Numberland Technology News
November 2016
- Vorträge und Exkursionen
- 10 neue Get in Contact
- 20 neue How-tos
- 12 neue Anfragen
- 12 neue Angebote
- Messen - 11/16 - 01/17
- Konferenzen 11/16 - 01/17
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Vorträge und Exkursionen
In diesem Newsletter finden Sie Hinweise auf:
- Vortrag des Monats bei der Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH - 08.11.2016
Vortrag des Monats
Vortrag des Monats Dezember 2016: Continuous Compression Molding – Ein kontinuierliches Verfahren zur Herstellung von thermoplastischen Faserverbundwerkstoffen
Die Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH und der Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Bezirksgruppe Bayreuth - laden herzlich zum "Vortrag des Monats" ins Kompetenzzentrum in 95448 Bayreuth, Gottlieb-Keim-Str. 60 ein.
Continuous Compression Molding – Ein kontinuierliches Verfahren zur Herstellung von thermoplastischen Faserverbundwerkstoffen
Ort und Datum:
Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH, Gottlieb-Keim-Strasse 60, 95448 Bayreuth, 06. Dezember 2016, 18:30 Uhr. Der Referent steht im Anschluss des Vortrags für Fragen zur Verfügung.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Wir bitten aus organisatorischen Gründen um eine formlose
Dipl.Ing. (BA) Thomas Volz, Teubert Maschinenbau GmbH
B.Eng. Matthias Bruckhoff, Xperion GmbH & Co. KG
Das Continuous Compression Molding (CCM) ist ein intermittierender aber kontinuierlich arbeitender Produktionsprozess, zur Herstellung vollkonsolidierter endlosfaserverstärkter Laminate oder Profile.
Der Lagenaufbau kann je nach Materialkombination gestaltet werden um für den jeweiligen Anwendungsfall die optimalen Eigenschaften zu erziehen. Somit eignet sich das CCM - Verfahren sowohl zur Herstellung von kosteneffizienten Faserverbunden (z.B. PP/Glasfaser) bis hin zur Verarbeitung von High Quality Polymeren wie PEEK oder PEKK in Kombination mit Carbonfaser.
Um dies zu erreichen sind präzise geregelte Verarbeitungstemperaturen von bis zu 420°C und Laminatdrücke von 25 bar (über die gesamte Pressfläche) möglich.
Die hergestellten Laminate oder Profile weisen einen Porositätsgrad von unter 1 % bei einer Maßtoleranzen von unter 10 % auf und können direkt weiter umgeformt oder mechanisch bearbeitet werden.
Ursprünglich für die Luftfahrtindustrie entwickelt bietet das CCM Verfahren auch neue Möglichkeiten und Chancen in nahezu allen anderen Anwendungsbereichen für faserverstärkte thermoplastische Verbundwerkstoffe.
Über die Referenten:
Herr Volz studierte Maschinenbau an der Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Ravensburg und schloss dieses 1986 ab. Anschließend arbeitete er als Konstrukteur bei der Teubert Maschinenbau GmbH, in der er 1989 zunächst zum Konstruktionsleiter aufstieg und seit 2000 dort als Technischer Leiter tätig ist.
Herr Bruckhoff studierte Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der Hochschule Trier und schloss dieses 2011 ab. In der Zeit von 2011 bis 2014 war er als Projektingenieur und Teamleiter bei der der Bentler-SGL Composite Technology GmbH tätig. Seit 2015 arbeitet er als Senior Sales Manager bei der der Xperion GmbH & Co. KG.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie sich bei Interesse den oben genannten Termin freihalten, und uns im Kompetenzzentrum in Bayreuth besuchen.
Weitere Informationen:
Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH |
VDI-Bezirksgruppe Bayreuth c/o Numberland - Dr. Wolfgang Grond Lohfeld 20 95326 Kulmbach el.: +49 (0)9221 6919131 E-Mail: |
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How-to Collections of the Month / How-to Sammlungen des Monats
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How-to Collection of the Month |
How-to Sammlung des Monats(Ein How-to ist eine praktische Anleitung) |
With these collections of expired patents ("US" + "EU") containing the words "Keyword(s)" (as mentioned below) within title and abstract you easily find products and technologies free to use which are suited to your business model. All patents are completely indexed so that you are able to search the collection for arbitrary terms. Usage of logical operators ("AND", "+", "OR", "NOT", "-"), wildcards ("?", "*") and similarity search ("~", usage on input - i. e. "roa~" will find "roam" as well as "foam") is possible.
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Mit diesen Sammlungen von abgelaufenen Patenten (US + EU), die die Worte "Stichworte" (wie unten genannt) im Titel und in der Zusammenfassung enthalten, finden Sie ganz einfach Technologien und Produkte, die zum Geschäftsmodell Ihres Unternehmens passen. Die Patente sind vollständig indexiert, so dass die Sammlung nach beliebigen Begriffen durchsucht werden kann. Die Verwendung von logischen Operatoren ("AND", "+", "OR", "NOT", "-"), Wildcards ("?", "*") und Ähnlichkeitssuche ("~", findet z. B. bei Eingabe von "roa~" neben "roam" auch "foam") ist möglich. Sichern Sie sich diesen Monat |
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our regular price this month for the collections mentioned below:(*) |
auf den Listenpreis für folgende Sammlungen:(*) |
- Keramisches Pulver / Ceramic Powder: ca. 3010 Patente / Patents
- Membranpumpe / Membrane Pump: ca. 1240 Patente / Patents
- Drehschieberpumpe / Rotary Vane Pump: ca. 580 Patente / Patents
- Kreiskolbenpumpe / Rotary Piston Pump: ca. 839 Patente / Patents
- Schlauchpumpe / Peristaltic Hose Pump: ca. 2780 Patente / Patents
- Axialpumpe / Axial Flow Pump: ca. 1250 Patente / Patents
- Radialpumpe / Radial Flow Pump: ca. 880 Patente / Patents
- Wasserstrahlpumpe / Water Jet Pump: ca. 720 Patente / Patents
- Abstandssensor / Distance Sensor: ca. 4600 Patente / Patents
- Gassensor / Gas Sensor: ca. 8820 Patente / Patents
- Induktiver Sensor / Inductive Sensor: ca. 2030 Patente / Patents
- Resistiver Sensor / Resistive Sensor: ca. 4240 Patente / Patents
- Piezoelektrischer Sensor / Piezoelektric Sensor: ca. 1520 Patente / Patents
- Kapazitiver Sensor / Capacitive Sensor: ca. 3290 Patente / Patents
- Optoelektrischer Sensor / Photoelectric Sensor: ca. 1230 Patente / Patents
- Elektrochemischer Sensor / Electrochemical Sensor: ca. 1600 Patente / Patents
- Faseroptischer Sensor / Fiber Sensor: ca. 4210 Patente / Patents
- Kapazitiver Drucksensor / Capacitive Pressure Sensor: ca. 650 Patente / Patents
- Piezoelektrischer Drucksensor / Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor: ca. 320 Patente / Patents
- Piezoresistiver Drucksensor / Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor: ca. 150 Patente / Patents
English: Discount is valid only for manufacturing companies until publication of the next newsletter.
Deutsch: Der Rabatt gilt ausschließlich für produzierende Unternehmen. Das Angebot gilt bis zur Publikation des nächsten Newsletters.
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- sortiert, und
- darin gesucht, um
- Zusammenhänge zu verstehen, und
- Schlüsse daraus ziehen zu können.
Natürlich können wir Ihnen die Punkte fünf und sechs nicht abnehmen - hier ist Ihr Wissen und Ihre Intuition gefragt.
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Hier wurden ca. 2000 Patente mit Hilfe des SOM-Algorithmus sortiert, und das Ergebnis als interaktive "Heatmap" dargestellt. Der "virtuelle Schreibtisch" wurde in 40x40 Segmente unterteilt, die die die Patente einsortiert worden sind. In der Karte wird angezeigt, wie viele Dokumente sich in welchem Segment befinden. Beim anklicken des Segments erscheint rechts eine Liste mit weiteren Details, sowie Links zu den Einzeldokumenten.
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Entsprechend den bei uns publizierten Anfragen und Angeboten zu Werkstoffen, deren Herstellungs- und Analytikverfahren aus den Bereichen Glas, Optik+Photonik, Halbleitertechnik, technische Keramik, Metalle, Polymere und technische Textilien erreichen wir Besucher, die sich für diese Werkstoffe interessieren. Die Anwendungsgebiete dazu sind sehr vielfältig, und umfassen:
- Aktorik + Sensorik
- instrumentelle Analytik + Messtechnik
- Biomaterialien
- Informationstechnik (erzeugen, umwandeln, transportieren, verarbeiten und speichern von Informationen)
- Energietechnik (erzeugen, umwandeln, transportieren, speichern, sparen, dämmen von Energie)
- Fertigungstechnik
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- Mechanik (z. B. Formgedächtnis, Hochtemperaturbeständigkeit, Leichtbau, Mikrotechnik, Selbstheilung, Tribologie, Verbund)
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- Entwicklungspartner für UV-LEDs
- Extrusion von Glasfaser verstärktem Polyamid
- Leitfähige Polymere für die additive Fertigung
- Verbesserte Lebensdauer für medizinische Artikel aus Zellulose
- Zementersatz aus Schlacke
- Entfernung von Deodorantflecken aus Textilien
- Moskitoabwehr
- Metallelektrode für Alkalibatterien
- Katheder für die Veterinärmedizin
- Schnelle Mikrostrukturanalyse
- Dämpfungsmaterialien aus alten Reifen
- REACH-fester thermischer Isolationswerkstoff
Details zu diesen und weiteren Anfragen finden Sie hier und auf unserer Website in der Rubrik "Anfragen". Sollte eine der hier publizierten Lösungen genau auf Ihr aktuelles Projekt passen, wenden Sie sich bitte unter Angabe der ID an uns.
- Magnetisches Trennen von Abfällen
- GFK mit reduziertem Gewicht
- Poröse Titanbauteile für die Medizintechnik
- Dachziegel mit integrierten PV-Zellen
- Leichte Profilbauteile durch Strangziehen
- Antimikrobielles Nahtmaterial
- Keramischer Spritzguss
- Thermoelektrisches Element für großflächige Anwendungen
- Herstellung von Leichtmetallen mit Solarthermie
- Filter für Wasser, Luft, Lebensmittel und Öl
- Nanopartikel aus Si-Verbindungen
- Lignin-Rückgewinnung aus Papierabfall
- Wasserdampfdurchlässiges Klebeband
Details zu diesen und weiteren Angeboten finden Sie hier und auf unserer Website in der Rubrik "Angebote". Sollte eine der hier publizierten Lösungen genau auf Ihr aktuelles Projekt passen, wenden Sie sich bitte unter Angabe der ID an uns.
- 29.10.-06.11.2016: hanseboot - Hamburg International Boat Show, Hamburg, DE
- 31.10.-02.11.2016: Light Middle East - The Middle East's premier Exhibition, Conference & Awards for Lighting Design and Technology, Dubai, AE
- 31.10.-02.11.2016: TIIE - Tokyo International Industry Exhibition, Tokyo, JP
- 31.10.-02.11.2016: WWEC - World Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition - Welt-Windenergie-Konferenz und -Ausstellung, Tokyo, JP
- 01.11.-03.11.2016: CanWEA - CA's Leading Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, CA
- 01.11.-03.11.2016: Cryogen-Expo. Industrial Gases - Messe fuer Kaeltetechnik und industrielle Gase, Moscow, RU
- 01.11.-03.11.2016: FoodTech Processing & Packaging - Trade Fair for Food and Pharma Technology, Herning, DK
- 01.11.-03.11.2016: METAVAK - Fachausstellung fuer die Metallverabeitung, Gorinchem, NL
- 02.11.-03.11.2016: Advanced Engineering UK - incorp. Aero Engineering Show, Composites Engineering Show, Automotive Engineering Show & Performance Metals Engineering, Birmingham, UK
- 02.11.-03.11.2016: BUILDING GREEN - Exhibition and Confrence in Sustainable and Energy Efficient Building Solutions, Copenhagen, DK
- 02.11.-04.11.2016: WINDABA - International Event on Wind Energy, Cape Town, ZA
- 02.11.-05.11.2016: Eurasia Packaging Istanbul - Packaging Industry Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 02.11.-05.11.2016: Istanbul Food-Tech - Food and Beverage Technology, Food Safety, Additives and Ingredients, Cooling, Ventilation, Storage Systems and Logistics Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 03.11.-05.11.2016: AR-MEDICA - Messe fuer Medizintechnik, Veterinaermedizin und Salon Beauty, Arad, RO
- 03.11.-05.11.2016: WIEME Istanbul - Coil Winding Expo, Istanbul, TR
- 05.11.-08.11.2016: IRANCONMIN - International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery & Vehicles, Mining, Building Material Machines and Natural Stone Industry, Tehran, IR
- 06.11.-09.11.2016: Elecshow (IEE) - International Electricity Exhibition, Tehran, IR
- 07.11.-10.11.2016: Waste & Recycling Expo CA - CA's ONLY trade event serving the waste, recycling and public works market, Mississauga/ Toronto, CA
- 08.11.-09.11.2016: Cleanzone - International trade fair and congress for cleanroom technology, Frankfurt/Main, DE
- 08.11.-10.11.2016: Energy Efficiency.Renewable Energy Specialized Exhibition, Kiev, UA
- 08.11.-10.11.2016: FEIPLAR + FEIPUR - International Exhibition and Conference on Composites, Polyurethane and Engineering Plastics, Sao Paulo, BR
- 08.11.-10.11.2016: GCC Power - The GCC Cigre Conference & Exhibition for Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Doha, QA
- 08.11.-10.11.2016: MAGHREB PHARMA Expo - Int. Exhibition of the Pharmaceutical Industry Suppliers in North Africa, Algiers, DZ
- 08.11.-10.11.2016: Power Engineering for Industry, Kiev, UA
- 08.11.-10.11.2016: RoadTechExpo, Kiev, UA
- 08.11.-10.11.2016: WATER AFRICA & West Africa Building & Construction Exhibition NG - Water Sypply & Pollution Control Exhibition & Conference, Abuja, NG
- 08.11.-11.11.2016: ECOMONDO - International Trade Fair on Material & Energy Recovery and Sustainable Development, Rimini, IT
- 08.11.-11.11.2016: electronica - International Trade Fair for Electronic Components, Systems and Applications, Munich, DE
- 08.11.-11.11.2016: INTERLIGHT MOSCOW powered by Light+Building - International Trade Fair for Decorative and Technical Lighting, Electrical Engineering, Home and Building Automation, Moscow, RU
- 08.11.-11.11.2016: KEY ENERGY - International Expo for Sustainable Energy & Mobility, Rimini, IT
- 08.11.-11.11.2016: Metal Expo - International Industrial Exhibition - Moscow International Metal Exhibition Incorporating Metallurgy, Machinetools & Metalworking, Pipes & Cabels, Moscow, RU
- 09.11.-11.11.2016: Aqua-Therm Tbilisi, Tbilissi, GE
- 09.11.-11.11.2016: CleanExpo Moscow/PULIRE - International exhibition of equipment and materials for professional cleaning, sanitary, hygiene, dry-cleaning and laundry, Moscow, RU
- 09.11.-11.11.2016: FMB - Zuliefermesse Maschinenbau - The Supplier Show for Mechanical Engineering, Bad Salzuflen, DE
- 09.11.-11.11.2016: HKTDC HK Optical Fair, Hongkong, HK
- 09.11.-12.11.2016: Automechanika Buenos Aires - AR's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting Trade Visitors from South America, Buenos Aires, AR
- 09.11.-20.11.2016: Salon Internacional de Automovil - International Automobile Fair, Bogota, CO
- 10.11.-12.11.2016: Chem Show Eurasia - Chemical Industry Group Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 10.11.-12.11.2016: POWER BD - International Exhibition on Power Generation & Transmission, Energy & Renewable Energy, Dhaka, BD
- 10.11.-20.11.2016: S.A. Salao do Automovel - International Automobile Trade Show, Sao Paulo, BR
- 14.11.-17.11.2016: all4pack - The Global Marketplace for Packging, Processing, Printing and Handling, Paris, FR
- 14.11.-17.11.2016: EMBALLAGE - International Packaging Exhibition, Paris, FR
- 14.11.-17.11.2016: MANUTENTION Equipements & Systemes - International Exhibition 'Handling Materials and Systems for Productics and Logistics', Paris, FR
- 14.11.-17.11.2016: MEDICA - World Forum for Medicine - International Trade Fair with Congress with COMPAMED - International Trade Fair High tech solutions for Medical Technologies, Dusseldorf, DE
- 15.11.-17.11.2016: InPrint - Industrial Print Show, Milan, IT
- 15.11.-17.11.2016: JEC Composites Asia - Internationale Ausstellung fuer Verbundstoffe, Singapore, SG
- 15.11.-18.11.2016: EnergyDecentral - International trade fair for innovative energy supply, Hanover, DE
- 15.11.-18.11.2016: PRODEX - International Exhibition for Machine Tools, Tools and Production Engineering, Basle, CH
- 15.11.-18.11.2016: SWISSTECH - International Trade Fair for Materials, Components and System Assembly Solutions, Basle, CH
- 16.11.-18.11.2016: Aqua-Therm Warsaw - Int. Exhibition for Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning, Water Supply, Sanitary, Environmental Technology, Swimming Pool and Renewable Energies, Warsaw, PL
- 16.11.-18.11.2016: INSTRUTEC - Tallinn International Fair for Production Development, Product Engineering, Tooling, Subcontracting and Maintenance, Tallinn, EE
- 16.11.-18.11.2016: MiningWorld UZ - Internationale Messe fuer Bergbau und Verarbeitung von Metall und Mineralien, Tashkent, UZ
- 16.11.-18.11.2016: WarsawBuild PL - Warsaw International Building Materials & Equipments Exhibition, Warsaw, PL
- 16.11.-19.11.2016: PlasPak ID - International Food Processing and Packaging Machinery and Materials Exhibition, Jakarta, ID
- 16.11.-19.11.2016: Plastics and Rubber ID, Jakarta, ID
- 16.11.-20.11.2016: ExpoDental AMIC International - Expo Dental AMIC, Mexico City, MX
- 17.11.-19.11.2016: ALUCAST - Exhibition & Conference for the Aluminium Die Casting Industry, Bangalore, IN
- 17.11.-19.11.2016: Brussels Innova - International Energy Innovation Exhibition, Brussels, BE
- 17.11.-19.11.2016: GET Nord - Trade Fair Electrical Engineering, Sanitation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, Hamburg, DE
- 17.11.-20.11.2016: AIRTECH - International Exhibition for Compressed Air Technology and Accessories, Cairo, EG
- 17.11.-20.11.2016: Handling Expo - International Exhibition for Material Handling and Storage Systems, Cairo, EG
- 17.11.-20.11.2016: MACTECH - International Exhibition for Machine Tools, Hand Tools, Welding & Cutting Equipment, Cairo, EG
- 18.11.-19.11.2016: OPTYKA, Poznan, PL
- 18.11.-20.11.2016: ENERGIES + CONSTRUCTION - Energy Exhibition, Marche en Famenne, BE
- 21.11.-23.11.2016: WEPower - Water, Electricity & Power Generation Conference & Exhibition, Dammam, SA
- 21.11.-24.11.2016: Metalworking.Tools, Ekaterinburg, RU
- 22.11.-24.11.2016: SPS IPC Drives - International Exhibition for Electric Automation - Systems and Components, Nuremberg, DE
- 22.11.-25.11.2016: PharmTech & Ingredients - International Trade Fair of Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Manufacturing, Moscow, RU
- 23.11.-24.11.2016: FinnMateria - Special Exhibition and Congress for Mining Industry, Metal Processing Industry, Rock Material Industry, Earth Construction and Natural Stone Industry, Jyvaeskylae, FI
- 23.11.-25.11.2016: Central Asia Plast World - International Plastics Exhibition, Almaty, KZ
- 23.11.-25.11.2016: Clean Water.Kazan, Kazan, RU
- 23.11.-25.11.2016: HVACR SOUTHEAST ASIA - International Exhibition on Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Air Filtration & Purification, Refrigeration Systems, Pumps, Valves, Compressors and Related Systems in Southeast Asia, Jakarta, ID
- 23.11.-25.11.2016: PS Southeast Asia - International Exhibition for Pumps & Systems, Compressors Systems, Valves & Fittings, Tubes & Piping, Jakarta, ID
- 23.11.-26.11.2016: EMAF - International Machinery-Tools and Accessories Exhibition, Porto, PT
- 23.11.-26.11.2016: International Automobile Show, Sharjah, AE
- 23.11.-26.11.2016: Metalex - ASEAN's International Machine Tools and Metalworking Machinery Trade Exhibition & Conference, Bangkok, TH
- 24.11.-25.11.2016: RENEXPO HYDRO (RENEXPO AT) - The hydropower trade fair for AT, Germany, Switzerland and South Tyrol, Salzburg, AT
- 24.11.-27.11.2016: Mining TR - International Mining, Mining Machinery, Equipment and heavy Duty Vehicles Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 24.11.-27.11.2016: RUBBER - Istanbul Rubber Industry Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 27.11.-30.11.2016: GNYDM - Dental Technology from DE - Greater New York Dental Meeting, New York, US
- 29.11.-01.12.2016: ALUMINIUM - World Trade Fair & Conference, Dusseldorf, DE
- 29.11.-01.12.2016: COMPOSITES EUROPE - European Trade Fair & Forum for Composites, Technology and Applications, Dusseldorf, DE
- 29.11.-01.12.2016: VALVE WORLD EXPO - Biennial Valve World Conference and Exhibition, Dusseldorf, DE
- 29.11.-02.12.2016: OSEA - International Oil & Gas Industry Exhibition and Conference, Singapore, SG
- 29.11.-02.12.2016: Pollutec - Internat. Exhibition of Environmental Equipment, Technology+ Services in Water, Waste, Recycling, Oils + Sites, Energy, Air, Products & Sustainable Development, Risks, Instrumentation & Metrology & Automation, Lyon, FR
- 29.11.-02.12.2016: Riyadh Motor Show - International Exhibition for Motor Vehicles, Riyadh, SA
- 30.11.-01.12.2016: Expoplast - Exhibition for the Plastics Industry, Montreal, CA
- 30.11.-02.12.2016: POWTEX TOKYO - Powder Technology Exhibition, Tokyo, JP
- 30.11.-03.12.2016: Machine Tool ID - International Machine Tool, Metalworking and Allied Industries Exhibition Incorporating Welding ID, Jakarta, ID
- 30.11.-03.12.2016: MANUFACTURING INDONESIA - Int. Manufacturing Machinery, Equipment, Materials and Services Exh., Jakarta, ID
- 01.12.-03.12.2016: CeMAT INDIA - International Trade Fair for Materials Handling/Intralogistics and Logistics at WIN INDIA, Mumbai, IN
- 01.12.-03.12.2016: Industrial Automation INDIA - Leading International Trade Fair for Process Automation, Factory Automation and Industrial Building Automation at WIN INDIA, Mumbai, IN
- 01.12.-03.12.2016: Inno Design Tech Expo (IDT Expo) - Innovation, Technology and Design Solutions Exposition, Hongkong, HK
- 01.12.-03.12.2016: MDA INDIA - Motion, Drive & Automation INDIA - International Trade Fair for Motion, Drive and Automation, Mumbai, IN
- 01.12.-03.12.2016: Tech Industry, Riga, LV
- 01.12.-03.12.2016: VIETNAM MEDI-PHARM EXPO Hanoi - VN International Medical, Hospital & Pharmaceutical Exhibition, Hanoi, VN
- 02.12.-04.12.2016: CLV Clean Life Vision 21 - International Laundry & Drycleaning Show, Tokyo, JP
- 02.12.-04.12.2016: EuroMotor - Messe für Lifestyle, Motion und Design, Stuttgart, DE
- 02.12.-04.12.2016: LED Expo - IN's No. 1 exhibition on LED lighting products & technology, New Delhi, IN
- 03.12.-08.12.2016: INDIA ITME - International Textile Machinery Exhibition, Mumbai, IN
- 03.12.-11.12.2016: MOTOR SHOW - International Automobile Exhibition, Bologna, IT
- 03.12.-11.12.2016: NAUTIC - International Paris Boat Show, Paris, FR
- 04.12.-06.12.2016: ELECTRICX - The Middle East & Africa Power & Energy Exhibition, Cairo, EG
- 04.12.-07.12.2016: Petrotech - International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition, New Delhi, IN
- 05.12.-06.12.2016: Solar CA - CA's Largest Solar Energy Exhibition and Conference, Toronto, CA
- 05.12.-07.12.2016: AEW - DZ Electricity, Algiers, DZ
- 05.12.-07.12.2016: MTEX OMAN - International Machinery, Tools and Equipments Exhibition, Muscat, OM
- 05.12.-07.12.2016: SAUDI TRANSTEC - Transportation, Materials Handling, Warehousing & Logistics Exhibition, Dammam, SA
- 05.12.-09.12.2016: ZDRAVOOKHRANENIYE - International Trade Fair for Healthcare, Medical Engineering, Moscow, RU
- 06.12.-08.12.2016: AEROMART - Int. Business Convention for Aerospace Industries, Toulouse, FR
- 06.12.-08.12.2016: Build Asia - Building, Construction Machinery & Material Exhibition & Conference, Karachi, PK
- 06.12.-09.12.2016: ICCX RU - International Concrete Conferences & Exhibition, St. Petersburg, RU
- 06.12.-09.12.2016: IPCC - Int. paint, Coating, Resin and Composites Fair, Tehran, IR
- 07.12.-09.12.2016: ITE - International Technical Exhibition on Image Technology and Equipment, Yokohama, JP
- 07.12.-09.12.2016: Mechanical Engineering. Metalworking. Kazan - Internationale Messe für Maschinenbau und Metallverarbeitung, Kazan, RU
- 07.12.-10.12.2016: OM International Motor Show - OM International Motor Show, Muscat, OM
- 07.12.-10.12.2016: Plast Eurasia Istanbul - International Istanbul Plastic Industries Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 08.12.-09.12.2016: ForumLED + Festi Lighting Expo - The International Festive and Event Lighting Trade Fair, Lyon, FR
- 08.12.-10.12.2016: Caucasus Healthcare - International Specialized Fair for Medical Technology, Laboratory Equipment, Dentistry, Pharmaceuticals, Optics & Hospital Equipment, Tbilissi, GE
- 08.12.-11.12.2016: Bau+Energie Messe (bisher Hausbau- und Energiemesse) - Construction and Energy Exhibition, Berne, CH
- 08.12.-11.12.2016: BuildExpo - International Construction and Building Materials, Technologies, Machineries and Infrastructure, Furniture, Decoration and Housewares Exhibition, Sulaymaniah, IQ
- 08.12.-11.12.2016: Silmo Istanbul - Optical Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 09.12.-11.12.2016: Glasstech International - International Exhibition on Glass & Glazing Technologies, New Delhi, IN
- 11.12.-15.12.2016: SIMS - Saudi International Motor Show - International Event for Motor Vehicles, SUVs and Motorcycles, Jeddah, SA
- 12.12.-15.12.2016: BAUMA CONEXPO INDIA - International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines and Construction Vehicles, Gurgaon / Delhi, IN
- 13.12.-15.12.2016: EGO PAKISTAN - Int. Exhibition & Conference Energy, Gas, Oil & Power, Islamabad, PK
- 13.12.-15.12.2016: Paper Arabia - Int. Technological Exhibition for Paper, Printing & Converting Industries Covering: Corrugated, Carton & Machinery, Dubai, AE
- 14.12.-15.12.2016: ENERGAIA - International Renewable Energies Exhibition, Montpellier, FR
- 14.12.-16.12.2016: SEMICON JP - Semiconductor Equipment & Materials Exhibition, Tokyo, JP
- 14.12.-17.12.2016: MIDEST MAROC - The Industrial Event in MA, Casablanca, MA
- 15.12.-17.12.2016: drink technology IN - International trade fair for beverage and liquid food technology, Mumbai, IN
- 15.12.-17.12.2016: foodPex IN - International Food Processing and Packaging Exhibition, Mumbai, IN
- 15.12.-17.12.2016: International PackTech IN - International Exhibition and Conference for the Packaging and Processing Industry, Mumbai, IN
- 23.12.-26.12.2016: IPP - IRAN PACK & PRINT - International Exhibition of Packaging & Printing Machineries and Equipment, Tehran, IR
- 08.01.-10.01.2017: ARABPLAST - International Trade Show for Plastics, Petrochemical, Packaging & Rubber Industry, Dubai, AE
- 08.01.-10.01.2017: HARDWARE - National Exhibition of Tools and Ferruginous Products, Lucerne, CH
- 09.01.-12.01.2017: Kish ENEX - International Energy Exhibition, Kish, IR
- 11.01.-13.01.2017: eltec - Trade fair for electrical and power enineering, Nuremberg, DE
- 11.01.-13.01.2017: MEDICINE - The Finnish Medical Convention and Exhibition, Helsinki, FI
- 14.01.-22.01.2017: European Motor Show - European Motor Show, Brussels, BE
- 16.01.-19.01.2017: EcoWaste, Abu Dhabi, AE
- 16.01.-19.01.2017: IWS - International Water Summit - Internationale Plattform zur Foerderung nachhaltiger Wasserbewirtschaftung in VAE, Abu Dhabi, AE
- 16.01.-19.01.2017: SteelFab - The Middle East Trade Show for the Metal Working, Metal Manufacturing and Steel Fabrication Industry, Sharjah, AE
- 16.01.-19.01.2017: WFES - World Future Energy Summit + Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, AE
- 16.01.-21.01.2017: BAU - World's Leading Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems, Munich, DE
- 18.01.-19.01.2017: ADF - Aerosol & Dispensing Forum, Paris, FR
- 18.01.-20.01.2017: AUTOMOTIVE WORLD - consists of CAR-ELE JP, EV JAPAN, Automotive Weight Reduction Expo, Connected Car JP, Automotive Components Processing Technology Expo, Tokyo, JP
- 18.01.-20.01.2017: Light-Tech Expo - International Exhibition for LED/OLED Technology & Application, Tokyo, JP
- 18.01.-20.01.2017: Nepcon JP - Electronics Manufacturing Technology and R&D, Tokyo, JP
- 19.01.-21.01.2017: IN Rubber Expo - International Exhibition & Conference, Chennai, IN
- 19.01.-23.01.2017: PLASTIVISION INDIA, Mumbai, IN
- 20.01.-29.01.2017: M.I.A.S. - The Montreal International Auto Show LTD, Montreal, CA
- 24.01.-27.01.2017: Construction Materials - OSM - New Materials for Construction, new Technologies for Buildings, Moscow, RU
- 24.01.-27.01.2017: interplastica - International Trade Fair Plastics and Rubber, Moscow, RU
- 25.01.-26.01.2017: Biogaz Europe, Rennes, FR
- 26.01.-01.02.2017: IMTEX - INn Machine Tool Exhibition, Bangalore, IN
- 26.01.-01.02.2017: Tooltech - International Exhibition of Cutting Tools, Tooling Systems, Machine Tool Accessories, Metrology & CAD/CAM, Bangalore, IN
- 30.01.-02.02.2017: Arab Health - The Middle East Exhibition for the Healthcare, Dubai, AE
- 31.01.-02.02.2017: Swiss Plastics - Schweizer Kunststoffmesse, Lucerne, CH
November 2016
- 01 International conference on biotechnology and environment Alexandria, Egypt
- 01 7th International Conference on Modern Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology 2016 (ICMTSET 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 01 5th International Conference on Applied Science, Management and Technology 2016 (ICASMT 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 01 Amman 3rd International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 1-2, 2016 Amman, Jordan
- 01 4th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD) Jamshoro, Pakistan
- 02 13th International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT2016) Melville, United States of America
- 02 2016 International Conference on Medical Information and Bioengineering(ICMIB 2016)--Ei Compendex Istanbul, Turkey
- 03 Cape Town 4th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 03-04, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa
- 03 Seoul 16th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 3-4, 2016 Seoul, South Korea
- 03 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Business, Economics, Management, Social Sciences (IBEMSS-NOV-2016) November 3rd-4th, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 04 2016 International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering (ICSEE 2016)--Scopus & Ei Perth, Australia
- 04 International Conference On Advances in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICANN-2016) New Delhi, India
- 04 2016 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conversation (ICREC 2016) Perth, Australia
- 05 Shanghai 21st International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 5-6, 2016 Shanghai, China
- 05 Melbourne 4th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 05-06, 2016 Melbourne, Australia
- 07 2016 Internaitonal Conference on Biomedical Signal and Bioinformatics (ICBSB 2016) Auckland, New Zealand
- 07 Power Week Singapore, Singapore
- 07 Casablanca 3rd International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 7-8, 2016 Casablanca, Morocco
- 07 Bali 21st International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciencesâ?? ( ECBA- 2016) November 7-8, 2016 Bali, Indonesia
- 07 2016 International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science â?? Fall Session (ICETA-Fall 2016) Seoul, South Korea
- 07 International Conference on Innovation in Polymer Science and Technology 2016 (IPST 2016) Medan, Indonesia
- 10 Intl. Conference on Innovative Research In Applied Physics, Material Sciences, Instrumentation, Electronics, Communication, Electrical, Power Control, Computer Science and Information Technology Gauhati, India
- 10 7th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG), 10-11 Nov 2016, Singapore, Singapore
- 10 7th International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 10-11 Nov 2016, Singapore, Singapore
- 10 Belgrade 4th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 10-11, 2016 Belgrade, Serbia
- 12 Singapore 23rd International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2016) November 12-13, 2016 Singapore, Singapore
- 12 Taipei 10th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciencesâ?? (ECBA- 2016) November 12-13, 2016 Taipei Taiwan
- 14 4th International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC’16) Marrakech, Morocco
- 14 New Delhi 4th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 14-15, 2016 New Delhi, India
- 15 IEEE-2016 the 6th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems(ICPES 2016)-Ei Compendex Paris, France
- 15 International Research Conference on Civil, Transportation and Environmental Engineering (RCCTEE-16) Nov. 15-16, 2016 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 16 6th International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management 2016 (ICSTEM 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 16 5th International Research Conference on Science, Management and Engineering 2016 (IRCSME 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 17 Melbourne 5th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) December 17-18, 2016 Melbourne, Australia
- 17 5th International Conference on challenges in Emerging Engineering Technologies and its Applications (CEETA-2016) Nov. 17-18, 2016 Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 19 2016 International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ICDME 2016)--SCOPUS, Ei Auckland, New Zealand
- 19 Sydney 4th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 19-20, 2016 Sydney, Australia
- 20 36th Australasian Polymer Symposium Lorne, Australia
- 21 Istanbul 35th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2016) November 21-22, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey
- 21 Bangkok 37th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 21-22, 2016 Bangkok, Thailand
- 22 Bandung 4th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciencesâ??( ECBA- 2016) November 22-23, 2016 Bandung, Indonesia
- 23 2016 International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Instrumentation (ICCSI 2016) Chengdu, China
- 23 2016 4th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit (ICSIC 2016)--EI & SCOPUS Chengdu, China
- 23 2016 IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Microsystems (ICICM 2016)--EI & SCOPUS Chengdu, China
- 24 Beijing 20th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 24-25, 2016 Beijing, China
- 24 Computer Science and Engineering 2016 Lviv, Ukraine
- 24 International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering, Technology and Natural Resources (ICASETNR-16) Nov. 24-25, 2016 Parys, South Africa
- 24 2016 3rd Journal Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology (JCIMT 2016 3rd ) Sydney, Australia
- 24 ASCENT 2016 International Conference - Innovating to Build Sustainable World Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 25 Tokyo 10th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciencesâ?? (ECBA- 2016) November 25-26, 2016 Tokyo, Japan
- 25 2016 ASIA Conference on Green Photonics (ACGP 2016) Taipei, Taiwan
- 26 IWMSCE-2016, 3rd International Workshop on Material Science and Chemical Engineering Istanbul, Turkey
- 26 2016 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICCEN 2016)--Ei, Scopus, CPCI Sydney, Australia
- 27 Eilat-Eilot Renewable and Clean Energy 2016 Eilat, Israel
- 28 The 1st Technology Innovation Management and Engineering Science International Conference (TIMES-iCON2016) Bangkok, Thailand
- 28 Osaka 10th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 28-29, 2016 Osaka, Japan
- 29 Manila 10th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciencesâ?? (ECBA- 2016) November 29-30, 2016 Manila, Philippines
- 29 Cairo 4th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) November 29-30, 2016 Cairo, Egypt
December 2016
- 01 2016 International Congress on Advances in Engineering and Technological Developments (AETD-16) London, United Kingdom
- 01 6th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science, Engineering and Management 2016 (ICITSEM 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 01 Amman 4th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) December 1-2, 2016 Amman, Jordan
- 01 Sixth International Research Conference on Engineering, Science and Management 2016 (IRCESM 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 01 3rd International Conference on Developing Trends in Business Studies and Social Sciences (DTBS-DEC-2016) December 1st-2nd, 2016 Bandung, Indonesia
- 01 29th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers Miri, Malaysia
- 02 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Colombo, Sri Lanka
- 03 Seoul 17th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) December 3-4, 2016 Seoul, South Korea
- 03 Cape Town 5th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) December 03-04, 2016 Cape Town, South Africa
- 04 2016 International Conference on Functional Materials and Steel (ICFMS 2016)-SCOPUS, Ei Hong Kong, China
- 04 2016 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Systems (ICMES 2016) - Ei, Scopus and CPCI Hong Kong, China
- 06 Smart Buildings Middle East Doha, Qatar
- 07 Bali 22nd International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” ( ECBA- 2016) December 7-8, 2016 Bali, Indonesia
- 07 International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Transport and Renewable Energy (EETRE-2016) SINGAPORE Dec. 7-8, 2016 Singapore, Singapore
- 07 2016 International Conference on Innovations in Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences (ICICES-16) Istanbul (Turkey) Dec. 7-8, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey
- 07 International Conference on Innovations in Environmental Sciences, Civil and Architecture Engineering (ESCAE-2016) Dec. 7-8, 2016 Singapore, Singapore
- 07 2016 The 4th International conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation(ICCMA 2016)--Ei Compendex and Scopus Barcelona, Spain
- 07 International Conference on Innovations in Computer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Technology (ICEEET-2016) Singapore, Singapore
- 07 2016 2rd International Conference on Signal Processing (ICOSP 2016) Limerick City, Ireland
- 08 12th International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 08-09 Dec 2016, Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 08 Asia Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development 2016 (ACESD 2016)-EI, Scopus, and ISI Hong Kong, China
- 08 International Conference on Sustainability, Green Buildings, Environmental Engineering & Renewable Energy (SGER 2016) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 08 12th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG), 08-09 Dec 2016, Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 08 Energy from Waste London, United Kingdom
- 08 2016 International Conference on New Energy and Applications (ICNEA 2016)-EI, Scopus and ISI Hong Kong, China
- 08 2016 International Conference on Interlligent Biology and Medicine (ICIBM 2016) Houston, United States of America
- 09 International Conference on Information & Engineering Sciences - 2016 Pondicherry, India
- 10 Belgrade 5th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) December 10-11, 2016 Belgrade, Serbia
- 11 Fifth International Conference on Science, Management, Engineering and Technology 2016 (ICSMET 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 11 6th International Conference on Engineering, Science, Business and Management 2016 (ICESBM 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 11 The International Conference on Engineering, Science, Business and Management Barcelona, Spain
- 12 International Conference on Substantial Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy (SEERE-2016) Dec. 12-13, 2016 Phuket, Thailand
- 12 International Conference on Innovations in Civil and Structural Engineering (ICICSE'16) Dec. 12-13, 2016 Phuket, Thailand
- 12 Taipei 11th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2016) December 12-13, 2016 Taipei, Taiwan
- 12 Singapore 24th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2016) December 12-13, 2016 Singapore, Singapore
- 12 World Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST-2016) London, United Kingdom
- 12 2nd International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM 2016) Jaipur, India
- 14 2016 5th International Conference on Power Science and Engineering (ICPSE 2016)-Ei Compendex Venice, Italy
- 14 International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology (RTET-2016) Dec. 14-16, 2016 Pattaya, Thailand
14 9th International Conference on Materials Science and Technology Bangkok, Thailand - 14 2016 5th International Conference on Mechanics and Control Engineering (ICMCE 2016)--Ei Compendex Venice, Italy
- 14 2016 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Properties of Materials (ICMPM 2016)--SCOPUS and Ei Venice, Italy
- 15 Athens 5th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) December 15-16, 2016 Athens, Greece
- 15 ENTECH '16 / 4th International Energy Technologies Conference Istanbul, Turkey
- 15 4TH International Conference On Innovation Challenges In Multidisciplinary Research & Practice (ICMRP -2016) Singapore, Singapore
- 15 3rd Annual International Conference on Nano Science and Nanotechnology -2016 (ICNSNT-2016) Colombo, Sri Lanka
- 16 4th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT-2016) Hammamet, Tunisia
- 17 International Interdisciplinary Conference on Engineering Science & Management Goa, India
- 20 4th MacroTrend Conference on Technology and Innovation: Paris 2016 Paris, France
- 20 8th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG), 20-21 Dec 2016, Dubaii, United Arab Emirates
- 20 8th International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 20-21 Dec 2016, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 21 Hong Kong 18th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) December 21-22, 2016 Hongkong, Hong Kong
- 21 6th International Conference on Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (ICAESAM’2016) Dec. 21-22, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 21 Istanbul 36th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2016) December 21-22, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey
- 22 International Conference on Engineering, Technology, Computer & Applied Sciences Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 23 Call for Papers: 12th Global Engineering, Science and Technology Conference Dhaka, Bangladesh
- 25 2016 3rd Journal Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications (JCCEA 2016 3rd) Kyoto, Japan
- 25 2016 BANGKOK 5th International Conference on Computer, Electronics and Manufacturing Engineering (ICCEME-16) Bangkok, Thailand
- 25 International Conference on Nanotechnology, Environmental and Civil Engineering (ICNECE-2016) Bangkok, Thailand
- 25 2016 4th International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention (ICEPP 2016) Kyoto, Japan
- 25 2016 6th International Conference on Environment Science and Biotechnology (ICESB 2016)--Ei Geobase Kyoto, Japan
- 26 Tokyo 11th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) December 26-27, 2016 Tokyo, Japan
- 26 2016 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 2016 (ICMERR 2016)--EI Compendex, Scopus, and ISI CPCS Singapore, Singapore
- 27 7th International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference (ICEEC-2016) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 28 Phuket 8th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” ( ECBA- 2016 ) December 28-29, 2016 Phuket, Thailand
- 28 2016 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Design and Manufacturing (ICMDM 2016)-SCOPUS, Ei Jeju Island, South Korea
- 28 Osaka 11th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) December 28-29, 2016 Osaka, Japan
- 29 9th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG), 29-30 Dec 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
- 29 Cairo 5th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2016) December 29-30, 2016 Cairo, Egypt
- 29 9th International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 29-30 Dec, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand
- 30 International Conference on Healthcare, Applied Science and Engineering Madrid, Spain
- 30 International Conference on Aviation, Energy and Industrial Engineering (ICAEIE-2016) Dec. 30-31, 2016 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 30 International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Structural Engineering (ICCASE-2016) DUBAI Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 30 9th Annual International Business, Agriculture, Health, Energy, & Engineering Conference Hollywood, United States of America
- 31 MID International Conference of Technology & Applied Sciences Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 31 IEEE & ACM sponsored 4th World Congress on Engineering , Science and Technology Phuket, Thailand
January 2017
- 01 International conference on Engineering, Technology and Science (ICETS) Singapore, Singapore
- 01 Amman 5th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 1-2, 2017 Amman, Jordan
- 02 10th International Conference on Healthcare Systems & Global Business Issues. PUNE, India
- 03 2017 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (CIEIM 2017) - EI, Scopus and ISI CPCS Rome, Italy
- 03 Cape Town 6th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 03-04, 2017 Cape Town, South Africa
- 03 Seoul 18th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 3-4, 2017 Seoul, South Korea
- 04 Manila 12th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 4-5, 2017 Manila, Philippines
- 04 6th International Research Conference on Science, Management and Engineering 2017 (IRCSME 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 05 Shanghai 23rd International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 5-6, 2017 Shanghai, China
- 05 4th International Conference on Aeronautical, Robotics and Manufacturing Engineering (ARME-2017) Jan. 5-7, 2017 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 06 Dubai 24th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 6-7, 2017 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 07 Marrakech 1st International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 7-8, 2017 Marrakech, Morocco
- 07 Bali 23rd International Conference on “Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities- BESSH-2017” 7-8 January, 2017 Bali, Indonesia
- 07 2017 International Conference on Metallurgical Fundamentals and Science (ICMFS 2017)--SCOPUS, Ei Singapore, Singapore
- 07 Budapest 1st International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2017) January 7-8, 2017 Budapest, Hungary
- 08 2017 7th International Conference on Future Environment and Energy (ICFEE 2017) Penang, Malaysia
- 08 2017 4th International Conference on Geological and Civil Engineering (ICGCE 2017) Penang, Malaysia
- 10 International Symposium Green and Sustainable Technology (ISGST2017) Kampar, Malaysia
- 10 2017 BALI International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology (BICAET-17) Bali, Indonesia
- 12 Singapore 25th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2017) January 12-13, 2017 Singapore, Singapore
- 12 Taipei 12th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 12-13, 2017 Taipei, Taiwan
- 13 New Delhi 6th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 13-14, 2017 New Delhi , India
- 14 Sydney 6th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2017) January 14-15, 2017 Sydney, Australia
- 14 Venice 1st International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 14-15, 2017 Venice, Itlay
- 16 PATTAYA International Conference on Innovations in Engineering & Technology (ICIET-2017) Jan. 16-17, 2017 Pattaya, Thailand
- 16 Istanbul 37th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2017) January 16-17, 2017 Istanbul, Turkey
- 17 Kuala Lumpur 25th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 17-18, 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 18 International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Industrial Engineering (MAIE-2017) Phuket -Thailand SCOPUS Journals supported Phuket, Thailand
- 18 6th International Conference on Applied Science, Management and Technology 2017 (ICASMT 2017) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 18 International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Electronics Engineering (CEEE'17) PHUKET - Thailand Jan. 18-19, 2017 Phuket, Thailand
- 18 The World Symposium on Materials Science and Engineering 2017 Hong Kong, China
- 19 2017 International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENS 2017) Bali, Indonesia
- 20 2017 8th International Conference on Mechatronics and Manufacturing (ICMM 2017) - Ei Compendex and Scopus Tokyo, Japan
- 20 2017 7th International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics (ICAPM 2017) - EI & Scopus Tokyo, Japan
- 20 Macao 1st International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2017) January 20-21, 2017 Macao, China
- 20 2017 The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials Research (ICAMR 2017) - EI & Scopus Hong Kong, China
- 21 Rome 1st International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 21-22, 2017 Rome, Italy
- 21 2017 4th International Conference on Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering(ICPPE 2017) Bangkok, Thailand
- 21 Hong Kong 19th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 21-22, 2017 Hongkong, Hong Kong
- 21 Istanbul 38th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2017) January 21-22, 2017 Istanbul, Turkey
- 21 Bangkok 39th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 21-22, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand
- 22 International Conference on Recent Research in “Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Civil, Computer Science and Information Technology” (MECIT-2017) New Delhi, India
- 22 2017 International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (ICEES 2017)--Ei, Scopus Bangkok, Thailand
- 22 The 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies (ICRET 2017)-Ei, Scopus Bangkok, Thailand
- 23 4th International Conference on Civil, Environment and Waste Management (CEWM-17) MANILA Manila, Philippines
- 23 2017 MANILA International Conference on Trends in Engineering & Technology (MTET-17) Jan. 23-24, 2017 Manila, Philippines
- 23 Bandung 6th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences( ECBA- 2017) January 23-24, 2017 Bandung, Indonesia
- 24 Beijing 22nd International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 24-25, 2017 Beijing, China
- 24 Osaka 12th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 24-25, 2017 Osaka, Japan
- 25 Seoul 19th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 25-26, 2017 Seoul, South Korea
- 25 1st International Conference on Advanced Research (ICAR - 2017) Manama, Bahrain
- 25 International Conference on Oil & Gas, Energy & Mining Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 26 Tokyo 12th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 26-27, 2017 Tokyo, Japan
- 26 2017 CEBU International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICASET-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017 Cebu, Philippines
- 27 Dubai 25th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” (ECBA- 2017) January 27-28, 2017 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 27 Singapore 26th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2017) January 27-28, 2017 Singapore, Singapore
- 28 Phuket 9th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” ( ECBA- 2017 ) January 28-29, 2017 Phuket , Thailand
- 29 Alexandria 1st International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2017) January 29-30, 2017 Alexandria, Egypt
- 30 Power Tech Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
- 30 Athens 6th International Conference on Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences (ECBA- 2017) January 30-31, 2017 Athens, Greece