Numberland Technology News
Juni 2022
- Vorträge und Exkursionen
- Marktanalyse Energiespeicher
- Messen - 06/22 - 08/22
- Konferenzen 06/22 - 08/22
- Über Numberland
98. InnovationLaunch Juli 2022: Von der Invention zur Innovation oder: Kunden begeistern, 12.07.2022, 18:30 Uhr, Alexander von Humboldt Haus der Universität Bayreuth, Eichendorffring 5, 95447 Bayreuth
DER VDI und Numberland – laden herzlich zum „InnovationLaunch“ ein.
12.07.2022, 18:30 Uhr, Alexander von Humboldt Haus der Universität Bayreuth, Eichendorffring 5, 95447 Bayreuth ein.
Von der Invention zur Innovation oder: Kunden begeistern
Dr.-Ing. Verena Schmidt, Innovationsmanagerin, Siemens Healthineers in Kemnath, Netzwerk-Leiterin Frauen im Ingenieurberuf und Mitglied im Vorstand des Bezirksvereins
Frau Schmidt ist Innovationsmanagerin bei Siemens Healthineers in Kemnath. Nebenberuflich hat sie einen Lehrauftrag an der Wilhelm-Büchner-Hochschule in Darmstadt im Bereich „Internet of Things“. Aktuell beschäftigt sich Frau Schmidt mit innovativen Fragestellungen zur Realisierung der Autonomie im Krankenhaus der Zukunft und der Digitalisierung, insbesondere dem Internet of (Medical) Things. Dabei nutzt Sie verschiedene Methoden für ein strukturiertes Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement..
Für mich als Innovationsmanagerin ist es wichtig, für die Gewinnung eigener Ideen verschiedene Quellen zu nutzen, um eine aktive Technologiefrüherkennung zu betreiben. In meinem beruflichen Alltag stehen deshalb folgende Fragen im Mittelpunkt:
- Welche neuen Technologien verfolgt der Markt und welchen Reifegrad haben sie?
- Können diese Technologien in die eigenen Produkte integriert werden oder stellen sie eine Bedrohung für das eigene Geschäft dar?
- Wie kann der Technologie-Push genutzt werden?
Gleichzeitig sind auch die Rückmeldungen der Geschäftsbereiche wichtig, die sich mit den Kundenanforderungen beschäftigen. Schließlich macht erst der wirtschaftliche Erfolg aus einer Invention auch eine Innovation.
Um die richtigen Technologien für die weitere Betrachtung auszuwählen und Demonstratoren aufzubauen sind folgende Fragen wichtig:
- Welcher Market Pull steht dem Technologie-Push gegenüber?
- Welcher Kundennutzen kann durch das innovative Produkt erzeugt werden?
- Welche Idee ist sinnvoll weiter zu verfolgen?
Um diese verschiedenen Fragestellungen zu beantworten, nutzen wir verschiedene Innovationsmethoden:
- Gegenüberstellung des Technology Push und Market Pull
- Gartner Hype Cycle
- Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
- Patentrecherchen
- Technologiescreening durch Experten und Nutzung von Technologieradaren
- Brainstorming-Sessions und traditionelle Abstimmungsrunden
- Aufbau von Demonstratoren
Besonders freue ich mich auf die anschließende Diskussion. In der wir auch erläutern können, warum bei uns Kreativitätstechniken, TRIZ oder DesignThinking aktuell weniger im Fokus stehen.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer ist begrenzt, eine Anmeldung daher unbedingt erforderlich. Plätze werden in der Reihenfolge der Anmeldung vergeben.
Anmeldungen bitte unter Angabe der vollständigen Kontaktdaten an
Marktanalyse Energiespeicher
Der Ausstieg aus fossilen Energieträger wie Kohle, Öl und Gas bringt es mit sich, dass das technologische Konzept zur Energiespeicherung in Deutschland völlig neu überdacht werden muss. Energiespeichern kommt in einem künftigen Energiesystem - sei es elektrisch oder thermisch - eine Schlüsselrolle zu, da sie eine räumliche und zeitliche Anpassung zwischen Erzeugung und Verbrauch ermöglichen. Aus diesem Grund haben in den letzten Jahren zahlreiche Institutionen Machbarkeitsstudien bzw. Positionspapiere herausgegeben, in denen mögliche Lösungsszenarien beschrieben werden.
Weiter lesen ...
Juni 2022
- 01.06.-02.06.2022: LightCon - Internationale Kongressmesse für Leichtbaulösungen, Hannover, Deutschland
- 01.06.-02.06.2022: Sydney Build Expo - Building Exhibition, Sydney, Australien
- 01.06.-03.06.2022: Evolution Amsterdam - Surface & Pattern Design Show, Amsterdam, Niederlande
- 01.06.-03.06.2022: International Fastener Show China - Die größte exklusive Fachmesse für Verbindungselemente in Asien und 3. größte Veranstaltung weltweit, Shanghai, China
- 01.06.-03.06.2022: WAMPEX - West African International Mining & Power Exhibition and Conference, Accra, Ghana
- 01.06.-03.06.2022: Caspian Power - Caspian International Power and Alternative Energy Exhibition, Baku, Aserbaidschan
- 01.06.-03.06.2022: Caspian Oil & Gas Incorp. Refining & Petrochemicals - Internationale Fachmesse und Konferenz für die Öl- und Gasindustrie, Baku, Aserbaidschan
- 02.06.-04.06.2022: Water Today's Water Expo - Redefining Water Exhibitions in South-East Asia, Chennai, Indien
- 02.06.-05.06.2022: Automechanika Istanbul - Turkey's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting trade visitors from Turkey, Eastern Europe, Asia and North Africa, Istanbul, Türkei
- 04.06.-12.06.2022: Foire Expo Nancy - Internationale Messe, Nancy, Frankreich
- 06.06.-09.06.2022: EAGE Incorp. SPE EUROPEC - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition, Madrid, Spanien
- 06.06.-09.06.2022: ARGENPLAS - Internationale Kunststoffausstellung, Buenos Aires, Argentinien
- 06.06.-09.06.2022: Project Qatar - International Trade Fair for Construction Technology, Building Materials, Equipment and Environmental Technology Qatar, Doha, Katar
- 06.06.-10.06.2022: POSIDONIA - Internationale Schiffahrtsausstellung, Athen, Griechenland
- 07.06.-08.06.2022: ICSG Istanbul - International Istanbul Smart Grids and Cities Congress & Fair, Istanbul, Türkei
- 07.06.-08.06.2022: SURFEX - Exhibition for Surface Coatings, Printing Inks, Adhesives, Corrosion and Construction Chemicals Industries, Coventry, Großbritannien und Nordirland
- 07.06.-08.06.2022: Wire Expo & WAI Operations Summit - A Wire & Cable Industry Solution Center, Dallas, USA
- 07.06.-09.06.2022: Pulpaper - Internationale Ausstellung für die Papierindustrie, Helsinki, Finnland
- 07.06.-09.06.2022: EXPO Lesni Lom (formerly EXPO MOKRA) - International Demonstration Fair of Machines and Equipment for Mining, Processing and Building Industry, Brünn, Tschechien
- 07.06.-09.06.2022: SUBCON - Engineering Subcontracting and Surface Treatment and Finishing Exhibition, Birmingham, Großbritannien und Nordirland
- 07.06.-09.06.2022: European Mobilty Expo - Transportmesse, Paris, Frankreich
- 07.06.-09.06.2022: Enlit Africa - African Power & Water Exhibition, Kapstadt, Südafrika
- 07.06.-09.06.2022: LASERFAIR SHENZHEN (LFSZ) - International Laser Exhibition and Laser Manufacturing Conference (LMN), Shenzhen, China
- 07.06.-09.06.2022: SCIIF -South China International Industry Fair - Industrial Automation and Robotics Show, Laserfair, Digital Factory, Vision, MWCS - Metalworking and CNC Tool Show, Shenzhen, China
- 07.06.-09.06.2022: Solaire Expo - Internationale Ausstellung für Solarenergie und Energieeffizienz, Casablanca, Marokko
- 07.06.-09.06.2022: African Construction Expo & Totally Concrete by BIG 5, Midrand/Johannesburg, Südafrika
- 07.06.-09.06.2022: Global Energy Show - North America's Energy Event, Calgary, Kanada
- 07.06.-09.06.2022: Ecoenergy - The South American Expo & Conference for the Solar Energy Industry, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 07.06.-10.06.2022: BioFuel - Fachmesse für Erneuerbare und Alternative Energien, Kiew, Ukraine
- 07.06.-10.06.2022: Automechanika Johannesburg - South Africa's leading international trade fair for the automotive service industry targeting trade visitors from the Sub-Saharan Region, Johannesburg, Südafrika
- 08.06.-09.06.2022: tct 3SIXTY - The leading event dedicated to 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing and Product Development, Birmingham, Großbritannien und Nordirland
- 08.06.-09.06.2022: ChemBio Finland - Laboratory products, biotechnology, chemical industry, Helsinki, Finnland
- 08.06.-09.06.2022: maintec, Birmingham, Großbritannien und Nordirland
- 08.06.-09.06.2022: MED-TECH INNOVATION EXPO - The Medical Technology Event, Birmingham, Großbritannien und Nordirland
- 08.06.-09.06.2022: PEFTEC - International Conference & Exhibition on Downstream, Petroleum and Refining Technologies, Rotterdam, Niederlande
- 08.06.-09.06.2022: ExpoBiogaz - The trade show dedicated to renewable gas, Bordeaux, Frankreich
- 08.06.-10.06.2022: EUROGUSS - Internationale Fachmesse für Druckguss, Nürnberg, Deutschland
- 08.06.-10.06.2022: aqua pro gaz - Die Schweizer Messe der Trinkwasser-, Abwasser- und Gasfachleute, Bulle, Schweiz
- 08.06.-10.06.2022: Engineering Asia, Karachi, Pakistan
- 08.06.-10.06.2022: Aquatech China - International Exhibition on Drinking Water, Processed Water & Wastewater Technology, Shanghai, China
- 08.06.-10.06.2022: Power & Alternative Energy Asia, Karachi, Pakistan
- 08.06.-10.06.2022: WATER AFRICA & West Africa Building & Construction Exhibition, Accra, Ghana
- 08.06.-10.06.2022: ENVEX - International Exhibition on Environmental Technology and Green Energy, Seoul, Korea, Republik
- 08.06.-10.06.2022: Oil & Gas Asia, Karachi, Pakistan
- 08.06.-11.06.2022: WIN EURASIA Industrial Transformation - WIN EURASIA Industrial Transformation, Istanbul, Türkei
- 08.06.-11.06.2022: CHEMTECH & Pharma WorldExpo / WaterEX - International Exhibition & Conference on Chemicals, Petrochemicals & Process Industry, Mumbai, Indien
- 09.06.-11.06.2022: MECSPE - Tecnologie per l'Innovazione - Specialised Mechanics Exhibition, Bologna, Italien
- 09.06.-11.06.2022: AUTOMAZIONE E ROBOTICA - Fachmesse für Montage- und Handhabungstechnik, Bologna, Italien
- 09.06.-11.06.2022: LOGISTICA - Logistikmesse, Bologna, Italien
- 09.06.-11.06.2022: SUBFORNITURA MECCANICA - Internationale Ausstellung für die Zulieferindustrie, Bologna, Italien
- 09.06.-11.06.2022: Quality & Control Italy, Bologna, Italien
- 09.06.-11.06.2022: metef - International Aluminium Exhibition - International Foundry Equipment Exhibition, Bologna, Italien
- 09.06.-11.06.2022: EUROSTAMPI E PLASTICA - Europäische Ausstellung und Konferenz für Guß- und Spritztechnik und Kunststoffmesse, Bologna, Italien
- 09.06.-11.06.2022: PPP Expo - Plastics, Printing, Packaging Expo, Nairobi, Kenia
- 09.06.-12.06.2022: Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition - The most influential and comprehensive lighting and LED event in Asia, Kanton, China
- 09.06.-12.06.2022: Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology - Asia's premier platform for the electrical engineering, building and home automation markets, Kanton, China
- 11.06.-12.06.2022: Luxembourg Mineral Expo, Luxemburg, Luxemburg
- 11.06.-15.06.2022: EVS 35 - Internationales Symposium für Elektrofahrzeuge mit Ausstellung, Oslo, Norwegen
- 12.06.-15.06.2022: ACE - American Water Works Association Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, USA
- 13.06.-14.06.2022: Nanotech - The Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Washington, USA
- 13.06.-15.06.2022: Automechanika Riyadh - Saudi Arabia's leading regional trade fair for the automotive service industry targeting trade visitors from Saudi Arabia, Riad, Saudi-Arabien
- 13.06.-16.06.2022: FENAF/CONAF - Gießereifachmesse und Kongreß, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 13.06.-16.06.2022: BIO International Convention - Biotechnology Exhibition, San Diego, USA
- 13.06.-16.06.2022: Manufacturing Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesien
- 13.06.-16.06.2022: EXPONOR - International Exhibition for the Latin American Mining Industry, Antofagasta, Chile
- 13.06.-17.06.2022: CEVISAMA - Internationale Messe für die Keramik-, Glas- und Bauindustrie, Valencia, Spanien
- 13.06.-17.06.2022: CIMES - China International Machine Tool & Tools Exhibition, Peking, China
- 13.06.-18.06.2022: FIA - Foire Internationale d'Alger - Internationale Messe, Algier, Algerien
- 14.06.-15.06.2022: ICCX Central Europe - International Concrete Conference & Exhibition, Warschau, Polen
- 14.06.-15.06.2022: ANTEC - Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, Charlotte, USA
- 14.06.-15.06.2022: CleanTech - Int. Summit and Exhibition for Water Technologies, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Natural Gas, Recycling, Green Transportation and Green Building, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 14.06.-16.06.2022: SEPEM INDUSTRIES EST - Fachmesse für Dienstleistungen, Ausrüstung, Mess-, Steuer-, Regeltechnik und Wartung im industriellen Produktionsprozess/ Industrie-Ausrüstungsmesse, Colmar, Frankreich
- 14.06.-16.06.2022: AQUA - International Water Management, Hydropower Engineering, Environment Protection, Waste Management and Utility Equipment Exhibition, Trentschin, Slowakei
- 14.06.-16.06.2022: ReMaTec - International Trade Fair for Automotive Remanufacturing, Amsterdam, Niederlande
- 14.06.-16.06.2022: GENERA - Internationale Ausstellung für Energie und Umwelt, Madrid, Spanien
- 14.06.-16.06.2022: ASME Turbo Expo - Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition, Rotterdam, Niederlande
- 14.06.-16.06.2022: Euro Mine Expo - International Trade Fair & Conference for the Mining Industry, Skelleftea, Schweden
- 14.06.-16.06.2022: TECMA (within FSMS) - International Town Planing and Environment Week, Madrid, Spanien
- 14.06.-16.06.2022: MMTS - Montreal Manufacturing Technology Show, Montreal, Kanada
- 14.06.-16.06.2022: Middle East Coatings Show, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
- 14.06.-16.06.2022: FABTECH Canada - Canadas Fabricating, Welding, Metal Forming and Finishing Event, Toronto, Kanada
- 14.06.-17.06.2022: EXPO PACK - Internationale Ausstellung der Verpackungsindustrie, Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko
- 14.06.-17.06.2022: Korea Mat - International Materials Handling & Logistics Exhibition, Goyang/Seoul, Korea, Republik
- 14.06.-17.06.2022: Korea Pack - International Exhibition of Machinery & Materials for Package Processing and Production, Goyang/Seoul, Korea, Republik
- 15.06.-16.06.2022: UK AD & World Biogas Expo - Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Trade Show, Birmingham, Großbritannien und Nordirland
- 15.06.-16.06.2022: AEE West - Energy Conference and Expo - West Coast Energy Management Congress & Expo, Seattle, USA
- 15.06.-17.06.2022: GPOWER - China International Engine & Generating Sets Exhibition, Shanghai, China
- 15.06.-17.06.2022: InterOpto - International Opto-Electronics Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
- 15.06.-17.06.2022: LogiMAT China - Internationale Fachmesse für intralogistik-Lösungen und Prozessmanagement, Shanghai, China
- 15.06.-17.06.2022: JPCA - Japan Printed Circuit Association Show, Tokyo, Japan
- 15.06.-17.06.2022: CWEE - China (Shanghai) International Wind Energy Exhibition and Conference, Shanghai, China
- 15.06.-17.06.2022: EPower Expo - China International Electric Power & Electric Engineering and Smard Grid Exhibition, Shanghai, China
- 15.06.-17.06.2022: iWELDEX - Welding Incheon Korea - International Welding & Cutting & Laser Equipments Exhibition, Incheon, Korea, Republik
- 15.06.-18.06.2022: DMC - DIE & MOULD CHINA - International Exhibition on Die & Mould Technology & Equipment, Shanghai, China
- 15.06.-18.06.2022: ProPak Asia - International Processing, Filling and Packaging Technology Event for Asia, Bangkok, Thailand
- 16.06.-21.06.2022: Tooltech - International Exhibition of Cutting Tools, Tooling Systems, Machine Tool Accessories, Metrology & CAD/CAM, Bangalore, Indien
- 20.06.-23.06.2022: SIEE Pollutec Algerie - Internationale Fachmesse für Ausrüstungen und Dienstleistungen der Wasserwirtschaft, Algier, Algerien
- 20.06.-24.06.2022: Tube - Internationale Rohr-Fachmesse, Düsseldorf, Deutschland
- 20.06.-24.06.2022: wire - Internationale Fachmesse Draht und Kabel, Düsseldorf, Deutschland
- 21.06.-23.06.2022: E-world energy & water - Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress, Essen, Deutschland
- 21.06.-23.06.2022: SurfaceTechnology GERMANY - Internationale Fachmesse für Oberflächen und Schichten, Stuttgart, Deutschland
- 21.06.-23.06.2022: embedded world - Exhibition&Conference, Nürnberg, Deutschland
- 21.06.-23.06.2022: LASYS - Internationale Fachmesse für Laser-Materialbearbeitung, Stuttgart, Deutschland
- 21.06.-23.06.2022: CastForge - Fachmesse für Guss- und Schmiedeteile mit Bearbeitung, Stuttgart, Deutschland
- 21.06.-23.06.2022: SEMICON Southeast Asia - SEMICON Test, Assembly and Packaging, Penang, Malaysia
- 21.06.-23.06.2022: Analitica Latin America - International Exhibition of Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and Quality Control, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 21.06.-23.06.2022: International LED Expo & OLED Expo, Goyang/Seoul, Korea, Republik
- 21.06.-24.06.2022: analytica - Weltleitmesse für Labortechnik, Analytik, Biotechnologie und analytica conference, München, Deutschland
- 21.06.-24.06.2022: ceramitec - Internationale Leitmesse für die Keramikindustrie, München, Deutschland
- 21.06.-24.06.2022: METAV - Internationale Messe für Technologien der Metallbearbeitung, Düsseldorf, Deutschland
- 21.06.-24.06.2022: automatica - The Leading Exhibition for Smart Automation and Robotics, München, Deutschland
- 21.06.-24.06.2022: ProPak China - International Processing & Packaging Exhibition, Shanghai, China
- 22.06.-23.06.2022: Rail Industry Meetings France, Valenciennes, Frankreich
- 22.06.-24.06.2022: EXPOBOR - Internationale Technologiemesse für Kautschuk und Gummi, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 22.06.-24.06.2022: Wire & Cable Guangzhou - Guangzhou International Wire, Cable and Accessories Fair, Kanton, China
- 22.06.-24.06.2022: CIBS - China International Boat Show, Shanghai, China
- 22.06.-25.06.2022: NEPCON THAILAND - Exhibition on Assembly, Measurement and Testing Technologies for Electronics Manufacturing, Bangkok, Thailand
- 22.06.-25.06.2022: Metaltech Malaysia - Internationale Fachmesse für Metallwaren, Maschinenbau, Werkzeuge und Metallverarbeitung, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 22.06.-25.06.2022: Automotive Manufacturing - ASEAN's Most Comprehensive Exhibition on Automotive Parts Manufacturing Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
- 22.06.-25.06.2022: Assembly & Automation Technology - International Industrial Automation and Assembly Technology Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand
- 22.06.-25.06.2022: Intermold Thailand - International Machinery and Technology Trade Exhibition & Conference for Mold & Die Manufacturing, Bangkok, Thailand
- 22.06.-25.06.2022: InterPlas Thailand - International Trade Exhibition and Conference for Plastics & Petrochemical Manufacturing & Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
- 22.06.-25.06.2022: TAIPEI PACK - International Packaging Industry Show, Taipei, Taiwan
- 22.06.-26.06.2022: ILA Berlin - Innovation and Leadership Aerospace, Berlin, Deutschland
- 23.06.-26.06.2022: automechanika Astana, Nur-Sultan, Kasachstan
- 27.06.-29.06.2022: Sensors Converge - The International Conference and Exposition of Sensors and Systems, San Jose, USA
- 27.06.-29.06.2022: Photonics China Expo - Photonics Industry and Cross-Application Technology Services Exhibition, Peking, China
- 27.06.-30.06.2022: A&WMA ACE - Air & Waste Management Association Annual Conference & Exhibition, San Francisco, USA
- 28.06.-01.07.2022: MCE - MOSTRA CONVEGNO EXPOCOMFORT - Internationale Fachausstellung Heizung, Klima, Kühlung, Sanitärtechnik, Badezimmereinrichtung, Mailand, Italien
- 28.06.-30.06.2022: Euromaritime, Marseille, Frankreich
- 28.06.-30.06.2022: WWEC - World Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition - Welt-Windenergie-Konferenz und -Ausstellung, Rimini, Italien
- 28.06.-30.06.2022: MinTek Kazakhstan - International Exhibition for Mining and Exploration, Mineral & Coal Processing and Metallurgical Technologies, Karaganda, Kasachstan
- 29.06.-01.07.2022: EXPO Solar - Internationale Messe für Sonnenenergie und Photovoltaik, Goyang/Seoul, Korea, Republik
- 29.06.-01.07.2022: JSAE Automotive Engineering Exposition Nagoya, Nagoya, Japan
- 29.06.-01.07.2022: Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam's leading regional trade fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting trade visitors from Vietnam, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
- 29.06.-02.07.2022: CME - China Machine Tool Exhibition, Shanghai, China
- 29.06.-30.06.2022: AEGPL - International Liquefied Petroleum Gas Exhibition & AEGPL Congress, Barcelona, Spanien
Juli 2022
- 04.07.-07.07.2022: NOG - Nigeria Oil & Gas, Abuja, Nigeria
- 05.07.-07.07.2022: NIGERIA BUILD EXPO - NIGERIA BUILD EXPO, Lagos, Nigeria
- 05.07.-08.07.2022: HKTDC Hong Kong Electronics Fair, Hongkong, Hongkong, China
- 05.07.-08.07.2022: Hong Kong International Printing & Packaging Fair - Hong Kong International Printing & Packaging Fair, Hongkong, Hongkong, China
- 05.07.-08.07.2022: HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair, Hongkong, Hongkong, China
- 06.07.-08.07.2022: NANO KOREA - International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition, Goyang/Seoul, Korea, Republik
- 06.07.-08.07.2022: Plastics and Rubber Vietnam - International Plastics and Rubber Technologies and Materials Exhibition for Vietnam, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
- 06.07.-08.07.2022: CING - China International Natural Gas Technology & Equipment Exhibition, Peking, China
- 06.07.-08.07.2022: Lightweight Asia - Asia's Lightweight Automotive Trade Fair, Shanghai, China
- 06.07.-08.07.2022: SWEET - Solar, Wind & Earth Energy Trade Fair, Gwangju, Korea, Republik
- 06.07.-08.07.2022: ALUMINIUM CHINA, Shanghai, China
- 06.07.-08.07.2022: CIPPE - China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology & Equipment Exhibition, Peking, China
- 06.07.-09.07.2022: AMTS - Shanghai International Automotive Manufacturing Technology & Material Show, Shanghai, China
- 06.07.-09.07.2022: MTA VIETNAM - The International Precision Engineering Machine Tools & Metalworking Exhibition & Conference, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
- 06.07.-09.07.2022: INTERMOLD NAGOYA/Die & Mold Asia NAGOYA - Japan International Die & Mold Manufacturing Technology Exhibition, Nagoya, Japan
- 06.07.-09.07.2022: CMP - Mexican Petroleum Congress, Villahermosa, Mexiko
- 07.07.-09.07.2022: AERO SOUTH AFRICA - the African Show for General Aviation, Pretoria, Südafrika
- 07.07.-09.07.2022: PackPlus - The Total Packaging, Processing and Supply Chain Event, New Delhi, Indien
- 11.07.-12.07.2022: Valve World Expo Asia - The International Exhibition & Conference on Valve Industry, Shanghai, China
- 12.07.-14.07.2022: SEMICON West - Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Expostion and Conference, San Francisco, USA
- 12.07.-14.07.2022: Solar Power Mexico - The first B2B Solar Energy Trade Show in Mexico, Leon, Mexiko
- 12.07.-14.07.2022: HydroVision International - Conference & Exhibition, Denver, USA
- 13.07.-14.07.2022: The Future Energy Show - The Future Energy Show, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
- 13.07.-15.07.2022: CWIEME Shanghai - Coil Winding, Insulation & Electrical Manufacturing Exhibition, Shanghai, China
- 13.07.-15.07.2022: CHINA DIECASTING - China Diecasting Exhibition, Shanghai, China
- 13.07.-15.07.2022: productronica China - International Trade Fair for Electronics Development and Production, Shanghai, China
- 13.07.-15.07.2022: Clean India Show, New Delhi, Indien
- 13.07.-15.07.2022: INA PAACE Automechanika Mexico City - Mexico's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting Trade Visitors from Latin and Central America, Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko
- 13.07.-15.07.2022: EXPOMINAS - Heavy Machinery and Construction Exhibition, Quito, Ecuador
- 13.07.-15.07.2022: LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA - International Trade Show for Optical Technologies in China, Shanghai, China
- 19.07.-21.07.2022: QME - Queensland Mining & Engineering Exhibition, Mackay, Australien
- 19.07.-21.07.2022: CeMAT AUSTRALIA - International Trade Fair for Materials Handling/Intralogistics and Logistics, Melbourne, Australien
- 20.07.-22.07.2022: TECHNO-FRONTIER - International Electronic and Mechatronic Parts & Devices Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
- 20.07.-22.07.2022: Future Energy Asia, Bangkok, Thailand
- 20.07.-22.07.2022: Rail + Metro China - China International Rail & Metro Exhibition, Shanghai, China
- 20.07.-22.07.2022: AUTOMANUFAC - Korea Automotive Manufacturing Expo powered by BIMOS, Busan, Korea, Republik
- 21.07.-23.07.2022: Internat. Manufacturing Technology (PPURI) Fair, Gwangju, Korea, Republik
- 26.07.-28.07.2022: Colombiatex de las Américas - Fachausstellung für Textilien und Textilmaschinen, Medellín, Kolumbien
- 26.07.-29.07.2022: KIMEX - Korea International Machinery Expo, Changwon, Korea, Republik
- 26.07.-30.07.2022: IAS - Industrial Automation Show - International Trade Fair for Production and Process Automation, Electrical Systems, Robotics, Industrial Automation IT & Software and Microsystems Technology, Shanghai, China
- 27.07.-29.07.2022: IPB - International Powder & Bulk Solids Conference & Exhibition, Shanghai, China
- 31.07.-04.08.2022: M&M Microscopy & Microanalysis, Portland, USA
August 2022
- 01.08.-05.08.2022: IEEE EMC Symposium on EMC and SIPI - International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal & Power Integrity, Spokane, USA
- 01.08.-03.08.2022: CEFE powered by Interschutz - CEFE powered by Interschutz, Shanghai, China
- 02.08.-04.08.2022: MEC SHOW - Ausstellung für Metallbearbeitung, Energie und Automation, Serra, Brasilien
- 02.08.-05.08.2022: EXPOLUX - Internationale Fachausstellung für Beleuchtungstechnik, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 03.08.-06.08.2022: Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology - Asia's premier platform for the electrical engineering, building and home automation markets, Kanton, China
- 03.08.-05.08.2022: API China & PharmaPack & SINOPHEX - The Specialised Show for Pharmaceutical Packaging and Processing Machinery, Qingdao, China
- 03.08.-06.08.2022: Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition - The most influential and comprehensive lighting and LED event in Asia, Kanton, China
- 03.08.-05.08.2022: COATINGS EXPO VIETNAM - Int. Exhibition and Conference on Coating and Printing Ink Industry, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
- 04.08.-06.08.2022: INASAL - Indonesia International Steel and Aluminium Expo and Forum, Jakarta, Indonesien
- 04.08.-07.08.2022: DMTX - Delhi Machine Tool Expo, New Delhi, Indien
- 04.08.-06.08.2022: GPX - GRAPHICS PRO EXPO, Long Beach, USA
- 04.08.-06.08.2022: GARTEX Texprocess India - Complete Garment Manufacturing Solutions Show, New Delhi, Indien
- 05.08.-07.08.2022: Baby & Stroller China - Shenzhen International Stroller, Mother and Baby Product Fair, Shenzhen, China
- 08.08.-11.08.2022: SIGGRAPH - Annual Conference & Exhibition on Computer Graphics & Interactive Techniques, Vancouver, Kanada
- 09.08.-11.08.2022: Concrete Show South America, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 10.08.-13.08.2022: INDO interTEX - Indonesia International Textile and Garment Machinery & Accessories Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesien
- 10.08.-12.08.2022: VME - Vietnam Manufacturing Expo - incl. InterMold Vietnam, Automotive Manufacturing Vietnam, Assembly Automation Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 10.08.-12.08.2022: ALUMINIUM CHINA, Foshan, China
- 10.08.-12.08.2022: Central Asia Fashion - Internationale Mode Messe, Almaty, Kasachstan
- 10.08.-12.08.2022: Cleanroom Guangzhou - Asia Pacific Cleanroom Technology & Equipment Exhibition, Kanton, China
- 11.08.-13.08.2022: CIME - China (Beijing) International Mining Expo - Sino-Foreign Mining Technology & Equipment Development Forum, Shenyang, China
- 11.08.-13.08.2022: VIETNAM MEDIPHARM EXPO Ho-Chi-Minh-City - International Medical, Hospital & Pharmaceutical Exhibition, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
- 11.08.-21.08.2022: GIIAS - GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show, Tangerang, BSD City, Indonesien
- 11.08.-13.08.2022: Vietfood & Beverage / ProPack - International Exhibition on Food & Beverage Food Processing, Packaging Technology, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
- 11.08.-13.08.2022: Texcare Asia & China Laundry Expo - TXCA & CLE - International Trade Fair for Modern Textile Care, Shanghai, China
- 11.08.-13.08.2022: swop - Processing and Packaging - Shanghai world of packaging - member of interpack, Shanghai, China
- 11.08.-15.08.2022: HKTDC Food ExpoHongkong, Hongkong, China
- 16.08.-18.08.2022: ESIE - Energy Storage International Conference & Expo, Peking, China
- 16.08.-18.08.2022: FEIPLAR + FEIPUR - International Exhibition and Conference on Composites, Polyurethane and Engineering Plastics, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 16.08.-18.08.2022: Marintec South America - Navalshore - Shipbuilding and Offshore Industries Expo and Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien
- 16.08.-19.08.2022: FENASUCRO & AGROCANA - International Sugar and Energy Technology Trade Show, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 16.08.-19.08.2022: Automation Expo - India International Trade Show Fuelling Innovation and Growth, Mumbai, Indien
- 18.08.-20.08.2022: Eletrotec+EM-POWER South America as part of The smarter E South America - The Premier Exhibition for Electrical Infrastructure and Energy Management, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 18.08.-21.09.2022: SWE - Service World Expo, Tampa, USA
- 18.08.-20.08.2022: CAPAS Chengdu - Chengdu International Trade Fair for Automotive Parts and Aftermarket Services, Chengdu, China
- 18.08.-21.08.2022: Uiva Flytande - Helsinki Boat-Afloat Show, Helsinki, Finnland
- 18.08.-21.08.2022: IFEX - Indonesia Internaional Furniture Expo, Jakarta, Indonesien
- 21.08.-24.08.2022: CMEF - Fachmesse für medizinische Geräte, Shanghai, China
- 22.08.-25.08.2022: SET EXPO - Broadcast and New Media Technology Trade Show & Conference, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 22.08.-26.08.2022: ACHEMA - Weltforum und Internationale Leitmesse der Prozessindustrie, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
- 23.08.-26.08.2022: IWF - International Woodworking Machinery and Furniture Supply Fair, Atlanta, USA
- 23.08.-24.08.2022: Power and Electricity World Africa - Conference and Exhibition, Johannesburg, Südafrika
- 23.08.-25.08.2022: SPIE Optics + Photonics Exhibition, San Diego, USA
- 23.08.-25.08.2022: ees South America as part of The smarter E South America - South America's New Hot Spot for Batteries & Energie Storage Systems, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 23.08.-25.08.2022: Intersolar South America as part of The smarter E South America - South America's Largest Exhibition and Conference for the Solar Industry, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 24.08.-27.08.2022: ExpoCAMACOL - Internationale Baumesse, Medellín, Kolumbien
- 24.08.-26.08.2022: INAMARINE - Indonesia International Shipbuilding, Offshore, Marine Equipment, Machinery and Services Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesien
- 24.08.-26.08.2022: GPOWER (China GPower) - China International Engine & Generating Sets Exhibition, Shanghai, China
- 24.08.-27.08.2022: TAIROS - Taiwan Int. Automation Intelligence & Robot Show, Taipei, Taiwan
- 24.08.-26.08.2022: Intersec Buenos Aires - International Trade Fair for Commercial and Information Security, Fire Protection and Safety, Buenos Aires, Argentinien
- 24.08.-27.08.2022: Taipei International Industrial Automation Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan
- 24.08.-26.08.2022: CWEE - China (Shanghai) International Wind Energy Exhibition and Conference, Shanghai, China
- 24.08.-26.08.2022: Medical Philippines Expo, Manila, Philippinen
- 24.08.-26.08.2022: CTEF - China (Shanghai) Int. Chemical Technology & Eqipment Fair, Shanghai, China
- 24.08.-26.08.2022: EPower Expo - China International Electric Power & Electric Engineering and Smard Grid Exhibition, Shanghai, China
- 24.08.-26.08.2022: LET - A CeMAT ASIA event - China International Logistics Equipment & Technology Exhibition, Kanton, China
- 24.08.-26.08.2022: SIFCE (SIFRE) - Shanghai International Frozen and Chilled Food Expo, Shanghai, China
- 24.08.-27.08.2022: Laser & Photonics Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan
- 24.08.-27.08.2022: Taiwan Int. 3D Printing ShowTaipei, Taiwan
- 24.08.-26.08.2022: CNIBF - China Shanghai Int. Lithium Battery Industry Fair, Shanghai, China
- 24.08.-26.08.2022: LiveStock Philippines - International Trade Fair for Innovative Equipments and Technology for Livestock Production, Pasay City, Philippinen
- 24.08.-27.08.2022: LASTBIL - Fachmesse für Transportfahrzeuge, Jönköping, Schweden
- 24.08.-27.08.2022: Taipei Int. Mold & Die Industry Fair, Taipei, Taiwan
- 24.08.-27.08.2022: Taipei Int. Logistics & IoT Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan
- 25.08.-27.08.2022: TECHINDIA - International Exhibition on Engineering & Manufacturing, New Delhi, Indien
- 25.08.-27.08.2022: India Big 7, Mumbai, Indien
- 25.08.-27.08.2022: HTF - Hand Tools & Fastener Expo, New Delhi, Indien
- 25.08.-27.08.2022: EXPO FRIO CALOR ARGENTINA - International Exhibition of Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation, Refrigeration and Domestic Hot Water, Buenos Aires, Argentinien
- 25.08.-27.08.2022: Expo Eficienca Energética - Energie Effizienz Expo, Buenos Aires, Argentinien
- 25.08.-27.08.2022: UMEX - Used Machinery Expo, New Delhi, Indien
- 25.08.-28.08.2022: CIMIF - Cambodia International Machinery Industry Fair, Phnom Penh, Kambodscha
- 25.08.-27.08.2022: IMEX - International Machine Tool Exhibition - International Exhibition on Cutting, Welding Materials & Equipment Laser Technology, Machine Tools and Allied Products, New Delhi, Indien
- 25.08.-27.08.2022: CWE - Cutting & Welding Equipment Expo, New Delhi, Indien
- 25.08.-27.08.2022: ARCHIVES*RECORDS - The Premier International Archives and Informtion Technology Exposition, Boston, USA
- 25.08.-27.08.2022: MMMM - Minerals, Metals, Metallurgy and Materials - Internationale Messe und Konferenz für Metallurgie, Verarbeitung von Mineralien und Metallen, New Delhi, Indien
- 26.08.-04.09.2022: CDMS - Chengdu Motor Show - International Exhibition for Automobile and Accessories, Chengdu, China
- 26.08.-28.08.2022: Festival of Motoring Johannesburg, Johannesburg, Südafrika
- 26.08.-01.09.2022: OATF - Ongwediva Annual Trade FairOngwediva, Namibia
- 26.08.-28.08.2022: FAIR FRIENDS - Deutschland größte Nachhaltigkeitsmesse, Dortmund, Deutschland
- 27.08.-28.08.2022: Founder Summit, Wiesbaden, Deutschland
- 28.08.-31.08.2022: GRC Annual Meeting & Expo, Reno, USA
- 28.08.-29.08.2022: TSE - Total Store Expo including NACDS, Boston, USA
- 29.08.-31.08.2022: Yarn Expo Spring + Autumn - China International Trade Fair for Fibres and Yarns, Shanghai, China
- 29.08.-01.09.2022: ONS - OFFSHORE NORTHERN SEAS, Stavanger, Norwegen
- 30.08.-31.08.2022: ceramics expo - the manufacturing tradeshow for ceramic materials and technologies, Cleveland, USA
- 30.08.-31.08.2022: Thermal Management Expo, Cleveland, USA
- 30.08.-02.09.2022: ESEF - Fachmesse der Zulieferindustrie, Utrecht, Niederlande
- 30.08.-02.09.2022: TechniShow - Fachmesse für industrielle Fertigungstechniken, Utrecht, Niederlande
- 30.08.-02.09.2022: M&T EXPO - International Trade Fair for Construction and Mining Equipment, Sao Paulo, Brasilien
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: ExpoMED Mexico, Mexiko-Stadt, Mexiko
- 31.08.-03.09.2022: INDOPACK - Indonesian International Packaging Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesien
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: PV EXPO [September] (World Smart Energy Week [September]) - International Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
- 31.08.-03.09.2022: INDOPRINT - Indonesian International Printing Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesien
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: EXPO INTERNACIONAL RUJAC - Automotive-Parts and Spare Equipment Exhibition, Guadalajara, Mexiko
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: Fire Expo - International Fire & Safety Expo Korea, Daegu, Südkorea
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: MEDICAL MANUFACTURING ASIA - The Manufacturing Processes for Medical Technology Exhibition, Singapur, Singapur
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: Battery Japan [September] (World Smart Energy Week [September]) - Int. Rechargeable Battery Expo, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: Shanghai Intelligent Building Technology - China's premier platform for intelligent building technology, Shanghai, China
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: PCIM Asia - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Shanghai, China
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: ENTECH - Environment & Energy Tech, Busan, Südkorea
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: MEDTEC China - The exhibition dedicated to medical device design & manufacturing, Shanghai, China
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: Inter Airport China - Internationale Exhibition for Airport Equipment and Services, Peking, China
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: R+T Asia - Leading Asian trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates, windows and sun protection systems, Shenzhen, China
- 31.08.-03.09.2022: VIFA EXPO - Vietnam International Furniture & Home Accessories Fair, Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam
- 31.08.-03.09.2022: INDOPLAS - Indonesian International Plastics Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesien
- 31.08.-03.09.2022: Worldbex - World Building & Construction Exposition, Manila, Philippinen
- 31.08.-03.09.2022: H2 Mobility + Energy Show - Int. Fachmesse für erneuerbare Energien, Energieeffizienz und Umwelt, Goyang/Seoul, Südkorea
- 31.08.-03.09.2022: SHOEMOD - International Footwear and Leathercraft Fashion Fair, Antalya, Türkei
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: FC EXPO [September] (World Smart Energy Week [September]) - International Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Expo & Conference, Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
- 31.08.-02.09.2022: Wind Expo [September] (World Smart Energy Week [September]), Chiba/Tokyo, Japan
- 31.08.-03.09.2022: INTERNATIONALE HOLZMESSE - Fachmesse für Forst- und Sägewirtschaft, Holzzuliefer-Industrie, Holzproduktenhandel und holzverarbeitendes Gewerbe, Klagenfurt, Österreich
Eine Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme besteht in aller Regel auch online.
Juni 2022
- 02: 3rd ICSTR Paris – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 02-03 June 2022 Paris, France
- 03: Global Conference on Civil Engineering Oxford, United Kingdom
- 04: 4th International Conference on Information Technology Engineering and Applied Sciences Istanbul, Turkey
- 04: 4th International Conference on Process Engineering, Information Technology, Nano Technology and Smart Materials Sydney, Australia
- 06: 2022 The 11th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Processes (ICMEP 2022) Seoul, Korea (south)
- 06: 2022 The 10th Asia Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering (ACMME 2022)--SCIE Seoul, Korea (south)
- 07: Mastering Wind Power Online, Other
- 08: 2022 The 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy (CEEGE 2022)--SCIE Berlin, Germany
- 08: 9th International Conference of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT’22) Niagara Falls, Canada
- 08: European Conference on Electronic Engineering (ECEE 2022) Berlin, Germany
- 08: 6th International Conference of Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Transfer (EHST’22) Niagara Falls, Canada
- 08: International Conference on Quantum Engineered Sensing and Information Technology Paris, France
- 09: 2022 8th Asia Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering (MEAE 2022) Wuhan, China
- 09: 5. International Conference on Data Science and Applications Mugla, Turkey
- 09: 2022 6th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences (ICRAS 2022) Wuhan, China
- 09: International Academic Multi Disciplinary Conference (IAMDC - June' 2022) Grand Baie, Mauritius
- 10: 3rd World Conference on Engineering and Technology Vienna, Austria
- 10: 2022 11th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials (ICEIM 2022) Fukuoka, Japan
- 10: IEEE--2022 14th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN 2022) Chongqing, China
- 10: 2022 4th International Conference on Environment, Resources and Energy Engineering (EREE 2022) Bangkok, Thailand
- 10: 2022 The 5th International Conference on Information Management and Processing (ICIMP 2022) Rome, Italy
- 10: ACM--2022 The 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications (ICKEA 2022) Yokohama, Japan
- 10: 2022 3rd International Conference on Geology and Earth Sciences (ICGES 2022) Bangkok, Thailand
- 10: ACM--2022 8th International Conference on e-Society, e-Learning and e-Technologies (ICSLT 2022) Rome, Italy
- 10: 2022 2nd IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (SEAI 2022) Xiamen, China
- 10: IEEE--2022 10th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Wireless Optical Communications (ICWOC 2022) Chongqing, China
- 10: 2022 7th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition (IWPR 2022) Xiamen, China
- 10: 2022 12th International Conference on Environmental and Agricultural Engineering (ICEAE 2022) Bangkok, Thailand
- 10: 2022 4th International Conference on Resources and Environment Sciences (ICRES 2022) Bangkok, Thailand
- 10: 2022 the 4th International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechanical and Manufacturing (AMMM 2022) Fukuoka, Japan
- 11: Int Conf on Innovative breakthrough in Engineering Technologies, Automation Science, Manufacturing, Design & Robotics Budapest, Hungary
- 11: IAET 2nd International Conference on Engineering, Computing, Information Technology, Applied Sciences & Smart Material Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 11: 10th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Economics, Business, Technology and Social Sciences Batumi, Georgia
- 11: CFP: Education and Information Technology - International Conference (ICEIT 2022) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- 11: 4th International Symposium on Development of new Technologies in Engineering & Applied Science Research Tokyo, Japan
- 13: IEEE 26th International Conference ELECTRONICS 2022 Palanga, Lithuania
- 13: International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo Minneapolis, United States of America
- 14: 3rd International Conference on Computing, Software Engineering and Big Data Taipei, Taiwan
- 15: 2022 3rd International Conference on Internet and E-Business (ICIEB 2022) Madrid, Spain
- 15: AGRIVOLTAICS2022, Conference & Exhibiton Piacenza, Italy
- 15: 2022 9th International Conference on Advances in Management Sciences (ICAMS 2022) Madrid, Spain
- 16: 21st ATHENS International Conference on Science, Engineering, Technology and Healthcare (ASETH-2022) Athens, Greece
- 17: 2022 International Conference on Networks, Communications and Information Technology (CNCIT 2022) Beijing, China
- 17: International Conference on Climate Change, Environment & Agriculture Sciences 2022 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 17: 10th Annual Global Conference on Engineering and Technology 2022 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 17: 2022 International Conference on Signal Processing, Information System and Cyber Security (SPISCS 2022) Beijing, China
- 17: 23rd EANN Engineering Applications of Neural Networks 2022 Crete Knosos Royal resort, Greece
- 17: Energy Storage Online, Other
- 17: 2022 4th International Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Simulation Conference (AMMS 2022) Paris, France
- 17: International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, AI & Computer Sciences Dubai 2022 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 18: 4th International Conference on Empirical Evidence on Engineering, Basic and Applied Sciences Research Osaka, Japan
- 18: 4th Int. Conference on Theoretical & Practical Implications in Engineering, Information Technology & Applied Sciences London, United Kingdom
- 18: FEAST 3rd International Convention on Software Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Applications London, United Kingdom
- 19: 1st IEEE Workshop on Electromagnetic Information Theory towards 5G-Advanced (5.5G EIT) @ IEEE VTC2022-Spring Online, Other
- 20: 2021 International conference of Reliability of Engineering and Renewable Energy (ICRERE) Istanbul, Turkey
- 21: PEMD 2022: Power Electronics, Machines and Drives Newcastle, United Kingdom
- 22: International Conference on Sustainable Business Practices in a VUCA World Rabat, Morocco
- 22: 42nd MADRID International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology (MICAST-2022) Madrid, Spain
- 22: EUMMAS A2S Conference on Global Social and Technological Development and Sustainability Bucharest, Romania
- 23: International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Management Shillong, India
- 23: 2022 6th International Conference on High Performance Compilation, Computing and Communications (HP3C 2022) Jilin, China
- 23: 2022 4th Asia Symposium on Image Processing (ASIP 2022) Guangzhou, China
- 23: IEEE--2022 the 4th World Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (WSAI 2022) Jilin, China
- 23: 2022 4th International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Communications (ITCC 2022) Guangzhou, China
- 23: 15th International conference on Business Management and Economics Warsaw, Poland
- 24: 2022 The 3rd International Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ICPEE 2022) Singapore, Singapore
- 24: 2022 The 6th International Conference on Graphics and Signal Processing (ICGSP 2022) Chiba, Japan
- 24: 2022 The 11th International Conference on Information Communication and Applications (ICICA 2022) Chongqing, China
- 24: 2022 The 12th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2022) Xiamen, China
- 24: IEEE--2022 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA 2022) Nanjing, China
- 24: 2022 Information Technology & Applications Symposium (ITAS 2022) Chiba, Japan
- 24: 2022 2nd International Workshop on Image Processing (IWIP 2022) Nanjing, China
- 24: 2022 The 8th International Conference on Data Processing and Applications (ICDPA 2022) Xiamen, China
- 24: 2022 12th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications (ICEEA 2022) Xi'an, China
- 24: 2022 The 4th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI 2022) Chiba, Japan
- 24: 2022 the 14th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS 2022) Chongqing, China
- 24: 2022 The 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Science (ICITS 2022) Xiamen, China
- 24: 2022 The 15th International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE 2022) Shenzhen, China
- 25: 11th ICSTR Singapore – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 25-26 June 2022 Singapore, Singapore
- 25: 2022 11th International Conference on Innovation, Knowledge, and Management (ICIKM 2022) Hong Kong, China
- 25: 4th International Conference on Machine Learning & Applications (CMLA 2022) Copenhagen, Denmark
- 25: 4th International Conference on Internet of Things (CIoT 2022) Copenhagen, Denmark
- 25: WEASC 4th International Conference on Computers Software Engineering, Information Technology & Applied Sciences Barcelona, Spain
- 25: 5th ICSTR Prague – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 25-26 June 2022 Prague, Czech Republic
- 25: IRNEST 4th International Conference on Engineering, Information Technology, Networking & Applied Sciences Shanghai, China
- 28: 3rd Int. Conference on Computer and Software Engineering, Information Technology, Bio Technology, Biomedical Engineering Male, Maldives
- 28: 04th International Conference on Science and Technology Warsaw, Poland
- 28: International Conference on Business, Economy and Management (BEM) Male, Maldives
- 28: 05th International Conference on Science and Technology Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- 28: 4th International Conference on Dynamics of Engineering Technology, Applied Sciences, Design & Software Applications Bali, Indonesia
- 29: 16th International conference on Business Management and Economics Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Juli 2022
- 01: 2022 1st International Conference Cutting-edge Research (CR 2022) Jeju Island, Korea (south)
- 01: 2022 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology (AIET 2022) Wuhan, China
- 01: 2022 9th International Conference on Electronics Engineering and Technology (ICEET 2022) Tianjin, China
- 02: 4th International Conference on Engineering, Management, Applied Sciences and Information Technology Istanbul, Turkey
- 02: ANIMH 2nd International Conference on Modern Trends in Engineering, Applied Sciences, IT and Communication Technologies Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 02: 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology, Smart Materials, Applied Sciences & Telecommunications Shanghai, China
- 02: 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Software Engineering and IT Studies Sydney, Australia
- 03: International Webinar of Quantum Nanostructures Online, Other
- 03: Doctoral Consortium of the 15th International Baltic DB&IS Conference Riga, Latvia
- 04: 06th International Conference on Science and Technology Sofia, Bulgaria
- 05: 2022 35th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA 2022)--SCI Nanjing, China
- 05: 4th International Symposium on Emerging Technologies and Advancements in Applied Sciences and Engineering Taipei, Taiwan
- 06: 10th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering (10th IC-SCCE) Athens, Greece
- 07: 2022 7th International Conference on Multimedia Communication Technologies (ICMCT 2022) Xiamen, China
- 07: ICAWW 2022 (International Conference AdiAfrica Waste to Wealth)) Brussels, Belgium
- 07: 2022 The 11th International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Physics (ICEMP 2022) Saint-Etienne, France
- 07: 10th ICSTR Bangkok – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 07-08 July 2022 Bangkok, Thailand
- 07: International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Management (ICETM - July' 2022) Paris, France
- 08: 2022 5th Asia Conference on Energy and Electrical Engineering (ACEEE 2022) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 08: 2022 5th International Conference on Power and Smart Grid (ICPSG 2022) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 08: 2022 4th Blockchain and Internet of Things Conference (BIOTC 2022) Tokyo, Japan
- 08: 2022 11th International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2022) Athens, Greece
- 08: 2022 The 14th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT 2022) Chongqing, China
- 08: IEEE--2022 5th International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (BDAI 2022) Fuzhou, China
- 08: 2022 IEEE IAS Industrial and Commercial Power System Asia (IEEE I&CPS Asia 2022) Shanghai, China
- 08: 2022 9th International Conference on Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies (ICMIT 2022) Athens, Greece
- 08: ACM--2022 6th High Performance Computing and Cluster Technologies Conference (HPCCT 2022) Fuzhou, China
- 08: 2022 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Digital Image Processing (CGDIP 2022) Shanghai, China
- 08: 2022 4th International Electronics Communication Conference (IECC 2022) Tokyo, Japan
- 09: 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Engineering, Technology and Computer Sciences Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 09: 7th International Conference on “Multidisciplinary Innovation for Sustainability and Growth” (MISG – 2022) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 09: 2022 PARIS International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference PARIS, France
- 13: ACM--2022 12th International Conference on Information Communication and Management (ICICM 2022) London, United Kingdom13: ACM--2022 6th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2022) Guangzhou, China
- 13: Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) 23rd Annual International Conference Online, Other
- 13: 2022 The 11th International Conference on Knowledge and Education Technology (ICKET 2022) London, United Kingdom
- 14: 2022 7th International Conference on Green Energy Technologies (ICGET 2022) Frankfurt, Germany
- 14: 2022 International Conference on Computer Applications Technology (CCAT 2022) Guangzhou, China
- 14: 2022 7th International Conference on Water Pollution and Treatment (ICWPT 2022) Frankfurt, Germany
- 14: 5th ICSTR Budapest – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 14-15 July 2022 Budapest, Hungary
- 15: 2022 3rd International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence (NLPAI 2022) Chengdu, China
- 15: IEEE--2022 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (PRML 2022) Chengdu, China
- 15: 2nd World Conference on Innovation in Technology and Engineering Sciences Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 16: Singapore July 2022 International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” Singapore, Singapore
- 16: WEASC 4th International Conference on Information Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Basic & Applied Sciences (ITBE) Athens, Greece
- 16: International Conference on Modern Trends in Biomedical Engineering, Applied Sciences and Information Technology Athens, Greece
- 17: 4th International Conference on Manufacturing, Design, Engineering, Computer Innovation Research Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 17: Education and Information Technology International Conference Hong Kong (ICEIT 2022) Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 18: 2022 LISBON 34th International conference on “Science, Engineering & Technology” (LISET-22) Lisbon, Portugal
- 19: 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems Izmir, Turkey
- 20: IEEE--2022 7th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP 2022) Suzhou, China
- 20: 2022 3rd International Conference on Information Security and Privacy Protection (ICISPP 2022) Suzhou, China
- 20: 6th International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management (WWEM-22) Rome, Italy
- 20: 5th Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering International Conference (GreenChem-22) Rome, Italy
- 20: 2022 International Conference on Big Data Analysis and Machine Learning (BDAML 2022) Suzhou, China
- 20: 7th International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence 2022 Lisbon, Portugal
- 21: 2022 6th International Conference on Computer, Software and Modeling (ICCSM 2022) Rome, Italy
- 21: International Academic Multi Disciplinary Conference (IAMDC - July' 2022) Nairobi, Kenya
- 22: ACM--2022 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR 2022) Kumamoto, Japan
- 22: 5th International Academic Conference on Management and Economics Copenhagen, Denmark
- 22: 2022 5th International Conference on Data Science and Information Technology (DSIT 2022) Shanghai, China
- 22: 2022 5th International Conference on Data Mining and Big Data Analytics (DMBDA 2022) Shanghai, China
- 22: Springer 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies Istanbul, Turkey
- 22: IEEE--2022 Sixth International Conference on Imaging, Signal Processing and Communications (ICISPC 2022) Kumamoto, Japan
- 23: International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, Engineering Technology, Machine Learning and Applications Bucharest, Hungary
- 23: 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Cyber Security, Applied and Engineering Sciences Istanbul, Turkey
- 23: 4th International Conference on Engineering Design, IT, System Engineering and Applied Science Bangkok, Thailand
- 23: 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML 2022) Toronto, Canada
- 23: 3rd Int. Conference on Best Practices in Environmental Sustainability & Innovation in Engineering & Applied Sciences Budapest, Hungary
- 23: WEASC 4th International Conference on System Engineering, Smart Material, Applied Sciences & Information Technology Barcelona, Spain
- 23: 3rd International Conference on Cloud, Big Data and IoT (CBIoT 2022) Toronto, Canada
- 24: 3rd LA SDEWES Conference Sao Paulo 2022 Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 25: 2022 Materials and Nanomaterials International Conference (MNs-22) Rome, Italy
- 26: 3rd International Conference on Research in Engineering, Applied Science, Design, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Male, Maldives
- 26: ACM--2022 6th International Conference on Deep Learning Technologies (ICDLT 2022) Xi'an, China
- 26: IEEE--2022 7th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC 2022) Xi'an, China
- 27: Green Energy and Environmental Technology International Conference (GEET-22) Rome, Italy
- 27: 2022 3rd International Conference on New Energy Research and Applications (ICNERA 2022) Shanghai, China
- 28: EnerCon 2022: The 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Economics Online, Philippines
- 28: 2022 5th International Conference on Green Energy and Environment Engineering (CGEEE 2022) Jeju Island, Korea (south)
- 28: 2022 11th International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology (ICEEB 2022) Jeju Island, Korea (south)
- 28: 2022 4th International Conference on Environmental Informatics (ICEI 2022) Jeju Island, Korea (south)
- 28: 7th ICSTR Bali – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 28-29 July 2022 Bali, Indonesia
- 28: 4th International Conference on Statistics: Theory and Applications (ICSTA’22) Prague, Czech Republic
- 29: 2022 International Conference on Power Systems and Electrical Technology (PSET 2022) Aalborg, Denmark
- 29: 2022 The 10th International Conference on Computer and Communications Management (ICCCM 2022) Okayama, Japan
- 29: 2022 The 6th International Conference on Communications and Future Internet (ICCFI 2022) Okayama, Japan
- 29: 2022 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems (PRIS 2022) Wuhan, China, China
- 29: 2022 4th Workshop on Pattern Recognition Applications (PRA 2022) Wuhan, China, China
- 29: 2022 The 3rd Asia Conference on Computers and Communications (ACCC 2022) Shanghai, China
- 30: 4th International Conference on Contemporary Research Practices in Engineering, IT and Applied Sciences Osaka, Japan
- 30: AAER 4th International Conference on Applied Sciences, Computer Engineering, Information Technology & Telecommunications Manila, Philippines
August 2022
- 04: ACM--2022 4th International Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference (AITC 2022) Dalian, China
- 04: 2022 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Machine Learning (SPML 2022) Dalian, China
- 04: 4th International Conference on Current Challenges in Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences Research Taipei, Taiwan
- 04: 3rd ICSTR Amsterdam – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 04-05 August 2022 Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 05: 2022 The 2nd International Conference on Big Data Engineering and Education (BDEE 2022) Chengdu, China
- 05: International Academic Conference on Engineering, Transport, IT and Artificial Intelligence in Vienna, Austria 2022 Vienna, Austria
- 05: 2022 The 3rd International Conference on Information System and System Management (ISSM 2022) Chengdu, China
- 06: International Conference on Electrical and Electronics, Civil, Mechanical, Manufacturing Engineering & Atomic Energy Singapore, Singapore
- 06: 4th International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences, Information Technology & Aerospace Engineering Shanghai, China
- 06: 4th International Conference on Biotechnology Environment Agriculture Engineering and Applied Sciences Sydney, Australia
- 06: 4th International Conference on Computer, Automation, Engineering and Technology Istanbul, Turkey
- 06: ANIMH 1st International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 07: 10th International Conference on Engineering and Technology Colombo, Sri Lanka
- 07: 28th CANADA International Conference on Research in “Science, Engineering & Latest Technologies” (RSELT-22) Montreal, Canada
- 08: ICCE2022: 10th International Conference & Exhibition on Clean Energy Victoria, Canada
- 08: Applied Research International Conference on Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Maths and Stats (ARIC-STEM) 2022 CAMBRIDGE, U.K Oxford, United Kingdom
- 10: 2022 The 6th International Conference on Big Data Research (ICBDR 2022) Harbin, China
- 10: 2022 The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Science and Technology (ICIST 2022) Harbin, China
- 10: IEEE--2022 10th International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE 2022) Oshawa, Japan
- 11: 03rd International Conference on Science and Technology Colombo, Sri Lanka
- 11: International Academic Multi-Disciplinary Conference (IAMDC - Aug' 2022) Warsaw, Poland
- 12: 5th 4th International Conference On Computational Intelligence & Data Engineering – ICCIDE 2022 Online, Other
- 12: 2022 MIAMI International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference MIAMI, United States of America
- 12: 2022 6th International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things (BDIOT 2022)--SCIE Chongqing, China
- 12: 2022 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Technologies (AIAAT 2022) Qingdao, China
- 12: ACM--2022 4th International Conference on Virtual Reality and Image Processing (VRIP 2022) Chongqing, China
- 12: 2022 10th International Conference on Traffic and Logistic Engineering (ICTLE 2022) Macau, China
- 13: 6th International Conference on “Multidisciplinary Innovation in Academic Research” (MIAR-2022) Taipei, Taiwan
- 13: ANIMH 1st International Conference on New Developments in Engineering and Applied Sciences Seoul, South Korea
- 13: 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, IT, BioTechnology & Agriculture Sciences Taipei, Taiwan
- 14: 06th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Colombo, Sri Lanka
- 15: International Innovation Forum on Off-shore Wind and Wave Energy (IFOSWWE 2022) Macau, China
- 16: 03rd International Conference on Petroleum, Oil and Gas Sustainability Colombo, Sri Lanka
- 16: 19th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies Istanbul, Turkey
- 17: 2022 The 4th Global Congress on Microwave Energy Applications (4GCMEA 2022) Chengdu, China
- 18: International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Management (ICETM - Aug' 2022) Zanzibar, Tanzania
- 18: ACM--2022 6th International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing (ICCBDC 2022) Birmingham, United Kingdom
- 18: IEEE--2022 the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (PRAI 2022) Chengdu, China
- 18: 2022 11th International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing (ICIIP 2022) Birmingham, United Kingdom
- 18: IEEE--2022 2nd International Conference on Computers and Automation (CompAuto 2022) Paris, France
- 19: 30th ISTANBUL International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (IICSET-22) Istanbul, Turkey
- 19: 2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN 2022) Zhangye, China
- 19: 2022 7th International Conference on Biomedical Signal and Image Processing (ICBIP 2022) Suzhou, China
- 19: IEEE--2022 5th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering Technology (CCET 2022) Beijing, China
- 19: Materials, Methods & Technologies 2022, 24th International Conference Burgas, Bulgaria
- 19: 2022 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision and Information Technology (CVIT 2022) Beijing, China
- 20: 3rd International Conference on Information Management, System Modeling and Computer Science Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 20: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development in Information Technology, Business and Social Sciences Athens, Greece
- 20: 4th International Conference on Engineering Technology, Design, Energy & Applied Sciences (EDEA) Athens, Greece
- 20: 6th International Conference On “Multidisciplinary Innovation In Business Engineering Science & Technology” Athens, Greece
- 20: 2nd International Conference on Information Technology, Engineering, Robotics, Innovation Research and Structural Design Istanbul, Turkey
- 20: International Conference on Evolutionary Sciences, Engineering, Information Technology & Telecommunications Istanbul, Turkey
- 20: 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS 2022) Paris, France
- 20: 4th International Conference on Aviation Technology, Applied Sciences, Robotics, System Engineering & Bioinformatics Barcelona, Spain
- 20: 2nd International Conference on Innovation Research in Manufacturing, Engineering Science & Technology Applications Athens, Greece
- 20: 4th International Conference on Innovative Practices in Science Engineering, Computer and Information Technology Tokyo, Japan
- 21: 4th International Conference on Advanced Networking, Information Technology, Engineering and Applied Sciences Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 22: 43rd PATTAYA International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Information Technology (PASEIT-22) Pattaya, Thailand
- 22: ACDL 2022, 5th Advanced Course on Data Science & Machine Learning Castelnuovo Berardenga, Italy
- 23: 3rd International Conference on Research Paradigms in Engineering, Information Technology, Design and Energy Bali, Indonesia
- 24: 2022 The 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering (REEE 2022)--SCIE Brest, France
- 24: 3rd International Conference on New Approaches in Information Technology, Networking and Engineering Innovation Male, Maldives
- 25: 2022 2nd Power System and Green Energy Conference (PSGEC 2022) Shanghai, China
- 25: Education, Research & Development 2022, 13th International Conference Burgas, Bulgaria
- 25: 5th ICSTR Barcelona – International Conference on Science & Technology Research, 25-26 August 2022 Barcelona, Spain
- 26: The IEEE 9th International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications Chengdu, China
- 26: 2022 4th International Conference on Trends in Mechanical and Aerospace (TMAE 2022) Washington, United States of America
- 26: 2022 Asia Conference on Advanced Robotics, Automation, and Control Engineering (ARACE 2022) Qingdao, China
- 26: 2022 Asia Conference on Advanced Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Man-machine Interaction (AIMLMI 2022) Qingdao, China
- 26: ACM--2022 5th International Conference on Information Management and Management Science (IMMS 2022) Chengdu, China
- 26: 2nd World Conference on Media and Communication Cambridge, United Kingdom
- 26: 2022 9th International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing (ICMMM 2022) Washington, United States of America
- 26: 2022 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Natural Language Processing (ITNLP 2022) -EI Compendex Xi'an, China
- 27: 4th International Conference on Innovative Approaches in Sciences, Engineering and Technology Osaka, Japan
- 28: 2022 3rd International Conference on Clean and Green Energy Engineering (CGEE 2022) Istanbul, Turkey
- 28: 2022 3rd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Signal Processing (EESP 2022) Istanbul, Turkey
- 29: International Conference on Innovations in Computing Research Athens, Greece
- 30: 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Technology ( ICCST 2022 ) Munich, Germany
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