Numberland Technology News
April 2016
- Vorträge und Exkursionen
- 10 neue Get in Contact
- 20 neue How-tos
- 12 neue Anfragen
- 12 neue Angebote
- Messen - 04/16 - 06/16
- Konferenzen 04/16 - 06/16
- Numberland intern
Vorträge und Exkursionen
In diesem Newsletter finden Sie Hinweise auf:
- Vortrag des Monats bei der Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH - 03.05.2016
- Zukunft der Technologie - Technologie der Zukunft, 26.04.2016, Münch Energie, Rugendorf
- 8. Bayreuther Ökonomiekongress - 09.06. - 10.06.2016, Universität Bayreuth
Vortrag des Monats
Vortrag des Monats Mai 2016: Damit sollten Sie rechnen - Text Mining in der Produktentwicklung, 03.05.2016, 18:30 Uhr, Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH, Bayreuth
Die Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH und der Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) - Bezirksgruppe Bayreuth - laden herzlich zum "Vortrag des Monats Mai" ins Kompetenzzentrum in 95448 Bayreuth, Gottlieb-Keim-Str. 60 ein.
Damit sollten Sie rechnen - Text Mining in der Produktentwicklung
Ort und Datum:
Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH, Gottlieb-Keim-Strasse 60, 95448 Bayreuth, 03. Mai 2016, 18:30 Uhr. Der Referent steht im Anschluss des Vortrags für Fragen zur Verfügung.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Wir bitten aus organisatorischen Gründen um eine formlose
Dr. Wolfgang Grond, Inhaber des Ingenieurbüros Numberland
Wer mit dem Thema Produktentwicklung zu tun hat, muss vor allem auch Eines: Lesen. Dies bedeutet in diesem Kontext explizit: Finden, Filtern, Sortieren und Verstehen.
„Finden“ erscheint angesichts elektronischer Medien und Internetzugang an jedem Arbeitsplatz als eine eher leichte Aufgabe. Die Versuchung ist groß, einfach im Internet nach Lösungen zu suchen und an-schließend sehr viel Zeit damit zu verbringen, Wichtiges von Unwichtigem zu trennen. Dann fehlt oftmals die Zeit, um wirklich relevante Informationsquellen, wie zum Beispiel eigene Dokumente, Patente oder technische Publikationen, zu analysieren. Zudem sind hierzu die notwendigen Voraussetzungen bisweilen nicht in notwendigem Umfang vorhanden. „Filtern“ und „Sortieren“ erfolgen unter Informationsüberflutung, Zeitdruck und Stress. Der eigentlichen Kernaufgabe – „Verstehen“ und Schlüsse daraus ziehen – wird deswegen oft nur mit großer Mühe ein angemessener zeitlicher Rahmen eingeräumt.
Mit dem Text Mining steht mittlerweile ein gut funktionierendes Werkzeug zur Verfügung, um den Vorgang des Filterns und Sortierens mit Hilfe des Computers durchzuführen.
Ziel des Vortrags ist es, Text Mining im Umfeld des Themas Produktentwicklung verständlich zu machen und zu erklären, in welchen Situationen Text Mining effektiv eingesetzt werden kann.
Über den Referenten:
Der Referent war nach einem Studium der technischen Physik an der Universität Bayreuth zehn Jahre lang als Leiter IT und Gruppenleiter Funktionskeramische Dünnschichten am Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung in Würzburg tätig. Seit 1996 ist er Inhaber des Ingenieurbüros Numberland, das als Vermittler zwischen Entwicklern und Anwendern von neuen Werkstoffen, Herstellungs- und Analytikverfahren arbeitet. Ein Werkzeug, das dabei zum Einsatz kommt, ist Text Mining.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie sich bei Interesse den oben genannten Termin freihalten, und uns im Kompetenzzentrum in Bayreuth besuchen.
Weitere Informationen:
Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH |
VDI-Bezirksgruppe Bayreuth c/o Numberland - Dr. Wolfgang Grond Lohfeld 20 95326 Kulmbach el.: +49 (0)9221 6919131 E-Mail: |
Haben Sie Interesse, selbst einen Vortrag zu halten?
Sofern Sie selbst Interesse haben, einen Vortrag aus dem breiten Gebiet der (angewandten) Werkstofftechnik zu halten, setzen Sie sich bitte mit mir in Verbindung. Die nächsten freien Vortragstermine sind: ab Februar 2017
Zukunft der Technologie - Technologie der Zukunft
Datum, Uhrzeit: 26.04.2016, 13:30 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr
Ort: M. Münch Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Energiepark 1, 95365 Rugendorf,
125 Jahre VDI BV Bayern-Nordost e. V.!
Weil Ingenieursleistungen Treiber künftiger technologischer Entwicklungen sind, wollen wir Sie auf eine Reise mitneh-men, die Visionen und Perspektiven eröffnet: mit Methoden von heute die Zukunft von morgen aus dem Gestern ent-wickeln.
Mit anderen Worten: Innovation muss gerichtet und systematisch gestaltet werden. Bereits heute stehen Werkzeuge zur Verfügung, die strategische Aufgaben sowohl der Unternehmensführung, als auch der Entwicklung und der Produktion von Grund auf verändern. Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung wollen wir nach einer Beschreibung des IST-Zustands durch Bosch anhand der Studie "Deutschland 2030" des VDI-Technologiezentrums ein deutlich in der Zukunft liegendes Bild präsentieren und dann die Mittel vorstellen, die uns allen helfen, diese künftige Welt aktiv mitzugestalten.
Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an alle, die in einer Organisation die Führung, Entwicklung und Produktion vorantreiben.
Freuen Sie sich mit uns auf einen spannenden Tag.
13:30 |
14:00 |
Grußworte der Veranstalter
Wo sind wir bereits ... | |
14:20 |
Innovative Fertigungstechnologien und Effizienzgewinne mit Industrie 4.0 Dr. Werner Struth
Wohin werden wir gehen ... | |
15:05 |
Deutschland 2030 Prof. Dr. Dr. Axel Zweck
15:55 |
Woher kommen wir ... | |
16:30 |
Zukunft braucht Herkunft - 125 Jahre VDI BV Dipl.-Ing. Peter Riller
Wie kommen wir ans Ziel I ... | |
17:00 |
Die Innovationsmethodik TRIZ Prof. Dr. Kai Hiltmann
Wie kommen wir ans Ziel II ... | |
17:40 |
Damit sollten Sie rechnen - Textmining in der Produktentwicklung Dr. Wolfgang Grond
18:20 |
Get together am Buffet
20:00 | Ende der Veranstaltung |
BV Bayern-Nordost e. V. |
BV Nordbayern e. V. |
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8. Bayreuther Ökonomiekongress, 09.06. - 10.06.2016, Universität Bayreuth
Von den Besten lernen ...
Alle Jahre wieder: 8. Bayreuther Ökonomiekongress kommt auf den Uni-Campus
Der Bayreuther Ökonomiekongress ist die größte, von Studierenden organisierte Wirtschaftskonferenz in Europa, die am 09. und 10. Juni 2016 zum achten Mal auf dem Campus der Universität Bayreuth stattfindet. Unter dem Leitgedanken „Von den Besten lernen“ diskutieren die Teilnehmer mit über 30 hochrangigen Referenten aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft im Rahmen von Vorträgen und Diskussionsrunden aktuelle wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen.
Bisher bestätigte Referenten des 8. Bayreuther Ökonomiekongresses:
- Prof. Dr. h.c. Roland Berger, Gründer und Honory Chairman von Roland Berger Strategy Consultants
- Janina Kugel, Vorstandsmitglied der Siemens AG
- Alexander Huber, Profibergsteiger und Extremkletterer
- Dorothee Blessing, Vice Chairman Investmentbanking EMEA and Regional Head DACH, JP Morgan
- Christian Gansch, Dirigent und Managementexperte
- Alexander Herrmann, Unternehmer & Profikoch
- Franz Müntefering, ehemaliger Bundesvorsitzender und Generalsekretär der SPD, Bundesminister a. D., Bundestagsabgeordneter und Vizekanzler a. D.
- Thomas Sattelberger, ehemaliger Personalvorstand Deutsche Telekom AG, Autor
- Carl-Ludwig Thiele, Vorstandsmitglied der Deutschen Bundesbank
Neben den Vorträgen führt die einzigartige, familiäre Atmosphäre rund um das Audimax der Universität und die kongressbegleitende Vorstellung der Partnerunternehmen zu exzellentem, informellem Austausch und generationenübergreifendem Netzwerken.
Beste Möglichkeiten, um das eigene Netzwerk in entspannter Atmosphäre zu vergrößern bietet auch das Networking BBQ am ersten Abend des Kongresses, das unabhängig vom Besuch des Ökonomiekongresses gebucht werden kann.
Weiterlesen und buchen ...
How-to Collections of the Month / How-to Sammlungen des Monats
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How-to Collection of the Month |
How-to Sammlung des Monats(Ein How-to ist eine praktische Anleitung) |
With these collections of expired patents ("US" + "EU") containing the words "Keyword(s)" (as mentioned below) within title and abstract you easily find products and technologies free to use which are suited to your business model. All patents are completely indexed so that you are able to search the collection for arbitrary terms. Usage of logical operators ("AND", "+", "OR", "NOT", "-"), wildcards ("?", "*") and similarity search ("~", usage on input - i. e. "roa~" will find "roam" as well as "foam") is possible.
Get |
Mit diesen Sammlungen von abgelaufenen Patenten (US + EU), die die Worte "Stichworte" (wie unten genannt) im Titel und in der Zusammenfassung enthalten, finden Sie ganz einfach Technologien und Produkte, die zum Geschäftsmodell Ihres Unternehmens passen. Die Patente sind vollständig indexiert, so dass die Sammlung nach beliebigen Begriffen durchsucht werden kann. Die Verwendung von logischen Operatoren ("AND", "+", "OR", "NOT", "-"), Wildcards ("?", "*") und Ähnlichkeitssuche ("~", findet z. B. bei Eingabe von "roa~" neben "roam" auch "foam") ist möglich. Sichern Sie sich diesen Monat |
20% off | 20% Rabatt |
our regular price this month for the collections mentioned below:(*) |
auf den Listenpreis für folgende Sammlungen:(*) |
- Keramisches Pulver / Ceramic Powder: ca. 3010 Patente / Patents
- Membranpumpe / Membrane Pump: ca. 1240 Patente / Patents
- Drehschieberpumpe / Rotary Vane Pump: ca. 580 Patente / Patents
- Kreiskolbenpumpe / Rotary Piston Pump: ca. 839 Patente / Patents
- Schlauchpumpe / Peristaltic Hose Pump: ca. 2780 Patente / Patents
- Axialpumpe / Axial Flow Pump: ca. 1250 Patente / Patents
- Radialpumpe / Radial Flow Pump: ca. 880 Patente / Patents
- Wasserstrahlpumpe / Water Jet Pump: ca. 720 Patente / Patents
- Abstandssensor / Distance Sensor: ca. 4600 Patente / Patents
- Gassensor / Gas Sensor: ca. 8820 Patente / Patents
- Induktiver Sensor / Inductive Sensor: ca. 2030 Patente / Patents
- Resistiver Sensor / Resistive Sensor: ca. 4240 Patente / Patents
- Piezoelektrischer Sensor / Piezoelektric Sensor: ca. 1520 Patente / Patents
- Kapazitiver Sensor / Capacitive Sensor: ca. 3290 Patente / Patents
- Optoelektrischer Sensor / Photoelectric Sensor: ca. 1230 Patente / Patents
- Elektrochemischer Sensor / Electrochemical Sensor: ca. 1600 Patente / Patents
- Faseroptischer Sensor / Fiber Sensor: ca. 4210 Patente / Patents
- Kapazitiver Drucksensor / Capacitive Pressure Sensor: ca. 650 Patente / Patents
- Piezoelektrischer Drucksensor / Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor: ca. 320 Patente / Patents
- Piezoresistiver Drucksensor / Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor: ca. 150 Patente / Patents
English: Discount is valid only for manufacturing companies until publication of the next newsletter.
Deutsch: Der Rabatt gilt ausschließlich für produzierende Unternehmen. Das Angebot gilt bis zur Publikation des nächsten Newsletters.
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About EasyPatentFinder / Mehr über EasyPatentFinder
Get in Contact of the Month
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"Get in Contact" of the Month |
"Get in Contact" des Monats |
Numberland intern
Wir räumen Ihren Schreibtisch auf ...
Es gibt viel zu lesen, wenn man neue Projekte anfängt, besonders dann, wenn man sich (teilweise) neu einarbeiten muss.
Technische Literatur wird
- beschafft
- gesichtet,
- sortiert, und
- darin gesucht, um
- Zusammenhänge zu verstehen, und
- Schlüsse daraus ziehen zu können.
Natürlich können wir Ihnen die Punkte fünf und sechs nicht abnehmen - hier ist Ihr Wissen und Ihre Intuition gefragt.
Für 1. bis 4. dagegen haben wir sehr wohl passende Lösungen, die Ihnen 90% Arbeitszeit ersparen ...
Wir würden Ihren Virtuellen Schreibtisch zum Beispiel so gestalten ...
Mit Hilfe von Text Mining Verfahren "lesen" wir Dokumente in unterschiedlichsten Formaten, analysieren Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede, stellen Zusammenhänge her und zeigen Ergebnisse grafisch interaktiv - wie z. B. in diesem Fall.
Hier wurden ca. 2000 Patente mit Hilfe des SOM-Algorithmus sortiert, und das Ergebnis als interaktive "Heatmap" dargestellt. Der "virtuelle Schreibtisch" wurde in 40x40 Segmente unterteilt, die die die Patente einsortiert worden sind. In der Karte wird angezeigt, wie viele Dokumente sich in welchem Segment befinden. Beim anklicken des Segments erscheint rechts eine Liste mit weiteren Details, sowie Links zu den Einzeldokumenten.
Viele weitere Lösungen warten nur darauf, von Ihnen entdeckt zu werden.
Es ist ganz einfach. Versprochen.
Bewerben Sie Ihre Werkstofftagung auf unserer Website oder/und in unserem Newsletter
Numberland erreicht mit Newsletter und Website jeden Monat tausende Personen mit Interesse an Werkstoffforschung bzw. Werkstoffverarbeitung - nicht nur in Deutschland.
Entsprechend den bei uns publizierten Anfragen und Angeboten zu Werkstoffen, deren Herstellungs- und Analytikverfahren aus den Bereichen Glas, Optik+Photonik, Halbleitertechnik, technische Keramik, Metalle, Polymere und technische Textilien erreichen wir Besucher, die sich für diese Werkstoffe interessieren. Die Anwendungsgebiete dazu sind sehr vielfältig, und umfassen:
- Aktorik + Sensorik
- instrumentelle Analytik + Messtechnik
- Biomaterialien
- Informationstechnik (erzeugen, umwandeln, transportieren, verarbeiten und speichern von Informationen)
- Energietechnik (erzeugen, umwandeln, transportieren, speichern, sparen, dämmen von Energie)
- Fertigungstechnik
- Katalyse
- Mechanik (z. B. Formgedächtnis, Hochtemperaturbeständigkeit, Leichtbau, Mikrotechnik, Selbstheilung, Tribologie, Verbund)
- Oberflächentechnik (z. B. Barrieretechnik, Biomedizin, Dekoration, Oberflächenschutz, Tribologie)
Gerne bieten wir auch Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Werstoffveranstaltung mit unserer Hilfe einem größeren Puiblikum bekannt zu machen. Wir können Ihnen - sowohl für den Newsletter - als auch für die Publikation auf der Website - attraktive Konditionen bieten!
- Entwicklungspartner für UV-LEDs
- Extrusion von Glasfaser verstärktem Polyamid
- Leitfähige Polymere für die additive Fertigung
- Verbesserte Lebensdauer für medizinische Artikel aus Zellulose
- Zementersatz aus Schlacke
- Entfernung von Deodorantflecken aus Textilien
- Moskitoabwehr
- Metallelektrode für Alkalibatterien
- Katheder für die Veterinärmedizin
- Schnelle Mikrostrukturanalyse
- Dämpfungsmaterialien aus alten Reifen
- REACH-fester thermischer Isolationswerkstoff
Details zu diesen und weiteren Anfragen finden Sie hier und auf unserer Website in der Rubrik "Anfragen". Sollte eine der hier publizierten Lösungen genau auf Ihr aktuelles Projekt passen, wenden Sie sich bitte unter Angabe der ID an uns.
- Magnetisches Trennen von Abfällen
- GFK mit reduziertem Gewicht
- Poröse Titanbauteile für die Medizintechnik
- Dachziegel mit integrierten PV-Zellen
- Leichte Profilbauteile durch Strangziehen
- Antimikrobielles Nahtmaterial
- Keramischer Spritzguss
- Thermoelektrisches Element für großflächige Anwendungen
- Herstellung von Leichtmetallen mit Solarthermie
- Filter für Wasser, Luft, Lebensmittel und Öl
- Nanopartikel aus Si-Verbindungen
- Lignin-Rückgewinnung aus Papierabfall
- Wasserdampfdurchlässiges Klebeband
Details zu diesen und weiteren Angeboten finden Sie hier und auf unserer Website in der Rubrik "Angebote". Sollte eine der hier publizierten Lösungen genau auf Ihr aktuelles Projekt passen, wenden Sie sich bitte unter Angabe der ID an uns.
- 29.03.-01.04.2016: INAPA - ID International Auto Parts, Accessories and Equip Exhibition, Jakarta, ID
- 29.03.-01.04.2016: Mashex Siberia - Machine Building.Metal Processing.Welding.Metallurgy - International Specialized Exhibition for metal wares, metal processing machines, equipment, tools and technologies. Welding equipment. Metallurgy, Novosibirsk, RU
- 29.03.-03.04.2016: FIDAE - International Aerospace and Space Exhibition, Santiago de Chile, CL
- 29.03.-31.03.2016: Metal-Working.Tools.Plastics, Kiev, UA
- 30.03.-01.04.2016: BishkekBuild - International KG Exhibition Construction & Interiors, Heating & Ventilation, Bishkek, KG
- 30.03.-01.04.2016: Power KG - International Power & Lighting Trade Fair, Bishkek, KG
- 30.03.-02.04.2016: EnergyMed - Trade Fair for renewable energy and energy efficiency, Naples, IT
- 30.03.-31.03.2016: ENEX/ ENEX NOWA ENERGIA - International Exhibition for the Electric Power Industry, Kielce, PL
- 30.03.-31.03.2016: Fastener Fair TR - Exhibition for Fastener and Fixing technologies, Istanbul, TR
- 31.03.-02.04.2016: CHINA LAB - Analytic & Laboratory Equipment Expo & Conference, Guangzhou, CN
- 02.04.-03.04.2016: PHARMAGORA - The most important exhibition for pharmacists in FR, Paris, FR
- 02.04.-10.04.2016: LES NAUTICALES - Nautic Expo, Marseille, FR
- 04.04.-05.04.2016: Photonics Europe - Photonics Europe, Brussels, BE
- 04.04.-08.04.2016: INDUSTRIE Paris - The meeting point for industrial equipment & manufacturing professionals, Paris, FR
- 04.04.-08.04.2016: Tube - International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair, Dusseldorf, DE
- 04.04.-08.04.2016: wire - International Wire and Cable Trade Fair, Dusseldorf, DE
- 05.04.-07.04.2016: 'Save the PLANET' - South-East European Exhibition on Waste Management, Recycling and Environment, Sofia, BG
- 05.04.-07.04.2016: EE & RE, Smart Cities - South-East European Exhibition on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Smart Cities, Sofia, BG
- 05.04.-07.04.2016: LOPEC - International Exhibition and Conference for the Printed Electronics Industry, Munich, DE
- 05.04.-07.04.2016: Water Sofia - International Specialised Exhibition and Conference, Sofia, BG
- 05.04.-08.04.2016: NORDBYGG - Nordic Building & Construction Fair, Stockholm, SE
- 05.04.-09.04.2016: METALLOOBRABOTKA.SVARKA, Perm, RU
- 05.04.-10.04.2016: ZAGREB AUTO SHOW - International Fair of Automobiles and Supporting Industry, Zagreb, HR
- 06.04.-07.04.2016: Energy Show, Dublin, IE
- 06.04.-07.04.2016: WELT DER VERPACKUNG Schweiz - The flagship event of the packaging industry, Zurich, CH
- 06.04.-08.04.2016: ASIA WATER - International Water Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 06.04.-08.04.2016: CPhI Southeast Asia - Pharma Expo - International Pharmaceutical Exhibition, Jakarta, ID
- 06.04.-08.04.2016: EXPOMINAS - Heavy Machinery and Construction Exhibition, Quito, EC
- 06.04.-08.04.2016: FINETECH JAPAN(FPD Manufacturing Technology Expo) - Internationale Ausstellung fuer Praezisionsverfahrenstechnik, Tokyo, JP
- 06.04.-08.04.2016: MN Mining - International Mining Exposition, Ulan Bator, MN
- 06.04.-08.04.2016: Photonix/FOE FIBER OPTICS EXPO - FIBER OPTICS EXPO, Tokyo, JP
- 06.04.-08.04.2016: SEATEC - Int. Exhibition for Technology, Subcontracting and Design for Boats, Megayachts and Ships, Carrara, IT
- 06.04.-08.04.2016: VN Manufacturing Expo - VN's Most Comprehensive Show for Manufacturing and Supporting Industries, Hanoi, VN
- 06.04.-09.04.2016: ESTBUILD - Specialized Exhibition for Building Materials and Construction, Tallinn, EE
- 06.04.-09.04.2016: HKTDC HK International Lighting Fair (Spring Edition), Hongkong, HK
- 06.04.-09.04.2016: RACIOENERGIA - International Trade Fair for Heating, Air-Conditioning and Saving Energy, Bratislava, SK
- 06.04.-09.04.2016: TAIPEI AMPA - Taipei International Auto Parts & Accessories Show, Taipei, TW
- 06.04.-09.04.2016: Vietfood & Beverage/ProPack VN Hanoi - Int.Exhibition on Food & Beverage/ Int. Exhibition on Food, Processing, Packaging Technology & Equipment, Hanoi, VN
- 06.04.-10.04.2016: AutoWorld - International Motor Show, St. Petersburg, RU
- 07.04.-08.04.2016: ChemProTech IN - International Exhibition on Chemical Processing, Technology and Equipments, Mumbai, IN
- 07.04.-08.04.2016: ChemSpec IN, Mumbai, IN
- 07.04.-09.04.2016: SOLAREX Solar Energy & Technologies Fair - Solar & Photovoltaic Exhibition, Istanbul, TR
- 07.04.-10.04.2016: Automechanika Istanbul - TR's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting trade visitors from TR, Eastern Europe, Asia and North Africa, Istanbul, TR
- 07.04.-10.04.2016: ROMTHERM - International Exhibition for Installation, Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning Equipment, Bucharest, RO
- 07.04.-10.04.2016: SG Yacht Show, SG, SG
- 11.04.-14.04.2016: Global Sources Electronics Show, Hongkong, HK
- 11.04.-15.04.2016: MACH - International Exhibition for Machine Tools Tooling & Manufacturing Technology, Birmingham, UK
- 11.04.-15.04.2016: MACH - International Exhibition for Machine Tools Tooling & Manufacturing Technology, Birmingham, UK
- 11.04.-17.04.2016: bauma - The World's Leading Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines, Construction Vehicles and Construction Equipment, Munich, DE
- 12.04.-13.04.2016: Packaging Innovations, Warsaw, PL
- 12.04.-14.04.2016: AIR-Tech - Exhibition and Conference for Compressed Air, Vacuum and Generators, Birmingham, UK
- 12.04.-14.04.2016: AIR-Tech - Exhibition and Conference for Compressed Air, Vacuum and Generators, Birmingham, UK
- 12.04.-14.04.2016: American Coatings SHOW + American Coatings CONFERENCE, Indianapolis, USA
- 12.04.-14.04.2016: Global Oil & Gas Atyrau - North caspian regional oil & gas exhibition, Atyrau, KZ
- 12.04.-14.04.2016: Pack Expo - within IFFIP - Specialized Exhibition for the Packaging Industry, Kiev, UA
- 12.04.-14.04.2016: VTE - VacuumTechExpo - International Specialised Exhibition of Vacuum Equipment and Technologies, Moscow, RU
- 12.04.-15.04.2016: ANALITIKA EXPO - International Exhibition for Laboratory Technology, Chemical Analysis, Biotechnology and Diagnostics, Moscow, RU
- 12.04.-15.04.2016: EXPOMAQ - German High Tech in Metal Working – Innovacion en Maquinaria, Leon, MX
- 12.04.-15.04.2016: TEROTECH - International Exhibition for Maintenance and Cleaning, Building Renovation and Environment Protection, Celje, SI
- 12.04.-16.04.2016: FEICON BATIMAT - International Construction Industry Trade Fair, Sao Paulo, BR
- 13.04.-14.04.2016: InEnerg Innovative Energy - International Trade Fair and Conference for Innovative Energy, Wroclaw, PL
- 13.04.-14.04.2016: lab innovations Lausanne - The show for laboratory technologies & services, Lausanne, CH
- 13.04.-15.04.2016: ExpoINA PAACE Automechanika MX City - MX's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting Trade Visitors from Latin and Central America, Mexico City, MX
- 13.04.-15.04.2016: Lab ID - International Laboratory, Analytical and Instrumentation Technology Exhibition, Jakarta, ID
- 13.04.-16.04.2016: HKTDC HK Electronics Fair (Spring Edition), Hongkong, HK
- 13.04.-17.04.2016: Inventions Geneva - International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, Geneva, CH
- 13.04.-17.04.2016: IRANPLAST - International Plastics and Rubber Trade Fair, Tehran, IR
- 14.04.-16.04.2016: CATEC - Caspian International Aqua Technologies Exhibition & Conference, Baku, AZ
- 14.04.-17.04.2016: Motor Show - Internationale Automobilausstellung, Poznan, PL
- 14.04.-17.04.2016: TTM Automotive Technology Fair, Poznan, PL
- 15.04.-17.04.2016: Oulu Construction Fair, Oulu, FI
- 19.04.-21.04.2016: CranExpo - Specialized Exhibition of Material Handling Equipment, Moscow, RU
- 19.04.-21.04.2016: POWTECH - World-Leading Trade Fair for Processing, Analysis, and Handling of Powder and Bulk Solids, Nuremberg, DE
- 19.04.-21.04.2016: S.E.E. Scandinavian Electronics Event - Elektronik/EP - International Components, Instruments and Measurement Trade Fair, Stockholm, SE
- 19.04.-21.04.2016: WEPower - Water, Electricity & Power Generation Conference & Exhibition, Dammam, SA
- 19.04.-22.04.2016: BIAM - International Machine Tools and Tool Fair, Zagreb, HR
- 19.04.-22.04.2016: EIA Electronics and Industrial Automation, Kiev, UA
- 20.04.-21.04.2016: RENEXPO Western Balkans - International Trade Fair and Congress for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, Belgrade, RS
- 20.04.-22.04.2016: Aqua-Therm St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, RU
- 20.04.-22.04.2016: BioEnergy IT - Biomass and Renewables, Cremona, IT
- 20.04.-22.04.2016: TECHNO-FRONTIER - International Electronic and Mechatronic Parts & Devices Exhibition, Chiba/Tokyo, JP
- 20.04.-23.04.2016: AERO - International Trade Show for General Aviation, Friedrichshafen, DE
- 20.04.-23.04.2016: INTERMOLD - JP International Die & Mold Manufacturing Technology Exhibition, Osaka, JP
- 25.04.-28.04.2016: Arabian Travel Market - Exhibition of Products & Services related to the Travel Industry, Dubai, AE
- 25.04.-28.04.2016: CHINAPLAS - International Exhibition on Plastics and Rubber Industries, Shanghai, CN
- 25.04.-29.04.2016: Digital Factory / HANNOVER MESSE - Leading Trade Fair for Integrated Processes and IT Solutions, Hanover, DE
- 25.04.-29.04.2016: Energy / HANNOVER MESSE - International Trade Fair for Integrated Energy Systems and Mobility, Hanover, DE
- 25.04.-29.04.2016: HANNOVER MESSE - The world's leading trade fair for industrial technology, Hanover, DE
- 25.04.-29.04.2016: Industrial Automation / HANNOVER MESSE - Leading Trade Fair for Factory and Process Automation, Systems Solutions and Industrial IT, Hanover, DE
- 25.04.-29.04.2016: Industrial Supply / HANNOVER MESSE - Leading Trade Fair for Industrial Subcontracting and Lightweight Construction, Hanover, DE
- 25.04.-29.04.2016: Research & Technology / HANNOVER MESSE - Leading Trade Fair for R&D and Technology Transfer, Hanover, DE
- 26.04.-28.04.2016: Construction.Finishing.Design, Saratov, RU
- 26.04.-28.04.2016: ECWATECH - International Exhibition and Conference 'Water: Ecology and Technology', Moscow, RU
- 26.04.-28.04.2016: MiningWorld RU - International Exhibition of Technologies and Equipment for Mining and Processing Minerals, Moscow, RU
- 26.04.-28.04.2016: plastprintpack NEia - International Trade Show on Plastics, Printing & Packaging Solutions and Mterial, Lagos, NG
- 26.04.-28.04.2016: plastprintpack NG - International Trade Show on Plastics, Printing & Packaging Solutions and Material, Lagos, NG
- 26.04.-28.04.2016: SEMICON Southeast Asia - SEMICON Test, Assembly and Packaging, Penang, MY
- 26.04.-28.04.2016: SMT Hybrid Packaging - International Exhibition and Conference for System Integration in Micro Electronics, Nuremberg, DE
- 26.04.-28.04.2016: West African Health - WAH - International Medical Exhibition & Conference, Lagos, NG
- 26.04.-29.04.2016: Envase Brasil/ Brasil Alimenta - Exhibition of Beverage and Food Technology, Packaging and Processing/Agricultural and Food Fair, Bento Goncalves, BR
- 26.04.-29.04.2016: MaDIn - Machine Building. Machine Tools. Tools and Instruments. Welding, Nizhny Novgorod, RU
- 26.04.-29.04.2016: Tires & Rubber - Int. Specialised Exhibition of Tires, Technical Rubber Products and Resins, Moscow, RU
- 27.04.-29.04.2016: INTERBRUSH - International Trade Fair for Machines, Materials and Accessories of the Brush, Paintbrush, Paintroller and Mop Industries, Freiburg, DE
- 27.04.-29.04.2016: Power & Lighting Astana - International Energy, Electrical Equipment and Machine Building Exhibition and Conference, Astana, KZ
- 27.04.-30.04.2016: HK International Printing & Packaging Fair, Hongkong, HK
- 28.04.-30.04.2016: ceramics expo - the manufacturing tradeshow for ceramic materials and technologies, Cleveland, US
- 01.05.-04.05.2016: CIM Annual Convention - Conference & Exhibition/Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum Conference & Exhibition, Vancouver, CA
- 01.05.-04.05.2016: Glass & Aluminium SA, Riyadh, SA
- 01.05.-04.05.2016: Metal & Steel SA - The International Exhibition for Steel, Steel Fabrication and Metal Works, Riyadh, SA
- 03.05.-05.05.2016: M & E WA - Mining & Energy Exhibition, Perth, AU
- 03.05.-05.05.2016: Solarexpo-The Innovation Cloud, Milan, IT
- 03.05.-06.05.2016: BIF - BYian Industrial Forum, Minsk, BY
- 03.05.-07.05.2016: BATIMATEC Expo - International Exhibition for Construction Materials and Building Technologies, Algiers, DZ
- 03.05.-07.05.2016: FEIMEC - International Trade Show for Machinery and Equipment, Sao Paulo, BR
- 04.05.-05.05.2016: All-Energy Exhibition & Conference, Glasgow, UK
- 04.05.-06.05.2016: FABTECH-AWS Weldmex-Metalform MX-Coatech Expo, MX City, MX
- 04.05.-07.05.2016: ISK-SODEX - International Exhibition for HVAC&R, Pumps, Valves, Fittings, Water Treatment and Insulation, Istanbul, TR
- 05.05.-07.05.2016: EGYMEDICA - International Medical Exhibition and Exhibition for Hospitals Service Marketing, Cairo, EG
- 08.05.-10.05.2016: Automechanika Dubai - The Middle East's Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Service Industry targeting Trade Visitors from Western Asia, Eastern Europe, the CIS and Africa, Dubai, AE
- 09.05.-11.05.2016: SAUDI AIRCON - Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Heating and Refrigeration Show, Riyadh, SA
- 09.05.-11.05.2016: Saudi Power - Saudi Power, Riyadh, SA
- 09.05.-11.05.2016: Totally Concrete Expo (within Construction Week), Midrand/Johannesburg, ZA
- 09.05.-12.05.2016: Project QA - The International Trade Exhibition for Construction Technology, Building Materials, Equipment and Environmental Technology, Doha, QA
- 10.05.-12.05.2016: Expopower - International Power Industry Exhibition, Poznan, PL
- 10.05.-12.05.2016: FCE PHARMA - International Exhibition of Technology for the Pharmaceutical Industry, Sao Paulo, BR
- 10.05.-12.05.2016: GREENPOWER - International Renewable Energy Fair, Poznan, PL
- 10.05.-12.05.2016: PCIM Europe - Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management - International Exhibition and Conference, Nuremberg, DE
- 10.05.-12.05.2016: POWTECH Brasil - Conference and Exhibition for Processing, Analysis and Handling of Powder and Bulk Solids, Sao Paulo, BR
- 10.05.-12.05.2016: SENSOR+TEST - The Measurement Fair - International Trade Fair for Sensorics, Measuring and Testing Technologies with concurrent Conferences, Nuremberg, DE
- 10.05.-12.05.2016: Smart Automation AT Wien - International Trade Fair for Industrial Automation, Drive and Motion Control, Vienna, AT
- 10.05.-12.05.2016: WOD-KAN - International Fair of Machines and Facilities for Water Supply and Sewage Systems, Bydgoszcz, PL
- 10.05.-13.05.2016: analytica - International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and analytica Conference, Munich, DE
- 10.05.-13.05.2016: Elmia Automation - Automation Trade Fair, Joenkoeping, SE
- 10.05.-13.05.2016: ELMIA Welding & Joining Technology - Elmia Welding and Joining Technology Exhibition, Joenkoeping, SE
- 10.05.-13.05.2016: For Industry - International Trade Fair of Engineering Technologies, Prague, CZ
- 10.05.-13.05.2016: Intertool/Schweissen AT - International Trade Fair for Manufacturing Technology, Vienna, AT
- 11.05.-12.05.2016: IEX Europe - International Trade Fair for Industrial Insulation Materials and Technology, Cologne, DE
- 11.05.-13.05.2016: BIOtech JP - Int. Bio Technology Exhibition & Conference, Tokyo, JP
- 11.05.-13.05.2016: National Manufacturing Week - AU's International Engineering Exhibition, Sydney, AU
- 11.05.-14.05.2016: ClimatAquaTEx - Specialized HVAC&R Exhibition, Krasnojarsk, RU
- 11.05.-14.05.2016: INTERMACH - ASEAN'S Leading Industrial Machinery & Subcontracting Exhibition, Bangkok, TH
- 11.05.-14.05.2016: LAMIERA - Machines+Equipment for Machining of Sheet Metal, Pipes, Sections, Wire+Metal Structural Work, Dies, Welding, Heat Treatments,Surface Treatm.+Finishing, Bologna, IT
- 11.05.-14.05.2016: SCS (within SICRE) - Sustainable Construction Solutions International Show, Madrid, ES
- 12.05.-14.05.2016: P&E Power & Energy Africa, Nairobi, KE
- 12.05.-15.05.2016: Erbil Building - International Building, Municipality Equipment & Natural Stone Exhibition, Erbil, IQ
- 12.05.-15.05.2016: MIMT & POWER - MM Int. Machine Tool and Automation Exhibition & MM Int. Electrical, Electronics & Electric Power Equipment Fair, Yangon, MM
- 13.05.-15.05.2016: Food Technology Asia (formerly Food, Agri & Livestock Asia) - International Food Processing Technology & Machinery Show, Karachi, PK
- 13.05.-15.05.2016: Plastic, Packaging & Print Asia - International Plastic, Packaging & Print Machinery & Technology Exhibition, Karachi, PK
- 16.05.-18.05.2016: EXPO APA - International Specialized Exhibition for Water Supply, Sewerage and Waste Water Treatment, Bucharest, RO
- 16.05.-18.05.2016: MMTS - Montreal Manufacturing Technology Show, Montreal, CA
- 16.05.-19.05.2016: JIMEX - JOian International Machines & Electro-Mechanical Equipment Exhibition, Amman, JO
- 16.05.-19.05.2016: SONEX - Solar Technology, PV Modules, Solar Thermal Systems, Smart Grid & Metering, Solar Water Heating Systems, Renewable Energy and Energy Saving Exhibition, Amman, JO
- 17.05.-18.05.2016: edie - Internationale Umweltmesse mit den Messen NEMEX, IWEX & EfW, Birmingham, UK
- 17.05.-19.05.2016: African Utility Week - African Power & Water Exhibition, Cape Town, ZA
- 17.05.-19.05.2016: Power & Electricity World PH, Manila, PH
- 17.05.-20.05.2016: Aqua-Therm Kiev - International Exhibition for Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Water Supply, Sanitary, Environmental Technology, Swimming Pool and Renewable Energies, Kiev, UA
- 17.05.-20.05.2016: Baikal Constuction Week - Building and Construction Fair, Irkutsk, RU
- 17.05.-20.05.2016: ENERGETIKA & ELEKTROTECHNIKA - Int. Exhibition of Power Industry & Electrical Engineering, St. Petersburg, RU
- 17.05.-20.05.2016: EXPO PACK/PROCESA - International Packaging Exhibition and Conference, Mecixo City, MX
- 17.05.-20.05.2016: PLASTPOL - International Fair of Plastics Processing, Kielce, PL
- 17.05.-20.05.2016: SVARKA - Welding - International Specialized Exhibition for Welding and Metalworking, St. Petersburg, RU
- 17.05.-21.05.2016: MECANICA - International Machinery and Industrial Supplies Trade Fair, Sao Paulo, BR
- 18.05.-20.05.2016: BALTTECHNIKA - International Energy, Electrical Engineering, New Technologies, Equipment, Component Parts and Sub-contracting Exhibition, Vilnius, LT
- 18.05.-20.05.2016: INAMARINE - ID International Shipbuilding, Offshore, Marine, Machinery and Equipment Exhibition, Jakarta, ID
- 18.05.-20.05.2016: MinTech - International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Mining, Metallurgy & Coal-Mining Industries, Aktobe, KZ
- 18.05.-20.05.2016: PackTek KZ - International Exhibition of Packaging Machinery and Technology, Almaty, KZ
- 18.05.-20.05.2016: Power UZ - Internationale Fachmesse für Energie und elektrotechnisches Equipment, Tashkent, UZ
- 18.05.-20.05.2016: POWER-GEN IN & Central Asia, New Delhi, IN
- 19.05.-20.05.2016: Fastener Fair IN - Exhibition for Fastener and Fixing Technology, New Delhi, IN
- 19.05.-21.05.2016: Concrete Show IN, Mumbai, IN
- 19.05.-21.05.2016: EXPODENTAL MEETING - International Exhibition on Equipment and Materials for Dentists and Dental Laboratories, Rimini, IT
- 19.05.-21.05.2016: IPACK Caspian - Caspian Packaging, Tare, Label & Printing - Internationale Messe für Verpackungstechnik, Baku, AZ
- 19.05.-21.05.2016: POGEE - International Exhibition for the Energy Industry, Lahore, PK
- 23.05.-25.05.2016: REVAC - REVAC - Inern. Refregeration, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Industry Show, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 23.05.-25.05.2016: TENAGA - Electricity Generation - Transmission - Distribution - Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 23.05.-27.05.2016: METALLOOBRABOTKA - International Exhibition on Metalworking Equipment and Supply, Moscow, RU
- 24.05.-25.05.2016: SURFEX PLUS - Exhibition for Surface Coatings, Printing Inks, Adhesives, Corrosion and Construction Chemicals Industries, Birmingham, UK
- 24.05.-26.05.2016: GENERA - Energy and Environment International Trade Fair, Madrid, ES
- 24.05.-26.05.2016: SPS IPC Drives Italia - Tecnologie per l'Automazione Elettrica, Sistemi e Componenti, Fiera e Congresso, Parma, IT
- 24.05.-26.05.2016: World Bioenergy - Conference & Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Stockholm, SE
- 24.05.-27.05.2016: Gas.Oil.Technologies - Ausstellung für die petrochemische Industrie, Ufa, RU
- 24.05.-27.05.2016: Industry Days - International Industrial and Automation Trade Exhibition, Budapest, HU
- 24.05.-27.05.2016: International Engineering Fair - International Trade Fair for Machinery, Tools, Devices and Technologies, Nitra, SK
- 24.05.-27.05.2016: N-EXPO - New Environmental Exposition, Tokyo, JP
- 24.05.-27.05.2016: REIFEN - No 1 in tires and more, Essen, DE
- 25.05.-26.05.2016: HYDROGAIA - International Water Exhibition, Montpellier, FR
- 25.05.-27.05.2016: CARBON EXPO - Global Carbon Market Fair & Conference, Cologne, DE
- 25.05.-27.05.2016: JSAE Automotive Engineering Exposition, Yokohama, JP
- 25.05.-27.05.2016: SIA - International Motor Show, Kiev, UA
- 25.05.-28.05.2016: Demo Metal - International Metalworking Technology Demo Show, Brasov, RO
- 25.05.-28.05.2016: Metaltech MY (MTM) - International Machine Tool, Metal Forming, Surface & Heat Treatment, Sub-Contracting and Foundry, Welding & Precision Engineering Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 26.05.-27.05.2016: R2B Research to Business, Bologna, IT
- 26.05.-29.05.2016: Afro Packaging, Cairo, EG
- 30.05.-01.06.2016: EuroMaintenance, Athens, GR
- 30.05.-03.06.2016: IFAT - - World's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management, Munich, DE
- 30.05.-04.06.2016: BIEMH - International Machine-Tool Exhibition, Bilbao, ES
- 31.05.-02.06.2016: ELIADEN - Electronical Exhibition and Conference, Lillestrom, NO
- 31.05.-02.06.2016: EMEX - International Engineering Equipment and Machinery Exhibition, Auckland, NZ
- 31.05.-02.06.2016: LASYS - International trade fair for laser material processing, Stuttgart, DE
- 31.05.-02.06.2016: O&S - International Trade Fair for Surface Treatments & Coatings, Stuttgart, DE
- 31.05.-02.06.2016: parts2clean - Leading International Trade Fair for Industrial Parts and Surface Cleaning, Stuttgart, DE
- 31.05.-02.06.2016: Saechsische Industrie- und Technologiemesse SIT - Saxon Industry and Technology Trade Fair, Chemnitz, DE
- 31.05.-02.06.2016: SEPEM INDUSTRIES EST - Trade Fair for Services, Equipment, Control Technology and Maintenance in Indusrial Production, Colmar, FR
- 31.05.-03.06.2016: CeMAT - Leading Trade Fair for Intralogistics & Supply Chain Management, Hanover, DE
- 31.05.-03.06.2016: Energy LB - Int. Electrical Engineering, Alternative Energy, Power Generation & Distribution Exhibition, Beirut, LB
- 31.05.-03.06.2016: Energy Lebanon - Int. Electrical Engineering, Alternative Energy, Power Generation & Distribution Exhibition, Beirut, Lebanon
- 31.05.-04.06.2016: CTT - International Show of Construction Equipment and Technologies, Moscow, RU
- 31.05.-10.06.2016: drupa - no. 1 for print and crossmedia solutions, Dusseldorf, DE
- 01.06.-04.06.2016: BATIMAT EXPOVIVIENDA - Exhibition for Construction and Housing, Buenos Aires, AR
- 01.06.-02.06.2016: CHEMSPEC EUROPE - Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Exhibition, Basle, CH
- 01.06.-02.06.2016: ENVIRONORD - CONSTRUIRE EXEMPLAIRE, Lille, FR
- 01.06.-02.06.2016: WTT-EXPO - Trade Fair and Forum for Industrial Heating and Cooling Technology, Karlsruhe, DE
- 01.06.-03.06.2016: CPhI Istanbul - Pharma Expo - International Pharmaceutical Exhibition, Istanbul, TR
- 01.06.-03.06.2016: FIMA - International Environmental Fair, Bogota, CO
- 01.06.-03.06.2016: IHS - APHM Healthcare Conference & International Healthcare Expo, Kuala Lumpur, MY
- 01.06.-04.06.2016: ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week, Bangkok, TH
- 01.06.-04.06.2016: Caspian Power - International Exhibition for Power and Alternative Energy, Baku, AZ
- 01.06.-04.06.2016: ILA Berlin Air Show - International aerospace exhibition, Berlin, DE
- 01.06.-04.06.2016: METAL SHOW - Exhibition for Metalworking Technologies, Welding & Robotics, Bucharest, RO
- 01.06.-04.06.2016: PUMPS & VALVES - Specialized Pumps, Valves and Fitting Hardware Trade Exhibition, Bangkok, TH
- 01.06.-04.06.2016: RENEWABLE ENERGY ASIA - REA (ASEAN Sustainable Energy Week) - International Renewable Energy Technology Exhibition and Conference, Bangkok, TH
- 01.06.-05.06.2016: ANKOMAK - International Construction Machinery and Building Technology Trade Fair, Istanbul, TR
- 02.06.-05.06.2016: INPACK - International Exhibition on Packaging, Conditioning and Handling, Tunis, TN
- 06.06.-08.06.2016: CaGBC National Conference and Expo - Every Buidling can be Green, Toronto, CA
- 06.06.-08.06.2016: Central Asia Autoparts - International Exhibition for Autoparts, Commercial Vehicles, Garage Equipment & Petrol Stations, Almaty, KZ
- 06.06.-09.06.2016: ELEKTRO - Exhibition of Electronical Equipment and Power Transmission Lines, Moscow, RU
- 06.06.-09.06.2016: EU BC&E - Europaeische Konferenz und Technologie-Ausstellung ueber Biomasse in Energie, Industrie und Klimaschutz, Amsterdam, NL
- 06.06.-09.06.2016: Metallurgy-Litmash, Tube RU, Aluminium / Non-Ferrous, Moscow, RU
- 06.06.-09.06.2016: Mir Stekla - World of Glass - International Exhibition for the Glass Industry, Moscow, RU
- 07.06.-09.06.2016: automechanika Birmingham - International Trade Fair for the Automotive Industry, Birmingham, UK
- 07.06.-09.06.2016: ENERGA Internationale Energiemesse - International Fair - Energy, Industry, Mining, Tuzla, BA
- 07.06.-09.06.2016: EXPOALUMINIO - International Aluminum Exhibition, Sao Paulo, BR
- 07.06.-09.06.2016: HARPEX & BUILDNEW - International HVAC & Refrigeration and Building Materials Exhibition, Toronto, CA
- 07.06.-09.06.2016: NEPCON MY - Nepcon/Microelectronics Exhibition, Penang, MY
- 07.06.-09.06.2016: Optatec - International trade fair for optical technology, components and systems, Frankfurt/Main, DE
- 07.06.-09.06.2016: SUBCON - Engineering Subcontracting and Surface Treatment and Finishing Exhibition, Birmingham, UK
- 07.06.-10.06.2016: HAPE - Exhibition of Hydraulics, Pneumatics and Drives, Poznan, PL
- 07.06.-10.06.2016: ITM Polska - Innovations-Technologies-Machines PL - Innovations - Technologies - Machines, Poznan, PL
- 07.06.-10.06.2016: Mach-Tool - Machine Tools Exhibition, Poznan, PL
- 07.06.-10.06.2016: Metalforum - Exhibition of Metallurgy, Foundry Engineering and Metal Industry, Poznan, PL
- 07.06.-10.06.2016: SURFEX - Exhibition of Surface Treatment Technologies, Poznan, PL
- 07.06.-10.06.2016: Ugol Rossii & Mining - International Trade Fair for Mining Technology Exploration, Underground Mining, Open-Cast Mining, Mineral Processing and Coal Preparation, Novokuznetzsk, RU
- 07.06.-10.06.2016: WELDING - International Welding Exhibition, Poznan, PL
- 08.06.-09.06.2016: SEMICON RU - Int. Ausstellung und Konferenz fuer Halbleiter- und Photovoltaik-Ausruestungen, Materialien und Dienstleistungen, Moscow, RU
- 08.06.-10.06.2016: IMHLS - IN Material Handling & Logistics Show, New Delhi, IN
- 08.06.-10.06.2016: Mines & Tech - Int. Ausstellung fuer Grossanlagen, Maschinen, Material, Ersatzteile und Dienstleistungen fuer die Bergbauindustrie, San Juan, AR
- 08.06.-10.06.2016: WAMPEX - West African International Mining & Power Exhibition and Conference, Accra, GH
- 08.06.-11.06.2016: BioFuel - Specialized Exhibition for Renewable and Alternative Energy, Kiev, UA
- 08.06.-11.06.2016: Glass South America - Trade Show of Glass Technology and Design in Latin America, Sao Paulo, BR
- 08.06.-11.06.2016: Manufacturing Surabaya, Surabaya, ID
- 08.06.-11.06.2016: VN AutoExpo - International Automobile & Supporting Industries Exhibition & Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam
- 09.06.-11.06.2016: INDUSMACH Africa - TZ - Int. Trade Exhibition on Industrial Products, Tools, Machinery & Equipment, Daressalam, TZ
- 13.06.-16.06.2016: ARGENPLAS - International Plastics Exhibition, Buenos Aires, AR
- 14.06.-16.06.2016: AQUA - International Specialized Exhibition of Water Management, Hydropower Engineering, Environment Protection and Communal Technology, Trencin, SK
- 14.06.-16.06.2016: Euro Mine Expo - International Trade Fair & Conference for the Mining Industry, Skelleftea, SE
- 14.06.-16.06.2016: EXPO ELECTRICA Internacional, Mexico City, MX
- 14.06.-16.06.2016: GreenTech, Amsterdam, NL
- 14.06.-16.06.2016: RAHV VN - International Exhibition on Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilating System, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 14.06.-16.06.2016: Rapid.Tech - International Trade Show & Conference for Additive Manufacturing / FabCon 3.D - The 3D Printing Community Event, Erfurt, DE
- 14.06.-16.06.2016: Transports Publics - The European Mobility Exhibition, Paris, FR
- 14.06.-16.06.2016: VICB - VN International Construction & Building Exhibition, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 14.06.-16.06.2016: VN Plastics Fair - International Exhibition on Plastics Technology Machinery Product and Raw Material, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 14.06.-17.06.2016: EPMT - Salon International Environment Professionnel MicroTechnologies, Geneva, CH
- 14.06.-17.06.2016: RosUpack (ROSUPAK) - International Fair for the Packaging Industry, Moscow, RU
- 15.06.-16.06.2016: AMM - Astana Mining & Metallurgy Congess & Exhibition, Astana, KZ
- 15.06.-17.06.2016: OPTO - International Optoelectronics Exposition, Taipei, TW
- 15.06.-17.06.2016: RosMould - International Mould Making and Technologies Exhibition and Instrumental Summit, Moscow, RU
- 15.06.-17.06.2016: RosPlast - International Plastics Exhibition, Moscow, RU
- 15.06.-17.06.2016: TW Nano - TW International Nano Tech Exhibition, Taipei, TW
- 15.06.-18.06.2016: ProPak Asia - International Processing, Filling and Packaging Technology Event for Asia, Bangkok, TH
- 16.06.-19.06.2016: MEDICARE TAIWAN - TW International Medical & Healthcare Exhibition, Taipei, TW
- 19.06.-22.06.2016: EVS 29 - Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition, Montreal, CA
- 21.06.-22.06.2016: Global Offshore Wind, Manchester, UK
- 21.06.-23.06.2016: MinTek KZ (within Mining Week) - International Exhibition for Mining and Exploration, Mineral & Coal Processing and Metallurgical Technologies, Karaganda, KZ
- 21.06.-23.06.2016: POWER-GEN Europe - The Global Power Generation Exhibition & Conference, Milan, IT
- 21.06.-23.06.2016: RAX - International Exhibition on Electrical Engineering Electronics, Instrumentation, Automation & Pneumatics, Tel Aviv, IL
- 21.06.-23.06.2016: Stanztec - Trade fair for punching technology, Pforzheim, DE
- 21.06.-24.06.2016: AUTOMATICA - International Trade Fair for Automation and Mechatronics, Munich, DE
- 22.06.-24.06.2016: Intersolar Europe / ees Europe - The world's leading exhibition for the solar industry and its partners / Europe's largest exhibition for batteries and energy storage systems, Munich, DE
- 22.06.-25.06.2016: Assembly & Automation Technology - International Industrial Automation and Assembly Technology Exhibition, Bangkok, TH
- 22.06.-25.06.2016: Automotive Manufacturing (Part of Manufacturing Expo) - Machinery and Technology Expo for Automotive Parts Manufacturing, Bangkok, TH
- 22.06.-25.06.2016: Intermold TH - International Mould, Die & Metalworking Technology Exhibition, Bangkok, TH
- 22.06.-25.06.2016: NEPCON THAILAND - Exhibition on Assembly, Measurement and Testing Technologies for Electronics Manufacturing, Bangkok, TH
- 22.06.-25.06.2016: TAIPEI PACK - International Packaging Industry Show, Taipei, TW
- 24.06.-26.06.2016: COMPACK - Complete Packaging Expo, Chennai, IN
- 28.06.-01.07.2016: Meditech - Medizintechnikmesse, Bogota, CO
- 28.06.-02.07.2016: EXPOLUX - International Lighting Industry Exhibition, Sao Paulo, BR
- 28.06.-30.06.2016: EXPOBOR - International Rubber Technology Show, Sao Paulo, BR
- 28.06.-30.06.2016: PneuShow Recaufair - International Tire Industry Expo, Sao Paulo, BR
- 28.06.-30.06.2016: ZELLCHEMING-Expo - Annual General Meeting and Exhibition, Frankfurt/Main, DE
- 29.06.-01.07.2016: INTERPHEX JAPAN - International Pharmaceutical, R & D and Manufacturing Expo and Conference, Tokyo, JP
- 29.06.-01.07.2016: Renewable Energy International Exhibition, Yokohama, JP
- 30.06.-02.07.2016: MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY CEBU - International Industrial Equipment, Hardware Products, Power Tools, Material Handling & Accessories Exhibition, Cebu City, PH
April 2016
- 02 Second International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (CSITY-2016) Chennai, India
- 02 2016 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automation Engineering (ICMEAE 2016)--Ei Compendex & Scopus Singapore, Singapore
- 02 IEEE 2016 International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE 2016)--Ei Singapore, Singapore
- 03 Fourth International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management 2016 (ICSTEM 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 03 Fifth International Conference on Modern Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology 2016 (ICMTSET 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 04 Learning and Technology Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- 04 The 4th International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI 2016) Melaka, Malaysia
- 05 International Conference in Recent Trends in Computer Science and Engineering Chennai, India
- 07 ICNSAM 2016 International Conference on Natural Science and Applied Mathematics - Scopus Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 07 Ei Compendex&Scopus - 2016 The 4th International Conference on Electronics Engineering and Technology (ICEET 2016) Bali, Indonesia
- 07 ICMEA 2016 - International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Automation (Ei Compendex, Scopus) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 07 IEEE International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability ICEETS-2016 Nagercoil, India
- 07 2016 4th International Conference on Nano and Materials Engineering (ICNME 2016) Bali, Indonesia
- 07 2016 2nd International Conference on Sensors and Mechanical Automation (ICSMA 2016) - Scopus&Ei Compendex Bali, Indonesia
- 08 International Conference on Recent Issues in Engineering, Science and Technology Madurai, India
- 11 2016 3rd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2016) - SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Istanbul, Turkey
- 11 2016 2nd International Conference on Automatic Control (ICOAC 2016) - SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Istanbul, Turkey
- 13 The 2016 ICBTS International Sciences and Technology Research Conference in Paris Paris, France
- 14 Smart Tech BFSI 2016 Panjim, India
- 14 IIR Virtual Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology Applications Chennai, India
- 15 EI&SCOPUS - 2016 Int. Conf. on Mechanical, Materials, and Manufacturing Engineering (ICMMME 2016) Seoul, Korea (south)
- 15 2016 Asia Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ASCFD 2016) -- Scopus, Ei Seoul, Korea (south)
- 16 ICACER 2016 International Conference on Advances on Clean Energy Research - Ei Compendex & Scopous Bangkok, Thailand
- 18 2016 ISTANBUL International Conference on “Modern Trends in Engineering & Technology” (MTET-16) Istanbul, Turkey
- 19 Solar & Off-Grid Renewables West Africa Conference 2016 Accra, Ghana
- 20 3rd International Conference on Chemical, Civil and Environmental Engineering (CCEE-2016) April 20-21, 2016 Antalya (Turkey) Antalya, Turkey
- 20 2016 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (ICRAI 2016)-SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Los Angeles, United States of America
- 24 Ei Compendex, Scopus - 2016 6th International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering (ICESE 2016) Antalya, Turkey
- 25 International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering Technologies ( ICEECET 2016 ) Shanghai, China
- 25 2016 5th International Conference on Fluid Dynamics (ICFD 2016) - SCOPUS, Ei Compendex Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 27 International Conference on Innovation of Computing & Engineering Technology ( ICICET 2016 ) Beijing, China
- 27 Fourth International Research Conference on Engineering, Science and Management 2016 (IRCESM 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 28 IEEE 2016 The 2nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR 2016)—Ei Compendex Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 28 The 3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA 2016)?EI &Scopus Hong Kong, China
May 2016
- 04 Fourth International Research Conference on Science, Management and Engineering 2016 (IRCSME 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 04 First International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications (ISyDMA’2016) Kenitra-Rabat, Morocco
- 04 5th International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science, Engineering and Management 2016 (ICITSEM 2016) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 04 The 2016 ICBTS International Sciences and Technology Research Conference in Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 05 ICSREE 2016 International Conference on Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering--Ei Compendex, Scopus Seoul, Korea
- 05 8th International Conference on Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICLTET'2016) May 5-6 2016 Dubai (UAE) Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 05 Hongkong 8th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” ( ECBA- 2016 ) 5-6 May, 2016 Hongkong Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 05 2016 International Conference on Energy Materials and Appliations(ICEMA2016)-Ei Compendex, Scopus Seoul, Korea
- 09 International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Electronics Engineering (CEEE-16) Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) May 9-10, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 09 2016 3rd International Conference on Aeronautical, Robotics and Manufacturing Engineering (ARME-16) May 9-10, 2016 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 09 International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Engineering and Technologies (FTET-16) May 9-10, 2016 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 10 Renewables and Energy Forum Souther Africa 2016 Johannesburg, United States of America
- 11 Ei Compendex, Scopus -- 2016 2nd International Conference on Chemical Materials and Process (ICCMP 2016) Copenhagen, Denmark
- 11 ICRV 2016 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Vision - Scopus, Ei Compendex Tokyo, Japan
- 11 2016 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Manufacturing Engineering (ICECME'2016) May 11-12, 2016 Singapore, Singapore
- 11 International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering, Technology and Natural Resources (ICASETNR-16) May 11-12, 2016 Singapore, Singapore
- 11 8th International Ege Energy Symposium & Exhibition Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
- 13 International Conference on Healthcare, Aplied Science, Engineering and Computer Science Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 14 2016 2nd International Conference on Reliability Engineering (ICRE2016) Chiang Mai, Thailand
- 14 SCOPUS, Ei Compendex--2016 International Conference on Computer and Digital Manufacturing (ICCDM 2016) Chiang Mai, Thailand
- 16 2016 HONG KONG International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Medical Sciences (CBMS-16) May 16-17, 2016 Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 16 10th International Materials Technology Conference & Exhibition (IMTCE2016) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 20 The 11th Silk Road International Conference "Innovation in Business, Education, and Sciences" Tbilisi, Georgia
- 21 Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Conference (ITOEC 2016) Chongqing, China
- 21 EI,Scopus-2016 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology (ICMEN 2016) Taipei, Taiwan
- 21 SCOPUS, Ei--2016 International Conference on Carbon Materials Science and Technology (ICCMST2016) Taipei, Taiwan
- 23 2016 5th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering (ICCPE 2016)--Ei Compendex, Scopus Jeju Island, Korea
- 23 ICEEB 2016 - 5th International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology Jeju Island, Korea
- 25 2016 The 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Science (ICMAS 2016) --- EI &Scopus Istanbul, Turkey
- 25 ICERE 2016 International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy Munich, Germany
- 25 2016 The 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing and Industrial Technologies (ICMIT 2016) - EI &Scopus Istanbul, Turkey
- 25 Ei Compendex --2016 The 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Process (ICMEP 2016) --Scopus Istanbul, Turkey
- 26 2nd International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG), 26-27 May 2016, Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 26 2016 Second International Technology Management Conference (ITMC) Minnesota, United States of America
- 26 2nd International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 26-27 May 2016, Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 26 2016 LONDON International Conference on “Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology” (RTET-16) London, United Kingdom
- 30 11th International Energy Conference 2016 Tehran, Iran
June 2016
- 01 8th International Nanotoxicology Congress - Nanotox2016 Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel, 425 Summer Street, Boston, 02210, United States of America
- 01 Global Conference on Engineering and Technology Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 02 2016 International Agricultural, Civil & Environmental Engineering Research Congress (ACEERC-16) June 2-3, 2016 Antalya, Turkey
- 02 2016 International Engineering and Technology Research Congress (IETRC-16) Antalya, Turkey
- 03 Istanbul 22th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 3-4 June 2016 Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey
- 04 International Conference on Mining, Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering (MMME-16) June 4-5, 2016 Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul, Turkey
- 04 Shanghai 12th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” ( ECBA- 2016 ) 4-5 June, 2016 Shanghai,China Shanghai, China
- 04 International Conference On Natural/Applied Sciences, Environmental Engineering and Clean Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development (SYNERGY-2016) New Delhi, India
- 06 ICMIE 2016 International Conference on Measurement Instrumentation and Electronics (Ei Compendex & Scopus) Munich, Germany
- 06 Hongkong 10th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 6-7 June, 2016 Hongkong, Hong Kong
- 06 Beijing 13th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 6-7 June, 2016 Beijing,China Beijing, China
- 06 USA 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2016 Houston, United States of America
- 07 Tehran 2nd International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 7-8 June, 2016 Tehran Iran Tehran, Iran
- 07 Waste Management 2016 Valencia, Spain
- 08 Environmental Impact 2016 Valencia, Spain
- 08 5th International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICAET'2016) June 8-9, 2016 New Jersey, United States of America
- 09 Taipei 5th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 9-10 June, 2016 Taipei Taiwan Taipei, Taiwan
- 09 Istanbul 23th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 9-10 June 2016 Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey
- 10 ICOIP 2016 International Conference on Optoelectronics and Image Processing Warsaw, Poland
- 10 Ei Compendex & Scopus - 2016 7thInternational Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST 2016) Barcelona, Spain
- 10 Dubai 13th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 10-11 June, 2016 Dubai,UAE Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 10 2016 5th International Conference on Petroleum Industry and Energy (ICPIE 2016)--Ei Compendex and Scopus Barcelona, Spain
- 13 2016 International Conference on Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in Energy (ICNNE 2016)--SCOPUS, Ei Paris, France
- 13 Bangkok 25th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 13-14 June, 2016 Bangkok, Thailand Bangkok, Thailand
- 14 Jakarta 14th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 14-15 June, 2016 Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia
- 14 16th Advanced Automotive Battery Conference Detroit, United States of America
- 15 2016 2nd International Conference on Power Control and Optimization (ICPCO 2016)--Ei & Scopus Chongqing, China
- 16 Kuala Lumpur 15th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 16-17 june, 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 16 The 2016 International Conference Sustainable Development in Tourism Transport & Technology in Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 17 6th International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness 2016 (EMC 2016) Kotor, Montenegro
- 18 Shanghai 13th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” ( ECBA- 2016 ) 18-19 June, 2016 Shanghai,China Shanghai, China
- 18 EI &Scopus - 2016 International Conference on Power, Energy and Mechanical Engineering (ICPEME 2016) Bangkok, Thailand
- 18 (ICEESM 2016) 2016 International Conference on Energy Engineering and Smart Materials-- EI &Scopus Bangkok, Thailand
- 20 Bangkok 26th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 20-21 June, 2016 Bangkok, Thailand Bangkok, Thailand
- 20 Hongkong 11th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 20-21 June, 2016 Hongkong, Hong Kong
- 20 Air Pollution 2016 Crete, Greece
- 21 International Conference on Business and Innovation (ICBI-2016) Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- 21 Istanbul 24th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 21-22 June 2016 Istanbul, Turkey
- 23 Bali 15th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016) 23-24 June, 2016 Bali, Indonesia Bali, Indonesia
- 23 SCOPUS & Ei--2016 the 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanics Engineering (ICAME 2016) Singapore, Singapore
- 23 2016 BANGKOK International Conference on “Advances in Engineering & Technology Research” (AETR-16) Bangkok, Thailand
- 23 ICROM 2016 The 3rd International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (SCOPUS, Ei Compendex) Singapore, Singapore
- 24 8th Annual International Conference on Global Business, Engineering, Energy, Agriculture, and Health New York, United States of America
- 24 2016 World Conference on Innovation, Engineering, and Technology (IET 2016) Sapporo, Japan
- 25 Seoul 10th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 25-26 June, 2016 Seoul, Korea
- 25 2016 2nd Journal Conference on Clean Energy Technologies (JCCET 2016 2nd) Bali, Indonesia
- 25 International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy (ICEERE 2016) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 25 2nd International Congress of Technology, Management and Social Sciences-16 Toronto, Canada
- 25 ICSI 2016 Bali, Indonesia
- 25 Singapore 15th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 25-26 june, 2016 Singapore, Singapore
- 26 Materials, Methods and Technologies 2016, 18th International Conference Elenite, Bulgaria
- 28 Manila 5th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” ( ECBA- 2016 ) 28-29 June, 2016 Manila, Philippines
- 28 Jakarta 15th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences” ( ECBA- 2016 ) 28-29 June, 2016 Jakarta, Indonesia
- 29 Osaka 5th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 29-30 June, 2016 Osaka Japan Osaka, Japan
- 29 AMM--ICREB 2016 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy and Bioenergy Jupiter - Constanta, Romania
- 29 2016 2nd International Conference on Advances in Engineering Materials (ICAEM 2016) Jupiter - Constanta, Romania
- 29 LIBER 2016 Helsinki, Finland
- 30 Istanbul 25th International Conference on €œEngineering & Technology, Computer , Basic & Applied Sciences ( ECBA- 2016 ) 30 June-01 July 2016 Istanbul, Turkey
- 30 The 2016 ICBTS International Sciences and Technology Research Conference in Boston Boston, United States of America
- 30 3rd International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG), 30 June - 01 July 2016, Singapore, Singapore
- 30 3rd International Conference on Researches in Science and Technology (ICRST), 30 June - 01 July 2016, Singapore, Singapore