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TMS 2013, March 3-7, Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas, USA


 TMS 2013, March 3-7, Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas, USA



 Technical Areas

  • Advanced Characterization, Modeling, and Performance: TMS 2013 is firmly establishing itself as the home of the emergent and dynamic computational materials science and engineering field. This track explores an array of aspects in these cross-cutting practices.
  • High Performance Materials: Among the myriad topics to be explored in this track are materials solutions for applications such as materials challenges based on performance environment, legislative mandates, or design difficulties.

  • Light Metals: Aluminum, Magnesium, and Titanium: This programming track brings together representatives from the world’s largest light metals companies and research organ izations to discuss the latest developments in the field.

  • Materials and Society: Energy Technology, Policy, and Education: This programming track focuses on energy-related topics, including new and existing energy systems, utilizing energy during materials processing, and insights from policy-makers and educators on materials issues.

  • Materials Processing and Production: The Materials Processing and Production track explores advancements in extractive metallurgy and primary metals production, including high-temperature processing, shape casting, process control, powder processing, solidification, and joining.

  • Nanoscale and Amorphous Materials: This programming track addresses the nexus of research and applications in nanomaterials, ultrafine grained materials, and bulk metallic glasses.

  • REWAS 2013 - Enabling Materials Resource Sustainability: The symposium will provide an interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary platform where the materials and metallurgical professional can interact and exchange with other stakeholders and research fields to facilitate the transition to a more sustainable industry and society.

About TMS

Headquartered in the United States but international in both its membership and activities, The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) is a rare professional organization that encompasses the entire range of materials and engineering, from minerals processing and primary metals production to basic research and the advanced applications of materials.

In support of its Mission Statement and Strategic Plan, the society provides forums for the exchange of information; promotes technology transfer; promotes the education and development of current and future professionals; represents the profession in the accreditation of educational programs and in the registration of professional engineers (a U.S.-grounded activity); encourages professionalism, ethical behavior, and concern for the environment; and stimulates a worldwide sense of unity in the profession.

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Forschungseinrichtung: finden von Werkstoffnamen
(Werkstoffe für die thermische Energiespeicherung).
Forschungseinrichtung: finden von Märkten,
auf denen Werkstoffe aus Metallschaum gebraucht werden.
Unternehmen: finden von Möglichkeiten, um den
Abfüllvorgang einer hochviskosen Flüssigkeit zu beschleunigen.
Kommune mit > 500.000 Einwohnern: finden von regionalen
IT-Unternehmen und clustern der Interessen
Unternehmen: automatisches Verschlagworten
von Dokumenten im Intranet
Unternehmen: Vergleich des internen Wissens
mit dem Wissen von Wettbewerbern.
EU-Projekt einer Landesentwicklungsgesellschaft:
Verfahren, um Regionen mit gleichen Kenntnissen und
Interessen sichtbar zu machen.
IHK: finden von regionalen Automobilzulieferern
und clustern der Interessen
Hochschule: finden von passenden Partnern
für ein EU-Entwicklungsvorhaben.
Unternehmen: Innovationsaudit zur Ausrichtung
der Unternehmensstrategie auf Megatrends.
Ablagesystem für studentische Abschlussarbeiten
Expansion und / oder Marktanpassung im Verlauf einer Unternehmensnachfolge