.2023: LASER World of PHOTONICS INDIA - India's Platform for Laser and Optical Technologies - Components, Systems and Applications, Bangalore, Indien
  • 13.09.-15.09.2023: MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND - International Exhibition on Hospital, Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical, Medical & Rehabilitation Equipment & Supplies, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 13.09.-15.09.2023: OGA / Oil & Gas Asia - Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Engineering Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 13.09.-15.09.2023: productronica India - International Trade Fair for Electronics Development and Production, Bangalore, Indien
  • 13.09.-15.09.2023: PV EXPO (World Smart Energy Week) - International Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
  • 13.09.-15.09.2023: Wind Expo (World Smart Energy Week), Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
  • 13.09.-16.09.2023: Concrete Show South East Asia, Jakarta, Indonesien
  • 13.09.-16.09.2023: CONSTRUCTION INDONESIA - International Construction, Infrastructure & Development Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesien
  • 13.09.-16.09.2023: Electric & Power Indonesia (within Indonesia Energy & Engineering) - The Power Generation, Renewable Energy & Elecrical Equipment Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesien
  • 13.09.-16.09.2023: Marintec Indonesia - Int. Exhibition & Conference Focusing on Indonesia's Growing, Shipbuilding, Repair, Offshore, Port Equipment and Maritime Industries, Jakarta, Indonesien
  • 13.09.-16.09.2023: METEC Indonesia - International Metallurgical Trade Fair and Forum for Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesien
  • 13.09.-16.09.2023: MINING INDONESIA (within Indonesia Energy & Engineering) - International Mining and Mineral Recovery Exhibition and Conference, Jakarta, Indonesien
  • 13.09.-16.09.2023: OGI - Oil & Gas Indonesia (within Indonesia Energy & Engineering) - International Oil & Gas Exploration, Production and Refining Exhibition incorp. Marine Indonesia & Subsea Asia, Jakarta, Indonesien
  • 13.09.-24.09.2023: NAIAS - North American International Auto Show, Detroit, USA
  • 14.09.-16.09.2023: analytica Anacon India / India Lab Expo - International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and Diagnostics, Hyderabad, Indien
  • 14.09.-16.09.2023: glasspex INDIA - International Exhibition for Glass - Production, Processing, Products, Mumbai, Indien
  • 14.09.-16.09.2023: glasspro INDIA introducing fenestration pro India - International Exhibition for Flatglass Processing and Products, Mumbai, Indien
  • 14.09.-17.09.2023: Mold, Medizin & Mold, Dent - Internationale Fachmesse für Medizin-, Labor-, Dentaltechnik, Pharmazeutika, Optik und Krankenhauseinrichtung, Kischinew, Moldau
  • 15.09.-24.09.2023: Southampton Boat Show, Southampton, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 17.09.-20.09.2023: IRANPLAST - Internationale Ausstellung für Kunststoffe, Gummi, Maschinen und Ausrüstungen, Teheran, Iran
  • 18.09.-22.09.2023: EU PVSEC - European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Lissabon, Portugal
  • 18.09.-23.09.2023: EMO - Weltleitmesse der Produktionstechnologie, Hannover, Deutschland
  • 19.09.-21.09.2023: ARAB LAB - Ausrüstungen, Technologien und Dienstleistungen für Laboratorien, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • 19.09.-21.09.2023: E-Commerce Paris/Paris Retail Week, Paris, Frankreich
  • 19.09.-21.09.2023: NIGERIA ENERGY EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE - Energy Exhibition, Lagos, Nigeria
  • 19.09.-21.09.2023: plast Iraq - International Trade Show Plastics Printing Packaging, Erbil, Irak
  • 19.09.-22.09.2023: CMS - Cleaning. Management. Services. - Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress, Berlin, Deutschland
  • 19.09.-22.09.2023: Metalurgia - Internationale Metallurgiemesse, Joinville, Brasilien
  • 19.09.-22.09.2023: TRAKO - International Railway Fair, Danzig, Polen
  • 19.09.-23.09.2023: CIIF - China International Industry Fair, Shanghai, China
  • 19.09.-23.09.2023: IAS - Industrial Automation Show - International Trade Fair for Production and Process Automation, Electrical Systems, Robotics, Industrial Automation IT & Software and Microsystems Technology, Shanghai, China
  • 19.09.-23.09.2023: MWCS - Metalworking and CNC Machine Tool Show - International Exhibition for Machine Tools, Sheet Metal, Pipe & Tubes Production, Mould & Die Construction, Tools, Shanghai, China
  • 20.09.-21.09.2023: DMEXCO - The Meeting Place for Key Players in Digital Business, Marketing and Innovation, Köln, Deutschland
  • 20.09.-21.09.2023: FARMAFORUM - Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical and Laboratory Technologies Industry Forum, Madrid, Spanien
  • 20.09.-21.09.2023: Medical Technology Ireland, Galway, Irland
  • 20.09.-21.09.2023: Packaging Innovations, Warschau, Polen
  • 20.09.-22.09.2023: Building Construction Technology Expo (BCT Expo ) - Internationale Fachmesse für Baumaschinen, Bauausrüstung und Technologien, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 20.09.-22.09.2023: Ecoenergy - The South American Expo & Conference for the Solar Energy Industry, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
  • 20.09.-22.09.2023: Expo, Medical - International Show for Products, Equipment and Services for the Healthcare Sector, Buenos Aires, Argentinien
  • 20.09.-22.09.2023: INCHEM - International Trade Fair for Chemical and Process Engineering, Tokyo, Japan
  • 20.09.-22.09.2023: KAZCOMAK - Internationale Fachmesse für Bautechnologie, Baumaschinen, Baustoffmaschinen, Baufahrzeuge, Baugeräte und Zubehör, Almaty, Kasachstan
  • 20.09.-22.09.2023: LED Expo Thailand - International Exhibition on LED Lighting Products & Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 20.09.-22.09.2023: METEC Southeast ASIA - International Metallurgical Trade Fair and Forum for Southeast Asia, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 20.09.-22.09.2023: Mining & Metals Central Asia (ehem. Mining World) - Internationale Ausstellung für Bergbau, Technologie & Equipment, Almaty, Kasachstan
  • 20.09.-22.09.2023: Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia Exhibition - Refrigeration & HVAC Indonesia Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesien
  • 20.09.-22.09.2023: Tube Southeast ASIA - International Tube & Pipe Trade Fair for Southeast Asia, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 20.09.-22.09.2023: UZMEDEXPO - International Exhibition for Healthcare - Medical Equipment. Stomatology. Ophthalmology. Pharmaceuticals. Services, Taschkent, Usbekistan
  • 20.09.-22.09.2023: wire Southeast ASIA - International Wire & Cable Trade Fair for Southeast Asia, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 20.09.-23.09.2023: Pack Print International - International Packaging and Printing Exhibition for Asia, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 20.09.-23.09.2023: T-PLAS - International Trade Fair for the Plastics and Rubber Industries, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 21.09.-22.09.2023: London Packaging Week (formerly PI Packaging Innovations)London, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 21.09.-22.09.2023: Medbaltica - Internationale Medizinfachmesse, Riga, Lettland
  • 21.09.-23.09.2023: CEDE - Central European Dental Exhibition, Lodz, Polen
  • 21.09.-23.09.2023: CILF - China (Shenzhen) International Logistics & Supply Chain Fair, Shenzhen, China
  • 21.09.-23.09.2023: MODERN RAILWAYS - International Exhibition on Modern Railway Equipment and Technology, Peking, China
  • 21.09.-26.09.2023: Salone Nautico - Bootsausstellung, Genua, Italien
  • 23.09.-01.10.2023: INTERBOOT - Internationale Wassersportausstellung, Friedrichshafen, Deutschland
  • 25.09.-26.09.2023: BIG DATA PARIS, Paris, Frankreich
  • 25.09.-28.09.2023: CISMA - China International Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show, Shanghai, China
  • 25.09.-28.09.2023: CMTS - Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show, Toronto, Kanada
  • 25.09.-29.09.2023: EXTEMIN - Mining Technology Exhibition, Arequipa, Peru
  • 26.09.-27.09.2023: Io, T Tech Expo Europe, Amsterdam, Niederlande
    26.09.-27.09.2023: Waste & Recycling Expo Canada - Canada's ONLY trade event serving the waste, recycling and public works market, Mississauga/ Toronto, Kanada
  • 26.09.-28.09.2023: ALIHANKINTA - Subcontracting - Fachmesse für die Zulieferindustrie, Tampere, Finnland
  • 26.09.-28.09.2023: Analitica Latin America - International Exhibition of Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and Quality Control, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
  • 26.09.-28.09.2023: Break, Bulk Americas - Transportation Exhibition and Conference, Houston, USA
  • 26.09.-28.09.2023: Electronics & Applications (Electronics & Automation) - Industrial Electronics Exhibition, Utrecht, Niederlande
  • 26.09.-28.09.2023: GSMA Mobile World Congress Americas in partnership with CTIA (formerly CTIA Wireless) - Telecommunications Industry Association Meeting & Exposition, Las Vegas, USA
  • 26.09.-28.09.2023: ICUEE - International Construction & Utility Equipment Exposition, Louisville, USA
  • 26.09.-28.09.2023: ILMAC - Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Forschung und Entwicklung, Analytik und Diagnostik in Life Sciences und der Chemischen Industrie, Basel, Schweiz
  • 26.09.-28.09.2023: INTERPLAS - The International Forum for the British Plastics Industry, Birmingham, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 26.09.-28.09.2023: parts2clean - Internationale Leitmesse für industrielle Teile- und Oberflächenreinigung, Stuttgart, Deutschland
  • 26.09.-28.09.2023: POWTECH - International Processing Trade Fair for Powder, Bulk Solids, Fluids and Liquids, Nürnberg, Deutschland
  • 26.09.-28.09.2023: PPMA Show - Processing & Packaging Machinery Showcase, Birmingham, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 27.09.-28.09.2023: Greenbuild Expo - International Conference and Expo, Washington, USA
  • 27.09.-28.09.2023: Trans, Rail Connection - The international event for railway and urban mobility, Paris, Frankreich
  • 27.09.-29.09.2023: IPH EXPO - International Exhibition on Pharmaceuticals and Related Industries IRANPHARMA EXPOTeheran, Iran
  • 27.09.-29.09.2023: TAROPAK - Internationale Ausstellung für Verpackungstechnik und Logistik, Posen, Polen
  • 27.09.-29.09.2023: WASTECONBoston, USA
  • 27.09.-30.09.2023: MONACO YACHT SHOWMonte Carlo, Monaco
  • 27.09.-30.09.2023: Vietnam, Print, Pack - Vietnam International Printing & Packaging Industry Exhibition, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
  • 28.09.-02.10.2023: Salon Automobile de Lyon - Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung, Lyon, Frankreich
  • 28.09.-30.09.2023: Central Asia Plast World, Almaty, Kasachstan
  • 28.09.-30.09.2023: Lao, Energy - International Power & Electrical Engineering Show, Vientiane, Laos
  • 30.09.-02.10.2023: Supply Chain & Logistics, Athen, Griechenland
  • 30.09.-03.10.2023: RSSI/Railway Interchange - Railway Systems & Suppliers Annual Exhibition, Indianapolis, USA

Oktober 2023

  • 01.10.-03.10.2023: EWWI - EGYPT WATER, WASTE & INFRASTRUCTUREKairo, Ägypten
  • 02.10.-04.10.2023: Automechanika Dubai - The Middle East's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting Trade Visitors from Western Asia, Eastern Europe, the CIS and Africa, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • 02.10.-04.10.2023: ECOC - European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, Glasgow, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 02.10.-04.10.2023: Global Health Exhibition Riad, Riad, Saudi-Arabien
  • 02.10.-04.10.2023: WEFTEC - Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Chicago, USA
  • 02.10.-05.10.2023: Libya Build Expo - International Building & Construction Expo, Bengasi, Libyen
  • 03.10.-05.10.2023: EXPO Ferroviaria - Internationale Messe für die Bahnindustrie, Mailand, Italien
  • 03.10.-05.10.2023: FUTURECOM - Information Technology and Telecommunication, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
  • 03.10.-05.10.2023: Meteorological Technology World Expo, Genf, Schweiz
  • 03.10.-05.10.2023: TOOLEX - Int. Fair of Machine Tools, Tools and Processing Technology, Kattowitz, Polen
  • 03.10.-05.10.2023: UK Construction Week - Construction Trade Fair, Birmingham, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 03.10.-05.10.2023: Waste Expo Brasil - Solid Waste Management & Waste Water Treatment Trade Show, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
  • 03.10.-05.10.2023: WINDABA - International Event on Wind Energy, Kapstadt, Südafrika
  • 03.10.-06.10.2023: ENVASE - International Exhibition for the Packaging Industry, Buenos Aires, Argentinien
  • 03.10.-06.10.2023: Japan Pack - International Packaging Machinery Show, Tokyo, Japan
  • 04.10.-05.10.2023: GME - Grain & Milling Expo, Casablanca, Marokko
  • 04.10.-05.10.2023: Smart City Expo USANew York, USA
  • 04.10.-06.10.2023: CERAMICS JAPAN - Highly-functional Ceramics Expo, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
  • 04.10.-06.10.2023: FINETECH JAPAN - Internationale Ausstellung für Präzisionsverfahrenstechnik, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
  • 04.10.-06.10.2023: IGEM - International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 04.10.-06.10.2023: Industrial Transformation MEXICO - The Leading Platform for Digital Industry and Intelligent Manufacturing in MEXICO, Leon, Mexiko
  • 04.10.-06.10.2023: METALEX Vietnam - International Exhibition on Machine Tools & Metalworking Solutions for Production Upgrade, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
  • 04.10.-06.10.2023: Paint, Expo Eurasia - Fachmesse für industrielle Lackiertechnik, Istanbul, Türkei
  • 04.10.-06.10.2023: Photonix (within Material Week) - International Laser & Photonics Expo, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
  • 04.10.-06.10.2023: Renewable Energy India Expo - International Exhibition & Conference, New Delhi, Indien
  • 05.10.-07.10.2023: PACKPRINTPLAS Philippines - International Packaging & Processing, Printing and, Plastics Machinery & Materials Exhibition, Manila, Philippinen
  • 09.10.-11.10.2023: Gulf Coatings Show, Sharjah, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • 10.10.-11.10.2023: ATX Minneapolis - Automation Technology Expo, Minneapolis, USA
  • 10.10.-11.10.2023: Design & Manufacturing MINNEAPOLIS - National Manufacturing Week, Minneapolis, USA
  • 10.10.-11.10.2023: PLASTEC MINNEAPOLIS - Plastics USAMinneapolis, USA
  • 10.10.-11.10.2023: Quantum Effects - Fachmesse und Konferenz für Quantentechnologien, Stuttgart, Deutschland
  • 10.10.-12.10.2023: BALTEXPO - Internationale Schifffahrtsausstellung, Danzig, Polen
  • 10.10.-12.10.2023: CME - Construction Machinery Expo - Int. Trade Fair of Industrial Construction and Infrastructure, Warschau, Pole
  • 10.10.-12.10.2023: ELMIA NORDIC RAIL - Rail Technology Exhibition, Jönköping, Schweden
  • 10.10.-12.10.2023: Industrial Transformation USA - The Leading Platform for Digital Industry and Intelligent Manufacturing in USAIndianapolis, USA
  • 10.10.-12.10.2023: IOFT - International Optical Fair Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
  • 10.10.-12.10.2023: KOGS - Kuwait Oil & Gas Show, Kuwait, Kuwait
  • 10.10.-12.10.2023: Lab, ASIA - International Scientific and Laboratory Equipment Exhibition and Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 10.10.-12.10.2023: METAVAK - Fachausstellung für die Metallverabeitung, Gorinchem, Niederlande
  • 10.10.-12.10.2023: WATER AFRICA & West Africa Building & Construction Exhibition, Kigali, Ruanda
  • 10.10.-13.10.2023: Motek - Internationale Fachmesse für Produktions- und Montageautomatisierung mit Bondexpo - Internationale Fachmesse für Klebtechnologie, Stuttgart, Deutschland
  • 10.10.-13.10.2023: MSV - Internationale Maschinenbaumesse, Brünn, Tschechien
  • 10.10.-13.10.2023: Pollutec - Internationale Fachmesse für Umwelt- und Energiewirtschaft, Lyon, Frankreich
  • 11.10.-13.10.2023: Bio, Japan - Internationale Fachmesse für Biotechnologien, Yokohama, Japan
  • 11.10.-13.10.2023: C-Touch & Display Shenzhen - The International Renowned Touchscreen & Disply Exhibition, Shenzhen, China
  • 11.10.-13.10.2023: EXPO CIHAC - Baumesse, Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko
  • 11.10.-13.10.2023: H2O - ACCADUEO - International Exhibition of Technologies for the Treatment and Distribution of Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment, Bologna, Italien
  • 11.10.-13.10.2023: health, TECH JAPANYokohama, Japan
  • 11.10.-13.10.2023: MEDICAL JAPAN TOKYO - Int'l Medical & Elderly Care Expo & Conference Tokyo, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
  • 11.10.-13.10.2023: MIAC - International Exhibition of Paper Industry, Lucca, Italien
  • 11.10.-13.10.2023: MTA HANOI - The International Precision Engineering, Machine Tools and Metalworking Exhibition & Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • 11.10.-13.10.2023: POWTEX Osaka - Powder Technology Exhibition, Osaka, Japan
  • 11.10.-13.10.2023: SMK - STEEL & METAL KOREA - Korea Int. Steel & Nonferrous Metal Industry Expo, Goyang/Seoul, Korea
  • 11.10.-13.10.2023: Tool Japan - International Hardware & Tools Fair, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
  • 11.10.-13.10.2023: VIETWATER - International Water, Wastewater & Recycling Technology Expo, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
  • 11.10.-14.10.2023: All in Print China - The China International Exhibition for All Printing Technology and Equipment, Shanghai, China
  • 11.10.-14.10.2023: ALL PACK Indonesia - The Focused Platform for Processing, Packaging, Filling, Handling, Controlling, Automation, Printing & Labeling Technology, Materials and Services for Food & Beverage, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Other Related Industries, Jakarta, Indonesien
  • 11.10.-14.10.2023: Robot, World - International Robot Industry Show, Goyang/Seoul, Korea
  • 12.10.-13.10.2023: Asia, Solar PV Expo - Asia, Solar Photovoltaic Innovative Technology Exhibition & Cooperation Forum, Shanghai, China
  • 12.10.-13.10.2023: REIF Fukushima - Industriemesse für erneuerbare Energien, Koriyama-City, Japan12.10.-14.10.2023: aluexpo - Alum
  • inium Technology, Machinery and Products Trade Fair, Istanbul, Türkei
  • 12.10.-14.10.2023: INSTRUTEC - Tallinner Internationale Veredelungsmesse, Werkzeug, Industriemesse und Industrietechnik, Tallinn, Estland
  • 12.10.-14.10.2023: IREE - International Railway Equipment Exhibition, New Delhi, Indien
  • 12.10.-14.10.2023: Taiwan Innotech Expo - Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart, Taipei, Taiwan
  • ICBIE/PBCTE - China International Green Intelligent Construction and Building Industrialization Expo/ China Prefabricated Building & Construction Technology Expo, Changsha, China
  • 13.10.-16.10.2023: electronic, Asia, Hongkong, Hongkong, China
  • 13.10.-16.10.2023: HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair , Hongkong, Hongkong, China
  • 14.10.-18.10.2023: ASRM Scientific Expo & Congress - American Society for Reproductive Medicine Scientific Congress & Expo, New Orleans, USA
  • 15.10.-17.10.2023: Autotech - North Africa's Leading Auto Aftermarket Exhibition, Kairo, Ägypten
  • 15.10.-18.10.2023: Glass & Aluminum + windoorex Saudi Arabia - Riad, Saudi-Arabien
  • 15.10.-18.10.2023: Metal & Steel Saudi Arabia - The International Exhibition for Steel, Steel Fabrication, Metal Forming, Fabricating and Finishing, Riad, Saudi-Arabien
  • 15.10.-19.10.2023: Micro, TAS (µTAS) - Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences Conference and Exhibition, Kattowitz, Polen
  • 16.10.-18.10.2023: HYDRO - Internationales Symposium und technische Ausstellung für Wasserkraft, Edinburgh, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 17.10.-18.10.2023: IBS - Intelligent Building Systems Exhibition, Paris, Frankreich
  • 17.10.-18.10.2023: Smart City + Smart Grid, Paris, Frankreich
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: CWP - China Wind Power - International Wind Power Exhibition & Conference, Peking, China
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: e, Move360° Europe - International Trade Fair for Mobility 4.0 - electric - connected - autonomous, München, Deutschland
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: Eco, Energy Expo - International Trade Fair Eco, Energy, Expo, Kiew, Ukraine
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: IFAT India - India's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Solid Waste and Recycling, Mumbai, Indien
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: ISSA North America - The One Show for the Cleaning Industry, Las Vegas, USA
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: Mining & Minerals Expo (formerly Mining Industry Expo) - Int. Trade Fair for Mining and Coal Industry, Kiew, Ukraine
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: Motion + Power Technology Expo - Fachmesse für Getriebetechnik und deren Herstellung, Detroit, USA
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: NBAA - National Business Aviation Association Annual Meeting and Convention, Las Vegas, USA
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: OILGASEXPO - International trade fair for oil & gas industry technologies and services, Kiew, Ukraine
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: POL-ECO-SYSTEM - Internationale Umweltmesse, Posen, Polen
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: Powerexpo Almaty (ehem. Power Kazakhstan) - Internationale Messe für Energie & Elektrotechnik, Kernenergie, Licht & erneuerbare Energien, Almaty, Kasachstan
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: Solar & Storage Live, Birmingham, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 17.10.-19.10.2023: Vision Plus Expo - Optical Trade Exhibition, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • 17.10.-20.10.2023: CEATEC Japan - Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
  • 17.10.-20.10.2023: ENERGY. ECOLOGY. ENERGY SAVING. ELECTRO (Energy EXPO) - Internationale Fachmesse und Kongreß für Energie-,Umwelt- und Kontrolltechnik, Minsk, Belarus
  • 17.10.-20.10.2023: interlift - Internationale Fachmesse für Aufzüge, Komponenten und Zubehör, Augsburg, Deutschland
  • 17.10.-20.10.2023: Tool Tech - Seoul International Tool Exhibition, Goyang/Seoul, Korea
  • 17.10.-21.10.2023: Fakuma - Internationale Fachmesse für Kunststoffverarbeitung, Friedrichshafen, Deutschland
  • 18.10.-19.10.2023: MRO Europe - Aviation Week, Amsterdam, Niederlande
  • 18.10.-19.10.2023: SMAU - Internationale Messe für Informations- und Kommunikations-Technologie, Mailand, Italien
  • 18.10.-19.10.2023: WACEE - Messe & Konferenz für saubere Energie und Umwelt West Afrika, Accra, Ghana
  • 18.10.-20.10.2023: API China & Pharma, Pack & SINOPHEX - The Specialised Show for Pharmaceutical Packaging and Processing Machinery, Nanjing, China
  • 18.10.-20.10.2023: Energy Taiwan - Taiwan Int'l Photovoltaic Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 18.10.-20.10.2023: IMT TAIWAN - International Metal Technology Taiwan, Taichung, Taiwan
  • 18.10.-20.10.2023: Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC - The No. 1 Platform for Digital Industry and Intelligent Manufacturing in ASEAN-PACIFIC, Singapur, Singapur
  • 18.10.-20.10.2023: KOAA·GTT SHOW - Korea Auto Industry & Global Transpor, Tech, Goyang/Seoul, Korea
  • 18.10.-20.10.2023: Korea METAL Week, Goyang/Seoul, Korea
  • 18.10.-20.10.2023: Pacific Coatings Show, Jakarta, Indonesien
  • 18.10.-20.10.2023: POWERex Asia - International Exhibition on Power, Power Generation and Power Transmission Equipment, Technologies & Supplies, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 18.10.-20.10.2023: Taiwan Hardware Show (THS)Taichung, Taiwan
  • 18.10.-20.10.2023: Wind Energy Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 18.10.-20.10.2023: World of Concrete India, Mumbai, Indien
  • 18.10.-21.10.2023: EXCON - Construction Fair, Lima, Peru
  • 18.10.-21.10.2023: MECT - Mechatronics Technology Japan, Nagoya, Japan
  • 18.10.-21.10.2023: SASO - Internationale Industriemesse, Split, Kroatien
  • 18.10.-21.10.2023: Vietnam, Plas - The Vietnam International Plastics & Rubber Industry Exhibition, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
  • 19.10.-21.10.2023: Pack, Plus South - The Total Packaging, Processing and Supply Chain Event, Hyderabad, Indien
  • 20.10.-22.10.2023: WATEX - International Water & Waste Water Exhibition, Teheran, Iran
  • 24.10.-25.10.2023: AWE Europe - Konferenz und Ausstellung für Augmented Reality und Virtual Reality, Wien, Österreich
  • 24.10.-25.10.2023: Electricity Transformation Canada, Calgary, Kanada
  • 24.10.-26.10.2023: Broadband World Forum Europe, Paris, Frankreich
  • 24.10.-26.10.2023: PROPAK CAPE - The Cape Packaging, Processing, Plastics and Printing Expo, Kapstadt, Südafrika
  • 24.10.-26.10.2023: SPIE.Photonex - Photonics Exhibition, Glasgow, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 24.10.-26.10.2023: Testing Expo - Automotive Testing Expo North America, Novi / Detroit, USA
  • 24.10.-26.10.2023: Warsaw Industry Week - Internationale Fachmesse für innovative Lösungen für die Industrie, Warschau, Polen
  • 24.10.-27.10.2023: Ce, MAT ASIA - International Trade Fair for Materials Handling, Automation Technology, Transport Systems and Logistics, Shanghai, China
  • 24.10.-27.10.2023: Com, Vac ASIA - International Trade Fair for Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology, Shanghai, China
  • 24.10.-27.10.2023: Industrial Supply ASIA - The International Trade Fair and Matchmaking Platform for Industrial Subcontracting, Components, Materials and Technology Solutions, Shanghai, China
  • 24.10.-27.10.2023: PTC ASIA - Power Transmission and Control - International Trade Fair for Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Seals, Gears, Motors, Chains, Belts, Bearings and Springs, Shanghai, China
  • 24.10.-27.10.2023: WWA Annual Trade Show - World Water Association Annual Trade Show, New Orleans, USA
  • 25.10.-26.10.2023: All Energy Australia, Melbourne, Australien
  • 25.10.-26.10.2023: ALUMINUM USANashville, USA
  • 25.10.-26.10.2023: AQUA SUISSE - Schweizer Fachmesse für Wasser, Abwasser und Gas, Zürich, Schweiz
  • 25.10.-26.10.2023: Pumps & Valves - Die Schweizer Fachmesse für Pumpen, Armaturen und Prozesse, Zürich, Schweiz
  • 25.10.-26.10.2023: Waste Expo - Management, Recycling and Sustainability, Melbourne, Australien
  • 25.10.-27.10.2023: AI EXPO - Artificial Intelligence Exhibition & Conference, Tokyo, Japan
  • 25.10.-27.10.2023: Brazil Windpower, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
  • 25.10.-27.10.2023: Cleanroom Technology Exhibition, Istanbul, Türkei
  • 25.10.-27.10.2023: Japan IT Week Autumn, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
  • 25.10.-27.10.2023: Logi, MAT | Intelligent Warehouse - Intelligent Warehouse Logistics Technology, Warehousing and Management Systems, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 25.10.-27.10.2023: OGT - Oil & Gas of Turkmenistan - Turkmenistan International Oil & Gas Exhibition, Ashkhabad, Turkmenistan
  • 25.10.-27.10.2023: OPTO - Internationale Messe für Optoelektronik, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 25.10.-27.10.2023: PWE - PAK WATER & ENERGY EXHIBITION - Water & Energy Exhibition, Lahore, Pakistan
  • 25.10.-27.10.2023: TAITRONICS - Taipei International Electronics Show, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 25.10.-28.10.2023: CHINA COAL & MINING - International Technology Exchange & Equipment Exhibition on Coal & Mining, Peking, China
  • 25.10.-28.10.2023: ISK-SODEX Istanbul - International Exhibition for HVAC&R, Pumps, Valves, Fittings, Water Treatment, Pool Equipment and Insulation, Istanbul, Türkei
  • 26.10.-05.11.2023: Japan Mobility Show, Tokyo, Japan
  • 26.10.-27.10.2023: Asia-Pacific Hydrogen - Summit & Exhibition, Sydney, Australien
  • 26.10.-28.10.2023: f-cell CHINA - International Trade Fair for Industrialization of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology - Shanghai Stuttgart Automotive Symposium, Shanghai, China
  • 26.10.-29.10.2023: Eco Expo Asia - International Trade Fair on Environmental Protection, Hongkong, Hongkong
  • 27.10.-30.10.2023: HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair, Hongkong, Hongkong
  • 28.10.-30.10.2023: i, ENA - Internationale Fachmesse 'Ideen-Erfindungen-Neuheiten' mit Technikfestival Hack & Make / Innovationskongress, Nürnberg, Deutschland
  • 29.10.-02.11.2023: ACI Convention - Fall - The Concrete Convention and Exposition, Boston, USA
  • 29.10.-31.10.2023: Egypt Energy - Egypt Energy, Kairo, Ägypten
  • 30.10.-02.11.2023: CAMX - Ausstellung für Verbundwerkstoffe, Atlanta, USA
  • 31.10.-02.11.2023: Glass, Build America - The Glass, Window & Door Expo, Atlanta, USA
  • 31.10.-02.11.2023: IMARC EXPO - International Mining and Resources Conference & Expo, Sydney, Australien
  • 31.10.-02.11.2023: SWITCH - Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology, Singapur, Singapur

November 2023

  • 01.11.-02.11.2023: Advanced Engineering UK - incorp. Aero Engineering Show, Composites Engineering Show, Automotive Engineering Show & Performance Metals Engineering, Birmingham, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 01.11.-03.11.2023: Mining, Metals Uzbekistan - Internationale Messe für Bergbau und Verarbeitung von Metall und Mineralien, Taschkent, Usbekistan
  • 02.11.-04.11.2023: CREC - Chinese Renewable Energy Conference & Exhibition, Wuxi, China
  • 02.11.-04.11.2023: LED Expo - India's No. 1 exhibition on LED lighting products & technology, New Delhi, Indien
  • 06.11.-09.11.2023: AQUATECH Amsterdam - Internationale Ausstellung für Trinkwasser-, Nutzwasser- und Abwassertechnik, Amsterdam, Niederlande
  • 06.11.-09.11.2023: IME - International Mining, Exploration Mineral Processing Technology & Machinery Exhibition, Kalkutta, Indien
  • 07.11.-09.11.2023: PACKEX Toronto - Canada's Packaging, Material Handling & Logistics Exhibition, Toronto, Kanada
  • 07.11.-09.11.2023: Smart City Expo World Congress - Int. Fachmesse und Kongress zur nachhaltigen Verbesserung der Lebensqualität in Städten, Barcelona, Spanien
  • 07.11.-09.11.2023: WESTEC - Western Metal and Tool Exposition and Conference, Long Beach, USA
  • 07.11.-10.11.2023: BLECHEXPO - Internationale Fachmesse für Blechbearbeitung mit Schweisstec - Internationale Fachmesse für Fügetechnologie, Stuttgart, Deutschland
  • 07.11.-10.11.2023: Formnext - International exhibition and convention on the next generation of manufacturing technologies, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
  • 07.11.-10.11.2023: PLASTIMAGEN - Internationale Ausstellung der Plastikindustrie, Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko
  • 08.11.-10.11.2023: HKTDC Hong Kong International Optical Fair, Hongkong, Hongkong
  • 11.11.-13.11.2023: Global Pack - The new trade show for the packaging industry, Athen, Griechenland
  • 11.11.-15.11.2023: Eurasia Glass - Glass Products and Applications, Production-Processing Technologies, and Machinery, Auxiliary Products and Chemicals Fair, Istanbul, Türkei
  • 13.11.-15.11.2023: GCC Power - The GCC Cigre Conference & Exhibition for Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Abu Dhabi, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • 13.11.-16.11.2023: MEDICA - Weltforum der Medizin mit COMPAMED - Internationale Fachmesse High-tech solutions for Medical Technology, Düsseldorf, Deutschland
  • 13.11.-17.11.2023: LPG Week with World LPG Forum & European Liquid Gas Congress, Rom, Italien
  • 14.11.-16.11.2023: SPS - Smart Production Solutions - Internationale Fachmesse der industriellen Automation, Nürnberg, Deutschland
  • 14.11.-17.11.2023: CLIMATIZACION Y REFRIGERACIÒN (C&R) - Fachmesse für Klimatechnik, Lüftung, Kühlung und Heizung, Madrid, Spanien
  • 14.11.-17.11.2023: Expo Plast - Exhibition dedicated to the plastics processing industry, Sibiu, Rumänien
  • 14.11.-17.11.2023: productronica - Weltleitmesse für Entwicklung und Fertigung von Elektronik, München, Deutschland
  • 15.11.-16.11.2023: London Build - Construction Expo, London, Großbritannien und Nordirland
  • 15.11.-16.11.2023: Metal, Madrid, Madrid, Spanien
  • 15.11.-16.11.2023: Precision Fair - Precision Technolgy Exhibitions-Hertogenbosch, Niederlande
  • 15.11.-17.11.2023: Battery Osaka (World Smart Energy Week) - Int. Rechargeable Battery Expo, Osaka, Japan
  • 15.11.-17.11.2023: Edge, Tech+ - Embedded Technology & Io, T Technology Exhibition, Yokohama, Japan
  • 15.11.-17.11.2023: EP Shanghai - International Exhibition on Electric Power Equipment and Technology, Shanghai, China
  • 15.11.-17.11.2023: PV EXPO Osaka (World Smart Energy Week) - International Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo, Osaka, Japan
  • 15.11.-17.11.2023: WETEX - Water, Energy Technology and Environment Exhibition, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • 15.11.-18.11.2023: Plas, Pak Indonesia - International Food Processing and Packaging Machinery and Materials Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesien
  • 15.11.-18.11.2023: Plastics and Rubber Indonesia - Int. Plastics & Rubber Machinery, Processing & Materials Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesien
  • 15.11.-19.11.2023: CHTF China Hi-Tech Fair - Photo-electronics and FPD Products & Technology Expo, Shenzhen, China
  • 17.11.-26.11.2023: Auto, Mobility LALos Angeles, USA
  • 19.11.-22.11.2023: CAIRO ICT - Internationale Fachausstellung und Konferenz für Telekommunikation, Informationstechnologie,Netzwerktechnik und Broadcasting in der arabischen Welt, Kairo, Ägypten
  • 20.11.-22.11.2023: TIIE - Tokyo International Industry Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
  • 20.11.-24.11.2023: European Hydrogen Week, Brüssel, Belgien
  • 21.11.-22.11.2023: The Mining Show - MENA MINING SHOWDubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • 21.11.-23.11.2023: HEATEXPO - Die neue Fachmesse für die Wärmeversorgung der Zukunft, Dortmund, Deutschland
  • 21.11.-23.11.2023: Paperworld Middle East - Paperworld Middle East, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • 21.11.-23.11.2023: plastprintpack West Africa - Fachmesse für Kunststoff, Chemikalien, Druck- und Verpackungstechnik, Accra, Ghana
  • 22.11.-25.11.2023: Global Green Event - Internationale Fachmesse für Umwelttechnik, El Jadida, Marokko
  • 22.11.-25.11.2023: METALEX - Machine Tools and Metalworking Exhibition Serving ASEAN, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 22.11.-25.11.2023: Plast Eurasia Istanbul - Fachmesse für die Plastikindustrie, Istanbul, Türkei
  • 23.11.-26.11.2023: ZAK GLASS TECHNOLOGY EXPO - International Trade Fair on Glass Production, Processing, Technology & Products, Mumbai, Indien
  • 26.11.-30.11.2023: CIDEX - International construction, technology, infrastructure and building materials exhibition, Dammam, Saudi-Arabien
  • 27.11.-30.11.2023: ANDINA PACK - International Processing and Packaging Exhibition for the Food, Beverage, Pharma and Cosmetic Industry, Bogota, Kolumbien
  • 27.11.-30.11.2023: Fu, Ma, Tech - Future Manufacturing Technology Exhibition and Conference, Shenzhen, China
  • 28.11.-29.11.2023: Offshore Energy (OE)Amsterdam, Niederlande
  • 28.11.-30.11.2023: ENERGETIKA - Energiemesse, Belgrad, Serbien
  • 29.11.-01.12.2023: Glasstech Asia / Fenestration Asia - International Glass Products, Glass Manufacturing, Processing & Materials Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand
  • 29.11.-01.12.2023: Shanghai MTM + F Expo - Metallurgy & Tube & Metal & Foundry, Shanghai, China
  • 29.11.-01.12.2023: Vacuum Show - Internationale Fachmesse für Vakuumtechnik, Tokyo, Japan
  • 29.11.-02.12.2023: Automechanika Shanghai - Shanghai international trade fair for automotive parts, equipment and service suppliers, Shanghai, China
  • 29.11.-30.11.2023: Analiza - International Exhibition for Laboratory Technologies & Equipment, Biotechnology, Instrumental & Chemical Analysis, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • 30.11.-02.12.2023: Tech Industry - International Trade Fair for Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking, Automation, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Production Supplies,Tools and Innovated Technologies, Riga, Lettland
  • 30.11.-03.12.2023: AIRTECH - International Exhibition for Compressed Air Technology and Accessories, Kairo, Ägypten
  • 30.11.-03.12.2023: Handling Expo - International Exhibition for Material Handling and Storage Systems, Kairo, Ägypten
  • 30.11.-03.12.2023: MACTECH - Internationale Messe für Werkzeugmaschinen, Handwerkzeuge und Schweiss- und Schneideausrüstung, Kairo, Ägypten


Eine Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme besteht in aller Regel auch online.

September 2023

  • 01: 2023 5th International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechanical and Manufacturing (AMMM 2023) Osaka, Japan
  • 05: 15th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization Newcastle, United Kingdom
  • 05: 2023 11th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Information (ICCEI 2023) Fukuoka, Japan
  • 05: IEEE--2023 The 8th Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC 2023) Shenzhen, China
  • 05: The 8th International Conference & 3rd Symposium on Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology Putrajaya, Malaysia
  • 06: 25th ISTANBUL International Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology and Health Sciences (IIETH-23) Istanbul, Turkey
  • 06: 6th Current Research on Information Technology, Mathematics Sciences, Science and Technology International Conference Bangkok, Thailand
  • 06: 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences (AiDAS2023) Online
  • 06: International Conference on eXtended Reality (XR Salento 2023) Lecce, Italy
  • 08: 2023 13th International Conference on Environmental Science and Engineering (ICESE 2023) Leuven, Belgium
  • 08: 2023 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Green Technology (SDGT 2023) Leuven, Belgium
  • 08: 2023 10th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE 2023) Nagoya, Japan
  • 10: 7th Powder Metallurgy (PM7) and Advanced Processes & Systems in Manufacturing (APSIM 2023) Melaka, Malaysia
  • 11: 2nd International Workshop on Digital Twins for Business Processes (DT4BP2023) Utrecht, Netherlands
  • 12: ACM--2023 The 13th International Conference on Information Communication and Management (ICICM 2023) Cairo, Egypt
  • 12: 2023 The 12th International Conference on Knowledge and Education Technology (ICKET 2023) Cairo, Egypt
  • 12: 8th International FAPS Polymer Congress Istanbul, Turkey
  • 13: IEEE--2023 The 6th World Symposium on Communication Engineering (WSCE 2023) Thessaloniki, Greece
  • 14: STRA International Conference on Engineering & Technology, 14-15 September 2023, Rome Rome, Italy
  • 14: Global Meet on Condensed Matter Physics Lisbon, Portugal
  • 14: 2023 The 7th International Conference on Building Materials and Materials Engineering (ICBMM 2023)--SCIE Porto, Portugal
  • 14: 2023 7th International Conference on Structural and Civil Engineering (ICSCE 2023) Porto, Portugal
  • 14: Pure & Applied Sciences International Conference, 14-15 September 2023, London London, United Kingdom
  • 15: 2023 2nd Eurasian Conference on Frontiers of Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT 2023) Shanghai, China
  • 15: 2023 the 5th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Vehicle Engineering (MEVE 2023) Nanjing, China
  • 15: International Conference on Materials Advancements and Technology Research for Leading-edge Science (MATRLS-23) Baddi, India
  • 15: 2023 The 16th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2023) Hefei, China
  • 15: Second International conference of Reliability of Engineering and Smart Energy (ICRESE) Istanbul, Turkey
  • 15: 2023 6th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Engineering (REPE 2023) Beijing, China
  • 15: 2023 2nd International Conference on Algorithms, Data Mining, and Information Technology (ADMIT 2023) Chengdu, China
  • 16: 10th International Conference on Information Technology, Control, Chaos, Modeling and Applications (ITCCMA 2023) Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 16: Int. Conference on Bioinformatics, Industrial Engineering, Computer Software, Applied Sciences & Aviation Technology Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 17: International Conference on Marine Science and Technology Ponta Delgada, Portugal
  • 18: 2023 7th International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation (ICITT 2023) Madrid, Spain
  • 18: 34th BUDAPEST International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Social and Economic Sustainability (ECSES-23) Budapest, Hungary
  • 18: 2023 6th International Conference on Innovative Engineering Materials (ICIEM 2023) Bangkok, Thailand
  • 18: 2023 7th International Conference on Communication and Network Technology (ICCNT 2023) Madrid, Spain
  • 19: 38th BUDAPEST International Conference on “Science, Engineering, Technology & Natural Resources” (SETNR-23) Budapest, Hungary
  • 19: International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering (ICOSSE '23) Houston, United States of America
  • 21: 2023 9th International Conference on Environmental Systems Research (ICESR 2023) Rome, Italy
  • 21: Energy and Natural Resources Summit EMEA London, United Kingdom
  • 21: 2023 10th International Conference on Civil and Urban Engineering (ICCUE 2023) Rome, Italy
  • 21: The XIV Congress of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG XIV Congress 2023) Chengdu, China
  • 22: 2023 The 14th International Conference on Construction and Project Management (ICCPM 2023) Beijing, China
  • 22: 2023 6th International Conference on Big Data and Machine Learning (BDML 2023) Xiamen, China
  • 22: IEEE--2023 12th International Conference on Power Science and Engineering (ICPSE 2023) Eskisehir, Turkey
  • 22: 2023 10th International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ICBRA 2023) Barcelona, Spain
  • 22: 2023 The 5th International Conference on Smart Grid Technologies (ICSGT 2023) Shanghai, China
  • 22: 2023 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment (ICREE 2023) Eskisehir, Turkey
  • 22: ACM--2023 The 3rd International Conference on Big Data and Computational Intelligence (BDCI 2023) Tokyo, Japan
  • 22: 2023 7th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics (ICBEB 2023) Barcelona, Spain
  • 22: IEEE--2023 The 8th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE 2023)--SCI Shanghai, China
  • 22: ACM--2023 The 5th World Symposium on Software Engineering (WSSE 2023) Tokyo, Japan
  • 22: 2023 the 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Innovation (ICAII 2023) Wuhan, China
  • 22: 2023 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (CCIOT 2023) Okinawa, Japan
  • 22: ACM--2023 6th International Conference on Big Data Technologies (ICBDT 2023) Qingdao, China
  • 22: ACM--2023 The 5th International Conference on Digital Media and Information Processing (DMIP 2023) Tokyo, Japan
  • 22: 2023 5th International Conference on Emerging Networks Technologies (ICENT 2023) Okinawa, Japan
  • 22: 2023 the 6th International Conference on Robot Systems and Applications (ICRSA 2023) Wuhan, China
  • 22: 2023 3rd International Conference on Computer Systems (ICCS 2023) Qingdao, China
  • 22: IEEE--2023 the 7th International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC 2023) Lanzhou, China
  • 22: 2023 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR 2023) Xiamen, China
  • 23: 2023 5th International Conference on Intelligent Science and Technology (ICIST 2023) Lanzhou, China
  • 23: 2023 6th International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP 2023) Xi'an, China
  • 23: 2023 The 7th International Conference on Big Data Research (ICBDR 2023) Lanzhou, China
  • 24: Pure & Applied Sciences International Conference, 24-25 September 2023, Athens Athens, Greece
  • 25: 7th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 26: 2023 The 15th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers (ICETC 2023) Barcelona, Spain
  • 26: Microgrid Global Innovation Forum London, United Kingdom
  • 27: 8th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium Athens, Greece
  • 27: International Conference on Information Technology and System Engineering (ICITSE 2023) Penang, Malaysia
  • 27: OL2A: International Conference on Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications 2023 Ponta Delgada, Portugal
  • 27: Alberta Power Symposium Calgary, Canada
  • 28: 2023 5th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education (WAIE 2023) Tokyo, Japan
  • 28: STRA International Conference on Engineering & Technology, 28-29 September 2023, Budapest Budapest, Hungary
  • 28: 2023 International Conference on Management Information System (ICMIS 2023) Tokyo, Japan
  • 29: Third edition of APAC Data 2030 Summit Singapore, Singapore
  • 29: STRA International Conference on Engineering & Technology, 29-30 September 2023, Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal

Oktober 2023

  • 01: 3rd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for Energy, Environment and Biomedical Applications Salem, India
  • 03: Advances in Energy Research, Materials Science & Built Environment (EMBE) Conference Online
  • 04: The 8th Smart City Applications International Conference Paris, France
  • 06: Pure & Applied Sciences International Conference, 06-07 October 2023, Istanbul Istanbul, Turkey
  • 07: International Conference on Information Technology, Engineering and Applied Sciences Sydney, Australia
  • 07: 2023 The 10th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER 2023) Madrid, Spain
  • 10: Energy & Natural Resources Summit Americas 2023 Houston, United States of America
  • 12: IEEE--2023 International Conference on Smart Grid and Energy (ICSGE 2023) Singapore, Singapore
  • 13: 2023 11th International Conference on Smart Grid and Clean Energy Technologies (ICSGCE 2023) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 13: ACM--2023 The 7th International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence (ICAAI 2023) Istanbul, Turkey
  • 14: 2023 2nd International Conference on Big Data Modeling and Optimization (BDMO 2023) Rome, Italy
  • 14: 2023 6th International Conference on Information, Networks and Communications (ICINC 2023)--ESCI Rome, Italy
  • 14: 2023 12th International Conference on Computer Technologies and Development (TechDev 2023) Rome, Italy
  • 16: 2023 5th International Conference on Nanomaterials, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (ICNMM 2023) Tokyo, Japan
  • 16: IEC Week 2023 (by Smart Grid Forums) Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 16: 18th International Symposium on Visual Computing Lake Tahoe, United States of America
  • 19: 2023 The 7th International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Systems (ICACS 2023) Larissa, Greece
  • 19: The 9th International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES 2022) Fukuoka, Japan
  • 19: Pure & Applied Sciences International Conference, 19-20 October 2023, Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • 19: Applied Research International Conference on Business, Education and Technology (ARICBET) Oxford, U.K Oxford, United Kingdom
  • 20: 2023 11th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCEN 2023) Singapore, Singapore
  • 20: 2023 8th International Conference on Systems, Control and Communications (ICSCC 2023) Chongqing, China
  • 20: 2023 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science (ICBBS 2023) Singpaore, Singapore
  • 20: 2023 8th International Conference on Biomedical Imaging, Signal Processing (ICBSP 2023) Singapore, Singapore
  • 20: 2023 5th International Conference on Big-data Service and Intelligent Computation (BDSIC 2023) Singapore, Singapore
  • 20: IEEE--2023 The 8th International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Microsystems (ICICM 2023) Nanjing, China
  • 20: 2023 5th International Conference on Software Engineering and Development (ICSED 2023) Singapore, Singapore
  • 20: 2023 3rd Asia Environment and Resource Engineering Conference (AERE 2023) Singapore, Singapore
  • 20: IEEE--2023 7th International Conference on Communication and Information Systems (ICCIS 2023) Chongqing, China
  • 20: 2023 Asian Confernce on Frontiers of Power and Energy (ACFPE 2023) Chengdu, China
  • 21: 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Innovative Technologies Athens, Greece
  • 23: MULTIASIA2023 - 11th Asian Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2023 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 23: IEEE--2023 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Signal Processing (ICFSP 2023) Corfu, Greece
  • 23: Renewable Energy Conferences Paris, France
  • 23: World Recycling Convention Madrid, Spain
  • 26: 7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Optimization 2023 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  • 27: IEEE--2023 the 6th International Conference on Robotics, Control and Automation Engineering (RCAE 2023) Suzhou, China
  • 27: 2023 4th International Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Conference (AIBC 2023) Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan
  • 27: 2023 13th International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering (ICSTE 2023) Osaka, Japan
  • 27: 2023 5th International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ICCS 2023) Huzhou,, China
  • 27: 2023 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technology and Embedded Systems (ICITES 2023) Huzhou, China
  • 27: IEEE--2023 2nd International Communication Engineering and Cloud Computing Conference (CECCC 2023) Nanjing, China
  • 27: SPIE--2023 Workshop on Electronics Communication Engineering (WECE 2023) Guilin, China
  • 27: 2023 the 6th International Conference on Advanced Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (AMEE 2023) Suzhou, China
  • 27: 2023 8th International Conference on Materials Technology and Applications (ICMTA 2023) Fukuoka, Japan
  • 27: 2023 2nd International Conference on Video and Signal Processing (ICVSP 2023) Osaka, Japan
  • 27: 2023 International Conference on Information Network and Computer Communications (INCC 2023) Beijing, China
  • 27: 2023 Asia Conference on Communications, Signal Processing and Information Technology (CSPIT 2023) -EI Compendex Singapore, Singapore
  • 27: ACM--2023 6th International Conference on Sensors, Signal and Image Processing (SSIP 2023) Nanjing, China
  • 27: IEEE--2023 the 4th International Conference on Advanced Electrical and Energy Systems (AEES 2023) Shanghai, China
  • 27: International Academic Conference on Engineering, Robotics, IT and Nanotechnology in October 2023 Online
  • 27: 2023 The 12th International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering (ICNNN 2023) Fukuoka, Japan
  • 27: 2023 The 6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence (MLMI 2023) Chongqing, China
  • 27: 2023 5th International Conference on Computer, Software Engineering and Applications (CSEA 2023) Shanghai, China
  • 27: 2023 3rd International Workshop on Frontiers of Graphics and Image Processing (FGIP 2023) Qingdao, China
  • 27: 2023 The International Conference on Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition (MLPR 2023) Chongqing, China
  • 27: 2023 12th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition (ICCPR 2023) Qingdao, China
  • 27: 2023 6th International Conference on Computing and Big Data (ICCBD 2023) Shanghai, China
  • 27: 2023 4th Asia Service Sciences and Software Engineering Conference (ASSE 2023) Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan
  • 27: 2023 6th International Conference on Frontiers of Image Processing (ICFIP 2023) Osaka, Japan
  • 28: IEEE--2023 8th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE 2023) Beijing, China
  • 30: Mining World Congress 2023 London, United Kingdom
  • 31: International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) Sydney, Australia

November 2023

  • 02: 2023 The Fifteenth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2023) Hangzhou, China
  • 03: 2023 7th International Conference on New Energy and Applications (ICNEA 2023) Sapporo, Japan
  • 03: INTECC'23 Sousse, Tunisia
  • 03: 2023 8th Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development (ACESD 2023) Sapporo, Japan
  • 03: IEEE--2023 The 4th International Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ICPEE 2023) Singapore, Singapore
  • 05: 10th Sustainable Development Conference (SDC2023) Bangkok, Thailand
  • 06: International Conference on Cleaner Production and Circular Economy Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • 07: World Wind Energy Conference 2023 “Symphony of the Renewables” Hobart, Australia
  • 07: CI’s Conference on Cumulative Effects Assessment and Environmental Management, Eastern Canada Halifax, Canada
  • 08: HERVEX-2023 The 27th International Conference on Hydraulics and Pneumatics Baile Govora, Romania
  • 09: 2023 4th International Conference on Power, Energy and Electrical Engineering (PEEE 2023) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 09: 2023 6th International Conference on Digital Medicine and Image Processing (DMIP 2023) Kyoto, Japan
  • 09: 2023 10th International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering (ICBBE 2023) Kyoto, Japan
  • 09: 2023 4th International Conference on New Energy Research and Applications (ICNERA 2023) Singapore, Singapore
  • 09: 2023 The 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Development (ICRED 2023) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 10: 2023 15th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2023) Suzhou, China
  • 10: 2023 5th International Conference on Virtual Reality and Intelligent System (VRIS 2023) Suzhou, China
  • 10: Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Development Singapore, Singapore
  • 10: 2023 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conservation (ICREC 2023) Rome, Italy
  • 10: 2023 11th International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention (ICEPP 2023) Brisbane, Australia
  • 13: International conference on Information Technology and Communication Engineering Hanoi, Vietnam
  • 13: 4th International Conference on Business, Information Technology and Management : ICBITM 2023 November (Boston) Boston, United States of America
  • 14: Enlit Asia 2023 BSD City, Indonesia
  • 14: Utility Cyber Security Forum - Europe London, United Kingdom
  • 14: Midwest Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Innovation Forum Chicago, United States of America
  • 15: Renewable Power Generation and Future Power Systems Conference 2023 Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • 15: SPIE--2023 The 16th International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2023) Yerevan, Armenia
  • 16: 39th JOHANNESBURG International Conference on “Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering” (JCBEE-23) Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 17: IEEE--2023 The 18th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2023) Fuzhou, China
  • 17: 2023 The 2nd Asia Power and Electrical Technology Conference (APET 2023) Shanghai, China
  • 17: 2023 the 8th International Conference on Advances in Electronics Engineering (ICAEE 2023) Beijing, China
  • 17: 2023 5th International Conference on Big Data Engineering (BDE 2023) Zhuhai, China
  • 17: 2023 7th International Conference on Advances in Image Processing (ICAIP 2023) Beijing, China
  • 17: 2023 The 15th International Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS 2023) Xi'an, China
  • 17: 2023 2nd International Conference on Power, Control and Electrical Engineering (PCEE 2023) Xiamen, China
  • 17: 2023 International Conference on Data Mining, Computing and Software Engineering (DMCSE 2023) -EI Compendex Chengdu, China
  • 17: IEEE--2023 The 2nd International Conference on Mechanical and Electronics Engineering (ICMEE 2023) Xi'an, China
  • 21: 2023 4th International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Signal Processing (EESP 2023) Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
  • 21: 2023 6th International Conference on Network Technology (ICNT 2023) Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
  • 21: 2023 12th International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (ICSIE 2023) Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
  • 22: 2023 12th International Conference on Chemical Science and Engineering (ICCSE 2023) Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • 22: 2023 7th International Conference on Reliability Engineering (ICRE 2023) Bologna, Italy
  • 22: 2023 7th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Biomaterials (ICNB 2023) Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • 22: IEEE--2023 The 7th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS 2023) Bologna, Italy
  • 22: 2023 7th International Conference on Sensors, Materials and Manufacturing (ICSMM 2023) Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • 22: 2023 5th Asia Conference on Material and Manufacturing Technology (ACMMT 2023) Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • 23: 53rd ISTANBUL International Conference on “Advances in Science, Engineering & Technology” (IASET-23) Istanbul, Turkey
  • 23: STRA International Conference on Engineering & Technology, 23-24 November 2023, London London, United Kingdom
  • 23: International Conference on Global & Emerging Trends Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • 23: 2023 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST 2023) Qingdao, China
  • 23: 6th Asian Conference on Civil Engineering, Material and Environmental Sciences Kyoto, Japan
  • 23: 2023 3rd International Symposium on Energy, Water and Environment (SEWE 2023) Qingdao, China
  • 23: 2023 the 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Application Technologies (AIAT 2023) Tokyo, Japan
  • 23: AICCIT-2023, International conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and information technology Faridabad, India
  • 24: Pure & Applied Sciences International Conference, 24-25 November 2023, Singapore Singapore, Singapore
  • 24: 2023 the 10th International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (ICCME 2023) Fukuoka, Japan
  • 24: 2023 the 7th International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICDME 2023) Johannesburg, South Africa
  • 24: 2023 the 12th International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology (ICMSET 2023) Fukuoka, Japan
  • 24: 2023 6th International Conference on Virtual Reality Technology (ICVRT 2023) Harbin, China
  • 24: 2023 International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace and Electronic Systems (MAES 2023) Johannesburg, South Africa24: IEEE--2023 The 6th International Conference on Power and Energy Applications (ICPEA 2023) Weihai, China
  • 24: 2023 The 5th International Conference on Video, Signal and Image Processing (VSIP 2023) Harbin, China
  • 24: 2023 International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI 2023) Hong Kong, Hong Kong
  • 24: 2023 3rd International Conference on Smart City and Green Energy (ICSCGE 2023) Hong Kong, China
  • 24: 2023 The 6th International Conference on Telecommunications and Communication Engineering (ICTCE 2023) Chengdu, China
  • 25: IEEE--2023 10th International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2023)--SCIE Mexico City, Mexico
  • 25: ACM--2023 The 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (CIIS 2023) Tokyo, Japan
  • 27: Artificial Intelligence Conference 2023 London, United Kingdom
  • 28: IEEE IC on The Confluence of Advancements in Robotics, Vision and Interdisciplinary Technology Management Bangalore, India
  • 28: 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI'23) Riviera Maya, Mexico
  • 28: IEEE IC on: The Confluence of Advancements in Robotics, Vision and Interdisciplinary Technology Management Bangalore, India
  • 28: Resourcing Tomorrow London, United Kingdom


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Unser Portfolio haben wir so strukturiert, dass Sie auf unterschiedlichen Bereichen einen unmittelbar greifbaren Nutzen durch uns haben.



Alle in diesem Newsletter gemachten Angaben erfolgen trotz sehr sorgfältiger Recherche ohne Gewähr.

Forschungseinrichtung: finden von Werkstoffnamen
(Werkstoffe für die thermische Energiespeicherung).
Forschungseinrichtung: finden von Märkten,
auf denen Werkstoffe aus Metallschaum gebraucht werden.
Unternehmen: finden von Möglichkeiten, um den
Abfüllvorgang einer hochviskosen Flüssigkeit zu beschleunigen.
Kommune mit > 500.000 Einwohnern: finden von regionalen
IT-Unternehmen und clustern der Interessen
Unternehmen: automatisches Verschlagworten
von Dokumenten im Intranet
Unternehmen: Vergleich des internen Wissens
mit dem Wissen von Wettbewerbern.
EU-Projekt einer Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft:
Verfahren, um Regionen mit gleichen Kenntnissen und
Interessen sichtbar zu machen.
IHK: finden von regionalen Automobilzulieferern
und clustern der Interessen
Hochschule: finden von passenden Partnern
für ein EU-Entwicklungsvorhaben.
Unternehmen: Innovationsaudit zur Ausrichtung
der Unternehmensstrategie auf Megatrends.
Ablagesystem für studentische Abschlussarbeiten
Expansion und / oder Marktanpassung im Verlauf einer Unternehmensnachfolge
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