Numberland Technology News
Februar 2017
- Vorträge und Exkursionen
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- 20 neue How-tos
- 12 neue Anfragen
- 12 neue Angebote
- Messen - 02/17 - 04/17
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Vorträge und Exkursionen
In diesem Newsletter finden Sie Hinweise auf:
- Vortrag des Monats bei der Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH - 07.03.2017
Vortrag des Monats
Vortrag des Monats März 2017: Power aus der Biotonne – dezentrale Ansätze für die kommunale Energie- und Abfallwirtschaft
Die Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH und der Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Bezirksgruppe Bayreuth - laden herzlich zum "Vortrag des Monats" ins Kompetenzzentrum in 95448 Bayreuth, Gottlieb-Keim-Str. 60 ein.
Power aus der Biotonne – dezentrale Ansätze für die kommunale Energie- und Abfallwirtschaft
Ort und Datum:
Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH, Gottlieb-Keim-Strasse 60, 95448 Bayreuth, 07. März 2017, 18:30 Uhr. Der Referent steht im Anschluss des Vortrags für Fragen zur Verfügung.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Wir bitten aus organisatorischen Gründen um eine formlose
Prof. Dr. Ruth Freitag, Lehrstuhl für Bioprozesstechnik der Universität Bayreuth
Die Biotonne ist in Stadt und Landkreis Bayreuth inzwischen fest etabliert. Doch was macht man am besten mit dem Inhalt? Eine Verwertung die im Sinne einer Kreislaufwirtschaft sinnvoll ist, ist die Kompostierung. Als weitere Variante wird die Verbrennung diskutiert. Sie ist kostengünstig und ermöglicht die Nutzung der bei der Verbrennung freigesetzten Wärmeenergie. Allerdings werden dabei auch viele Wertstoffe mitverbrannt.
Eine Nutzungsvariante, die beide Aspekte berücksichtigt, ist die biologische Vergärung. Das entstehende Biogas kann als stofflicher Energieträger genutzt werden, beispielsweise um damit die Stadtbusse zu betreiben. Die zurückbleibenden Gärreste könnten nach einer Qualitätskontrolle – ähnlich wie der Kompost – wieder in den Stoffkreislauf zurückgeführt werden. In großen Städten funktioniert das bereits sehr gut, im ländlichen Raum hingegen scheitert eine solche Nutzung an wirtschaftlichen Überlegungen. Warum ist dies so und wo gibt es Ansätze, um die Situation zu verbessern?
Über die Referenten:
Frau Prof. Ruth Freitag studierte Chemie an der Universität Hannover mit einem Diplomabschluss im Bereich Technische Chemie. Nach Tätigkeiten als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, PostDoc und Privatdozentin an der Universität Hannover und der Yale University war sie zunächst als Assistentin und später als Direktorin am Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne tätig. Seit 2003 leitet sie als Professorin den Lehrstuhl für Bioprozesstechnik an der Ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Bayreuth. Frau Prof. Freitag ist zudem auch Mitglied in vielen Ausschüssen, Kommissionen und Beiräten.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie sich bei Interesse den oben genannten Termin freihalten, und uns im Kompetenzzentrum in Bayreuth besuchen.
Weitere Informationen:
Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH |
VDI-Bezirksgruppe Bayreuth c/o Numberland - Dr. Wolfgang Grond Lohfeld 20 95326 Kulmbach el.: +49 (0)9221 6919131 E-Mail: |
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Informationsüberflutung, Zeitdruck und Stress bei der Produktentwicklung bereits beim Filtern und Sortieren von Dokumenten sind tägliche Realität. Der eigentlichen Kernaufgabe - verstehen, Schlüsse daraus ziehen und Lösungen zu finden - wird deswegen oft nur mit großer Mühe ein angemessener zeitlicher Rahmen eingeräumt.
Dabei wird übersehen, dass es in der Zwischenzeit gut funktionierende Werkzeuge gibt - Stichwort: maschinelles Lesen und Lernen - um sich auf diesem Gebiet Hilfe zu holen. Dokumente aus beliebigen Quellen, in beliebigen Formaten und in großem Umfang (einige hundert bis viele tausend) können in eine Analyse einbezogen werden.
- schnell: Sie lesen mindestens 10x mehr Dokumente in 10% der Zeit.
- offen: beliebige Dokumente können in die Analyse einbezogen werden (Patente, wissenschaftliche Publikationen, Officedokumente, Webseiten, Datenbankinhalte, etc.).
- aktuell: wir haben eine Kopie aller EU- und US-Patente seit 1920; andere Dokumente werden bei Bedarf von uns beschafft, sofern sie nicht von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellt werden können.
- interaktiv: alle Analysen incl. der darin enthaltenen Grafiken sind auf Wunsch interaktiv und mit den analysierten Dokumenten verknüpft
- vielseitig einsetzbar: Analysen sind auf unterschiedlichster Hardware lauffähig (vom Mobiltelefon bis zum Server), so dass unter verschiedensten Rahmenbedingungen damit gearbeitet werden kann.
- nachvollziehbar: Entscheidungen, die auf Basis einer untersuchten Dokumentkollektion getroffen werden, lassen sich leicht nachvollziehen.
Welche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten gibt es?
- Richtungsfindung in einem Markt oder Thema: wer macht was, welche inhaltlichen, räumlichen oder zeitlichen Trends existieren (z. B. für F&E-Vorhaben, Businessplan, Wettbewerbsanalysen, etc.)?
- Innovationsfindung (=Benutzung der verfügbaren Dokumente als Ideenkatalog, z. B. für APQP, QFD, SWOT, TRIZ, etc.)
Welche Analysen können erstellt werden?
- Welche Dokumente sind in einer Kollektion enthalten (tabellarisch mit Autor, Titel, Datum, etc.)?
- Welche inhaltlichen Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Dokumenten existieren?
- Wer macht was?
- Welche zeitlichen, inhaltlichen oder regionalen Trends existieren?
- Welche Akteure, Zeiträume, Regionen etc. dominieren ein Thema?
- Welche inhaltlichen Unterschiede bestehen zwischen einzelnen Akteuren, Gruppen, Zeiträumen, Regionen, etc.?
- Welche Themen sind enthalten, die ich nicht kenne (und nach denen ich aus diesem Grund auch nicht suchen kann)?
- Welche Herstellungsverfahren, Normen, Analysemethoden, chemischen Elemente und Verbindungen, Medikamente, Messgrößen, Werkstoffeigenschaften oder -klassen spielen eine Rolle?
- Wir erkennen geometrischen, mechanische, thermische, elektrische, magnetische, optische, akustische, etc. Messgrößen (insgesamt 90, jederzeit erweiterbar)in Dokumenten, wandeln unterschiedlichste Einheiten in eine gemeinsame Einheit um, und machen so Meßgrößen vergleichbar.
- etc.
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How-to Collections of the Month / How-to Sammlungen des Monats
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How-to Collection of the Month |
How-to Sammlung des Monats(Ein How-to ist eine praktische Anleitung) |
With these collections of expired patents ("US" + "EU") containing the words "Keyword(s)" (as mentioned below) within title and abstract you easily find products and technologies free to use which are suited to your business model. All patents are completely indexed so that you are able to search the collection for arbitrary terms. Usage of logical operators ("AND", "+", "OR", "NOT", "-"), wildcards ("?", "*") and similarity search ("~", usage on input - i. e. "roa~" will find "roam" as well as "foam") is possible.
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Mit diesen Sammlungen von abgelaufenen Patenten (US + EU), die die Worte "Stichworte" (wie unten genannt) im Titel und in der Zusammenfassung enthalten, finden Sie ganz einfach Technologien und Produkte, die zum Geschäftsmodell Ihres Unternehmens passen. Die Patente sind vollständig indexiert, so dass die Sammlung nach beliebigen Begriffen durchsucht werden kann. Die Verwendung von logischen Operatoren ("AND", "+", "OR", "NOT", "-"), Wildcards ("?", "*") und Ähnlichkeitssuche ("~", findet z. B. bei Eingabe von "roa~" neben "roam" auch "foam") ist möglich. Sichern Sie sich diesen Monat |
20% off | 20% Rabatt |
our regular price this month for the collections mentioned below:(*) |
auf den Listenpreis für folgende Sammlungen:(*) |
- Keramisches Pulver / Ceramic Powder: ca. 3010 Patente / Patents
- Membranpumpe / Membrane Pump: ca. 1240 Patente / Patents
- Drehschieberpumpe / Rotary Vane Pump: ca. 580 Patente / Patents
- Kreiskolbenpumpe / Rotary Piston Pump: ca. 839 Patente / Patents
- Schlauchpumpe / Peristaltic Hose Pump: ca. 2780 Patente / Patents
- Axialpumpe / Axial Flow Pump: ca. 1250 Patente / Patents
- Radialpumpe / Radial Flow Pump: ca. 880 Patente / Patents
- Wasserstrahlpumpe / Water Jet Pump: ca. 720 Patente / Patents
- Abstandssensor / Distance Sensor: ca. 4600 Patente / Patents
- Gassensor / Gas Sensor: ca. 8820 Patente / Patents
- Induktiver Sensor / Inductive Sensor: ca. 2030 Patente / Patents
- Resistiver Sensor / Resistive Sensor: ca. 4240 Patente / Patents
- Piezoelektrischer Sensor / Piezoelektric Sensor: ca. 1520 Patente / Patents
- Kapazitiver Sensor / Capacitive Sensor: ca. 3290 Patente / Patents
- Optoelektrischer Sensor / Photoelectric Sensor: ca. 1230 Patente / Patents
- Elektrochemischer Sensor / Electrochemical Sensor: ca. 1600 Patente / Patents
- Faseroptischer Sensor / Fiber Sensor: ca. 4210 Patente / Patents
- Kapazitiver Drucksensor / Capacitive Pressure Sensor: ca. 650 Patente / Patents
- Piezoelektrischer Drucksensor / Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor: ca. 320 Patente / Patents
- Piezoresistiver Drucksensor / Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor: ca. 150 Patente / Patents
English: Discount is valid only for manufacturing companies until publication of the next newsletter.
Deutsch: Der Rabatt gilt ausschließlich für produzierende Unternehmen. Das Angebot gilt bis zur Publikation des nächsten Newsletters.
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Entsprechend den bei uns publizierten Anfragen und Angeboten zu Werkstoffen, deren Herstellungs- und Analytikverfahren aus den Bereichen Glas, Optik+Photonik, Halbleitertechnik, technische Keramik, Metalle, Polymere und technische Textilien erreichen wir Besucher, die sich für diese Werkstoffe interessieren. Die Anwendungsgebiete dazu sind sehr vielfältig, und umfassen:
- Aktorik + Sensorik
- instrumentelle Analytik + Messtechnik
- Biomaterialien
- Informationstechnik (erzeugen, umwandeln, transportieren, verarbeiten und speichern von Informationen)
- Energietechnik (erzeugen, umwandeln, transportieren, speichern, sparen, dämmen von Energie)
- Fertigungstechnik
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- Entwicklungspartner für UV-LEDs
- Extrusion von Glasfaser verstärktem Polyamid
- Leitfähige Polymere für die additive Fertigung
- Verbesserte Lebensdauer für medizinische Artikel aus Zellulose
- Zementersatz aus Schlacke
- Entfernung von Deodorantflecken aus Textilien
- Moskitoabwehr
- Metallelektrode für Alkalibatterien
- Katheder für die Veterinärmedizin
- Schnelle Mikrostrukturanalyse
- Dämpfungsmaterialien aus alten Reifen
- REACH-fester thermischer Isolationswerkstoff
Details zu diesen und weiteren Anfragen finden Sie hier und auf unserer Website in der Rubrik "Anfragen". Sollte eine der hier publizierten Lösungen genau auf Ihr aktuelles Projekt passen, wenden Sie sich bitte unter Angabe der ID an uns.
- Magnetisches Trennen von Abfällen
- GFK mit reduziertem Gewicht
- Poröse Titanbauteile für die Medizintechnik
- Dachziegel mit integrierten PV-Zellen
- Leichte Profilbauteile durch Strangziehen
- Antimikrobielles Nahtmaterial
- Keramischer Spritzguss
- Thermoelektrisches Element für großflächige Anwendungen
- Herstellung von Leichtmetallen mit Solarthermie
- Filter für Wasser, Luft, Lebensmittel und Öl
- Nanopartikel aus Si-Verbindungen
- Lignin-Rückgewinnung aus Papierabfall
- Wasserdampfdurchlässiges Klebeband
Details zu diesen und weiteren Angeboten finden Sie hier und auf unserer Website in der Rubrik "Angebote". Sollte eine der hier publizierten Lösungen genau auf Ihr aktuelles Projekt passen, wenden Sie sich bitte unter Angabe der ID an uns.
- 26.01.-01.02.2017: IMTEX - INn Machine Tool Exhibition, Bangalore, IN
- 26.01.-01.02.2017: Tooltech - International Exhibition of Cutting Tools, Tooling Systems, Machine Tool Accessories, Metrology & CAD/CAM, Bangalore, IN
- 30.01.-02.02.2017: Arab Health - The Middle East Exhibition for the Healthcare, Dubai, AE
- 31.01.-02.02.2017: Swiss Plastics - Schweizer Kunststoffmesse, Lucerne, CH
- 01.02.-02.02.2017: PHARMAPACK EUROPE - Pharmaceutical Packaging & Drug Delivery Exhibition, Paris, FR
- 02.02.-05.02.2017: BAUMAG - Trade Fair for Building, Construction Machinery and Tools, Lucerne, CH
- 02.02.-05.02.2017: Drevostavby - Wooden Buildings - International Trade Fair of Wooden Buildings, Constructions, Components and Materials, Prague, CZ
- 03.02.-05.02.2017: Automesse Ried - Car Exhibition, Ried, AT
- 03.02.-05.02.2017: Baumesse Chemnitz - trade fair of construction, Chemnitz, DE
- 04.02.-08.02.2017: PRINTPACK INDIA - International Printing & Packaging Exhibition, New Delhi, IN
- 06.02.-09.02.2017: Avantex - High Technology + Fashion, Paris, FR
- 06.02.-09.02.2017: MEDLAB Middle East - International Laboratory Exhibition & Conference, Dubai, AE
- 06.02.-09.02.2017: Texworld Paris - Worldwide Textile Rendez-vous, Paris, FR
- 06.02.-10.02.2017: Internationale Bouwbeurs (im Rahmen der Week van de Bouw) - International Building and Construction Exhibition, Utrecht, NL
- 07.02.-09.02.2017: E-world energy & water - International trade fair and congress, Essen, DE
- 07.02.-09.02.2017: EXPO MANUFACTURA - International Metalworking/Manufacturing Exhibition featuring Machine Tools, Automation, Assembly Technology, Quality Manufacturing, CAD/CAM, Robotics, Monterrey, MX
- 07.02.-09.02.2017: Surface Design Show, London, UK
- 07.02.-10.02.2017: AQUA-THERM - International Trade Fair for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Measuring, Regulation, Sanitary & Environmental Technology, Nitra, SK
- 07.02.-10.02.2017: Aquatherm Moscow/World of Water & Spa - International Exhibition for Domestic and Industrial Heating, Water Supply, Engineering and Plumbing Systems, Air-Conditioning, Ventilation, Equipment for Pools, Saunas and Spas, Moscow, RU
- 07.02.-10.02.2017: AUTOMATION.ELECTRONICS - International Automation Trade Fair, Minsk, BY
- 07.02.-10.02.2017: ELECTROTECH.LIGHT - Int. Specialised Exh. of Electrotechnical Machines and Devices,Lighting Technology,Electrical Equipment,High-Voltage Equipment and Power Electronics, Minsk, BY
- 08.02.-09.02.2017: MAINTENANCE Schweiz, Zurich, CH
- 09.02.-11.02.2017: INDIA PHARMA - International Exhibition & Conference on Pharmaceutical Industry, Bangalore, IN
- 09.02.-12.02.2017: WIN EURASIA Metalworking - Metalworking EURASIA, Surface Treatment EURASIA, Welding EURASIA, Istanbul, TR
- 11.02.-13.02.2017: Belgian Boat Show (Part 1) - Belgian Boat Show, Ghent, BE
- 11.02.-19.02.2017: Eurasia BOATSHOW - Sea Vehicles, Equipment and Accessories Show, Istanbul, TR
- 12.02.-14.02.2017: SWEF - Jeddah Water & Power Forum, Riyadh, SA
- 14.02.-16.02.2017: M.E. ELECTRICITY - Internationale Fachmesse für Elektrotechnik, elektrische Energieerzeugung, Dubai, AE
- 14.02.-16.02.2017: SOLAR MIDDLE EAST, Dubai, AE
- 14.02.-17.02.2017: Aquatherm Novosibirsk - Int. Exhibition for domestic and industrial Heating, Water Supply, Engineering and Plumbing Systems, Air-Conditioning, Ventilation and Equipment for Pools, Saunas and Spas, Novosibirsk, RU
- 14.02.-17.02.2017: CHEMTECH & Pharma WorldExpo / WaterEX - International Exhibition & Conference on Chemicals, Petrochemicals & Process Engineering, Pharma Bio Tech, Water Management Industry, Mumbai, IN
- 15.02.-16.02.2017: GeoTHERM - expo & congress, Offenburg, DE
- 15.02.-17.02.2017: CIBEX East Africa - East and Central Africa's Trade Fair for Construction, Infrastructure, Building and Energy, Nairobi, KE
- 15.02.-17.02.2017: elektrotechnik - The expert exhibition for structural and industrial applications, Dortmund, DE
- 15.02.-17.02.2017: nano tech - International Nanotechnology Exhibition & Conference, Tokyo, JP
- 15.02.-17.02.2017: Power Engineering - ENERGETICA, Samara, RU
- 15.02.-17.02.2017: Printable Electronics, Tokyo, JP
- 15.02.-18.02.2017: BD Foodtech - BD Int. Foodtech and Bakery Tech Industrial Fair, Dhaka, BD
- 16.02.-18.02.2017: IFAT Eurasia - Trade Fair for Environmental Technologies, Istanbul, TR
- 16.02.-19.02.2017: BAUEN & ENERGIE WIEN - Construction & Energy - All about healthy building, renovating, financing and energy saving/special features: environmental and climate protection, Vienna, AT
- 17.02.-19.02.2017: Gebaeude.Energie.Technik - Trade Fair for Energy Efficient Modernization, Reconstruction and Building, Freiburg, DE
- 17.02.-26.02.2017: CIAS - Canadian International Auto Show, Toronto, CA
- 21.02.-22.02.2017: AFRICA ENERGY INDABA - Solutions for Africa, Johannesburg, ZA
- 21.02.-23.02.2017: Industrial Cold - Specialized Trade Show of Technologies for Industrial Refrigeration Equipment, Conditioning and Ventilation, Kiev, UA
- 21.02.-23.02.2017: International Greenhouse Industry Fair, Kiev, UA
- 21.02.-23.02.2017: Solaire Expo - Int. Exhibition of Solar Energy & Energy Efficiency, Casablanca, MA
- 22.02.-23.02.2017: WOCE - World of Concrete Europe, Paris, FR
- 22.02.-25.02.2017: WWETT Show (Pumper & Cleaner Environmental Expo International) - Water & Wastewater Equipment, Treatment & Transport Show, Indianapolis, US
- 23.02.-25.02.2017: ACREX - International Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Heating, Ventilation and Building Services Industry Exposition, New Delhi, IN
- 23.02.-25.02.2017: glasspex INDIA - International Exhibition for Glass - Production, Processing, Products, New Delhi, IN
- 23.02.-25.02.2017: glasspro INDIA - International Exhibition for Flatglass Processing and Products, New Delhi, IN
- 23.02.-25.02.2017: ISH IN powered by IPA - International Trade Fair for Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning, New Delhi, IN
- 23.02.-25.02.2017: Water Today's Water Expo - Redefining Water Exhibitions in South-East Asia, Chennai, IN
- 24.02.-26.02.2017: INTERBUD - International Construction Fair, Lodz, PL
- 24.02.-27.02.2017: IES - IR International Renewable Energy & Energy Saving Exhibition, Tehran, IR
- 24.02.-27.02.2017: IR Enviro - International Environmental Exhibition, Tehran, IR
- 27.02.-02.03.2017: NOG - NG Oil & Gas, Abuja, NG
- 27.02.-02.03.2017: Saudi Print & Pack / Saudi Plastics & Petrochem - International Exhibition for Printing and Packaging Technologies, Plastics and Petrochemicals, Jeddah, SA
- 28.02.-02.03.2017: Composite-Expo.Polyurethanex, Moscow, RU
- 28.02.-03.03.2017: ClimateWorld Moscow - Fachmesse für Klimatechnik, Moscow, RU
- 28.02.-03.03.2017: CLIMATIZACION - International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation and Refrigeration Exhibition, Madrid, ES
- 28.02.-03.03.2017: GENERA - Energy and Environment International Trade Fair, Madrid, ES
- 28.02.-03.03.2017: Photonics - World of Lasers and Optics - International Specialized Exhibition for Laser, Optical and Optoelectronic Technologies, Moscow, RU
- 28.02.-03.03.2017: YugBuild/WorldBuild Krasnodar - International Architectural and Building Exhibition, Krasnodar, RU
- 28.02.-04.03.2017: DIBS - Dubai International Boat Show, Dubai, AE
- 01.03.-02.03.2017: ENEX/ ENEX NOWA ENERGIA - International Exhibition for the Electric Power Industry, Kielce, PL
- 01.03.-02.03.2017: EVENT PRODUCTION SHOW - Exhibition Industry Event, London, UK
- 01.03.-03.03.2017: Aqua-Therm Tashkent - Int. Exhibition for Heating,Ventilation,Air-conditioning, Water Supply, Sanitary, Environmental Technology, Swimming Pool and Renewable Energies, Tashkent, UZ
- 01.03.-03.03.2017: Battery JP (World Smart Energy Week) - Int. Rechargeable Battery Expo, Tokyo, JP
- 01.03.-03.03.2017: FC EXPO (World Smart Energy Week) - International Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Expo & Conference, Tokyo, JP
- 01.03.-03.03.2017: FoodTechMash (ProdTechMash) - within IFFIP - International Fair for Foodprocessing Machinery and Technologies, Kiev, UA
- 01.03.-03.03.2017: INn Ceramics - Annual Ceramic Materials, Machinery, Supplies & Technology Show, Ahmedabad, IN
- 01.03.-03.03.2017: INTERTOOL - International Exhibition for Hardware, Tools and DIY, Kiev, UA
- 01.03.-03.03.2017: Pack Expo - within IFFIP - Specialized Exhibition for the Packaging Industry, Kiev, UA
- 01.03.-03.03.2017: PV EXPO (World Smart Energy Week) - International Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo, Tokyo, JP
- 01.03.-03.03.2017: UzBuild Tashkent - International Exhibtion Building and Construction, Interiors, Heat and Vent, Tashkent, UZ
- 01.03.-03.03.2017: Wind Expo (held inside World Smart Energy Week), Tokyo, JP
- 01.03.-04.03.2017: R+T TR - Leading Turkish trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gates and sun protection systems, Istanbul, TR
- 02.03.-04.03.2017: CEMAT SOUTHEAST ASIA - International Trade Fair for Materials Handling/Intralogistics and Logistics, Jakarta, ID
- 02.03.-05.03.2017: Boot Tulln - ATn Boatshow, Tulln, AT
- 02.03.-05.03.2017: ExpoHoReCa - Hospitality Exhibition, St. Petersburg, RU
- 02.03.-05.03.2017: Medical Expo - Exhibition for Health Service, Casablanca, MA
- 02.03.-05.03.2017: MOTOSALON - Motorcycle Exhibition, Brno, CZ
- 03.03.-05.03.2017: Energiesparmesse Wels - expo Energy Wels, Wels, AT
- 03.03.-05.03.2017: Moto Park - Moscow International Motor-Park, Moscow, RU
- 03.03.-06.03.2017: DETROP - International Exhibition of Food, Beverages, Machinery and Equipment, Thessaloniki, GR
- 03.03.-06.03.2017: INFACOMA - International Exhibition of Construction Materials, Insulation, Door and Window Frames, Sanitary Ware, Pre-Construction and Technology, Thessaloniki, GR
- 04.03.-12.03.2017: STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW - Stockholmer internationale Bootsausstellung, Stockholm, SE
- 04.03.-13.03.2017: International Fair of Nice, Nice, FR
- 06.03.-08.03.2017: PVPC Expo - Middle East Pumps, Valves, Pipes & Compressors Industrial Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, AE
- 06.03.-09.03.2017: BUILDEX - Exhibition for Building Construction, Interior Design & Maintance, Dammam, SA
- 07.03.-08.03.2017: Analiza - International Exhibition for Laboratory Technologies & Equipment, Biotechnology, Instrumental & Chemical Analysis, Tel Aviv, IL
- 07.03.-09.03.2017: 'Save the PLANET' - South-East European Exhibition on Waste Management & Recycling, Sofia, BG
- 07.03.-09.03.2017: CFIA - The Food Industry Suppliers' Trade Show, Rennes, FR
- 07.03.-09.03.2017: DDTE - Dubai Drink Technology Expo, Dubai, AE
- 07.03.-09.03.2017: DUPHAT - International Pharmaceuticals & Technologies Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, AE
- 07.03.-09.03.2017: EE & RE, Smart Cities - South-East European Exhibition on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Smart Cities, Sofia, BG
- 07.03.-09.03.2017: PROPAK East Africa - Packaging, Printing and Plastics Exhibition, Nairobi, KE
- 07.03.-10.03.2017: Architecture + Construction Materials - Architecture + Construction Materials Exhibition, Tokyo, JP
- 07.03.-10.03.2017: AUSPACK - AUn Packaging Machinery Exhibition, Sydney, AU
- 07.03.-10.03.2017: Intec - International trade fair for machine tools, manufacturing and automation, Leipzig, DE
- 07.03.-10.03.2017: International Lighting Fair, Tokyo, JP
- 07.03.-10.03.2017: TECMA - International Machine Tool Exhibition, Mexico City, MX
- 07.03.-10.03.2017: Z - International subcontracting fair for parts, components, modules and technologies, Leipzig, DE
- 07.03.-12.03.2017: TIMTOS - Taipei International Machine Tool Show, Taipei, TW
- 08.03.-10.03.2017: AUn Healthcare Week, Sydney, AU
- 08.03.-10.03.2017: BlueBat - Exhibition of Sustained Construction and Building, Lyon, FR
- 08.03.-10.03.2017: EnR - Renewable Energy Exhibition - Salon des Energies Renouvelables, Lyon, FR
- 08.03.-10.03.2017: ExpoANTAD & Alimentaria Mexico - The International Food, Drinks and Food Service Exhibition, Guadalajara, MX
- 08.03.-10.03.2017: PU TECH - Polyurethane Exhibition & Conference, New Delhi, IN
- 08.03.-11.03.2017: CLIMEXPO - International Exhibition on Industrial and Domestic Air Conditioning and Heating, Tunis, TN
- 08.03.-11.03.2017: GLASSEXPO ISTANBUL - Glass Products & Applications, Manufacturing - Processing Technologies and Machinery, Auxiliary Products and Chemicals Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 08.03.-12.03.2017: HISWA - Amsterdam Boat Show, Amsterdam, NL
- 08.03.-12.03.2017: Moscow Boat Show, Moscow, RU
- 08.03.-14.03.2017: INTERNATIONALE HANDWERKSMESSE - The Leading Trade Fair for the Craft Trades and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Munich, DE
- 09.03.-11.03.2017: Ecobuild - Internationale Messe für umweltverträgliches Bauen, London, UK
- 09.03.-11.03.2017: Metal & Steel Middle East Exhibition, Cairo, EG
- 09.03.-19.03.2017: Geneva International Motor Show, Geneva, CH
- 10.03.-12.03.2017: OPTA - International Fair of Eye Optics, Optometry and Ophthalmology, Brno, CZ
- 12.03.-14.03.2017: FIRAUTO-EXPOCAR - Exhibition for the Automobil and Parts Exhibition, Elche/Alicante, ES
- 13.03.-15.03.2017: Middle East Coatings Show, Dubai, AE
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: AUTOCOMP / ICTA (PIAC/AUTOPROM RUSSIA) - Internationale Fachmesse und Konferenz fuer Zulieferteile, Maschinen und Technologien fuer die Automobilindustrie, St. Petersburg, RU
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: Automechanika St. Petersburg - RU's Leading Regional Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting Trade Visitors from North West RU and the Baltic States, St. Petersburg, RU
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: BLECH RU - Exhibition for Sheet Metal Working, St. Petersburg, RU
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: BuildUral/WorldBuild Ural - International exhibition of construction, finishing materials and engineering equipment, Ekaterinburg, RU
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: Clean Expo, Kiev, UA
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: embedded world - Exhibition&Conference, Nuremberg, DE
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: ENERGY STORAGE EUROPE - expo and conference, Dusseldorf, DE
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: ENERGY. RESOURCE-SAVING, Kazan, RU
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: Engineering Asia, Karachi, PK
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: ITIF Asia - International Trade and Industry Fair, Karachi, PK
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: JEC Composites World - JEC Composites Show, Paris, FR
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: Nigeria Manufacturing Expo, Lagos, NG
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: Paperworld Middle East - The World of Office and Stationery, Dubai, AE
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: Petersburg Technical Fair, St. Petersburg, RU
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: Power & Alternative Energy Asia - International Exhibition & Conference, Karachi, PK
- 14.03.-16.03.2017: THE CLEANING SHOW - British Cleaning and Support Services Exhibition, London, UK
- 14.03.-17.03.2017: AUTOMATICON - International Fair for Industrial Automation, Warsaw, PL
- 15.03.-16.03.2017: Global Oil & Gas TR (formerly TUROGE) - International Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference, Ankara, TR
- 15.03.-17.03.2017: Electric, Power & Renewable Energy MY, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 15.03.-17.03.2017: Power-Days - Fachmesse fuer Elektrotechnik, Salzburg, AT
- 15.03.-17.03.2017: UZ Industrial Forum, Tashkent, UZ
- 15.03.-18.03.2017: BULGARIA BUILDING WEEK - International Building Exhibition, Sofia, BG
- 15.03.-18.03.2017: Motortec Automechanika Madrid - Feria Internacional de Componentes, Equipos y Servicios para la Automocion, Madrid, ES
- 15.03.-19.03.2017: Worldbex - Philippine World Building & Construction Exposition, Manila, PH
- 16.03.-18.03.2017: Roofs and Isolations & Building of Ostrava, Ostrava, CZ
- 16.03.-18.03.2017: SamaraBuild (Stroyindustria) - International Specialized Exhibition of Building Industry, Samara, RU
- 16.03.-19.03.2017: FOTEG Istanbul Food Technology Group Istanbul - International Trade Fair for Food Pocessing Technologies, Istanbul, TR
- 16.03.-19.03.2017: MegaBuild ID, Jakarta, ID
- 16.03.-19.03.2017: New Energy Husum - The International Renewable Energy Trade Fair, Husum, DE
- 16.03.-19.03.2017: REW Istanbul - International Waste Management and Recycling Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 16.03.-19.03.2017: WIN EURASIA Automation - Otomasyon EURASIA, Electrotech EURASIA, Hydraulic & Pneumatic EURASIA, CeMAT EURASIA, Istanbul, TR
- 16.03.-19.03.2017: Wind & Water - Warsaw Boat Show, Warsaw, PL
- 16.03.-20.03.2017: AUTOMECH-FORMULA Cairo International Motor Show - Cairo International Motor Show, Cairo, EG
- 17.03.-19.03.2017: Autosalon Chemnitz - Motor Show, Chemnitz, DE
- 17.03.-27.03.2017: Lyon International Fair, Lyon, FR
- 20.03.-22.03.2017: Food Technology Asia - International Food Processing Technology & Machinery Show, Karachi, PK
- 20.03.-22.03.2017: Plastic, Packaging & Print Asia - International Plastic, Packaging & Print Machinery & Technology Exhibition, Karachi, PK
- 20.03.-23.03.2017: ARAB LAB - Ausruestungen, Technologien und Dienstleistungen fuer Laboratorien, Dubai, AE
- 20.03.-24.03.2017: PLASTICO BRASIL - International Plastic and Rubber Exhibition, Sao Paulo, BR
- 21.03.-23.03.2017: CABEX - CABLE, WIRE AND ACCESSORIES - International specialized Exhibition of Cables, Wires, Fastening Hardware and Installation Technologies, Moscow, RU
- 21.03.-23.03.2017: INFARMA - Pharmaceutical Industry Exhibition, Barcelona, ES
- 21.03.-23.03.2017: ProPak VN - International Processing and Packaging Exhibition, Ho Chi Minh City, VN
- 21.03.-23.03.2017: SIFER - International Railway Industry Exhibition, Lille, FR
- 21.03.-24.03.2017: ACMA Automechanika New Delhi - IN's International Trade Fair for the Automotive Industry targeting Trade Visitors from IN, New Delhi, IN
- 21.03.-24.03.2017: AMPER - International Trade Fair of Electrotechnics and Electronics, Brno, CZ
- 21.03.-24.03.2017: BYMedica - International Specialized Exhibition and Conference on Medical and Laboratory Equipment, Pharmaceutics and Ophthalmology, Minsk, BY
- 21.03.-24.03.2017: METALLOOBRABOTKA.SVARKA, Perm, RU
- 21.03.-24.03.2017: STROYEXPO Spring - Belorussian Building Market, Minsk, BY
- 22.03.-24.03.2017: Aero Expo - International Aviation Exhibition and Convention, Toluca, MX
- 22.03.-24.03.2017: LIGHT - Lightfair - International Trade Show of Lighting Equipment, Warsaw, PL
- 22.03.-24.03.2017: Water PH - International Water & Wastewater Industry Event, Manila, PH
- 22.03.-25.03.2017: CONECO - International Building Fair, Bratislava, SK
- 22.03.-25.03.2017: eurasia LIFT - Lift, Escalator Industry and Technologies Exhibition, Istanbul, TR
- 22.03.-25.03.2017: RACIOENERGIA - International Trade Fair for Heating, Air-Conditioning and Saving Energy, Bratislava, SK
- 22.03.-26.03.2017: FICAD - Construction Fair, Santa Cruz, BO
- 23.03.-25.03.2017: Automechanika Kuala Lumpur - MY's Leading Regional Trade Fair for the Automotive Industry targeting Trade Visitors from ASEAN, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 23.03.-25.03.2017: BORU - Tube, Pipe, Fittings, Flat Products and Machinery Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 23.03.-25.03.2017: Control IT, Parma, IT
- 23.03.-25.03.2017: EUROSTAMPI E PLASTICA - European Dies & Molds, Presses & Injections Machines Exhibition and Plastic Materials Processing Exhibition - Machines - Materials - Auxiliary Equipment - Recycling, Parma, IT
- 23.03.-25.03.2017: KLIMAENERGY - Trade Fair for renewable Energies, Bolzano, IT
- 23.03.-25.03.2017: KLIMAMOBILITY, Bolzano, IT
- 23.03.-25.03.2017: LOGISTICA - Logistics Exhibition, Parma, IT
- 23.03.-25.03.2017: MECSPE - Tecnologie per l'Innovazione - Specialised Mechanics Exhibition, Parma, IT
- 23.03.-25.03.2017: Motek IT - Trade Fair for Assembly and Handling Technology, Parma, IT
- 23.03.-25.03.2017: SUBFORNITURA (within MECSPE) - Exhibition of Subcontracted Industrial Processing, Parma, IT
- 23.03.-26.03.2017: CONSTRUCT EXPO - International Trade Fair for Construction, Technologies, Equipment and Materials, Bucharest, RO
- 23.03.-26.03.2017: Moldconstruct - International Specialized Exhibition for Architecture, Technologies, Equipment, Installation, Tools, Fittings and Materials for Construction, Kishniev, MD
- 23.03.-26.03.2017: ROMTHERM - International Exhibition for Installation, Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning Equipment, Bucharest, RO
- 24.03.-26.03.2017: Auto Messe, Salzburg, AT
- 24.03.-26.03.2017: ECOWORLD - Ecology and Sustainable Development Trade Fair, Prague, CZ
- 26.03.-28.03.2017: PGME - Power-Gen Middle East - Power-Gen Middle East, Abu Dhabi, AE
- 27.03.-29.03.2017: Andinatraffic - Traffic Technologies Exhibition, Bogota, CO
- 28.03.-02.04.2017: Vancouver International Auto Show - Pacific International Auto Show, Vancouver, CA
- 28.03.-29.03.2017: Power and Electricity World Africa - Conference and Exhibition, Johannesburg, ZA
- 28.03.-30.03.2017: EUROPROPRE - European Cleaning Exhibition, Paris, FR
- 28.03.-30.03.2017: Expo Plasticos, Guadalajara, MX
- 28.03.-30.03.2017: Kyiv Technical Trade Fair, Kiev, UA
- 28.03.-30.03.2017: PlastExpoUA - International Exhibition for Equipment & Technologies for Plastics and Rubber Production & Processing, Kiev, UA
- 28.03.-30.03.2017: plastprintpack Nigeria - International Trade Show on Plastics, Printing & Packaging Solutions and Material, Lagos, NG
- 28.03.-30.03.2017: STOM-Tool - Metal Processing, Tools and Machine Tools Fair, Kielce, PL
- 28.03.-31.03.2017: BATIMAT RUSSIA (fka BUILDEX) - International Construction and Interior Exhibition, Moscow, RU
- 28.03.-31.03.2017: Belorussian Construction Week - International Trade Fair for Windows, Doors, Roofs, World of Glass, Cottage, Interior and Furniture, Minsk, BY
- 28.03.-31.03.2017: Mashex Siberia - Machine Building.Metal Processing.Welding.Metallurgy - International Specialized Exhibition for metal wares, metal processing machines, equipment, tools and technologies. Welding equipment. Metallurgy, Novosibirsk, RU
- 28.03.-31.03.2017: Wasser Berlin International - International Trade Fair and Congress - Water and Wastewater, Berlin, DE
- 29.03.-30.03.2017: ChemBio FI - Laboratory products, biotechnology, chemical industry, Helsinki, FI
- 29.03.-30.03.2017: LOPEC - International Exhibition and Conference for the Printed Electronics Industry, Munich, DE
- 29.03.-31.03.2017: analytica Vietnam - International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and Diagnostics, Hanoi, VN
- 29.03.-31.03.2017: FORUM LABO & BIOTECH - Exhibition for Laboratory Equipment & Biotechnology, Paris, FR
- 29.03.-31.03.2017: HVACR VN - Pumps & Systems, Valves & Piping, Compressors & Fluid Powers Systems, Control Instrumentation, Ho Chi Minh City, VN
- 29.03.-31.03.2017: Power KG - International Power & Lighting Trade Fair, Bishkek, KG
- 29.03.-01.04.2017: INAPA - ID International Auto Parts, Accessories and Equip Exhibition, Jakarta, ID
- 29.03.-01.04.2017: INTERBUILDEXPO - International Specialized Exhibition of new Building Materials and Equipment, Building Technologies and Projecting, Kiev, UA
- 29.03.-01.04.2017: Istanbul Light - International Lighting, Installation and Building Automation Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 29.03.-02.04.2017: Inventions Geneva - International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, Geneva, CH
- 29.03.-02.04.2017: THE NORWEGIAN INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW - Internationale Ausstellung fuer Boote und Bootsmotoren, Lillestrom, NO
- 29.03.-09.04.2017: Bangkok International Motor Show, Bangkok, TH
- 30.03.-01.04.2017: EnergyMed - Trade Fair for renewable energy and energy efficiency, Naples, IT
- 30.03.-02.04.2017: expoMED Eurasia - International Fair for Health Care, Hospital Supplies, Medical and Laboratory Equipment and Rehabilition Aids, Istanbul, TR
- 30.03.-02.04.2017: LabTechMed - Internationale Fachmesse fuer Labortechnik und -ausruestung, Istanbul, TR
- 31.03.-01.04.2017: INTERPHARM - Pharmaceutical Exhibition with DAZ-Congress for Science and Practice, Bonn, DE
- 31.03.-02.04.2017: Vision Expo East - The International Vision Expo & Conference incorporating OPTIFAIR, New York, US
- 03.04.-05.04.2017: MEDLAB Asia Pacific, Singapore, SG
- 04.04.-05.04.2017: Packaging Innovations, Warsaw, PL
- 04.04.-06.04.2017: European Coatings Show - + ADHESIVES - SEALANTS - CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS, Nuremberg, DE
- 04.04.-06.04.2017: Water Sofia - International Specialised Exhibition and Conference, Sofia, BG
- 04.04.-07.04.2017: Building Materials & Equipment (MosBuild/WorldBuild) - Moscow International Building and Construction Exhibition, Moscow, RU
- 04.04.-07.04.2017: EMAT - International Environmental Protection, Eco- Technology and Communal Services Equipment Fair, Zagreb, HR
- 04.04.-07.04.2017: FORMA-TOOL - International Exhibition for Tooling and Machine Tools, Celje, SI
- 04.04.-07.04.2017: GASTECH - International Conference and Exhibition for the LNG, LPG and Natural Gas Industries, Chiba/Tokyo, JP
- 04.04.-07.04.2017: INDUSTRIE Lyon - The Trade Show for Production Technologies, Lyon, FR
- 04.04.-07.04.2017: INTERKLIMA - International Exhibition on Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning, Zagreb, HR
- 04.04.-07.04.2017: METALWORKING - Exhibition of Equipment, Devices and Tools for Metalworking Industry, Minsk, BY
- 04.04.-07.04.2017: MTA Asia - The International Exhibition on Precision Engineering, Machine Tools and Metalworking Technology, Singapore, SG
- 04.04.-07.04.2017: PLAGKEM - International Fair for Plastics, Rubber and Chemistry, Celje, SI
- 04.04.-08.04.2017: FEICON BATIMAT - International Construction Industry Trade Fair, Sao Paulo, BR
- 04.04.-09.04.2017: EUROLUCE - International Lighting Exhibition, Milan, IT
- 05.04.-06.04.2017: Energy Show, Dublin, IE
- 05.04.-06.04.2017: new energy world - Conference & Exhibition for Energy Management, Energy Services & Networked Systems, Leipzig, DE
- 05.04.-07.04.2017: Central Asia Electricity World - International Exhibition for Power Generation, Electricity and Lighting, Almaty, KZ
- 05.04.-07.04.2017: FINETECH JAPAN - Internationale Ausstellung fuer Praezisionsverfahrenstechnik, Tokyo, JP
- 05.04.-07.04.2017: MaDIn - Machine Building. Machine Tools. Tools and Instruments. Welding, Nizhny Novgorod, RU
- 05.04.-07.04.2017: MN Mining - International Mining Exposition, Ulan Bator, MN
- 05.04.-07.04.2017: Photonix - International Laser & Photonics Expo, Tokyo, JP
- 05.04.-07.04.2017: terratec - Trade Fair for Waste Management, Circular Economy and Protection of Environmental Resources, Leipzig, DE
- 05.04.-07.04.2017: VN Manufacturing Expo - VN's Most Comprehensive Show for Manufacturing and Supporting Industries, Hanoi, VN
- 05.04.-08.04.2017: AERO - International Trade Show for General Aviation, Friedrichshafen, DE
- 05.04.-08.04.2017: ESTBUILD - Specialized Exhibition for Building Materials and Construction, Tallinn, EE
- 05.04.-08.04.2017: Green Building Fair - International Building Fair, Zagreb, HR
- 05.04.-08.04.2017: PackPlus South - The Total Packaging, Processing and Supply Chain Event, Bangalore, IN
- 05.04.-08.04.2017: plast expo - International Plastics, Rubber and Composites Trade Fair, Casablanca, MA
- 05.04.-09.04.2017: HUNGAROTHERM - International Trade Exhibition for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Condition Technology and Sanitation, Budapest, HU
- 06.04.-08.04.2017: MEDICAL FAIR INDIA - International Exhibition & Conference IN's No. 1 Trade Fair for Hospitals, Health Centres and Clinics, New Delhi, IN
- 06.04.-08.04.2017: ROMMEDICA - International Trade Fair for Medical Instruments & Equipment, Bucharest, RO
- 06.04.-08.04.2017: SOLAREX Solar Energy & Technologies Fair - Solar & Photovoltaic Exhibition, Istanbul, TR
- 06.04.-09.04.2017: Automechanika Istanbul - Turkey's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting trade visitors from Turkey, Eastern Europe, Asia and North Africa, Istanbul, TR
- 06.04.-09.04.2017: AutoWorld - International Motor Show, St. Petersburg, RU
- 06.04.-09.04.2017: HKTDC HK International Lighting Fair (Spring Edition), Hongkong, HK
- 06.04.-09.04.2017: Motor Show - Internationale Automobilausstellung, Poznan, PL
- 06.04.-09.04.2017: SG Yacht Show, Singapore, SG
- 07.04.-09.04.2017: AUTO - International Motor Show, Riga, LV
- 08.04.-10.04.2017: MEDiCONEX - Cairo Health Conference & Exhibition, Cairo, EG
- 11.04.-13.04.2017: ANALITIKA EXPO - International Exhibition for Laboratory Technology, Chemical Analysis, Biotechnology and Diagnostics, Moscow, RU
- 11.04.-13.04.2017: Building Holland - Trade Fair for Building and Housing, Amsterdam, NL
- 11.04.-13.04.2017: MAINTENANCE NEXT - Technology and Maintenance Expo, Rotterdam, NL
- 11.04.-13.04.2017: Power & Energy KE, Nairobi, KE
- 11.04.-13.04.2017: VTE - VacuumTechExpo - International Specialised Exhibition of Vacuum Equipment and Technologies, Moscow, RU
- 11.04.-13.04.2017: WorldFood Warsaw - Internationale Fachmesse fuer Lebensmittel, Getraenke, Verarbeitung, Technologien, Ingredienzen & Verpackungen, Warsaw, PL
- 11.04.-14.04.2017: Global Sources Electronics Show, Hongkong, HK
- 12.04.-13.04.2017: InEnerg Innovative Energy - International Trade Fair and Conference for Innovative Energy, Wroclaw, PL
- 12.04.-15.04.2017: amtex - Asian Machine Tool Exhibition, Mumbai, IN
- 12.04.-15.04.2017: INTERMOLD - JP International Die & Mold Manufacturing Technology Exhibition, Tokyo, JP
- 12.04.-15.04.2017: PackPrint TN - International Packaging and Printing Exhibition, Tunis, TN
- 12.04.-15.04.2017: Plastic Expo - International Plastic Exhibition, Tunis, TN
- 12.04.-15.04.2017: SIMEM - International Trade Fair for Medical Equipment and Pharmaceuticals, Oran, DZ
- 13.04.-16.04.2017: HKTDC HK Electronics Fair (Spring Edition), Hongkong, HK
- 14.04.-17.04.2017: CUSTOM MOTOR SHOW - Automobilausstellung, Joenkoeping, SE
- 17.04.-20.04.2017: ELEKTRO - Exhibition of Electronical Equipment and Power Transmission Lines, Moscow, RU
- 17.04.-20.04.2017: Tires & Rubber - Int. Specialised Exhibition of Tires, Technical Rubber Products and Resins, Moscow, RU
- 17.04.-21.04.2017: Qualitative Exhibition of Electricity - IQ Energy Exhibition, Baghdad, IQ
- 18.04.-20.04.2017: MINEX Central Asia - Mining and Exploration Forum and Expo, Astana, KZ
- 18.04.-21.04.2017: EIA Electronics and Industrial Automation, Kiev, UA
- 18.04.-21.04.2017: GreenExpo - Messe fuer alternative Energien, Kiev, UA
- 19.04.-20.04.2017: ISA - Calgary Instrumentation,Systems, Automation Show, Calgary, CA
- 19.04.-21.04.2017: AquaTherm St. Petersburg - Int. Exhibition of Heating, Water Supply, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Pool Equipment, St. Petersburg, RU
- 19.04.-21.04.2017: CPhI JP - Pharma Expo - International Pharmaceutical Exhibition, Tokyo, JP
- 19.04.-21.04.2017: CranExpo - Specialized Exhibition of Material Handling Equipment, Moscow, RU
- 19.04.-21.04.2017: EXPOMINAS - Heavy Machinery and Construction Exhibition, Quito, EC
- 19.04.-21.04.2017: InterFood St. Petersburg - International exhibition of food products & drinks, St. Petersburg, RU
- 19.04.-21.04.2017: InterStroyExpo/WorldBuild St. Petersburg - International Exhibition of Building and Finishing Materials, St. Petersburg, RU
- 19.04.-21.04.2017: TECHNO-FRONTIER - International Electronic and Mechatronic Parts & Devices Exhibition, Chiba/Tokyo, JP
- 19.04.-22.04.2017: AutoTronics Taipei - Taipei International Automobile Electronics Show, Taipei, TW
- 19.04.-22.04.2017: TAIPEI AMPA - Taipei International Auto Parts & Accessories Show, Taipei, TW
- 20.04.-22.04.2017: BuildExpo KE - International Trade Exhibition for Building, Construction, Water Technolgy, Mining Equipment and Machinery, Nairobi, KE
- 20.04.-22.04.2017: EXPOCAM - Trucking Industry Exhibition, Montreal, CA
- 20.04.-23.04.2017: EV TW - TW Int. Electric Vehicle Show, Taipei, TW
- 20.04.-23.04.2017: MOTORCYCLE TAIWAN - TW International Motorcycle Parts & Accessories Show, Taipei, TW
- 21.04.-22.04.2017: DENTEXPO - International Exhibition on Dental Medicine and Technical Equipment, Warsaw, PL
- 22.04.-24.04.2017: Africa Food Manufacturing, Cairo, EG
- 22.04.-24.04.2017: Food Africa - Cairo - The International Trade Exhibition for Food and Beverages, Cairo, EG
- 23.04.-27.04.2017: BATIMATEC Expo - International Exhibition for Construction Materials and Building Technologies, Algiers, DZ
- 24.04.-28.04.2017: ComVac / HANNOVER MESSE - Leading Trade Fair for Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology, Hanover, DE
- 24.04.-28.04.2017: Digital Factory / HANNOVER MESSE - Leading Trade Fair for Integrated Processes and IT Solutions, Hanover, DE
- 24.04.-28.04.2017: Energy / HANNOVER MESSE - Leading Trade Fair for integrated energy systems and mobility, Hanover, DE
- 24.04.-28.04.2017: FIEE - International Electrical, Electronic, Energy and Automation Industry Fair, Sao Paulo, BR
- 24.04.-28.04.2017: HANNOVER MESSE - The world's leading trade fair for industrial technology, Hanover, DE
- 24.04.-28.04.2017: Industrial Automation / HANNOVER MESSE - Leading Trade Fair for Factory and Process Automation, Systems Solutions and Industrial IT, Hanover, DE
- 24.04.-28.04.2017: Industrial Supply / HANNOVER MESSE - Leading Trade Fair for innovative Subcontracting Solutions and Lightweight Construction, Hanover, DE
- 24.04.-28.04.2017: MDA - Motion, Drive & Automation / HANNOVER MESSE - Leading Trade Fair for Power Transmission and Control, Hanover, DE
- 24.04.-28.04.2017: Research & Technology / HANNOVER MESSE - Leading Trade Fair for Research, Development and Technology Transfer, Hanover, DE
- 24.04.-28.04.2017: Technomebel - Ausstellung fuer Holzverarbeitung und die Moebelindustrie, Sofia, BG
- 25.04.-26.04.2017: ChemProTech IN - International Exhibition on Chemical Processing, Technology and Equipments, Mumbai, IN
- 25.04.-26.04.2017: ChemSpec IN, Mumbai, IN
- 25.04.-27.04.2017: CleanExpo Krasnodar - International Exhibition of Equipment and Materials for Professional Cleaning, Sanitary, Hygiene, Dry-Cleaning and Laundry, Krasnodar, RU
- 25.04.-27.04.2017: ElectronTechExpo - International Trade Fair for the Electronic Components and Production Equipment Industry, Moscow, RU
- 25.04.-27.04.2017: EXPOELECTRONICA - Int. Exhibition of Electronic Components, Modules and Systems, Moscow, RU
- 25.04.-27.04.2017: IMF - International Medical Forum, Kiev, UA
- 25.04.-27.04.2017: MiningWorld RU - International Exhibition of Machines and Equipment for Mining, Processing and Transportation of Minerals, Moscow, RU
- 25.04.-27.04.2017: SEA ASIA - Maritime Conference and Exhibition, Singapore, SG
- 25.04.-27.04.2017: SEMICON Southeast Asia - SEMICON Test, Assembly and Packaging, Penang, MY
- 25.04.-27.04.2017: TIHE (Medicina UZ) - Tashkent International Healthcare Exhibition, Tashkent, UZ
- 25.04.-28.04.2017: ENERGETIKA & ELEKTROTECHNIKA - Int. Exhibition of Power Industry & Electrical Engineering, St. Petersburg, RU
- 25.04.-28.04.2017: IR Beauty & Clean - International Exhibition of Detergent, Cleanser, Hygienic, Cellulose Products & Related Machinery, Tehran, IR
- 25.04.-28.04.2017: IRLabexpo - National Laboratory Equipment & Chemical Exhibition, Tehran, IR
- 25.04.-28.04.2017: Project IR - International Trade Exhibition for Construction Materials, Equipment and Environmental Technology, Tehran, IR
- 25.04.-28.04.2017: SVARKA - Welding - International Specialized Exhibition for Welding and Metalworking, St. Petersburg, RU
- 25.04.-28.04.2017: Tecnotextil Brasil, Sao Paulo, BR
- 25.04.-29.04.2017: AUTOMEC - International Auto Parts, Equipment and Services Trade Fair, Sao Paulo, BR
- 26.04.-27.04.2017: Empack/Label&Print/Packaging Innovations - The flagship event of the packaging industry, Zurich, CH
- 26.04.-27.04.2017: Power Astana - International Energy, Electrical Equipment and Machine Building Exhibition and Conference, Astana, KZ
- 27.04.-28.04.2017: SCANDEFA - Scandinavian Dental Fair, Copenhagen, DK
- 27.04.-29.04.2017: BLECH IN - International Trade Fair for Sheet Metal Forming, Mumbai, IN
- 27.04.-30.04.2017: HK International Printing & Packaging Fair, Hongkong, HK
- 27.04.-30.04.2017: IDEX - Istanbul Dental Equipments and Materials Exhibition, Istanbul, TR
- 28.04.-29.04.2017: Fastener Fair IN - Fachmesse der Verbindungs- und Befestigungsindustrie, Mumbai, IN
- 30.04.-03.05.2017: CIM Annual Convention - Conference & Exhibition/Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum Conference & Exhibition, Montreal, CA
- 30.04.-03.05.2017: Glass & Aluminium SA, Riyadh, SA
- 30.04.-03.05.2017: Metal & Steel SA - The International Exhibition for Steel, Steel Fabrication and Metal Works, Riyadh, SA
February 2017
- 01 Alternative & Renewable Energy Quest in Architecture and Urbanism Barcelona, Spain
- 01 7th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science, Engineering and Management 2017 (ICITSEM 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 01 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Technology, Management and Science 2017(ICETMS 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 02 2017 International Conference on Mechanical Systems and Control Engineering (ICMSCE 2017)--Ei Compendex, Scopus Kayseri, Turkey
- 02 International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future Jaipur, India
- 02 BALI - INDONESIA International Conference on Research & Innovation in Computer, Electronics and Manufacturing Engineering (RICEME-17) Feb. 2-3, 2017 Bali, Indonesia
- 02 International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural, Biological and Health Sciences (CABHS-2017) Feb. 2-3, 2017 Bali (Indonesia) Bali, Indonesia
- 03 2017 The 8th International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2017)--Ei Compendex, Scopus Cape Town, South Africa
- 03 2017 3rd International Conference on Information Management and Industrial Engineering (ICII 2017) Cape Town, South Africa
- 06 6th International Conference on Developments in Engineering and Technology (ICDET-2017) Feb. 6-7, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand
- 06 International Conference on Research & Innovation in Environment, Civil and Architecture Engineering (RIECAE-17) Bangkok, Thailand
- 06 2017 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Electronic (ICIIE 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 08 2017 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (ICMRE 2017) - Springer, Scopus Paris, France
- 08 2017 7th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Process-ICCCP 2017-Ei Compendex and Scopus Frankfurt, Germany
- 08 2017 6th International Conference on Clean and Green Energy (ICCGE 2017) Frankfurt, Germany
- 08 2017 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (ICESD 2017) Frankfurt, Germany
- 08 10th International Conference on Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICLTET'2017) Feb. 8-9, 2017 Pattaya, Thailand
- 09 3RD International Congress on Technology - Engineering & Science Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 09 4th International Conference on Chemical, Metallurgy and Environmental Engineering (CMAEE-17) Feb. 9-10, 2017 Penang, Malaysia
- 09 PENANG - MALAYSIA 2nd International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (RTET-2017) Feb. 9-10, 2017 Penang, Malaysia
- 09 International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Transportation Engineering (CATE-2017) Feb. 9-10, 2017 Penang, Malaysia
- 15 6th International Conference on Science, Management, Engineering and Technology 2017 (ICSMET 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 15 2017 European Conference on Materials, Mechatronics and Manufacturing (ECMMM 2017)--EI Compendex, Scopus, and ISI CPCS Paris, France
- 16 Second International Conference on Materials Science (ICMS2017) Agartala, India
- 16 2017 Winter Global Technology Management Symposium Los Angeles, United States of America
- 17 2017 2nd International Conference on Composite Materials and Material Engineering (ICCMME 2017) Ei Compendex and Scopus Chengdu, China
- 18 2017 9th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2017) - Ei Compendex and Scopus Sydney, Australia
- 21 10th International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 21-22 Feb 2017, Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 21 10th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG), 21-22 Feb 2017, Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 22 2017 5th International Conference on Electronics Engineering and Technology (ICEET 2017) Singapore, Singapore
- 22 2017 6th International Conference on Information and Electronics Engineering (ICIEE 2017)--EI, Scopus, and ISI CPCS Singapore, Singapore
- 22 The World Symposium on Civil Engineering 2017 (WSCE’17) Hong Kong, China
- 25 2017 International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering (ICMAA 2017) Malacca, Malaysia
- 25 2017 International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Design (ICMMD 2017) - Scopus, Ei Malacca, Malaysia
- 25 2017 3rd International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (ICERE 2017) Hanoi, Vietnam
- 27 Community Energy Congress 2017 Melbourne, Australia
March 2017
- 01 World Sustainable Energy Days 2017 Wels, Austria
- 01 8th International Conference on Modern Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology 2017 (ICMTSET 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 04 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR-2017) Melbourne, Australia
- 05 International Conference On Recent Advances in Material Sciences, Energy Technologies and Environmental Engineering for Climate Change Mitigation (GREENTECH-2017) New Delhi, India
- 06 Innovation Arabia Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 06 2017 International Conference on Biomacromolecules and Biomimetic Materials (ICBBM 2017) Boracay, Philippines
- 06 5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials Lisbon, Portugal
- 07 2017 the 6th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM 2017) - IEEE, Ei Compendex Cambridge, United Kingdom
- 11 2017 4th International Conference on Robotics, Mechanics and Mechatronics (ICRMM 2017)--Ei and Scopus Penang, Malaysia
- 13 11th International Conference on Engineering, Science & Technology (ICEST’2017) March 13-14, 2017 Dubai (UAE) SCOPUS Journals Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 13 International Conference on Materials Research 2017-01 (ICMR 2017-01) Kanyakumari, India
- 13 2017 4th International Conference on Chemical and Biological Sciences(ICCBS 2017) Prague, Czech Republic
- 13 6th International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Environmental Sciences (CAES-17) DUBAI - UAE Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 13 2017 4th International Conference on Civil and Urban Engineering (ICCUE 2017) Prague, Czech Republic
- 15 4th International Research Conference on Management, Engineering and Science 2017 (IRCMES 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 15 5th ABU DHABI International Conference on Engineering & Technology (AICET-17) March 15-16, 2017 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- 17 2017 2nd International Conference on Mining, Material and Metallurgical Engineering (ICMMME 2017) - Ei, Scopus Bangkok, Thailand
- 17 International Conference on Engineering And Information Technology Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 17 2017 The 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Automation (ICMEA 2017) Bangkok, United States of America
- 22 2017 International Conference on Environmental and Energy Engineering (IC3E 2017) Suzhou, China
- 22 International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET-17) March 22-23, 2017 London (UK) London, United Kingdom
- 23 Devices for Integrated Circuits (DevIC 2017) Kalyani, India
- 24 2017 2nd Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE 2017) Shanghai, China
- 24 2017 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Smart Grid (ICRESG 2017) Shanghai, China
- 24 SmartCEET-2017 Hyderabad, India
- 25 2017 the 5th International Conference on Electrical Energy and Networks (ICEEN 2017)-Ei Compendex and Scopus Singapore, Singapore
- 25 2017 The 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Applications (ICGEA 2017)-EI Compendex & Scopus Singapore, Singapore
- 27 5th International Conference on “Advances in Engineering and Technology” (AET-17) March 27-28, 2017 Singapore Singapore, Singapore
- 29 2017 International Conference on Mechanical Automations and Control Engineering (MACE 2017) â?? EI & Scopus Jeju Island, South Korea
- 29 5th International Conference on Advances in Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (ACBEE-17)Â March 29-30, 2017 Singapore Singapore, Singapore
- 29 6th International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Manufacturing Engineering (ICECME'2017) March 29-30, 2017 Singapore Singapore, Singapore
- 31 6 th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and technology Vijayawada, India
April 2017
- 01 2017 5th International Conference on Nano and Materials Engineering (ICNME 2017) - SCOPUS, Ei Bali, Indonesia
- 01 2017 International Conference on Structure and Civil Engineering Research (ICSCER 2017) Bali, Indonesia
- 01 2016 4th International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automation Engineering (ICMEAE 2017) - Ei & Scopus Bangkok, Thailand
- 02 7th International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management 2017 (ICSTEM 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 02 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Management, Technology and Science 2017(ICEMTS 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 02 International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science London, United Kingdom
- 05 13th Zsigmondy Colloquium of the German Colloid Society Saarbrücken, Germany
- 07 2017 2nd International Conference on Advances on Clean Energy Research (ICACER 2017) - Ei and Scopus Berlin, Germany
- 07 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Technology Management Dallas, United States of America
- 07 7 International Conference on Recent Engineering and technology HYDERABAD, India
- 08 2017 4th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2017) Ankara, Turkey
- 09 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied science and Engineering Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 10 2017 The 6th International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Physics (ICEMP 2017) Cape Town, South Africa
- 10 Advanced Coatings Houston, United States of America
- 11 2017 7th International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering (ICESE 2017) Seoul, South Korea
- 11 Education, Sciences, and Technology for Sustainable Development International Conference Washington DC, United States of America
- 11 CISOLAR 2017 Odessa Odessa, Ukraine
- 11 6th International Conference on Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technology 2017 Putrajaya, Malaysia
- 12 4th International Conference on Engineering, Technology, Management and Science 2017 (ICETMS 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 12 7th International Research Conference on Engineering, Science and Management 2017 (IRCESM 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 14 ICFST 2017 - 2017 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Sensors Technologies (Ei Compendex, CPCI and Scopus) Shenzhen, China
- 14 2017 3rd International Conference on Remote Sensing and Applications (ICRSA 2017)--EI Compendex, Scopus Shenzhen, China
- 19 7th International Research Conference on Science, Management and Engineering 2017 (IRCSME 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 24 2017 3rd International Conference on Robotics and Computer Vision (ICRCV 2017)- SCOPUS, Ei Nagoya, Japan
- 24 7 th International conference on Advances in Science Engineering and Technology Bangalore, India
- 24 2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR 2017) - IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex Nagoya, Japan
- 25 6th PARIS International Conference on “Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology” (RTET-17) April 25-26, 2017 Paris (France) Paris, France
- 25 The 6th Global Automotive Lightweight Materials Europe Summit 2017 Birmingham, United Kingdom
- 25 6th International Conference on Green Buildings, Civil and Architecture Engineering (ICGBCAE'17) Paris - France April 25-26, 2017 Paris, France
- 27 2017 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA 2017) - EI &Scopus Nagoya, Japan
- 28 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Advanced Research (APCAR - APR 2017) Melbourne, Australia
- 28 2017 8th International Conference on Food Engineering and Biotechnology (ICFEB 2017) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 28 International Academic Multi Disciplinary Conference Johannesburg, South Africa
- 28 2017 7th International Conference on Environment and Industrial Innovation (ICEII 2017) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia