Numberland Technology News
August 2017
- Vorträge und Exkursionen
- 10 neue Get in Contact
- 20 neue How-tos
- 12 neue Anfragen
- 12 neue Angebote
- Messen - 08/17 - 10/17
- Konferenzen 08/17 - 10/17
- Numberland intern
Vorträge und Exkursionen
In diesem Newsletter finden Sie Hinweise auf:
- Vortrag des Monats bei der Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH - 05.09.2017
Vortrag des Monats
Vortrag des Monats September 2017: Design als Innovationstreiber & Neue Materialien im Kontext der Smart Economy
Die Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH und der Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Bezirksgruppe Bayreuth - laden herzlich zum "Vortrag des Monats" ins Kompetenzzentrum in 95448 Bayreuth, Gottlieb-Keim-Str. 60 ein.
Design als Innovationstreiber & Neue Materialien im Kontext der Smart Economy
Ort und Datum:
Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH, Gottlieb-Keim-Strasse 60, 95448 Bayreuth, 05. September 2017, 18:30 Uhr. Der Referent steht im Anschluss des Vortrags für Fragen zur Verfügung.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Wir bitten aus organisatorischen Gründen um eine formlose
Dr. Silke Claus, Geschäftsführerin, bayern design GmbH, Nürnberg
Pierre Delforno, designaffairs GmbH, München
Der erste Teil des Vortrages befasst sich mit der engen Verzahnung von Designkompetenz und Materialkenntnis als Basis für wichtige Produktinnovationen: Eine hohe Designqualität ist heute bei fast allen Produkten Standard. Dies betrifft nicht nur Konsumgüter, sondern auch Investitionsgüter und Dienstleistungen. Der entscheidende Vorsprung am Markt wird über Details erzielt. Neue Technologien und Materialien müssen bereits zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt in die Produktentwicklung einfließen..
Der zweite Teil gibt Einblicke über wachsende Anforderungen und die Chancen von Materialentwicklungen in Bezug auf Design, Nachhaltigkeit und Produktinnovation: Materialien wandeln sich von einem harten, steifen und statischen Stoff in ein interaktives, reaktionsfähiges und adaptives Medium. Zugleich ändert sich der Designkontext von technischem Wettbewerb, “business-to-consumer“-Entwicklung, linearer Wirtschaft, etc. zu „open-source“-Innovation, „Makers“-Gesellschaft, Kreislaufwirtschaft, etc. Das bedeutet neue Art und Weise, wie wir Produkte oder Service in Zukunft entwickeln, mit neue Anforderungen und Chancen.
Über die Referenten:
Dr. Silke Claus studierte Architektur und Psychologie an der TU Braunschweig, der Leibniz Universität Hannover, der TU Berlin und der University of Austin in Texas. Sie lehrte von 1994 bis 2004 an der Universität Hannover und der TU Dresden und war als stellvertretende Geschäftsleitung für die Agentur MACINA Hannover/Dubai tätig, bevor sie 2005 die Geschäftsführung des Internationalen Designzentrum Berlin übernahm. Seit 2009 ist Silke Claus Geschäftsführerin der bayern design GmbH und im Auftrag des Bayerischen Wirtschaftsministeriums für die Koordinierung und fachliche Ausrichtung der bayerischen Designförderung zuständig.
Pierre Delforno war während seines Ingenieurstudiums und Masterabschlusses (2011) für Industriedesign und Innovationsmanagement an der ESTACA Campus Paris-Saclay und Strate School of Design Paris bei BMW in den Bereichen Prototypenproduktion und Akustikvermessung tätig. 2011 stieg er nach einem Praktikum bei der Design Consulting Agentur designaffairs GmbH dort als Juniordesigner für Materialtechnologie ein. Seit 2013 ist er dort Designingenieur.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie sich bei Interesse den oben genannten Termin freihalten, und uns im Kompetenzzentrum in Bayreuth besuchen.
Weitere Informationen:
Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH |
VDI-Bezirksgruppe Bayreuth c/o Numberland - Dr. Wolfgang Grond Lohfeld 20 95326 Kulmbach el.: +49 (0)9221 6919131 E-Mail: |
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Sofern Sie selbst Interesse haben, einen Vortrag aus dem breiten Gebiet der (angewandten) Werkstofftechnik zu halten, setzen Sie sich bitte mit mir in Verbindung. Die nächsten freien Vortragstermine sind: ab Februar 2018.
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Maschinelles Lesen technischer Dokumente
Lesen Sie 10x mehr Dokumente in 10% der Zeit
Informationsüberflutung, Zeitdruck und Stress bei der Produktentwicklung bereits beim Filtern und Sortieren von Dokumenten sind tägliche Realität. Der eigentlichen Kernaufgabe - verstehen, Schlüsse daraus ziehen und Lösungen zu finden - wird deswegen oft nur mit großer Mühe ein angemessener zeitlicher Rahmen eingeräumt.
Dabei wird übersehen, dass es in der Zwischenzeit gut funktionierende Werkzeuge gibt - Stichwort: maschinelles Lesen und Lernen - um sich auf diesem Gebiet Hilfe zu holen. Dokumente aus beliebigen Quellen, in beliebigen Formaten und in großem Umfang (einige hundert bis viele tausend) können in eine Analyse einbezogen werden.
- schnell: Sie lesen mindestens 10x mehr Dokumente in 10% der Zeit.
- offen: beliebige Dokumente können in die Analyse einbezogen werden (Patente, wissenschaftliche Publikationen, Officedokumente, Webseiten, Datenbankinhalte, etc.).
- aktuell: wir haben eine Kopie aller EU- und US-Patente seit 1920; andere Dokumente werden bei Bedarf von uns beschafft, sofern sie nicht von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellt werden können.
- interaktiv: alle Analysen incl. der darin enthaltenen Grafiken sind auf Wunsch interaktiv und mit den analysierten Dokumenten verknüpft
- vielseitig einsetzbar: Analysen sind auf unterschiedlichster Hardware lauffähig (vom Mobiltelefon bis zum Server), so dass unter verschiedensten Rahmenbedingungen damit gearbeitet werden kann.
- nachvollziehbar: Entscheidungen, die auf Basis einer untersuchten Dokumentkollektion getroffen werden, lassen sich leicht nachvollziehen.
Welche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten gibt es?
- Richtungsfindung in einem Markt oder Thema: wer macht was, welche inhaltlichen, räumlichen oder zeitlichen Trends existieren (z. B. für F&E-Vorhaben, Businessplan, Wettbewerbsanalysen, etc.)?
- Innovationsfindung (=Benutzung der verfügbaren Dokumente als Ideenkatalog, z. B. für APQP, QFD, SWOT, TRIZ, etc.)
Welche Analysen können erstellt werden?
- Welche Dokumente sind in einer Kollektion enthalten (tabellarisch mit Autor, Titel, Datum, etc.)?
- Welche inhaltlichen Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Dokumenten existieren?
- Wer macht was?
- Welche zeitlichen, inhaltlichen oder regionalen Trends existieren?
- Welche Akteure, Zeiträume, Regionen etc. dominieren ein Thema?
- Welche inhaltlichen Unterschiede bestehen zwischen einzelnen Akteuren, Gruppen, Zeiträumen, Regionen, etc.?
- Welche Themen sind enthalten, die ich nicht kenne (und nach denen ich aus diesem Grund auch nicht suchen kann)?
- Welche Herstellungsverfahren, Normen, Analysemethoden, chemischen Elemente und Verbindungen, Medikamente, Messgrößen, Werkstoffeigenschaften oder -klassen spielen eine Rolle?
- Wir erkennen geometrischen, mechanische, thermische, elektrische, magnetische, optische, akustische, etc. Messgrößen (insgesamt 90, jederzeit erweiterbar)in Dokumenten, wandeln unterschiedlichste Einheiten in eine gemeinsame Einheit um, und machen so Meßgrößen vergleichbar.
- etc.
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How-to Collections of the Month / How-to Sammlungen des Monats
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How-to Collection of the Month |
How-to Sammlung des Monats(Ein How-to ist eine praktische Anleitung) |
With these collections of expired patents ("US" + "EU") containing the words "Keyword(s)" (as mentioned below) within title and abstract you easily find products and technologies free to use which are suited to your business model. All patents are completely indexed so that you are able to search the collection for arbitrary terms. Usage of logical operators ("AND", "+", "OR", "NOT", "-"), wildcards ("?", "*") and similarity search ("~", usage on input - i. e. "roa~" will find "roam" as well as "foam") is possible.
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Mit diesen Sammlungen von abgelaufenen Patenten (US + EU), die die Worte "Stichworte" (wie unten genannt) im Titel und in der Zusammenfassung enthalten, finden Sie ganz einfach Technologien und Produkte, die zum Geschäftsmodell Ihres Unternehmens passen. Die Patente sind vollständig indexiert, so dass die Sammlung nach beliebigen Begriffen durchsucht werden kann. Die Verwendung von logischen Operatoren ("AND", "+", "OR", "NOT", "-"), Wildcards ("?", "*") und Ähnlichkeitssuche ("~", findet z. B. bei Eingabe von "roa~" neben "roam" auch "foam") ist möglich. Sichern Sie sich diesen Monat |
20% off | 20% Rabatt |
our regular price this month for the collections mentioned below:(*) |
auf den Listenpreis für folgende Sammlungen:(*) |
- Keramisches Pulver / Ceramic Powder: ca. 3010 Patente / Patents
- Membranpumpe / Membrane Pump: ca. 1240 Patente / Patents
- Drehschieberpumpe / Rotary Vane Pump: ca. 580 Patente / Patents
- Kreiskolbenpumpe / Rotary Piston Pump: ca. 839 Patente / Patents
- Schlauchpumpe / Peristaltic Hose Pump: ca. 2780 Patente / Patents
- Axialpumpe / Axial Flow Pump: ca. 1250 Patente / Patents
- Radialpumpe / Radial Flow Pump: ca. 880 Patente / Patents
- Wasserstrahlpumpe / Water Jet Pump: ca. 720 Patente / Patents
- Abstandssensor / Distance Sensor: ca. 4600 Patente / Patents
- Gassensor / Gas Sensor: ca. 8820 Patente / Patents
- Induktiver Sensor / Inductive Sensor: ca. 2030 Patente / Patents
- Resistiver Sensor / Resistive Sensor: ca. 4240 Patente / Patents
- Piezoelektrischer Sensor / Piezoelektric Sensor: ca. 1520 Patente / Patents
- Kapazitiver Sensor / Capacitive Sensor: ca. 3290 Patente / Patents
- Optoelektrischer Sensor / Photoelectric Sensor: ca. 1230 Patente / Patents
- Elektrochemischer Sensor / Electrochemical Sensor: ca. 1600 Patente / Patents
- Faseroptischer Sensor / Fiber Sensor: ca. 4210 Patente / Patents
- Kapazitiver Drucksensor / Capacitive Pressure Sensor: ca. 650 Patente / Patents
- Piezoelektrischer Drucksensor / Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor: ca. 320 Patente / Patents
- Piezoresistiver Drucksensor / Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor: ca. 150 Patente / Patents
English: Discount is valid only for manufacturing companies until publication of the next newsletter.
Deutsch: Der Rabatt gilt ausschließlich für produzierende Unternehmen. Das Angebot gilt bis zur Publikation des nächsten Newsletters.
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Numberland erreicht mit Newsletter und Website jeden Monat tausende Personen mit Interesse an Werkstoffforschung bzw. Werkstoffverarbeitung - nicht nur in Deutschland.
Entsprechend den bei uns publizierten Anfragen und Angeboten zu Werkstoffen, deren Herstellungs- und Analytikverfahren aus den Bereichen Glas, Optik+Photonik, Halbleitertechnik, technische Keramik, Metalle, Polymere und technische Textilien erreichen wir Besucher, die sich für diese Werkstoffe interessieren. Die Anwendungsgebiete dazu sind sehr vielfältig, und umfassen:
- Aktorik + Sensorik
- instrumentelle Analytik + Messtechnik
- Biomaterialien
- Informationstechnik (erzeugen, umwandeln, transportieren, verarbeiten und speichern von Informationen)
- Energietechnik (erzeugen, umwandeln, transportieren, speichern, sparen, dämmen von Energie)
- Fertigungstechnik
- Katalyse
- Mechanik (z. B. Formgedächtnis, Hochtemperaturbeständigkeit, Leichtbau, Mikrotechnik, Selbstheilung, Tribologie, Verbund)
- Oberflächentechnik (z. B. Barrieretechnik, Biomedizin, Dekoration, Oberflächenschutz, Tribologie)
Gerne bieten wir auch Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Werstoffveranstaltung mit unserer Hilfe einem größeren Puiblikum bekannt zu machen. Wir können Ihnen - sowohl für den Newsletter - als auch für die Publikation auf der Website - attraktive Konditionen bieten!
- Entwicklungspartner für UV-LEDs
- Extrusion von Glasfaser verstärktem Polyamid
- Leitfähige Polymere für die additive Fertigung
- Verbesserte Lebensdauer für medizinische Artikel aus Zellulose
- Zementersatz aus Schlacke
- Entfernung von Deodorantflecken aus Textilien
- Moskitoabwehr
- Metallelektrode für Alkalibatterien
- Katheder für die Veterinärmedizin
- Schnelle Mikrostrukturanalyse
- Dämpfungsmaterialien aus alten Reifen
- REACH-fester thermischer Isolationswerkstoff
Details zu diesen und weiteren Anfragen finden Sie hier und auf unserer Website in der Rubrik "Anfragen". Sollte eine der hier publizierten Lösungen genau auf Ihr aktuelles Projekt passen, wenden Sie sich bitte unter Angabe der ID an uns.
- Magnetisches Trennen von Abfällen
- GFK mit reduziertem Gewicht
- Poröse Titanbauteile für die Medizintechnik
- Dachziegel mit integrierten PV-Zellen
- Leichte Profilbauteile durch Strangziehen
- Antimikrobielles Nahtmaterial
- Keramischer Spritzguss
- Thermoelektrisches Element für großflächige Anwendungen
- Herstellung von Leichtmetallen mit Solarthermie
- Filter für Wasser, Luft, Lebensmittel und Öl
- Nanopartikel aus Si-Verbindungen
- Lignin-Rückgewinnung aus Papierabfall
- Wasserdampfdurchlässiges Klebeband
Details zu diesen und weiteren Angeboten finden Sie hier und auf unserer Website in der Rubrik "Angebote". Sollte eine der hier publizierten Lösungen genau auf Ihr aktuelles Projekt passen, wenden Sie sich bitte unter Angabe der ID an uns.
- 01.08.-03.08.2017: AACC Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo - AACC Clinical Laboratory Exposition, San Diego, US
- 01.08.-03.08.2017: iftech food + bev tec PK - International Food, Beverage & Packaging Technology Trade Fair, Lahore, PK
- 01.08.-03.08.2017: plasti & pack pakistan - International Plastics and Packaging Industry Trade Fair, Lahore, PK
- 03.08.-07.08.2017: Sydney International Boat Show, Sydney, AU
- 06.08.-10.08.2017: M&M Microscopy & Microanalysis, St. Louis, US
- 08.08.-10.08.2017: Energy Storage North America (ESNA) - Conference and Expo, San Diego, US
- 08.08.-10.08.2017: FIME - International Medical Exposition, Orlando, US
- 08.08.-10.08.2017: Greenbuilding Brasil, Sao Paulo, BR
- 08.08.-10.08.2017: SPIE Optics + Photonics Exhibition, San Diego, US
- 08.08.-11.08.2017: ENVASE - International Exhibition for the Packaging Industry, Buenos Aires, AR
- 09.08.-12.08.2017: Automation Expo - International Exhibition and Conference, Mumbai, IN
- 12.08.-15.08.2017: IR Confair - International Building & Construction Exhibition, Tehran, IR
- 16.08.-18.08.2017: AUTOEXPO TANZANIA, Daressalam, TZ
- 16.08.-18.08.2017: HospitalMed - Trade Show for Products, Equipments, Services & Technology for Hospitals, Laboratories, Clinics and Offices, Recife, BR
- 17.08.-19.08.2017: Metal, Hardware & Woodmach PH (Manufac.Technology World Series) - International Metalworking, Machine Tools, Factory Automation, Hardware Products and Welding Machinery, Technology and Accessories Exhibition, Manila, PH
- 17.08.-19.08.2017: PHILTRONICS(Manufacturing Technology World Series) - International Electronics and Semiconductor, SMT and PCB Manufacturing Technology, Supplies and Services Exhibition, Manila, PH
- 17.08.-19.08.2017: VIETNAM MEDIPHARM EXPO Ho-Chi-Minh-City - International Medical Equipment and Pharmaceutical Exhibition, Ho Chi Minh City, VN
- 20.08.-22.08.2017: ORNARIS - Trade Fair for innovations and trends, Berne, CH
- 21.08.-23.08.2017: ANUTEC - International FoodTec IN - International Supplier Fair for the Food and Drink Industry, New Delhi, IN
- 21.08.-23.08.2017: AQUA WORLD - Trade exhibition for process, drinking and waste water, New Delhi, IN
- 21.08.-24.08.2017: InterBuild JO Fair - Fair and Forum for Construction, Building Industry, Properties Development, Decoration, Architecture and Design, Amman, JO
- 21.08.-24.08.2017: MIMS Automechanika MOSCOW - RU's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting Trade Visitors from RU and the CIS, Moscow, RU
- 21.08.-28.08.2017: IUCr Congress and General Assembly - Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Hyderabad, IN
- 22.08.-24.08.2017: Health Asia - Health Asia International Exhibition and Conference, Karachi, PK
- 22.08.-24.08.2017: INDUSMACH TZ - Int. Trade Exhibition on Industrial Products, Tools, Machinery & Equipment, Daressalam, TZ
- 22.08.-24.08.2017: Intersolar South America / ees South America - The international Exhibition and Conference for the South American Solar Industry / The major platform for storage technologies reshaping LATAM's energy sector, Sao Paulo, BR
- 23.08.-25.08.2017: Concrete Show South America, Sao Paulo, BR
- 24.08.-27.08.2017: MotorExpoShow - Automobile Expo, Krasnojarsk, RU
- 26.08.-28.09.2017: tct Show - The leading event dedicated to 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing and Product Development, Birmingham, UK
- 29.08.-01.09.2017: Katowice 2017 - International Fair for Mining, Power Industry and Metallurgy, Katowice, PL
- 30.08.-02.09.2017: ExpoFerretera - International Hardware, Plumbing Parts, Paint and Construction Material Trade Fair, Buenos Aires, AR
- 05.09.-07.09.2017: Aquatech MX - Leading Trade Event for Process, Drinking and Waste Water, Mexico City, MX
- 05.09.-07.09.2017: the Green Expo (ehemals EnviroPro/PowerMex) - International Exhibition and Conference for Environmental Technology and Recycling, MX's Energy and Power-Related Industries, Mexico City, MX
- 05.09.-08.09.2017: AQUA-THERM Almaty - Int. Exhibition for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Water Supply, Sanitary and Environmental Technology, Almaty, KZ
- 05.09.-08.09.2017: BUDPRAGRES - International Specialized Exhibition on Structural and Civil Engineering, Minsk, BY
- 05.09.-08.09.2017: SPE Offshore Europe - Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition, Aberdeen, UK
- 05.09.-09.09.2017: ComTrans - International Exhibition for Commercial Vehicles, Moscow, RU
- 06.09.-08.09.2017: JASIS - JP Analytical & Scientific Instruments Show, Chiba/Tokyo, JP
- 06.09.-08.09.2017: MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND - International Hospital, Pharmaceutical & Medical & Rehabilitation Equipment & Supplies Exhibition, Bangkok, TH
- 06.09.-08.09.2017: Oil,Gas.Petrochemistry - International Exhibition of Techniques and Technologies of Oil, Gas, Oil-Processing and Petrochemical Industry, Kazan, RU
- 06.09.-08.09.2017: THAILAND LAB - International Trade Exhibition and Conference on Laboratoty, Scientific Equipment and Technology, Bangkok, TH
- 06.09.-09.09.2017: Electric, Power and Renewable Energy ID, Jakarta, ID
- 06.09.-09.09.2017: RIGAFOOD - International Exhibition for Food, Beverage, Food Processing and Packaging, Riga, LV
- 06.09.-10.09.2017: MATEXPO - International Trade Fair for Building Machines, Kortrijk, BE
- 07.09.-09.09.2017: ALUMINIUM INDIA, Mumbai, IN
- 07.09.-09.09.2017: MAXPO - Special exhibition for earth construction and environmental maintenance machines, Helsinki, FI
- 07.09.-09.09.2017: tecnosalud - Exhibition for Medical Instruments, Equipment and Supply, Lima, PE
- 07.09.-09.09.2017: Turkmen Energy - Internationale Messe 'Energie TM', Ashkhabad, TM
- 07.09.-10.09.2017: RHVAC - Bangkok Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning Exhibition, Bangkok, TH
- 08.09.-09.09.2017: Transportertage Chemnitz, Chemnitz, DE
- 08.09.-10.09.2017: IMEX - International Machine Tool Exhibition, Mumbai, IN
- 10.09.-13.09.2017: SPI - Solar Power International, Las Vegas, US
- 11.09.-13.09.2017: BALTEXPO - International Maritime Exhibition, Gdansk, PL
- 11.09.-13.09.2017: Building Healthcare Middle East (formerly Hospital Build & Infrastructure Middle East), Dubai, AE
- 11.09.-13.09.2017: Materials Handling Middle East - the International Exhibition for Intralogistics, Warehousing, Supply Chain, Ports, Port Equipment Products & Services, Dubai, AE
- 11.09.-15.09.2017: drinktec - World's Leading Trade Fair for the Beverage and Liquid Food Industry, Processing + Filling + Packaging + Marketing, Munich, DE
- 12.09.-13.09.2017: AVEX - International Vending and Water Exhibition, Birmingham, UK
- 12.09.-13.09.2017: IEX Insulation Expo USA - Int. Trade Fair for Industrial Insulation Materials and Technologies, Houston, US
- 12.09.-14.09.2017: CAMX - Ausstellung für Verbundwerkstoffe, Orlando, US
- 12.09.-14.09.2017: Energetab, Bielsko-Biala, PL
- 12.09.-14.09.2017: Espace Laser - International trade fair for materials and laser techniques in industry, Strasbourg, FR
- 12.09.-14.09.2017: ISSA/Interclean North America - The One Show for the Cleaning Industry, Las Vegas, US
- 12.09.-14.09.2017: RWM - Recycling and Waste Management, Birmingham, UK
- 12.09.-14.09.2017: WATEC IL - International Water Technologies, Renewable Energy & Environmental Control Exhibition & Conference, Tel Aviv, IL
- 12.09.-14.09.2017: WESTEC - Western Metal and Tool Exposition and Conference, Los Angeles, US
- 12.09.-15.09.2017: FEBRAVA - International Refrigerating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Heating and Air Treatment Trade Fair, Sao Paulo, BR
- 12.09.-15.09.2017: GlassBuild America - The Glass, Window & Door Expo, Atlanta, US
- 12.09.-15.09.2017: HUSUM Wind - German Trade Fair and Congress for the Wind Industry, Husum, DE
- 12.09.-15.09.2017: INELTEC - Technology fair for building and infrastructure, Basle, CH
- 12.09.-15.09.2017: INTERMACH - International Fair of Technology, Machinery, Equipment and Services for the Metal-mechanic and Plastics Industry, Joinville, BR
- 12.09.-15.09.2017: International Autumn Construction Forum - incl. 'Housing' and 'Engineering Communications of Buildings and Structures', Kazan, RU
- 12.09.-15.09.2017: RAO/CIS OFFSHORE - International Specialized Exhibition and Conference for Offshore Technology, Oil and Gas, St. Petersburg, RU
- 12.09.-16.09.2017: BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires - Biennial International Trade Fair of the Electric, Electronic and Lighting Industry, Buenos Aires, AR
- 13.09.-14.09.2017: PI Packaging Innovations, London, UK
- 13.09.-15.09.2017: BEX Asia - Build Eco Xpo Asia - Southeast Asia's premier green building exhibition, Singapore, SG
- 13.09.-15.09.2017: MCE Asia - MOSTRA CONVEGNO EXPOCOMFORT ASIA - The leading trade exhibition dedicated to energy efficient solutions for the Cooling, Energy, Water and Heating sectors of the built environment, Singapore, SG
- 13.09.-15.09.2017: NEPCON VN - International Exhibition on SMT & Testing Technologies and Supporting Industries for Electronics Manufacturing, Hanoi, VN
- 13.09.-15.09.2017: Packtech Expo Balkan - International trade fair of packaging materials, machinery and food processing equipment, Belgrade, RS
- 13.09.-15.09.2017: SEMICON TW - Semiconductor Industry Show, Taipei, TW
- 13.09.-16.09.2017: Concrete Show South East Asia, Jakarta, ID
- 13.09.-16.09.2017: CONSTRUCTION INDONESIA - International Series of Building and Construction, Equipment & Materials Exhibitions, Jakarta, ID
- 13.09.-16.09.2017: MoldMedizin & MoldDent - International Specialized Exhibition for Medical, Laboratory and Dental Techology, Pharmaceuticals, Ophthalmology and Hospital Equipment, Kishniev, MD
- 13.09.-16.09.2017: OGI - Oil & Gas ID - International Oil & Gas Exploration, Production and Refining Exhibition incorp. Marine ID & Subsea Asia, Jakarta, ID
- 13.09.-16.09.2017: PLASCOM TW - TW International Plastics, Rubber & Composites Show, Kaohsiung, TW
- 13.09.-16.09.2017: VNPlas - VN International Plastic & Rubber Industry Exhibition, Ho Chi Minh City, VN
- 14.09.-16.09.2017: electronica India & productronica India, incl., LASER World of PHOTONICS India, New Delhi, IN
- 14.09.-16.09.2017: LASER World of PHOTONICS INDIA, New Delhi, IN
- 14.09.-24.09.2017: IAA Pkw, Frankfurt/Main, DE
- 15.09.-24.09.2017: Southampton Boat Show, Southampton, UK
- 16.09.-18.09.2017: GBR - Green Building & Retrofits Asia - International Exhibition & Conference on Green Building & Retrofits, Bangkok, TH
- 18.09.-20.09.2017: Heat Treatment, Moscow, RU
- 18.09.-20.09.2017: IRAQ MEDICARE - Internationale Messe für das Gesundheitswesen im Irak, Erbil, IQ
- 18.09.-23.09.2017: EMO - The World of Metalworking, Hanover, DE
- 19.09.-20.09.2017: SWISS MEDTECH EXPO, Lucerne, CH
- 19.09.-21.09.2017: CeMAT RUSSIA - International Trade Fair for Materials Handling and Logistics, Moscow, RU
- 19.09.-21.09.2017: COMPOSITES EUROPE - European Trade Fair & Forum for Composites, Technology and Applications, Stuttgart, DE
- 19.09.-21.09.2017: eNOVA PARIS - The Technologies Exhibition for Tomorrow's Innovations, Paris, FR
- 19.09.-21.09.2017: EXPOGAZ - International Exhibition of the Gas Industry, Paris, FR
- 19.09.-21.09.2017: FIRAMACO Reforma y Rehabilitación - Building Materials Exhibition, Elche/Alicante, ES
- 19.09.-21.09.2017: POWER-GEN Asia - The Global Power Generation Exhibition & Conference, Bangkok, TH
- 19.09.-21.09.2017: Tube Southeast ASIA - International Tube & Pipe Trade Fair for Southeast Asia, Bangkok, TH
- 19.09.-21.09.2017: wire Southeast ASIA - International Wire & Cable Trade Fair for Southeast Asia, Bangkok, TH
- 19.09.-22.09.2017: AQUAPROM-Ural - International Specialized Exhibition for HVAC&R Technologies, Water Supply and Plumbing Systems - Supported by DMAG, Ekaterinburg, RU
- 19.09.-22.09.2017: IEAS - Int. Electric & Automation Show, Bucharest, RO
- 19.09.-22.09.2017: NEVA - The International Maritime Exhibition and Conferences of RU, St. Petersburg, RU
- 19.09.-22.09.2017: Process Expo - The Global Food Equipment & Technology Show, Chicago, US
- 20.09.-21.09.2017: RENEXPO - The energy trade fair for Bavaria, Augsburg, DE
- 20.09.-22.09.2017: CO Minera - CO Mining, Medellín, CO
- 20.09.-22.09.2017: efa - Trade Fair for Building Systems, Electrical Engineering, Light, Air Conditioning and Automation, Leipzig, DE
- 20.09.-22.09.2017: KAZCOMAK - KZ International Construction Exhibition, Almaty, KZ
- 20.09.-22.09.2017: MetalTech Central Asia - KZ International Machine Tools and Metalworking Technology Exhibition, Almaty, KZ
- 20.09.-22.09.2017: Mining World Central Asia - Central Asian International Mining, Exploration & Mining Equipment Exhibition, Almaty, KZ
- 20.09.-22.09.2017: Pure Water.Kazan, Kazan, RU
- 20.09.-22.09.2017: Renewable Energy IN Expo - International Exhibition & Conference, New Delhi, IN
- 20.09.-22.09.2017: RUSSIAN INDUSTRIALIST - International Technical Fair, St. Petersburg, RU
- 20.09.-22.09.2017: UZMEDEXPO - International Exhibition for Healthcare, Tashkent, UZ
- 20.09.-23.09.2017: PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL - International Packaging and Printing Exhibition for Asia, Bangkok, TH
- 20.09.-23.09.2017: T-PLAS - International Plastics and Rubber Exhibition for the Indochina Region, Bangkok, TH
- 21.09.-22.09.2017: SLOVAK DENTAL DAYS - International Specialised Exhibition on Dental and Dentotechnical Devices,Tools and Materials, Bratislava, SK
- 21.09.-23.09.2017: analytica Anacon IN / IN Lab Expo - International Trade Fair and Conference for Analytical Instrumentation, Life Sciences, Laboratory Technology and Services, Hyderabad, IN
- 21.09.-23.09.2017: BALTMEDICA - International Exhibition for Medical Equipment, Pharmaceutics, Laboratory Equipment, Ophthalmology and Dental Medicine, Vilnius, LT
- 21.09.-23.09.2017: Bau+Energie Messe - Construction and Energy Exhibition, Berne, CH
- 21.09.-23.09.2017: Medbaltica - International Medical Fair, Riga, LV
- 21.09.-23.09.2017: PROPAK MM - International Processing and Packaging Exhibition, Yangon, MM
- 21.09.-23.09.2017: REHABILITACJA - International Rehabilitation Equipment Exhibition, Lodz, PL
- 21.09.-24.09.2017: ELEX Electricity Exhibition, Istanbul, TR
- 21.09.-24.09.2017: Expodental - International Dental Congress & Exhibition, Istanbul, TR
- 21.09.-24.09.2017: Istanbul Light - International Lighting, Installation and Building Automation Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 21.09.-24.09.2017: LED and Lighting Exhibition, Istanbul, TR
- 22.09.-23.09.2017: FACHDENTAL Leipzig, Leipzig, DE
- 23.09.-01.10.2017: INTERBOOT - International Water Sports Exhibition, Friedrichshafen, DE
- 24.09.-27.09.2017: IRANPLAST - International Plastics and Rubber Trade Fair, Tehran, IR
- 24.09.-27.09.2017: WASTECON, Baltimore, US
- 25.09.-27.09.2017: Gulf Glass - Glass Industry Trade Show, Dubai, AE
- 25.09.-27.09.2017: Intersolar Middle East - The International Exhibition and Conference for the Solar Industry of the Middle East, Dubai, AE
- 25.09.-27.09.2017: Pack Expo Las Vegas - Western Packaging Technology, Las Vegas, US
- 25.09.-28.09.2017: CMTS - Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show, Mississauga/ Toronto, CA
- 25.09.-28.09.2017: ComVac CA - International Trade Fair for Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology at CMTS, Mississauga/ Toronto, CA
- 25.09.-28.09.2017: DENTAL-EXPO - Dental-Expo and Congress, Moscow, RU
- 25.09.-28.09.2017: Industrial Automation CA - International Trade Fair for Process Automation, Factory Automation and Industrial Building Automation at CMTS, Mississauga/ Toronto, CA
- 25.09.-28.09.2017: LABELEXPO EUROPE - Exhibition for the Label Industry, Brussels, BE
- 25.09.-28.09.2017: MDA CA - International Trade Fair for Motion, Drive and Automation at CMTS, Mississauga/ Toronto, CA
- 25.09.-28.09.2017: PAKFOOD - Fair of Packaging for Food Industry, Poznan, PL
- 25.09.-28.09.2017: POLAGRA TECH - International Trade Fair of Food Processing Technologies, Poznan, PL
- 25.09.-28.09.2017: POLAGRA-FOOD - International Trade Fair for the Food Industry, Poznan, PL
- 25.09.-29.09.2017: EU PVSEC - European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, NL
- 25.09.-29.09.2017: SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN - International trade fair Joining Cutting Surfacing, Dusseldorf, DE
- 26.09.-27.09.2017: Micro Nano Mems - Micro Manufacturing & Nano Technologies, Birmingham, UK
- 26.09.-27.09.2017: Sensors & Instrumentation for Test, Measurement & Control, Birmingham, UK
- 26.09.-28.09.2017: ANALÍTICA Latin America - International Exhibition of Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and Quality Control, Sao Paulo, BR
- 26.09.-28.09.2017: IFAT IN - IN's Leading Trade Fair For Water, Sewage, Refuse and Recycling, Mumbai, IN
- 26.09.-28.09.2017: INTERPLAS - The International Forum for the British Plastics Industry, Birmingham, UK
- 26.09.-28.09.2017: Medicine & Health - International Exhibition of Electro-Medical Equipment and Medical Engineering, Minsk, BY
- 26.09.-28.09.2017: POWTECH - World-Leading Trade Fair for Processing, Analysis, and Handling of Powder and Bulk Solids, Nuremberg, DE
- 26.09.-29.09.2017: TRAKO - International Railway Fair, Gdansk, PL
- 27.09.-28.09.2017: Coiltech - International Coil Winding Expo & Conference, Pordenone, IT
- 27.09.-29.09.2017: BIOENERGIA - Wood and Bioenergy Exhibition - Wood and Bioenergy Exhibition, Jyvaeskylae, FI
- 27.09.-29.09.2017: ChipEXPO - Exhibition of electronic components and modules, Moscow, RU
- 27.09.-29.09.2017: Industrial Show - Internationale Maschinenbaumesse, Samara, RU
- 27.09.-29.09.2017: PowerTrends - International Technology Exhibition of Power Systems & Electrical Engineering, Manila, PH
- 27.09.-30.09.2017: GRAPHIMA - International Fair of Printing and Paper Industry, Belgrade, RS
- 28.09.-30.09.2017: BIHE - International Healthcare Exhibition, Baku, AZ
- 28.09.-30.09.2017: INST - Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart, Taipei, TW
- 29.09.-02.10.2017: Power Expo MM, MM International Electrical, Electronics & Electric Power Equipment Fair, Yangon, MM
- 01.10.-04.10.2017: GEA - GRC Annual Meeting & GEA Geothermal Energy Expo, Salt Lake City, US
- 02.10.-04.10.2017: WEFTEC - Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Chicago, US
- 02.10.-06.10.2017: EQUIPLAST - International Exhibition for the Plastic and Rubber Industry, Barcelona, ES
- 02.10.-06.10.2017: EUROSURFAS - International Surface Treatment Exhibition, Barcelona, ES
- 02.10.-06.10.2017: Expoquimia - Technical Fair of Applied Chemistry, Barcelona, ES
- 03.10.-05.10.2017: CanWEA - CA's Leading Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Montreal, CA
- 03.10.-05.10.2017: CWIEME - Coil Winding, Insulation and Electrical Manufacturing Exhibition & Conference, Rosemont, US
- 03.10.-05.10.2017: ExpoFerroviaria - International Exhibition for the Railway Technology, Milan, IT
- 03.10.-05.10.2017: HELITECH International - International Helicopter Technology and Operations Exhibition and Conference, London, UK
- 03.10.-05.10.2017: IOT Solutions World Congress, Barcelona, ES
- 03.10.-05.10.2017: MAGHREB PHARMA Expo - Int. Exhibition of the Pharmaceutical Industry Suppliers in North Africa, Algiers, DZ
- 03.10.-05.10.2017: Medic East Africa, Nairobi, KE
- 03.10.-05.10.2017: Solar Energy UK, Birmingham, UK
- 03.10.-05.10.2017: TOOLEX - Int. Fair of Machine Tools, Tools and Processing Technology, Sosnowiec, PL
- 03.10.-05.10.2017: TUBOTECH - International Trade Fair for Tubes and Pipes, Valves, Pumps, Fittings and Components, Sao Paulo, BR
- 03.10.-05.10.2017: wire South America - The International Wire and Cable Fair in South America, Sao Paulo, BR
- 03.10.-06.10.2017: BudEXPO - Autumn - Building and Construction Exhibition, Lviv, UA
- 03.10.-06.10.2017: CEATEC JP - Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies, Chiba/Tokyo, JP
- 03.10.-06.10.2017: Elektrotechniek - Elektrotechniek-Trade Fair for Electrical Equipment and Industrial Electronics, Utrecht, NL
- 03.10.-06.10.2017: HEATING - Heating Equipment on Solid Fuel incl. specialized Exposition Alternative Energy, Lviv, UA
- 03.10.-06.10.2017: JP Pack - International Packaging Machinery Show, Tokyo, JP
- 03.10.-06.10.2017: Kessel und Brenner - Boilers and Burners, St. Petersburg, RU
- 03.10.-06.10.2017: Power Efficiency.Energy-Saving.Innovative Technologies and Equipment, St. Petersburg, RU
- 03.10.-06.10.2017: VITRUM - International Glass Industry Exhibition, Milan, IT
- 04.10.-05.10.2017: EMART Energy - The European Platform for Energy Trading, Amsterdam, NL
- 04.10.-05.10.2017: SOLIDS Rotterdam - Trade Show for Granules, Powder & Bulk Solids Technologies, Rotterdam, NL
- 04.10.-06.10.2017: ECOFAIR - International Environment Protection and Natural Resources Fair, Belgrade, RS
- 04.10.-06.10.2017: ENERGETIKA - International Energy Fair - Electric Power Industry, Coal, Gas, Oil, Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Efficiency, Belgrade, RS
- 04.10.-06.10.2017: GENERA LATINOAMÉRICA - Internationale Ausstellung für Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz, Santiago de Chile, CL
- 04.10.-06.10.2017: Hi JAPAN - Health Ingredients JP, Tokyo, JP
- 04.10.-06.10.2017: InterOpto (within All about Photonics) - International Opto-Electronics Exhibition, Yokohama, JP
- 04.10.-06.10.2017: M&MT - The First Business-Event for Motion and Mechatronics, Milan, IT
- 04.10.-06.10.2017: MATELEC latinoamérica - Int. Trade Fair for the Electrical and Electronic Industry, Santiago de Chile, CL
- 04.10.-07.10.2017: IGEM - International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference MY, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 05.10.-07.10.2017: aluexpo - Aluminium Technology, Machinery and Products Trade Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 05.10.-08.10.2017: AUTOSHOW NITRA - International Exhibition for Passenger and Commercial Vehicles and Accessories, Nitra, SK
- 05.10.-08.10.2017: YAPI - TRBuild Ankara - Building, Construction Materials and Technologies Trade Show, Ankara, TR
- 06.10.-08.10.2017: MEDICALL Mumbai - International Medical Equipment Exhibition, Mumbai, IN
- 06.10.-08.10.2017: RoBau - Exhibition on building and construction machinery and technology, Rostock, DE
- 06.10.-09.10.2017: IPCC - Int. Paint, Coating, Resin and Composites Fair, Tehran, IR,
- 06.10.-09.10.2017: SILMO - International Trade Fair of Spectacles, Ocular Instruments and Optician Equipment, Paris, FR
- 07.10.-11.10.2017: ESCRS Congress & Exhibition - Ophthalmic Congress and Exhibition of the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, Lisbon, PT
- 09.10.-10.10.2017: SEF - International Forum & Exhibition on Sustainable Energy in UA, Kiev, UA
- 09.10.-11.10.2017: HYDRO - Internationales Symposium und technische Ausstellung für Wasserkraft, Sevilla, ES
- 09.10.-11.10.2017: MEPEC - Middle East Process Engineering Conference & Exhibition, Manama, BH
- 09.10.-12.10.2017: Motek - International trade fair for automation in production and assembly, Stuttgart, DE
- 10.10.-11.10.2017: Offshore Energy (OE), Amsterdam, NL
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: Automaatio - Automation Exhibition, Helsinki, FI
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: Bouw Compleet Hardenberg - Baumesse Hardenberg, Hardenberg, NL
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: BTA - BuildTechAsia, Singapore, SG
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: ELKOM - Professional Electronics and Electrical Technology Fair, Helsinki, FI
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: ELMIA NORDIC RAIL - Rail Technology Exhibition, Joenkoeping, SE
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: ENERGIE, s-Hertogenbosch, NL
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: FinnTec - International Technical Fair, Helsinki, FI
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: Hydraulics & Pneumatics, Helsinki, FI
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: Kunnossapito - Professional Fair of Industrial Maintenance, Helsinki, FI
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: LabASIA - International Scientific and Laboratory Equipment Exhibition and Conference, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: MECATEC - International Mechanical Engineering and Machine Components Exhibition, Helsinki, FI
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: SEPEM Industries Centre-Ouest - Fachmesse für Dienstleistungen, Ausrüstung, Mess-, Steuer-, Regeltechnik und Wartung im industriellen Produktionsprozess/ Industrie-Ausrüstungsmesse, Angers, FR
- 10.10.-12.10.2017: UK Construction Week - Construction Trade Fair, Birmingham, UK
- 10.10.-13.10.2017: Energy Efficiency.Housing and Utility Sector.Gas Supply, Irkutsk, RU
- 10.10.-13.10.2017: ENERGY. ECOLOGY. ENERGY SAVING. ELECTRO (Energy EXPO) - International specialized Exhibition and Congress on Energy, Ecology and Energy Savings Technologies, Minsk, BY
- 10.10.-13.10.2017: FireTech - Fire Safety Technologies, Kiev, UA
- 10.10.-13.10.2017: STROYEXPO Autumn - Belorussian Building Market, Minsk, BY
- 10.10.-13.10.2017: WELDEX - International Exhibition for Welding Materials, Equipment & Technologies, Moscow, RU
- 10.10.-14.10.2017: EXCON - Exposicion Internacional de Innovaciones de la Construccion, Lima, PE
- 10.10.-14.10.2017: EXPO CIHAC - Building Exhibition, MX City, MX
- 11.10.-12.10.2017: All Energy AU, Melbourne, AU
- 11.10.-12.10.2017: Photonex, Coventry, UK
- 11.10.-12.10.2017: Waste Expo - Management, Recycling and Sustainability, Melbourne, AU
- 11.10.-13.10.2017: BioJapan - BioJapan World Business Forum, Yokohama, JP
- 11.10.-13.10.2017: IOFT - International Optical Fair Tokyo, Tokyo, JP
- 11.10.-13.10.2017: MIAC - International Exhibition of Paper Industry, Lucca, IT
- 11.10.-13.10.2017: MTA HANOI - International Precision Engineering, Machine Tools and Metalworking Exhibition & Conference, Hanoi, VN
- 11.10.-13.10.2017: POWTEX Osaka - Powder Technology Exhibition, Osaka, JP
- 11.10.-13.10.2017: Tool JP - International Hardware & Tools Fair, Chiba/Tokyo, JP
- 11.10.-13.10.2017: TW Hardware Show (THS), Taichung, TW
- 11.10.-14.10.2017: ExpoEnergiE - International Trade Fair for Renewable Energy, Conventional Energy, Equipment and Technologies for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry, Bucharest, RO
- 11.10.-14.10.2017: Global Sources Electronics Show, Hongkong, CN
- 11.10.-14.10.2017: ROMENVIROTEC - International Trade Fair for Technology and Environmental Protection Equipment, Bucharest, RO
- 11.10.-14.10.2017: TAITRONICS - Taipei International Electronics Autumn Show, Taipei, TW
- 12.10.-14.10.2017: Building & Construction MM, Yangon, MM
- 12.10.-14.10.2017: Dental World, Budapest, HU
- 12.10.-14.10.2017: Electric Power & Renewable Energy MM - The International Electric Power and Renewable Energy Exhibition, Yangon, MM
- 12.10.-14.10.2017: METALEX VN - VN's International Machine Tools and Metalworking Solutions for Production Upgrade Exhibition, Ho Chi Minh City, VN
- 12.10.-14.10.2017: PaintExpo Eurasia - Fachmesse für industrielle Lackiertechnik, Istanbul, TR
- 12.10.-15.10.2017: IPAP Tehran, pacprocess Tehran - IRs Printing and Packaging Industry Exhibition, Processing & Packaging, Tehran, IR
- 13.10.-16.10.2017: electronicAsia, Hongkong, CN
- 13.10.-16.10.2017: HKTDC HK Electronics Fai, Hongkong, CN
- 16.10.-18.10.2017: GCC Power - The GCC Cigre Conference & Exhibition for Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Muscat, OM
- 16.10.-19.10.2017: SPIE Optifab - Optical Fabrication Exhibition, Rochester, US
- 16.10.-19.10.2017: WATEX - International Water & Waste Water Exhibition, Tehran, IR
- 17.10.-18.10.2017: Cleanzone - International Trade Fair and Congress for Cleanroom Technology, Frankfurt/Main, DE
- 17.10.-19.10.2017: BLACH-TECH-EXPO - Trade Fair for Sheet Metal Processing, Joining & Coating, Cracow, PL
- 17.10.-19.10.2017: eMove360° Europe - International Trade Fair for Electric & Hybrid Mobility, Munich, DE
- 17.10.-19.10.2017: EUROTOOL (Intertool) - International Trade Fair of Machine Tools, Tools, Devices and Equipment for Material Processing, Cracow, PL
- 17.10.-19.10.2017: Light Middle East - The Middle East's premier Exhibition, Conference & Awards for Lighting Design and Technology, Dubai, AE
- 17.10.-19.10.2017: WASMA - International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Water Treatment, Waste Management and Recycling, Moscow, RU
- 17.10.-20.10.2017: interlift - International Trade Fair for Elevators, Components & Accessories, Augsburg, DE
- 17.10.-21.10.2017: EQUIP AUTO - Trade show of automobile equipment, garage equipment and after-sales networks, Paris, FR
- 17.10.-21.10.2017: Fakuma - International trade fair for plastics processing, Friedrichshafen, DE
- 17.10.-21.10.2017: TEHNOMA - International Metallurgy, Electronics, Nonmetals and Construction Trade Fair, Skopje, MK
- 18.10.-20.10.2017: APEX CAIRO - Arab African Packaging and Food Processing Technologies Exhibition, Cairo, EG
- 18.10.-20.10.2017: AUTOMOTIVE - International Automotive Maintenance Industry Representation, Budapest, HU
- 18.10.-20.10.2017: Health Industry.Kazan (formerly Volgazdravexpo) - Specialised Medical Exhibition, Kazan, RU
- 18.10.-20.10.2017: PV TAIWAN - TW Int'l Photovoltaic Exhibition, Taipei, TW
- 18.10.-20.10.2017: TIGIS - TW International Green Industry Show - TW Int. Green Industries Show - Environment, Energy & Water, Taipei, TW
- 18.10.-21.10.2017: Aqua-Therm Baku - International Exhibition for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Water Supply, Sanitary and Environmental Technology, Baku, AZ
- 18.10.-21.10.2017: BYGG REIS DEG - Nordic Building Exhibition, Lillestrom, NO
- 18.10.-21.10.2017: MECT - Mechatronics Technology JP, Nagoya, JP
- 18.10.-21.10.2017: MEDICUS, DENTO, GALENIA - International Exhibition of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutics and Balneology, Plovdiv, BG
- 18.10.-21.10.2017: MINEX - Mining, Natural Resources and Technology Fair, Izmir, TR
- 18.10.-21.10.2017: MoldAgroTech - Autumn - International Fair for Machines, Appliances, Equipment and Technology in Agriculture, Forestry, Wine-Growing and Food Industry, Kishniev, MD
- 18.10.-22.10.2017: CARAVAN Salon Österreich, Wels, AT
- 19.10.-21.10.2017: ADA - American Dental Association Annual Session, Atlanta, US
- 19.10.-21.10.2017: BDIA Dental Showcase, Birmingham, UK
- 19.10.-21.10.2017: WIHE - Hospital - International Medical Fair, Warsaw, PL
- 19.10.-22.10.2017: Autoparts.Autoshow, Almaty, KZ
- 19.10.-22.10.2017: Environment & Energy - International Exhibition for Power Industry, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Technology, Riga, LV
- 20.10.-22.10.2017: Manufacturing MM incorp. Tools & Hardware MM - The International Manufacturing Machinery, Equipment, Materials & Services Exhibition, Yangon, MM
- 21.10.-25.10.2017: EANM - Annual Congress of the Association of Nuclear Medicine, Vienna, AT
- 23.10.-25.10.2017: ERA - International Exhibition of Renewable Energy, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development, Oran, DZ
- 23.10.-25.10.2017: WETEX - Water & Energy Technology and Environment Exhibition, Dubai, AE
- 23.10.-26.10.2017: KHIMIA (CHEMIE) - International Exhibition for the Chemical Industry and Science, Moscow, RU
- 23.10.-26.10.2017: SAUDI BUILD - International Construction Technology and Building Materials Show, Riyadh, SA
- 23.10.-26.10.2017: TECHNOFORUM - International Specialized Exhibition for Equipment and Technologies for Processing of Metal, Wood, Stones, Organic, Polymer and Composite Materials, Moscow, RU
- 24.10.-26.10.2017: Dental-Expo St. Petersburg - International exhibition of equipment, instruments, materials and services for dentistry, St. Petersburg, RU
- 24.10.-26.10.2017: Engine Expo - Engine Expo Novi, Novi, US
- 24.10.-26.10.2017: ExpoCoating - International Exhibition of Technologies, Equipment and Materials for Surface Treatment and Coatings Application, Moscow, RU
- 24.10.-26.10.2017: Gear Expo - Machinery, Supplies and Services for Gear Manufacturing, Columbus, US
- 24.10.-26.10.2017: MASHEX Moscow (MASHINOSTROYENIE) - International Exhibition for Machinery Products, Moscow, RU
- 24.10.-26.10.2017: PACK2PACK EXHIBITION, Cairo, EG
- 24.10.-26.10.2017: PCV Expo - International Forum of Pumps, Compressors and Valves, Moscow, RU
- 24.10.-26.10.2017: Power Electronics - International exhibition of power electronics components and systems, Moscow, RU
- 24.10.-26.10.2017: Power KZ - KZ International Energy, Electrical Equipment and Machine Building Exhibition, Almaty, KZ
- 24.10.-26.10.2017: PROPAK CAPE - the Cape Packaging, Processing, Plastics and Printing Expo, Cape Town, ZA
- 24.10.-26.10.2017: Testing & Control (formerly Aerospace Testing / Aircraft Interiors), Moscow, RU
- 24.10.-26.10.2017: Testing Expo - Automotive Testing Expo North America, Novi, US
- 24.10.-27.10.2017: CCM - Corte & Conformação de Metais - Metal Forming and Fabricating Exhibition, Sao Paulo, BR
- 24.10.-27.10.2017: FIMMEPE Mecanica Nordeste - Metalworking and Electronics Industry Trade Show, Olinda, BR
- 24.10.-27.10.2017: Pollutec Maroc - International Exhibition of Environmental Equipments, technologies and Services, Casablanca, MA
- 24.10.-27.10.2017: TRAFIC - International Road Safety and Equipment Exhibition, Madrid, ES
- 24.10.-28.10.2017: IPF JP - International Plastic Fair, Chiba/Tokyo, JP
- 25.10.-26.10.2017: ALUMINIUM USA, Nashville, US
- 25.10.-26.10.2017: Waste & Recycling Expo CA - CA's ONLY trade event serving the waste, recycling and public works market, Niagara Falls, CA
- 25.10.-27.10.2017: Dental-Ukraine - Dental Exhibition, Lviv, UA
- 25.10.-27.10.2017: RENEXPO® PL - International Energy Trade Fair, Warsaw, PL
- 25.10.-27.10.2017: WorldFood UA - Int. Specialized Exhibition for Food, Hotel & Restaurant Supply, Services, Catering, Food Processing & Packaging, Kiev, UA
- 25.10.-28.10.2017: BioEnergy IT - Biomass and Renewables, Cremona, IT
- 25.10.-28.10.2017: Eurasia Packaging Fair - International Packaging Industry Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 25.10.-28.10.2017: Food-Tech Eurasia - Food and Beverage Technology, Food Safety, Additives and Ingredients, Cooling, Ventilation, Storage Systems and Logistics Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 25.10.-28.10.2017: IHE - Int. Exhibition of Heating, Cooling, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigerating Systems, Tehran, IR
- 26.10.-28.10.2017: APDESP - Intern. Congress & Exhibition of Dental Prosthesis Technicians, Sao Paulo, BR
- 26.10.-28.10.2017: Caucasus Healthcare - International Specialized Fair for Medical Technology, Laboratory Equipment, Dentistry, Pharmaceuticals, Optics & Hospital Equipment, Tbilissi, GE
- 26.10.-28.10.2017: food pex IN - International Food Processing and Packaging Exhibition, New Delhi, IN
- 26.10.-28.10.2017: MM Water - MM's International Water & Wastewater Industry Event, Yangon, MM
- 26.10.-28.10.2017: pacprocess & indiapack- Processing & Packaging - International Exhibition and Conference for the Packaging and Processing Industry, New Delhi, IN
- 26.10.-28.10.2017: POWER BD - International Exhibition on Power Generation & Transmission, Energy & Renewable Energy, Dhaka, BD
- 26.10.-28.10.2017: PPE - Photo Plus Expo East, New York, US
- 26.10.-29.10.2017: BuildTech - Building Technology, Odessa, UA
- 26.10.-29.10.2017: Eco Expo Asia - International Trade Fair on Environmental Protection, Hongkong, CN
- 27.10.-05.11.2017: Tokyo Motor Show, Tokyo, JP
- 27.10.-28.10.2017: tasc - Trade Show for Automotive Glass, Smart Repair and Car Detailing, Dusseldorf, DE
- 27.10.-30.10.2017: HKTDC HK International Lighting Fair, Hongkong, CN
- 31.10.-01.11.2017: FLOODEX Europe - Flood Defence Exhibition, Amsterdam, NL
- 31.10.-02.11.2017: CHEM-Show / CPI Exposition - Chemical Process Industries Exposition, New York, US
- 31.10.-02.11.2017: Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases - Messe für Kältetechnik und industrielle Gase, Moscow, RU
- 31.10.-02.11.2017: METAVAK - Fachausstellung für die Metallverabeitung, Gorinchem, NL
- 31.10.-02.11.2017: Technology - The International Exhibition for Technology, Tel Aviv, IL
- 31.10.-03.11.2017: AQUATECH Amsterdam - International Exhibition on Drinking Water, Process Water and Waste Water Technology, Amsterdam, NL
- 31.10.-03.11.2017: CeMAT ASIA - International Trade Fair for Materials Handling, Automation Technology, Transport Systems and Logistics, Shanghai, CN
August 2017
- 01 IEEE--2017 2nd International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICDME 2017)--Ei Compendex Guangzhou, China
- 01 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science, Engineering and Computer Science Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 02 5th International Conference on Systems in Technology, Applied Sciences and Engineering Management (STAEM-August-2017) Bangkok, Thailand
- 03 4th International Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology, Computers and Industrial Applications (IETCIA-2017) Pattaya, Thailand
- 03 4th International Conference on Chemical, Materials, Mining and Manufacturing Engineering (CM3E-17) Aug. 3-4, 2017 Pattaya, Thailand
- 03 4th MacroTrend Conference on Medicine and Technology Dubrovnik 2017 Dubrovnik, Croatia
- 03 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering Bangkok, Thailand
- 04 International Conference on Recent Technology & Trends(ICRTT) Bali, Indonesia
- 04 2017 The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2017) Los Angeles, United States of America
- 05 4TH International Congress on Technology - Engineering & Science Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 06 International Conference on Applied Science, Healthcare, and Engineering San Francisco, United States of America
- 06 International Conference on Energy and Sustainability in Small Developing Economies (ICESSDE) Jakarta, Indonesia
- 06 International Conference On System Engineering and Information Technology(ICSEIT) Jakarta, Indonesia
- 08 2017 International Conference on Innovation, Management and Industrial Engineering (IMIE 2017) Osaka, Japan
- 08 6th International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (RTET-2017) Singapore, Singapore
- 08 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering casablanca, Morocco
- 08 4th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Engineering, Technology, Computers and Applied Sciences (ITETCAS-August-2017) Tokyo, Japan
- 09 International Conference on Sustainable Development 2017 Canada Ottawa, Canada
- 10 9th International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering, Computers and Technology (RTSECT-2017-SINGAPORE) Singapore, Singapore
- 10 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering Madrid, Spain
- 10 6th International Conference on Systems in Technology, Applied Sciences and Engineering Management (STAEM-August-2017) Bangkok, Thailand
- 10 9th SINGAPORE International Conference on Building Design, Civil, Architectural & Transportation Engineering (BDCATE17) Singapore, Singapore
- 12 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering Paris, France
- 12 15th International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (ICEST’2017) Aug. 12-14, 2017 Batam, Indonesia
- 12 4th International Conference on Modern Trends in Biomedical Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (MBEAR-August-2017) Hongkong, Hongkong
- 14 3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research Methodology and Innovation (IRMI -August-2017) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 14 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IC3E 2017) Johor Bahru, Malaysia
- 14 International Conference on Information, System and Convergence Applications Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- 14 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering Athens, Greece
- 14 IEEE - 2017 the 5th IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE 2017) - Ei Compendex and Scopus Oshawa, Canada
- 15 2017 International Conference on Research and Innovation in Computer Engineering and Computer Sciences (RICCES 2017) Langkawi Island, Malaysia
- 16 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering Venice, Italy
- 16 International Conference on Engineering, Science and Applications Tokyo, Japan
- 16 Tokyo International Conference on Engineering and Science (2017 ICES) Tokyo, Japan
- 17 2017 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering (ICIBE 2017) Sapporo, Japan
- 17 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development in Biomechanics, Electrical, Computer Science and Information Technology (SBECI-Aug-2017) Seoul, South Korea
- 17 2017 3rd International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering (ICCSSE 2017) - IEEE, Ei Compendex Beijing, China
- 20 2017 6th International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology (ICEEB 2017) Kitakyushu, Japan
- 21 International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering (ICADME 2017) Penang, Malaysia
- 21 2017 4th International Conference on Advances in Biology and Chemistry (ICABC 2017) Singapore, Singapore
- 21 ICCE2017: 6th International Conference & Exhibition on Clean Energy Toronto, Canada
- 21 2017 International Conference on Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing (ICMIM 2017) Singapore, Singapore
- 23 2017 International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science - Summer Session (ICENS - Summer 2017) Sapporo, Japan
- 24 [Ei/CPCI/Scopus]2017 International Symposium on Green Energy and Smart Grid (SGESG 2017) Bali, Indonesia
- 24 2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Energy and Electrical Engineering (AT3E 2017) Bali, Indonesia
- 26 2017 International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences (ICRAS 2017) - IEEE, Ei Compendex and Scopus Hong Kong, China
- 29 International Conference on Industrial and System Engineering Denpasar, Indonesia
- 31 International Polyurethane Forum 2017 JeJu, South Korea
September 2017
- 01 2017 International Conference on Automotive and Vehicle Engineering (ICAVE 2017) - IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex Singapore, Singapore
- 01 8th International Conference on Science, Management, Engineering and Technology 2017 (ICSMET 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 01 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied science and Engineering Los Angeles, United States of America
- 02 International Conference on Applied Science, Healthcare Management ( ICASHM 2017 ) Toronto, Canada
- 03 MSF - 2017 6th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials (ICEIM 2017) - SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Tokyo, Japan
- 03 2017 2nd International Conference on Functional Materials and Steel (ICFMS 2017)--SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Tokyo, Japan
- 05 2nd Advanced Research in Engineering and Information Technology International Conference (AREITIC 2017) Bangkok, Thailand
- 06 8th International Conference on Advances in ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY (AET-17)Â BUDAPEST - Hungary Sept. 6-7, 2017 Budapest, Hungary
- 08 ISTANBUL 6th International Conference on Engineering, Science, Technology and Industrial Applications (ESTIA-2017) Istanbul, Turkey
- 08 21st International Conference on Researches in Science & Technology (ICRST), 08-09 September 2017, Bali, Indonesia Bali, Indonesia
- 10 9th International Conference on Applied Science, Management and Technology 2017 (ICASMT 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 13 22nd International Conference on Researches in Science & Technology (ICRST), 13-14 Sept 2017, London, UK London, United Kingdom
- 13 2017 International Conference on Power and Energy Engineering (PEENG 2017) Ottawa, Canada
- 14 2017 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (CMECE 2017)--EI Compendex, Scopus Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- 14 2017 2nd International Conference on Automation Sciences (ICOAS 2017)--EI Compendex, Scopus Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- 16 EEE2017- Third International Conference on Environment, Engineering and Energy 2017 Toronto, Canada
- 16 NUS-International Conference on innovative research in Science, Technology and Management Singapore, Singapore
- 18 Sustainable City 2017 Seville, Spain
- 18 2017 MANILA 5th International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICASET-17) Sept. 18-19, 2017 Manila, Philippines
- 18 World Biotechnology Conference London, United Kingdom
- 19 9th International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management 2017 (ICSTEM 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 20 Energy and Sustainability 2017 Seville, Spain
- 20 2017 2nd International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE 2017) - IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex Chengdu, China
- 21 8th CEBU International Conference on “Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology” (RTET-17) Sept. 21-22, 2017 Cebu, Philippines
- 21 2017 International Conference on Structural and Civil Engineering (ICSCE 2017) Lyon, France
- 22 2017 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE 2017)--IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex Shanghai, China
- 25 2017 4th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE 2017) - SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Berlin, Germany
- 25 2017 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Development (ICRED 2017)--SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Berlin, Germany
- 25 2017 9th International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering(ICBEE 2017) Athens, Greece
- 25 2017 7th International Conference on Biotechnology and Environmental Management (ICBEM 2017) Athens, Greece
- 25 33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2017) Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 26 3rd International Conference on Electrical Systems, Technology and Information (ICESTI 2017) Denpasar, Indonesia
- 26 the 3rd International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy, and Communications 2017 (ICCEREC 2017) Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- 27 5th International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (ESTSD-17?) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 28 2017 International Conference on Aerospace Technology, Communications and Energy Systems (ATCES 2017) Samara, Russian Federation
Oktober 2017
- 01 5th International Conference on Management, Engineering, Science & Technology 2017 (ICMEST 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 02 International Conference on Advance research in Engineering, Technology and Applied Sciences Cape Town, South Africa
- 03 International Conference on Man-Machine Interaction Cracow, Poland
- 04 2017 2nd Joint International Information Technology/Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Conference Chongqing, China
- 04 9th International Conference on Engineering, Science, Business and Management 2017 (ICESBM 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 05 7th International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET-2017-PARIS) Oct. 5-6, 2017 Paris, France
- 05 International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer, Engineering and Applied Sciences (ITCEA-2017) Taipei, Taiwan
- 05 AFRE 2017 International Conference on Science, Technology, Software Engineering and Management Nairobi, Kenya
- 05 6th International Conference on Innovation in Civil, Architecture, Environment and Materials Engineering (CAEME-17) Paris, France
- 09 2017 2nd International Conference on Medical Information and Bioengineering (ICMIB 2017)--Ei Compendex Barcelona, Spain
- 09 2017 9th International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME 2017) - Ei Compendex and Scopus Barcelona, Spain
- 09 2017 International Conference on Material Engineering and Manufacturing (ICMEM 2017)--EI Compendex, Scopus Chengdu, China
- 09 Climate Change 2017 London, United Kingdom
- 10 5th International Conference on Chemical, Materials, Mining and Manufacturing Engineering (CM3E-17-Bali) Oct.10-11, 2017 Bali, Indonesia
- 11 2017 10th International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE 2017)--Ei Compendex and Scopus Edmonton, Canada
- 12 23rd International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 12-13 Oct 2017, Dubai, UAE Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 12 International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering Sciences, Technology and Management Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 13 STRUCTURE IN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES '17 / International Conference on Structure in Architecture and Building Technologies Istanbul, Turkey
- 13 2017 4th International Conference on Mechatronics, Automation and Manufacturing (ICMAM 2017)--EI Compendex, Scopus Phuket, Thailand
- 13 Phuket International Conference on Engineering and Technology Development 2017 (PICETD 2017) Phuket, Thailand
- 13 2017 2nd International Conference on Engineering Design and Analysis (ICEDA 2017)--EI Compendex, Scopus Phuket, Thailand
- 14 5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research Methodology and Innovation (IRMI -October-2017) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 15 10th International Conference on Applied Science, Management and Technology 2017 (ICASMT 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 17 10th DUBAI International Conference on Building Design, Architecture, Materials & Transportation Engineering(BDAMTE-17) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 17 4th International Management Information Systems Conference: Industry 4.0 Istanbul, Turkey
- 17 10th International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering, Computers and Technology (ISECT-2017) DUBAI Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 18 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICELTICs) 2017 Banda Aceh, Indonesia
- 19 2017 ASEAN Conference in Advanced Functional Materials and Nanotechnology (ASEAN-CAFMN) Cebu City, Philippines
- 20 4th International Conference On Innovative Trends In Multidisciplinary Academic Research (ITMAR-2017) Istanbul, Turkey
- 21 2017 6th International Conference on Chemical Science and Engineering (ICCSE 2017) Philadelphia, United States of America
- 21 2017 2nd International Conference on Innovative Engineering Materials (ICIEM 2017) Philadelphia, United States of America
- 21 International Conference on Engineering, Computing and Information Technology ICECIT 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 22 The 7th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium (NNS) Bandung, Indonesia
- 25 2nd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2017) Adana, Turkey
- 25 2017 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing (ICMMM 2017)--Ei Compendex, CPCI and Scopus Atlanta, United States of America
- 27 2017 2nd International Conference on Materials Technology and Applications(ICMTA 2017)--SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Tokyo, Japan
- 27 2017 the 4th International Conference on Advances in Electronics Engineering (ICAEE 2017)--EI Compendex, Scopus Hong Kong, China
- 27 International Conference on Computing, Analytics & Networks (ICAN2017) Rajpura, India
- 27 2017 6th International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering (ICNNN 2017) - Elsevier, SCOPUS, EI Compendex Tokyo, Japan
- 28 2017 5th International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Agriculture (ICSEA 2017) Los Angeles, United States of America
- 31 Lithium Battery Materials and Chemistries 2017 Washington DC, United States of America