Numberland Technology News
Juni 2017
- Vorträge und Exkursionen
- 10 neue Get in Contact
- 20 neue How-tos
- 12 neue Anfragen
- 12 neue Angebote
- Messen - 06/17 - 08/17
- Konferenzen 06/17 - 08/17
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Vorträge und Exkursionen
In diesem Newsletter finden Sie Hinweise auf:
- Vortrag des Monats bei der Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH - 04.07.2017
Vortrag des Monats
Vortrag des Monats Juli 2017: Schichtsilikate der zweiten Generation als multifunktionale Additive in Polymeren
Verleihung Innovationspreis Neue Materialien Bayreuth 2017
Die Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH und der Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Bezirksgruppe Bayreuth - laden herzlich zum "Vortrag des Monats" und zur Verleihung des Innovationspreises 2017 ins Kompetenzzentrum in 95448 Bayreuth, Gottlieb-Keim-Str. 60 ein.
Schichtsilikate der zweiten Generation als multifunktionale Additive in Polymeren
Ort und Datum:
Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH, Gottlieb-Keim-Strasse 60, 95448 Bayreuth, 04. Juni 2017, 18:30 Uhr. Der Referent steht im Anschluss des Vortrags für Fragen zur Verfügung.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Wir bitten aus organisatorischen Gründen um eine formlose
Referent / Laudator:
Prof. Dr. Josef Breu, Anorganische Chemie der Universität Bayreuth
Dr. Heinrich Strunz, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der LAMILUX Heinrich Strunz Gruppe und Vorsitzender des DIHK-Fachausschlusses „Industrie und Forschung“.
Natürliche Schichtsilikate weisen als Nanofüllstoff ein breites Anwendungsspektrum auf. Ein weiterer Quantensprung in relevanten Eigenschaften lässt sich durch synthetische Schichtsilikate (zweite Generation) erreichen, die ein Aspektverhältnis von bis zu 20.000 und laterale Durchmesser von > 2 µm aufweisen. Hier lassen sich Phänomene, wie eine Zähigkeitssteigung realisieren, die bei natürlichen Schichtsilikaten nicht beobachtet werden können. Mit hohen Füllgraden können hier selbst für sehr diffusive Gase, wie H2, (Hoch-) Barrierebeschichtungen generiert werden. Aktuelle Herausforderung ist es, multifunktionale Wirkmechanismen, wie beispielsweise eine Kombination aus einer erhöhten Bruchzähigkeit und verbessertem Flammschutz zu realisieren.
Über den Referenten:
Prof. Josef Breu studierte Chemie an der Universität Regensburg und der University of Colorado at Boulder, USA. Nach seiner Promotion war er u. a. als Postdoktorand am Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, und als wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Lehrstuhl für Anorganische Chemie an der Universität Regensburg tätig. Seit 2003 ist Prof. Josef Breu Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Anorganische Chemie I an der Universität Bayreuth. Darüber hinaus ist er Sprecher des Sonder- forschungsbereichs SFB 840 „Von partikulären Nanosystemen zur Mesotechnologie“ sowie Koordinator des Schwerpunktprogramms SPP 1415 “Kristalline Nichtgleichgewichtsphasen-Präparation, Charakterisierung und in situ-Untersuchung der Bildungsmechanismen“.
Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Polymer-Nanocomposite, Schmelzsynthese von Schichtsilicaten und mikroporösen “gepillarten” Schichtsilicaten, Mesostrukturierung anorganischer Kolloide und Polymorph Screening, Formulierung von Pharmazeutika, chirale Erkennung in molekularen Festkörpern sowie Nukleation.
Innovationspreis Neue Materialien 2017:
der „Fördervereinigung Neue Materialien Bayreuth“, überreicht durch den Laudator Herrn Dr. Heinrich Strunz, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der LAMILUX Heinrich Strunz Gruppe und u. a. Vorsitzender des DIHK-Fachausschlusses „Industrie und Forschung“.
Mit dem ausgelobten Innovationspreis Neue Materialien möchte die „Fördervereinigung Neue Materialien Bayreuth“ junge Wissenschaftler für herausragende Arbeiten zu den Themen Materialentwicklung und Verfahrensoptimierung auszeichnen. Damit soll ein Beitrag zur gezielten Nachwuchsförderung aus dem Umfeld der Werkstoff- und Ingenieurwissenschaften geleistet werden. Eingereicht wurden akademische Abschlussarbeiten, die im letzten Jahr in Zusammenarbeit mit der Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH entstanden sind. Der Gewinner wird an diesem Abend in einer feierlichen Zeremonie bekannt gegeben und ausgezeichnet.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie sich bei Interesse den oben genannten Termin freihalten, und uns im Kompetenzzentrum in Bayreuth besuchen.
Weitere Informationen:
Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH |
VDI-Bezirksgruppe Bayreuth c/o Numberland - Dr. Wolfgang Grond Lohfeld 20 95326 Kulmbach el.: +49 (0)9221 6919131 E-Mail: |
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Dabei wird übersehen, dass es in der Zwischenzeit gut funktionierende Werkzeuge gibt - Stichwort: maschinelles Lesen und Lernen - um sich auf diesem Gebiet Hilfe zu holen. Dokumente aus beliebigen Quellen, in beliebigen Formaten und in großem Umfang (einige hundert bis viele tausend) können in eine Analyse einbezogen werden.
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- offen: beliebige Dokumente können in die Analyse einbezogen werden (Patente, wissenschaftliche Publikationen, Officedokumente, Webseiten, Datenbankinhalte, etc.).
- aktuell: wir haben eine Kopie aller EU- und US-Patente seit 1920; andere Dokumente werden bei Bedarf von uns beschafft, sofern sie nicht von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellt werden können.
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- nachvollziehbar: Entscheidungen, die auf Basis einer untersuchten Dokumentkollektion getroffen werden, lassen sich leicht nachvollziehen.
Welche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten gibt es?
- Richtungsfindung in einem Markt oder Thema: wer macht was, welche inhaltlichen, räumlichen oder zeitlichen Trends existieren (z. B. für F&E-Vorhaben, Businessplan, Wettbewerbsanalysen, etc.)?
- Innovationsfindung (=Benutzung der verfügbaren Dokumente als Ideenkatalog, z. B. für APQP, QFD, SWOT, TRIZ, etc.)
Welche Analysen können erstellt werden?
- Welche Dokumente sind in einer Kollektion enthalten (tabellarisch mit Autor, Titel, Datum, etc.)?
- Welche inhaltlichen Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Dokumenten existieren?
- Wer macht was?
- Welche zeitlichen, inhaltlichen oder regionalen Trends existieren?
- Welche Akteure, Zeiträume, Regionen etc. dominieren ein Thema?
- Welche inhaltlichen Unterschiede bestehen zwischen einzelnen Akteuren, Gruppen, Zeiträumen, Regionen, etc.?
- Welche Themen sind enthalten, die ich nicht kenne (und nach denen ich aus diesem Grund auch nicht suchen kann)?
- Welche Herstellungsverfahren, Normen, Analysemethoden, chemischen Elemente und Verbindungen, Medikamente, Messgrößen, Werkstoffeigenschaften oder -klassen spielen eine Rolle?
- Wir erkennen geometrischen, mechanische, thermische, elektrische, magnetische, optische, akustische, etc. Messgrößen (insgesamt 90, jederzeit erweiterbar)in Dokumenten, wandeln unterschiedlichste Einheiten in eine gemeinsame Einheit um, und machen so Meßgrößen vergleichbar.
- etc.
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How-to Collections of the Month / How-to Sammlungen des Monats
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How-to Collection of the Month |
How-to Sammlung des Monats(Ein How-to ist eine praktische Anleitung) |
With these collections of expired patents ("US" + "EU") containing the words "Keyword(s)" (as mentioned below) within title and abstract you easily find products and technologies free to use which are suited to your business model. All patents are completely indexed so that you are able to search the collection for arbitrary terms. Usage of logical operators ("AND", "+", "OR", "NOT", "-"), wildcards ("?", "*") and similarity search ("~", usage on input - i. e. "roa~" will find "roam" as well as "foam") is possible.
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Mit diesen Sammlungen von abgelaufenen Patenten (US + EU), die die Worte "Stichworte" (wie unten genannt) im Titel und in der Zusammenfassung enthalten, finden Sie ganz einfach Technologien und Produkte, die zum Geschäftsmodell Ihres Unternehmens passen. Die Patente sind vollständig indexiert, so dass die Sammlung nach beliebigen Begriffen durchsucht werden kann. Die Verwendung von logischen Operatoren ("AND", "+", "OR", "NOT", "-"), Wildcards ("?", "*") und Ähnlichkeitssuche ("~", findet z. B. bei Eingabe von "roa~" neben "roam" auch "foam") ist möglich. Sichern Sie sich diesen Monat |
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our regular price this month for the collections mentioned below:(*) |
auf den Listenpreis für folgende Sammlungen:(*) |
- Keramisches Pulver / Ceramic Powder: ca. 3010 Patente / Patents
- Membranpumpe / Membrane Pump: ca. 1240 Patente / Patents
- Drehschieberpumpe / Rotary Vane Pump: ca. 580 Patente / Patents
- Kreiskolbenpumpe / Rotary Piston Pump: ca. 839 Patente / Patents
- Schlauchpumpe / Peristaltic Hose Pump: ca. 2780 Patente / Patents
- Axialpumpe / Axial Flow Pump: ca. 1250 Patente / Patents
- Radialpumpe / Radial Flow Pump: ca. 880 Patente / Patents
- Wasserstrahlpumpe / Water Jet Pump: ca. 720 Patente / Patents
- Abstandssensor / Distance Sensor: ca. 4600 Patente / Patents
- Gassensor / Gas Sensor: ca. 8820 Patente / Patents
- Induktiver Sensor / Inductive Sensor: ca. 2030 Patente / Patents
- Resistiver Sensor / Resistive Sensor: ca. 4240 Patente / Patents
- Piezoelektrischer Sensor / Piezoelektric Sensor: ca. 1520 Patente / Patents
- Kapazitiver Sensor / Capacitive Sensor: ca. 3290 Patente / Patents
- Optoelektrischer Sensor / Photoelectric Sensor: ca. 1230 Patente / Patents
- Elektrochemischer Sensor / Electrochemical Sensor: ca. 1600 Patente / Patents
- Faseroptischer Sensor / Fiber Sensor: ca. 4210 Patente / Patents
- Kapazitiver Drucksensor / Capacitive Pressure Sensor: ca. 650 Patente / Patents
- Piezoelektrischer Drucksensor / Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor: ca. 320 Patente / Patents
- Piezoresistiver Drucksensor / Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor: ca. 150 Patente / Patents
English: Discount is valid only for manufacturing companies until publication of the next newsletter.
Deutsch: Der Rabatt gilt ausschließlich für produzierende Unternehmen. Das Angebot gilt bis zur Publikation des nächsten Newsletters.
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- Aktorik + Sensorik
- instrumentelle Analytik + Messtechnik
- Biomaterialien
- Informationstechnik (erzeugen, umwandeln, transportieren, verarbeiten und speichern von Informationen)
- Energietechnik (erzeugen, umwandeln, transportieren, speichern, sparen, dämmen von Energie)
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- Entwicklungspartner für UV-LEDs
- Extrusion von Glasfaser verstärktem Polyamid
- Leitfähige Polymere für die additive Fertigung
- Verbesserte Lebensdauer für medizinische Artikel aus Zellulose
- Zementersatz aus Schlacke
- Entfernung von Deodorantflecken aus Textilien
- Moskitoabwehr
- Metallelektrode für Alkalibatterien
- Katheder für die Veterinärmedizin
- Schnelle Mikrostrukturanalyse
- Dämpfungsmaterialien aus alten Reifen
- REACH-fester thermischer Isolationswerkstoff
Details zu diesen und weiteren Anfragen finden Sie hier und auf unserer Website in der Rubrik "Anfragen". Sollte eine der hier publizierten Lösungen genau auf Ihr aktuelles Projekt passen, wenden Sie sich bitte unter Angabe der ID an uns.
- Magnetisches Trennen von Abfällen
- GFK mit reduziertem Gewicht
- Poröse Titanbauteile für die Medizintechnik
- Dachziegel mit integrierten PV-Zellen
- Leichte Profilbauteile durch Strangziehen
- Antimikrobielles Nahtmaterial
- Keramischer Spritzguss
- Thermoelektrisches Element für großflächige Anwendungen
- Herstellung von Leichtmetallen mit Solarthermie
- Filter für Wasser, Luft, Lebensmittel und Öl
- Nanopartikel aus Si-Verbindungen
- Lignin-Rückgewinnung aus Papierabfall
- Wasserdampfdurchlässiges Klebeband
Details zu diesen und weiteren Angeboten finden Sie hier und auf unserer Website in der Rubrik "Angebote". Sollte eine der hier publizierten Lösungen genau auf Ihr aktuelles Projekt passen, wenden Sie sich bitte unter Angabe der ID an uns.
- 30.05.-01.06.2017: CaGBC National Conference and Expo - Every Buidling can be Green, Vancouver, CA
- 30.05.-01.06.2017: Electronics & Applications (Electronics & Automation) - Industrial Electronics Exhibition, Utrecht, NL
- 30.05.-01.06.2017: SENSOR+TEST - The Measurement Fair - International Trade Fair for Sensorics, Measuring and Testing Technologies with concurrent Conferences, Nuremberg, DE
- 30.05.-02.06.2017: Aqua-Therm Kiev - International Exhibition for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Water Supply, Sanitary, Environmental Technology, Swimming Pool and Renewable Energies, Kiev, UA
- 30.05.-02.06.2017: Moulding Expo - International Trade Fair for Tool, Pattern and Mould Making, Stuttgart, DE
- 30.05.-31.05.2017: AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING EXPO - Car Body Process Chain - from concept to final assembly, Nuremberg, DE
- 31.05.-01.06.2017: ExpoBiogaz, Bordeaux, FR
- 31.05.-02.06.2017: CARBON EXPO - Global Carbon Market Fair & Conference, Barcelona, ES
- 31.05.-02.06.2017: Intersolar Europe / ees Europe - The world's leading exhibition for the solar industry and its partners / Europe's largest exhibition for batteries and energy storage systems, Munich, DE
- 31.05.-02.06.2017: MODERNPAK - International Packing Materials and Packing Technology Fair, Zagreb, HR
- 31.05.-02.06.2017: RUn Elevator Week - Int. Exhibition of Elevators and Elevator Equipment, Moscow, RU
- 31.05.-02.06.2017: RUn Elevator Week - Int. Exhibition of Elevators and Elevator Equipment, Moscow, RU
- 31.05.-03.06.2017: Caspian Power - Caspian International Power and Alternative Energy Exhibition, Baku, AZ
- 02.06.-04.06.2017: MEDEXPO KENYA - International Trade Exhibition on Medical and Health Care, Nairobi, KE
- 02.06.-04.06.2017: PPP Expo - PPP Expo - Plastics, Printing, Packaging EXPO, Nairobi, KE
- 05.06.-08.06.2017: A&WMA - Air & Waste Management Association Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Pittsburgh, US
- 05.06.-08.06.2017: Clean Show - World Educational Congress for Laundering and Dry Cleaning with Exhibition, Las Vegas, US
- 05.06.-08.06.2017: Metallurgy-Litmash - International Trade Fair for Metallurgy, Machinery, Plant Technology & Products, incl. wire RU, incl. Tube RU, Moscow, RU
- 05.06.-08.06.2017: Mir Stekla - World of Glass - International Exhibition for the Glass Industry, Moscow, RU
- 05.06.-08.06.2017: wire RU - The International Wire and Cable Trade Fair in RU, Moscow, RU
- 05.06.-10.06.2017: FEIMAFE - International Machine Tools and Integrated Manufacturing Systems Trade Fair, Sao Paulo, BR
- 06.06.-08.06.2017: Automechanika Birmingham - International Trade Fair for the Automotive Industry, Birmingham, UK
- 06.06.-08.06.2017: CityPipe - Int. Trade Fair and Conference 'Piping Systems for Municipal Infrastructure: Construction, Diagnostics, Repair and Operation', Moscow, RU
- 06.06.-08.06.2017: ENERGA Internationale Energiemesse - International Fair - Energy, Industry, Mining, Tuzla, BA
- 06.06.-08.06.2017: EXPO ELECTRICA Internacional, Mexico City, MX
- 06.06.-08.06.2017: Ferroforma - International Fair for Hardware, DIY and Industrial Supplies, Bilbao, ES
- 06.06.-08.06.2017: Maintenance Bilbao, Bilbao, ES
- 06.06.-08.06.2017: Offshore Wind Energy - European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition, London, UK
- 06.06.-08.06.2017: Pumps & Valves Bilbao, Bilbao, ES
- 06.06.-08.06.2017: SUBCON - Engineering Subcontracting and Surface Treatment and Finishing Exhibition, Birmingham, UK
- 06.06.-08.06.2017: Subcontratacion - International Exhibition for Manufacturing Processes and Equipment, Bilbao, ES
- 06.06.-08.06.2017: WasteTech - Premier RUn forum covering waste treatment, environmental protection and renewable energy, Moscow, RU
- 06.06.-09.06.2017: HAPE - Exhibition of Hydraulics, Pneumatics and Drives, Poznan, PL
- 06.06.-09.06.2017: ITM Polska - Innovations-Technologies-Machines PL - Innovations - Technologies - Machines, Poznan, PL
- 06.06.-09.06.2017: Mach-Tool - Machine Tools Exhibition, Poznan, PL
- 06.06.-09.06.2017: Metalforum - Exhibition of Metallurgy, Foundry Engineering and Metal Industry, Poznan, PL
- 06.06.-09.06.2017: SURFEX - Exhibition of Surface Treatment Technologies, Poznan, PL
- 06.06.-09.06.2017: UGOL ROSSII & MINING, NEDRA ROSSII, SAFETY & HEALTH - International Trade Fairs for Coal Mining, Technology, Preparation, Materials Handling, for Exploitation, Processing and Refining of Metals and Industrial Minerals, for Occupational Health and Safety in the Mining Industry, Novokuznetzsk, RU
- 06.06.-09.06.2017: WELDING - International Welding Exhibition, Poznan, PL
- 06.06.-10.06.2017: Food Industry / Prodmash.Holod.Upak - Internationale Fachmesse für die Lebensmittelindustrie, Minsk, BY
- 07.06.-08.06.2017: automation & electronics Zürich - Die Schweizer Messe für Industrie und Wissenschaft, Zurich, CH
- 07.06.-08.06.2017: SEMICON RU - Int. Ausstellung und Konferenz für Halbleiter- und Photovoltaik-Ausrüstungen, Materialien und Dienstleistungen, Moscow, RU
- 07.06.-09.06.2017: ITSC - International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition, Dusseldorf, DE
- 07.06.-09.06.2017: Polfish - International Exhibition of Fish Processing and Products, Gdansk, PL
- 07.06.-10.06.2017: ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week, Bangkok, TH
- 07.06.-10.06.2017: BioFuel - Specialized Exhibition for Renewable and Alternative Energy, Kiev, UA
- 07.06.-10.06.2017: ENTECH POLLUTEC ASIA (ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week) - International Exhibition of Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Technology, Bangkok, TH
- 07.06.-10.06.2017: PUMPS & VALVES - Specialized Pumps, Valves and Fitting Hardware Trade Exhibition, Bangkok, TH
- 07.06.-10.06.2017: RENEWABLE ENERGY ASIA - REA (ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week) - International Renewable Energy Technology Exhibition and Conference, Bangkok, TH
- 07.06.-10.06.2017: ThaiWater Expo - Dedicated Event for Water and Waste Water Technology, Bangkok, TH
- 07.06.-10.06.2017: VN AutoExpo - International Automobile & Supporting Industries Exhibition & Conference, Hanoi, VN
- 08.06.-10.06.2017: Intermat ASEAN - International Construction Machinery, Equipment and Technology Exhibition, Bangkok, TH
- 08.06.-10.06.2017: SIN - SPS Automation INDIA - A professional trade platform for the manufacturing focussed on industrial automation, Mumbai, IN
- 10.06.-11.06.2017: Green Festival - America's Largest and Longest-Running Sustainability and Green Living Event New York, US
- 11.06.-14.06.2017: ACE - American Water Works Association Annual Conference & Exposition Philadelphia, US
- 12.06.-14.06.2017: Annual International Operating Conference & Trade Show of International Liquid Terminals Association (ILTA), Houston, US
- 12.06.-15.06.2017: EU BC&E - Europäische Konferenz und Technologie-Ausstellung über Biomasse in Energie, Industrie und Klimaschutz, Stockholm, SE
- 12.06.-15.06.2017: WWEC - World Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition - Welt-Windenergie-Konferenz und -Ausstellung, Malmoe, SE
- 13.06.-15.06.2017: ConMin West Africa - Exhibition for Construction Machinery, Mining and Building Materials, Abuja, NG
- 13.06.-15.06.2017: EASTPACK - The Eastern Packaging Exposition, New York, US
- 13.06.-15.06.2017: EXPO PACK - International Packaging Exhibition and Conference, Guadalajara, MX
- 13.06.-15.06.2017: INPEX - Invention/New Product Exhibition, Pittsburgh, US
- 13.06.-15.06.2017: MD & M East - Medical Design and Manufacturing East Conference and Exhibition, New York, US
- 13.06.-15.06.2017: NEPCON MY - Nepcon/Microelectronics Exhibition, Penang, MY
- 13.06.-16.06.2017: FIP - International Plastics Industry Forum, Lyon, FR
- 14.06.-15.06.2017: AmeriMold - The Event for Tool and Mold Making, Molding and Additive Technologies, Rosemont, US
- 14.06.-16.06.2017: INA PAACE Automechanika MX City - MX's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting Trade Visitors from Latin and Central America, Mexico City, MX
- 14.06.-16.06.2017: OPTO (within Photonics Festival) - International Optoelectronics Exposition, Taipei, TW
- 14.06.-16.06.2017: TW Nano (within Photonics Festival) - TW International Nano Tech Exhibition, Taipei, TW
- 14.06.-16.06.2017: WATER AFRICA & West Africa Building & Construction Exhibition GH, Accra, GH
- 14.06.-17.06.2017: ProPak Asia - International Processing, Filling and Packaging Technology Event for Asia, Bangkok, TH
- 15.06.-18.06.2017: MEDICARE TAIWAN - TW International Medical & Healthcare Exhibition, Taipei, TW
- 19.06.-22.06.2017: AABC - International Advanced Automotive Battery and Ultracapacitor Conference, San Francisco, US
- 19.06.-25.06.2017: Salon International de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (SIAE) - International Air Show, Paris, FR
- 20.06.-21.06.2017: PWEA (Wind Power PL), Serock, PL
- 20.06.-21.06.2017: Valve World Americas - Expo & Conference, Houston, US
- 20.06.-22.06.2017: JEC Composites Americas (spring) - Internationale Ausstellung für Verbundstoffe, Chicago, US
- 20.06.-22.06.2017: Rapid.Tech - International Trade Show & Conference for Additive Manufacturing / FabCon 3.D - The 3D Printing Community Event, Erfurt, DE
- 20.06.-22.06.2017: RosMould - International Mould Making and Technologies Exhibition and Instrumental Summit, Moscow, RU
- 20.06.-22.06.2017: RosPlast - International Plastics Exhibition, Moscow, RU
- 20.06.-23.06.2017: RosUpack - International Fair for the Packaging Industry, Moscow, RU
- 21.06.-23.06.2017: DMS (within Manufacturing World JP) - Computer Integrated Manufacturing Expo & Conference, Tokyo, JP
- 21.06.-23.06.2017: MEDIX - Medical Device Development Expo (within Manufacturing World), Tokyo, JP
- 21.06.-23.06.2017: Nanotech Europe within EuroNanoForum - Nanotechnology Conference and Exhibition, Valletta, MT
- 21.06.-24.06.2017: Assembly & Automation Technology (Part of Manufacturing Expo) - International Industrial Automation and Assembly Technology Exhibition, Bangkok, TH
- 21.06.-24.06.2017: Automotive Manufacturing (Part of Manufacturing Expo) - Machinery and Technology Expo for Automotive Parts Manufacturing, Bangkok, TH
- 21.06.-24.06.2017: Foodtech & Pharmatech TAIPEI - Taipei International Food Processing & Pharmaceutical Machinery Show, Taipei, TW
- 21.06.-24.06.2017: Intermold TH (Part of Manufacturing Expo) - International Mould, Die & Metalworking Technology Exhibition, Bangkok, TH
- 21.06.-24.06.2017: InterPlas TH - International Trade Exhibition and Conference for Plastics & Petrochemical Manufacturing & Technology, Bangkok, TH
- 21.06.-24.06.2017: metef-foundeq - International Aluminium Exhibition - International Foundry Equipment Exhibition, Verona, IT
- 21.06.-24.06.2017: NEPCON THAILAND - Exhibition on Assembly, Measurement and Testing Technologies for Electronics Manufacturing, Bangkok, TH
- 21.06.-24.06.2017: TAIPEI PACK - International Packaging Industry Show, Taipei, TW
- 23.06.-25.06.2017: COMPACK - Complete Packaging Expo, Chennai, IN
- 26.06.-29.06.2017: LASER World of PHOTONICS - International Trade Fair and Congress for Photonics Components, Systems and Applications, Munich, DE
- 27.06.-29.06.2017: ASME Turbo Expo - Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition, Charlotte, US
- 27.06.-29.06.2017: MinTek KZ (within Mining Week) - International Exhibition for Mining and Exploration, Mineral & Coal Processing and Metallurgical Technologies, Karaganda, KZ
- 27.06.-29.06.2017: PSE Europe - Internationale Fachmesse für Polyurethan-Verarbeitung, Munich, DE
- 27.06.-30.06.2017: FISPAL Tecnologia - International Fair of Packaging and Processes for the Food and Beverage Industries, Sao Paulo, BR
- 27.06.-30.06.2017: HydroVision - Conference & Exhibition, Denver, US
- 28.06.-01.07.2017: Sisdak Medical Expo - International Exhibition on Medical Equipments & Healthcare, Dakar, SN
- 28.06.-29.06.2017: Sensors Expo & Conference - The International Conference and Exposition of Sensors and Systems, San Jose, US
- 28.06.-30.06.2017: INTERPHEX JAPAN - International Pharmaceutical, R & D and Manufacturing Expo and Conference, Tokyo, JP
- 29.06.-01.07.2017: Everything About Water Expo, New Delhi, IN
- 29.06.-01.07.2017: MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY CEBU - International Industrial Equipment, Hardware Products, Power Tools, Material Handling & Accessories Exhibition, Cebu City, PH
- 04.07.-07.07.2017: MTA VIETNAM - The International Precision Engineering Machine Tools & Metalworking Exhibition & Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, VN
- 05.07.-06.07.2017: BR Solar Power, Rio de Janeiro, BR
- 05.07.-06.07.2017: UK AD & BIOGAS - Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Trade Show, Birmingham, UK
- 05.07.-07.07.2017: Renewable Energy International Exhibition, Yokohama, JP
- 11.07.-13.07.2017: Intersolar North America / ees North America - The most-attended Solar Exhibition in the United States / North America's ultimate hot spot for energy storage solutions, San Francisco, US
- 11.07.-13.07.2017: SEMICON West - Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Exhibition and Conference (Wafer Processing) San Francisco, US
- 12.07.-14.07.2017: INDOWATER, INDOWASTE, INDORENERGY - International Water, Wastewater & Recycling Technology Expo, Jakarta, ID
- 15.07.-16.07.2017: Maker Faire Bodensee - Das Event rund ums Machen, Tüfteln, Gestalten, Friedrichshafen, DE
- 16.07.-19.07.2017: FOODPRO - International Food Processing Machinery and Technology Exhibition and Conference, Sydney, AU
- 17.07.-19.07.2017: Construction Industry Exhibition Abuja - International Building Materials & Construction Technology Exhibition, Abuja, NG
- 18.07.-20.07.2017: MEC SHOW - Metalmechanics, Power and Automation Fair, Serra, BR
- 18.07.-23.07.2017: MAKS MOSCOW AEROSALON - International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in RU, Moscow, RU
- 19.07.-21.07.2017: Maintenance & Resilience Show - International Maintenance Technology Exhibition incl. Plant Maintenance Show, Occupational Safety & Health Exhibition JP, Non-Destructive Evaluation TOKYO, Infra-Main Tech and Disaster Prevention Japan, Tokyo, JP
- 19.07.-21.07.2017: Mediatech Africa - Advanced Technology Trade Fair, Johannesburg, ZA
- 19.07.-21.07.2017: THERMOTEC - International Exhibition on Industrial Furnace, Thermal Technology, Equipment and Material, Tokyo, JP
- 19.07.-22.07.2017: Manufacturing Surabaya, Surabaya, ID
- 23.07.-25.07.2017: Glass World Exhibition - International Exhibition for Glass & Aluminium Technology, Machinery and Equipment, Cairo, EG
- 25.07.-27.07.2017: IHS - APHM - APHM Healthcare Conference & International Healthcare Expo, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 26.07.-29.07.2017: NACE Automechanika Chicago - America's leading international trade fair for the automotive service and collision repair industry targeting trade visitors from the US & Canada, Chicago, US
- 27.07.-29.07.2017: IMHLS - IN Material Handling & Logistics Show, New Delhi, IN
- 28.07.-30.07.2017: MEDICALL New Delhi - International Medical Equipment Exhibition, Chennai, IN
- 28.07.-31.07.2017: IMTOS - IN Machine Tools Show, New Delhi, IN
- 01.08.-03.08.2017: AACC Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo - AACC Clinical Laboratory Exposition, San Diego, US
- 01.08.-03.08.2017: iftech food + bev tec PK - International Food, Beverage & Packaging Technology Trade Fair, Lahore, PK
- 01.08.-03.08.2017: plasti & pack pakistan - International Plastics and Packaging Industry Trade Fair, Lahore, PK
- 03.08.-07.08.2017: Sydney International Boat Show, Sydney, AU
- 06.08.-10.08.2017: M&M Microscopy & Microanalysis, St. Louis, US
- 08.08.-10.08.2017: Energy Storage North America (ESNA) - Conference and Expo, San Diego, US
- 08.08.-10.08.2017: FIME - International Medical Exposition, Orlando, US
- 08.08.-10.08.2017: Greenbuilding Brasil, Sao Paulo, BR
- 08.08.-10.08.2017: SPIE Optics + Photonics Exhibition, San Diego, US
- 08.08.-11.08.2017: ENVASE - International Exhibition for the Packaging Industry, Buenos Aires, AR
- 09.08.-12.08.2017: Automation Expo - International Exhibition and Conference, Mumbai, IN
- 12.08.-15.08.2017: IR Confair - International Building & Construction Exhibition, Tehran, IR
- 16.08.-18.08.2017: AUTOEXPO TANZANIA, Daressalam, TZ
- 16.08.-18.08.2017: HospitalMed - Trade Show for Products, Equipments, Services & Technology for Hospitals, Laboratories, Clinics and Offices, Recife, BR
- 17.08.-19.08.2017: Metal, Hardware & Woodmach PH (Manufac.Technology World Series) - International Metalworking, Machine Tools, Factory Automation, Hardware Products and Welding Machinery, Technology and Accessories Exhibition, Manila, PH
- 17.08.-19.08.2017: PHILTRONICS(Manufacturing Technology World Series) - International Electronics and Semiconductor, SMT and PCB Manufacturing Technology, Supplies and Services Exhibition, Manila, PH
- 17.08.-19.08.2017: VIETNAM MEDIPHARM EXPO Ho-Chi-Minh-City - International Medical Equipment and Pharmaceutical Exhibition, Ho Chi Minh City, VN
- 20.08.-22.08.2017: ORNARIS - Trade Fair for innovations and trends, Berne, CH
- 21.08.-23.08.2017: ANUTEC - International FoodTec IN - International Supplier Fair for the Food and Drink Industry, New Delhi, IN
- 21.08.-23.08.2017: AQUA WORLD - Trade exhibition for process, drinking and waste water, New Delhi, IN
- 21.08.-24.08.2017: InterBuild JO Fair - Fair and Forum for Construction, Building Industry, Properties Development, Decoration, Architecture and Design, Amman, JO
- 21.08.-24.08.2017: MIMS Automechanika MOSCOW - RU's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting Trade Visitors from RU and the CIS, Moscow, RU
- 21.08.-28.08.2017: IUCr Congress and General Assembly - Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Hyderabad, IN
- 22.08.-24.08.2017: Health Asia - Health Asia International Exhibition and Conference, Karachi, PK
- 22.08.-24.08.2017: INDUSMACH TZ - Int. Trade Exhibition on Industrial Products, Tools, Machinery & Equipment, Daressalam, TZ
- 22.08.-24.08.2017: Intersolar South America / ees South America - The international Exhibition and Conference for the South American Solar Industry / The major platform for storage technologies reshaping LATAM's energy sector, Sao Paulo, BR
- 23.08.-25.08.2017: Concrete Show South America, Sao Paulo, BR
- 24.08.-27.08.2017: MotorExpoShow - Automobile Expo, Krasnojarsk, RU
- 26.08.-28.09.2017: tct Show - The leading event dedicated to 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing and Product Development, Birmingham, UK
- 29.08.-01.09.2017: Katowice 2017 - International Fair for Mining, Power Industry and Metallurgy, Katowice, PL
- 30.08.-02.09.2017: ExpoFerretera - International Hardware, Plumbing Parts, Paint and Construction Material Trade Fair, Buenos Aires, AR
June 2017
- 06 5th International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (RTET-2017) PATTAYA - THAILAND June 6-8, 2017 Pattaya, Thailand
- 06 Offshore Wind Energy 2017 London, United Kingdom
- 06 4th International Conference on Innovation in Environment, Civil, Materials and Architecture Engineering (IECMAE-17) Pattaya, Thailand
- 08 13th International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (ICEST’2017) June 8-10, 2017 Pattaya (Thailand) Pattaya, Thailand
- 08 2nd International Conference on Innovative Trends in Engineering, Technology, Computers and Applied Sciences (ITETCAS-June-2017) Tokyo, Japan
- 09 18th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech & Greentech (ECG), 09-10 June 2017, Rome, Italy Rome, Italy
- 09 2017 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (CEEIT 2017)--EI Compendex, Scopus, and ISI CPCS Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 09 18th International Conference on Researches in Science & Technology (ICRST), 09-10 June 2017, Rome, Italy Rome, Italy
- 09 2017 2nd International Conference on Electronics Engineering (ICOEE 2017)-EI, Scopus, and ISI CPCS Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 09 2017 2nd International Conference on Measurement Instrumentation and Electronics (ICMIE 2017) - Ei Compendex and Scopus Prague, Czech Republic
- 10 2nd International Conference on Systems in Technology, Applied Sciences and Engineering Management (STAEM-June-2017) Bangkok, Thailand
- 12 2017 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST 2017) Madrid, Spain
- 12 2017 6th International Conference on Petroleum Industry and Energy (ICPIE 2017) Madrid, Spain
- 12 2017 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering (ICSEE 2017) Perth, Australia
- 12 2017 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conversation (ICREC 2017) Perth, Australia
- 12 BANGKOK 4th International Conference on Innovations in Engineering & Technology (ICCET-2017) June 12-14, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand
- 13 2nd International Conference on Modern Trends in Biomedical Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (MBEAR-June-2017) Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 14 8th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science, Engineering and Management 2017 (ICITSEM 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 16 14th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG), 16-17 June 2017, Singapore Singapore, Singapore
- 16 2017 2nd IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (ACIRS 2017)-IEEE Xplore, Ei Compendex Wuhan, China
- 16 14th International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 16-17 June 2017, Singapore Singapore, Singapore
- 16 2017 5th Asia Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering (ACMME 2017) - SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Tokyo, Japan
- 16 IEEE--2017 3rd International Conference on Robotics and Vision (ICRV 2017)--Ei Compendex and Scopus Wuhan, China
- 17 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development in Biomechanics, Electrical, Computer Science and Information Technology (SBECI-June-2017) Seoul, South Korea
- 17 2017 6th International Conference on Innovation, Knowledge, and Management (ICIKM 2017)--EI Compendex, Scopus, and ISI CPCS Phuket, Thailand
- 20 2017 4th International Conference on Mechanics and Mechatronics Research (ICMMR 2017) - Ei Compendex, Scopus and CPCI Xi'an, China
- 21 Materials Characterisation 2017 Tallinn, Estonia
- 21 6th International Youth Conference on Energy Budapest, Hungary
- 23 2017 9th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2017) Beijing, China
- 23 2017 2nd International Conference on Green Composite Materials (ICGCM 2017) - SCOPUS, Ei Hong Kong, China
- 23 15th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG), 23-24 June 2017, Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 23 2017 8th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology (ICMST 2017)--SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Hong Kong, China
- 23 15th International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 23-24 June 2017, Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 24 3rd International Conference on Recent Developments in Computer, Applied sciences and Engineering (RDCASE-June-2017) Singapore, Singapore
- 25 2017 The 2nd International Conference on Electronics Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2017)--EI, Scopus Beijing, China
- 25 2017 International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Materials (ICAMM 2017) Hong Kong, China
- 26 Materials, Methods and Technologies 2017, 19th International Conference Elenite, Bulgaria
- 26 7th International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (RTSET-2017) June 26-27, 2017 London, United Kingdom
July 2017
- 01 2017 6th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering (ICTTE 2017)--Ei,ISI and Scopus Hong Kong, China
- 01 2017 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Engineering and Design (ICVED 2017)--SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Hong Kong, China
- 01 8th International Research Conference on Engineering, Science and Management 2017 (IRCESM 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 01 2017 3rd International Conference on Innovation and Industrial Logistics (ICIIL 2017)--SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Hong Kong, China
- 02 3rd International Conference on Systems in Technology, Applied Sciences and Engineering Management (STAEM-July-2017) Bangkok, Thailand
- 03 International Conference On Economics And Business At The Interface Of Natural Sciences (EBINS -2017) Athens, Greece
- 03 International Conference On Phosphorus, Boron and Silicon 2017 Paris, France
- 05 World Congress on Engineering 2017 London, United Kingdom
- 05 2017 The 7th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2017)--Scopus & Ei compendex Wuhan, China
- 06 Healthcare Technology, Management, and Finance 2017 Conference Washington DC, United States of America
- 06 2nd International Research Conference on Science, Technology and Management 2017 (IRCSTM 2017) Bangkok, Thailand
- 07 SPIE - 2017 5th International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (ICWOC 2017) - Scopus, Ei Compendex Singapore, Singapore
- 07 8th International Conference on Engineering, Science, Business and Management 2017 (ICESBM 2017) Bangkok, Thailand
- 07 The European Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment 2017 (ECSEE2017) Brighton, United Kingdom
- 07 3rd Functional Polymeric Materials - Fusion Conferences Rome, Italy
- 07 IEEE--2017 2nd International Conference on Optoelectronics and Image Processing (ICOIP 2017)--Ei Compendex Singapore, Singapore
- 07 2017 2nd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Smart Materials (ICEESM 2017)-SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Lyon, France
- 07 2017 2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in Energy (ICNNE2017) - Ei Compendex, Scopus Lyon, France
- 08 3rd International Conference on Innovative Trends in Engineering, Technology, Computers and Applied Sciences (ITETCAS-July-2017) Tokyo, Japan
- 10 TORONTO'2017 AES-ATEMA Int. Conference (Toronto, CANADA: July 10 -14, 2017} Toronto, Canada
- 10 4th International Conference on Systems in Technology, Applied Sciences and Engineering Management (STAEM-July-2017) Bangkok, Thailand
- 10 8th International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology (RTSET-- 2017-- PATTAYA) July 10-11, 2017 Pattaya, Thailand
- 10 7th International Conference on Science, Management, Engineering and Technology 2017 (ICSMET 2017) Phuket, Thailand
- 11 9th International Conference on “Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology” (ASET-17) July 11-12, 2017 BANGKOK - THAILAND Bangkok, Thailand
- 11 Global Business and Technology Association (GBATA) 19th Annual International Conference Vienna, Austria
- 12 Systems Engineering, Management, and Innovation International Conference Washington DC, United States of America
- 12 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research Methodology and Innovation (IRMI-July-2017) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 13 14th International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (ICEST’2017) July 13-14, 2017 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- 13 4th International Conference On Multidisciplinary Innovation For Sustainability And Growth (Misg - 2017) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 13 3rd International Conference on Modern Trends in Biomedical Engineering and Applied Sciences Research Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 13 SDC 2017 - 5th Annual Sustainable Development Conference Bangkok, Thailand
- 14 2017 International Conference on Materials Sciences and Nanomaterials (ICMSN 2017) Barcelona, Spain
- 14 16th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech & Greentech (ECG), 14-15 July 2017, Bali, Indonesia
- 14 16th International Conference on Researches in Science & Technology (ICRST), 14-15 July 2017, Bali, Indonesia
- 15 International Conference on Sustainability, Green Buildings, Environmental Engineering & Renewable Energy (SGER 2017) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 17 7th International Congress of Energy and Environment Engineering and Management (CIIEM7) Canary Islands, Spain
- 17 Tech Trend 2017 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 17 2017 The 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER 2017)--EI, SCOPUS, ISI Porto Novo, Portugal
- 17 4th International Conference on Sustainable Development in Biomechanics, Electrical, Computer Science and Information Technology (SBECI-July-2017) Seoul, South Korea
- 18 2017 2nd International Conference on Green Energy Technology (ICGET 2017) - Ei Compendex, SCOPUS Rome, Italy
- 18 2017 2nd International Conference on Water Pollution and Treatment (ICWPT 2017) Rome, Italy
- 18 2017 8th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications (ICEEA 2017)--Scopus, EI Compendex and ISI Proceedings Rome, Italy
- 19 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Materials Science and Technology Canary Islands, Spain
- 20 Sustainable Collaboration In Business, Technology, Information, and Innovation 2017 Bandung, Indonesia
- 20 5th KUALA LUMPUR - MALAYSIA International Conference on Engineering, Industrial Management and Sustainable Development (EIMSD’2017) July 20-21, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 21 17th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech & Greentech (ECG), 21-22 July 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
- 21 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation Engineering (ICIMA 2017)--EI Compendex, Scopus Chengdu, China
- 21 17th International Conference on Researches in Science & Technology (ICRST), 21-22 July 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
- 21 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Management Singapore, Singapore
- 22 International Conclave on Smart Science and Engineering Jaipur, India
- 22 2017 The 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE 2017) - IEEE and Ei Compendex Prague, Czech Republic
- 23 2017 IEEE International Conference on Green Energy (ICOGE 2017)-Ei Compendex, Scopus Singapore, Singapore
23 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC 2017)--IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex Singapore, Singapore - 25 Symposium "Energy, Ecology & Climate" Jurmala, Latvia
- 25 the 4th Postgraduate Colloquium in Environmental Research Malacca, Malaysia
- 26 2nd Global Conference on Applied Computing in Science and Engineering (ACSE2) Canary Islands, Spain
- 26 Science and Engineering Technology International Conference 2017 (SETIC 2017) Langkawi Island, Malaysia
- 27 19th International Conference on Researches in Science & Technology (ICRST), 27-28 July 2017, Barcelona, Spain
- 27 18th International Conference Of Business , Economics , Management , Information Technology and Social Science Moscow, Russian Federation
- 27 3rd International Conference On Multidisciplinary Innovation In Academic Research (Miar-2017) Astana, Kazakhstan
- 28 International Conference on Sustainable Development Colombo, Sri Lanka
- 29 IWMSCE-2017, 3rd International Workshop on Materical Science and Chemical Engineering Istanbul, Turkey
- 31 International Conference on Information Technology and Society 2017 Penang, Malaysia
August 2017
- 01 IEEE--2017 2nd International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICDME 2017)--Ei Compendex Guangzhou, China
- 01 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science, Engineering and Computer Science Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 02 5th International Conference on Systems in Technology, Applied Sciences and Engineering Management (STAEM-August-2017) Bangkok, Thailand
- 03 4th International Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology, Computers and Industrial Applications (IETCIA-2017) Pattaya, Thailand
- 03 4th International Conference on Chemical, Materials, Mining and Manufacturing Engineering (CM3E-17) Aug. 3-4, 2017 Pattaya, Thailand
- 03 4th MacroTrend Conference on Medicine and Technology Dubrovnik 2017 Dubrovnik, Croatia
- 03 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering Bangkok, Thailand
- 04 International Conference on Recent Technology & Trends(ICRTT) Bali, Indonesia
- 04 2017 The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2017) Los Angeles, United States of America
- 05 4TH International Congress on Technology - Engineering & Science Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 06 International Conference on Applied Science, Healthcare, and Engineering San Francisco, United States of America
- 06 International Conference on Energy and Sustainability in Small Developing Economies (ICESSDE) Jakarta, Indonesia
- 06 International Conference On System Engineering and Information Technology(ICSEIT) Jakarta, Indonesia
- 08 2017 International Conference on Innovation, Management and Industrial Engineering (IMIE 2017) Osaka, Japan
- 08 6th International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (RTET-2017) Singapore, Singapore
- 08 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering casablanca, Morocco
- 08 4th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Engineering, Technology, Computers and Applied Sciences (ITETCAS-August-2017) Tokyo, Japan
- 09 International Conference on Sustainable Development 2017 Canada Ottawa, Canada
- 10 9th International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering, Computers and Technology (RTSECT-2017-SINGAPORE) Singapore, Singapore
- 10 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering Madrid, Spain
- 10 6th International Conference on Systems in Technology, Applied Sciences and Engineering Management (STAEM-August-2017) Bangkok, Thailand
- 10 9th SINGAPORE International Conference on Building Design, Civil, Architectural & Transportation Engineering (BDCATE17) Singapore, Singapore
- 12 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering Paris, France
- 12 15th International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (ICEST’2017) Aug. 12-14, 2017 Batam, Indonesia
- 12 4th International Conference on Modern Trends in Biomedical Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (MBEAR-August-2017) Hongkong, Hongkong
- 14 3rd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research Methodology and Innovation (IRMI -August-2017) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 14 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IC3E 2017) Johor Bahru, Malaysia
- 14 International Conference on Information, System and Convergence Applications Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- 14 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering Athens, Greece
- 14 IEEE - 2017 the 5th IEEE International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE 2017) - Ei Compendex and Scopus Oshawa, Canada
- 15 2017 International Conference on Research and Innovation in Computer Engineering and Computer Sciences (RICCES 2017) Langkawi Island, Malaysia
- 16 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering Venice, Italy
- 16 International Conference on Engineering, Science and Applications Tokyo, Japan
- 16 Tokyo International Conference on Engineering and Science (2017 ICES) Tokyo, Japan
- 17 2017 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering (ICIBE 2017) Sapporo, Japan
- 17 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development in Biomechanics, Electrical, Computer Science and Information Technology (SBECI-Aug-2017) Seoul, South Korea
- 17 2017 3rd International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering (ICCSSE 2017) - IEEE, Ei Compendex Beijing, China
- 20 2017 6th International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology (ICEEB 2017) Kitakyushu, Japan
- 21 International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering (ICADME 2017) Penang, Malaysia
- 21 2017 4th International Conference on Advances in Biology and Chemistry (ICABC 2017) Singapore, Singapore
- 21 ICCE2017: 6th International Conference & Exhibition on Clean Energy Toronto, Canada
- 21 2017 International Conference on Materials and Intelligent Manufacturing (ICMIM 2017) Singapore, Singapore
- 23 2017 International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science - Summer Session (ICENS - Summer 2017) Sapporo, Japan
- 24 [Ei/CPCI/Scopus]2017 International Symposium on Green Energy and Smart Grid (SGESG 2017) Bali, Indonesia
- 24 2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Energy and Electrical Engineering (AT3E 2017) Bali, Indonesia
- 26 2017 International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences (ICRAS 2017) - IEEE, Ei Compendex and Scopus Hong Kong, China
- 29 International Conference on Industrial and System Engineering Denpasar, Indonesia
- 31 International Polyurethane Forum 2017 JeJu, South Korea